Lightening hair

How to restore hair after bleaching?

How to restore hair after bleaching?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. The best professional tools
  3. Traditional methods
  4. Helpful hints

Many of the fair sex, who chose platinum blond as the main shade of their hair, faced the problems of a significant change in the structure of their hair for the worse. The strands become stiff, prone to tangling and sectioning, because of this, the overall appearance of the curls looks unpresentable or even sloppy. However, there are many different ways and tips for restoring curls after lightening.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of these procedures even before giving your hair a light shade, and in advance to choose the most preferable restorative products for yourself. The material of this article will help to deal with all the options for the rehabilitation of light strands after staining.


Before proceeding with the procedures for restoring the state of the hair after dyeing it light, one should take into account a number of nuances that both the consequences of lightening and the restoration itself have. The most common hair problems after exposure to light dye include several factors.

  • Split sections at the ends of the hair... After chemical exposure to the dye, the hair becomes less resistant to external factors, and the hairs begin to exfoliate at the ends. This process deprives the hair of smoothness, shine and uniformity, and can also contribute to tangling of areas of the hair.
  • Brittleness is another consequence of the section... After dyeing, blondes often notice that the hair breaks when combing and other manipulations.
  • If the hair is lightened quite often, then over time, the hair falls out due to a lack of moisture and nutrients.... This is fraught with a significant decrease in the density of the strands in the absence of proper care.
  • Almost every blonde is faced with the problem that the curls have become drier - they have lost their elasticity, firmness and healthy shine. This is especially true when the hair is exposed to dye with a high acid content.

    If we talk about the features of eliminating the consequences of discoloration and restoring strands that have deteriorated due to paint, take into account a number of nuances.

    • It is most likely that you will not be able to quickly restore hair after lightening, especially if it has been discolored several times. In order for the appearance of the strands to become truly healthy, you need to regularly do procedures of a regenerating nature for at least a month. The exact period is determined by the extent of the original damage.
    • It is worth paying attention not only to individual sections of the curls, but also to the entire head. Hair can be just as damaged at the crown of the head as at the ends, especially if a chemically strong clarifier has been used.
    • The price range of strand rehabilitation procedures may vary depending on the chosen method. Some salon services are quite expensive.

    The best professional tools

    One of the popular ways to rehabilitate light strands is the use of cosmetics created specifically for these purposes. The modern market is replete with various products from popular companies. Each product has unique characteristics. The largest number of positive reviews received funds, which are often used even by professionals performing restorative procedures in salons. Among the entire list, shampoos from several companies deserve special attention.

    • Perfect for hair with a fine structure shampoo Mythic Oil. According to reviews, this tool is especially good because after it you can not even use a balm. Shampoo not only nourishes damaged strands, allowing them to comb better, but is also able to give them elasticity without weighing them down.
    • Liss Unlimited by L'Oreal Is a stunning example of a protective shampoo. It is due to the fact that each hair is covered with a film after using this product, the negative impact of external factors on the hair is minimized.
    • Among the balm-rinses, it is worth highlighting the product of the same company, which is called Absolut Repair Lipidium. With the properties of a conditioner, this product penetrates directly into the structure of the hairs, which helps to increase their elasticity and helps restore the vitality of the strands.

    According to the reviews, it is noted that the softness of the hair remains on the following days after applying this balm.

    Masks - another type of remedies for damaged hair, which perfectly complement the action of shampoos and balms. Among such means, several names have gained popularity.

    • Absolut Repair Lipidium, belonging to the aforementioned series of restorative cosmetics for hair, excellently helps to fill the hair at the cellular level and is used in especially severe cases when the strands are severely damaged.

    It is noted that after using this agent, hair loss during drying decreases, and also a noticeable compaction of their structure occurs.

    • The firm Redken it is possible to distinguish such a mask of a strengthening type as Extreme Strength Builder. It has a really deep effect on strands damaged by light dye, eliminating problems such as split ends and brittleness.

    Since the life of modern girls is dynamic, they especially appreciate such restorative products for hair that do not require rinsing. It is worth paying attention to a number of tools.

    • Liss Unlimited by L'Oreal also presented as a special oil. It has an antifreeze effect, which is especially important for curls that have experienced discoloration.

    Users note that a well-groomed look is noticeable on the hair immediately after spraying this product on it. It is also capable of providing an additional layer of protection for the ends subject to shearing.

    • Absolut Repair Lipidium Serum - an excellent serum-type product for restoring curls. Its main task is to restore the balance of moisture in the strands, which were affected by light paint.

    There are a number of modern bleaching hair restoration techniques that are only used in a salon. A significant plus of such care is a long-term result. The most popular salon treatments are several modern techniques.

    • Botox hair is its processing with the help of a special substance, which includes keratin components. They replenish the microcracks formed during the staining process and give the structure elasticity.
    • At the heart of glazing a mixture made on the basis of ceramides is used. After such care, damaged curls will not only acquire a healthy shine, but also become more obedient.
    • Shielding - a procedure that allows you to saturate the damaged light hair with all nutrients and moisture in a short period.
    • Biolamination is the use of a product that covers the strands with a shell that does not allow the influence of harmful external factors, but at the same time is permeable to moisture and nutrients.
    • Hot wrap implies the combined effect of a special composition that is applied to damaged light strands, and temperature. It is during hot exposure that the components of the applied product are activated and have a nourishing and healing effect.

    Traditional methods

    Of particular value are procedures that allow you to revitalize, moisturize and saturate the hair with useful microelements at home using time-tested folk recipes. This option of leaving is different in that hair most often comes into direct contact with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

    Recipes for homemade masks for blonde hair are in most cases uncomplicated and quite budgetary.

    There are a number of treatments that are most effective for reanimating damaged strands after lightening.

    • Colorless henna suitable in cases where split ends appear after discoloration. The powdery component must be diluted with boiling water until a slurry is formed, which is subsequently applied to the entire length of the hair and left for 30 minutes. After four applications, you will be able to notice that your curls have acquired a healthier look, and the ends have recovered thanks to a natural component in such an inexpensive product.
    • It will be useful to use decoctions based on natural herbs as a rinse. This is especially convenient in the summer. You can make medicinal decoctions based on horsetail, as well as even more common chamomile and nettle. Rinse the strands with them regularly after washing and other restorative procedures.
    • A proven folk remedy is a decoction of natural ingredients such as oak bark, thyme, burdock roots, and sage. You can use both self-collected herbs and sold ready-made fees. The vegetable ingredient taken in the amount of two to three tablespoons is poured with water previously brought to a boil, taken in an amount of one and a half liters, and insisted for a third of an hour.

    Rinsing with a similar solution after washing will contribute to the complex restoration of discolored strands.

    • Very useful is 3-component maskmade from natural honey, cognac and egg yolk.If, after lightening, you notice the fragility of the strands, then mix 2 teaspoons of the honey component with cognac, taken in the amount of 3 teaspoons. Then add the beaten yolks of a couple of eggs. When you distribute the resulting mixture over the entire length of the curls, wrap your head with foil and keep the composition on it for 60 minutes. Rinse off with water at a slightly cool temperature without using shampoo.
    • It is important to pay attention not only to the ends of the clarified hair, but also to the roots. To nourish them with useful components, thereby revitalizing the entire structure of the hair, and saving it from damage after lightening will help a mask based on kefir. Heat the dairy product in a water bath until the temperature is slightly warm. After that, you need to rub it into the roots of the curls, making circular movements, and wrap your head with plastic and a terry towel for an hour.

    After thoroughly rinsing your hair with shampoo and warm water, you need to apply a balm to it, which will prevent curls from tangling and enhance the effect of the mask.

    • Do not forget to use oils after the dyeing procedure in a light shade.... If you take care of your hair with oils, you can achieve that its structure becomes much softer and silky. You can do the procedure using castor oil, previously heated. They should smear dry hair along the entire length. For a full-fledged mask, components such as honey in the amount of two teaspoons and the yolk of one egg are also added to the oil.
    • If your goal is to pay special attention to the weakened root zone of the hair, then burdock oil will be a good remedy for this.... Rich in healing resins, vitamin C and tannins, it is applied to the hair for an hour (sometimes in combination with olive and almond oils), then washed off with shampoo.

    Thanks to this strengthening of the bulbs, the entire structure of the hair changes for the better - it becomes more elastic, and even gains splendor and volume.

    • You can make a 7-component mixture of natural oils yourself... The ingredients are castor, peach, almond, burdock, olive oils, as well as jojoba and avocado oils. A couple of drops of castor oil should be added to the rest of the ingredients, taken in equal proportions - 1 tablespoon. The resulting composition is applied along the entire length of the hair no more than once every 10-12 days, since its effect on the follicles can turn the beneficial effect into fatty strands with frequent use.
    • To make your hair softer to the touch and give it a healthy shine, use a very simple recipe... The juice of one lemon fruit should be added to a liter of warm water, rinse blonde hair with this composition.

    Helpful hints

    To care for bleached hair is as correct as possible, and it recovers faster after exposure to chemicals, you should listen to the recommendations of specialists.

    • Maintain the general condition of the body normal, since it is an important factor influencing the appearance and the process of restoring light hair. Drink plenty of fluids and eat foods rich in calcium and other vitamins and minerals. And you can also introduce a vitamin complex into your diet.
    • Avoid using thermal styling devices. If you regularly use hot rollers, a hair dryer or tongs, then the strands already affected by the aggressive dye will look burnt and lifeless. Therefore, the curls should dry naturally, and you can create curls without using hot temperatures.
    • Pay close attention to the material and stiffness of the comb you are using. A natural wood comb is the most gentle on damaged blonde hair.
    • In case of urgent need to dry the strands quickly, you can use a hair dryer, but only in the cold drying mode.
    • If you are in the sun, then so that your strands do not lose an already small supply of moisture, wear a hat, try to spray your curls with protective sprays.
    • To protect the ends from heavy cutting, trim them before dyeing, and also regularly remove a couple of centimeters after lightening.
    • An equally important process is the revitalization of the hair follicles. This is achieved by performing a head massage.
    • Until the curls have recovered after exposure to the aggressive components of the paint, refrain from creating bouffants on the head or using hairspray and other styling products.
    • If you take care of bleached hair with masks, then you need to periodically change them at least once a month or alternate with each other.
    • In addition to heat and sun, damaged hair is also negatively affected by cold temperatures. Therefore, after lightening, be sure to wear a warm hat in winter and autumn.
    • Avoid overexertion and stress, as these factors interfere with the improvement of the condition of both the body as a whole and the damaged head of hair. Be sure to follow your sleep and nutritional regimen.

    Thus, you can successfully compensate for all the negative consequences of the brightening procedure if you choose a folk, cosmetic or salon remedy that suits you personally. Supporting the result of the procedure with proper care and attention to your lifestyle, you can combine an attractive blond and healthy appearance in your hair.

    For information on how to restore severely damaged hair after lightening, see the next video.

    1 comment

    Thanks for the recipes! After lightening my hair became very dry and brittle. The mask helped to restore the hair, moisturizes the hair well and makes it elastic.


    the beauty
