Lightening hair

Lightening hair with chamomile: features, recipes, step-by-step procedure

Lightening hair with chamomile: features, recipes, step-by-step procedure
  1. Peculiarities
  2. What type of hair is it suitable for?
  3. Recipes
  4. Recommendations for use

Chamomile is a very useful and well-known herb that has many uses. Modern girls often use chamomile to lighten hair, because with its help you can lighten hair by 3-4 tones, as well as give curls a golden hue. Usually lightening with the help of this flower is carried out by girls with light brown or light blond hair, although it can also be used for brown-haired women and brunettes.

Of course, this plant will not be able to radically change the color of the hair, but it will allow it to lighten a little, as well as give the hair shine and health. Our article is devoted to the features of lightening curls with chamomile, popular recipes and a step-by-step procedure for using the plant.


Chamomile has been lightening hair for a very long time. Today, many girls refuse chemicals, preferring natural ones, chamomile is often among them. To get the desired lightening result, you must adhere to certain rules. But the main thing is the regular use of the plant in hair care. You can make your own shampoo, mask or rinse decoction from chamomile.

Today it is enough to purchase at the nearest pharmacy chamomile flowers, because it is this ingredient that allows you to lighten the hair, as well as heal it. Dried chamomile flowers contain about 0.2 to 0.9% essential oil, which contains chamazulene. This substance gives the oil a dark blue color and thickens its consistency.After chamazulene reacts with oxygen, it takes on a green and then brown hue.

The essential oil contains about 10% of chamazulene, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, helps with wound healing and promotes the growth of connective tissue. Hamazulen today is quite often used in the manufacture of baby soaps, toothpastes and various cosmetics for skin care. It is the presence of chamazulene that gives chamomile such properties as fighting dandruff, eliminating itching and soothing the scalp.

Chamomile inflorescences are rich in carotene - a natural yellow-orange pigment. It is responsible for a slight coloring effect. Since chamomile flowers contain a small amount of carotene, the coloring effect is insignificant.

The advantages of the plant include soft effect on the hair structure. With regular use of chamomile, the hair is gradually saturated with natural dye, while acquiring shine and golden hue.

The use of chamomile is completely safe, since it does not dry out the scalp, and also does not harm the hair as compared to chemical agents.

Today chamomile is a widely known plant in medicine. It has a positive effect on hair - improves structure, prevents hair loss and increases thickness. Basically, choline, which is contained in chamomile, helps to achieve such results. But there is a small nuance here. Of course, this ingredient prevents hair loss, but you should drink more decoctions and teas on chamomile, since when chamomile is used externally, choline does not manifest itself in any way.

These wildflowers have diaphoretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative and choleretic properties. Regular use of chamomile when caring for your hair allows you not only to lighten it, but also to forget about dandruff and flaking of the scalp.

What type of hair is it suitable for?

As already mentioned, chamomile has minor coloring and lightening properties. Stylists advise to apply it to those girls whose natural hair color is light blond or light brown. It allows you to perfectly paint over gray hair, which is important for women at a more mature age. Regular use of this plant promotes a healthy shine and solid color.

The course of application is approximately 1-2 months. If you use chamomile for light hair, then after 2 weeks the first effect will be noticeable. For dark and red curls, be patient to see the first results. Chamomile can be used by all the fair sex regardless of hair type. It is suitable for dry, oily and normal hair.

    Now let's take a closer look at the effect of using chamomile on hair of different shades:

    • blondes notice lightening by several tones after about 2 months of regular use;
    • girls with brown hair you should not expect noticeable lightening, but the hair will acquire volume and shine;
    • brunettes to obtain at least a small staining result, it is worth using chamomile in an ensemble with other means - cinnamon, vinegar, honey, lemon or hydrogen peroxide;
    • for painting gray hair a strong broth will do; its constant use will allow you to acquire a honey tint;
    • the plant can be used for coloring - painting individual strands, but in this case, chamomile should be strengthened with ginger root, turmeric, onion husks and lemon juice; natural ingredients guarantee a smooth transition between shades.


    On the basis of chamomile, you can create various hair care products at home. This ingredient is often used to create shampoos, rinses and masks.Other ingredients are added to enhance the desired effect. For use, you can take chamomile in different forms - collecting herbs from the pharmacy, tea bags, essential oil, or you can collect the flowers of the plant yourself. Consider a few popular recipes for making chamomile-based hair lightening products.


    The following ingredients need to be prepared:

    • dry inflorescences - 3 tbsp. l .;
    • baby soap - ¼ piece;
    • boiling water - 400 ml.

    The cooking process is as follows:

    1. chamomile inflorescences must be placed in a container and poured with boiling water; leave to brew for 30 minutes and strain;
    2. grate baby soap; for the convenience of rubbing, you can hold it a little in the freezer;
    3. pour the grated soap with boiling water and stir well until a homogeneous mass is formed;
    4. wait until both the soap base and the chamomile infusion cool down, after which they must be mixed.

    Lemon mask

    To make a brightening mask, in addition to chamomile, lemon juice is often used, because it is rich in acid with a brightening effect. This mask is suitable for both normal and oily hair. The following ingredients should be prepared:

    • chamomile inflorescences - 25 grams;
    • fresh lemon - half;
    • boiling water - 200 ml.

    The cooking process includes the following steps:

    1. first you need to pour boiling water over the chamomile flowers and let it brew for about 1 hour, after which the mass should be filtered;
    2. lemon juice can be squeezed directly into strained chamomile infusion; if desired, the juice of one lemon can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of citric acid; some girls use apple cider vinegar as an alternative;
    3. the finished mask is applied to the hair and wrapped in cellophane, and then with a towel, left for 30 minutes;
    4. after that, the mask should be washed off with shampoo.

    If a burning sensation occurs when using the mask, then it should be washed off immediately.

    Glycerin mask

    For a slight lightening effect, a mask with glycerin is suitable, which allows you to preserve the new shade for longer and gently envelops the hair. It is the presence of glycerin that guarantees the acceleration of the coloring process. This mask is suitable for oily hair, as glycerin dries the scalp slightly. But with a dry type of hair, you should be extremely careful.

    The following components need to be prepared:

    • chamomile flowers - 100 grams;
    • glycerin - 50 grams;
    • boiling water - 200 ml.

    To prepare the mask, follow these steps:

    1. chamomile flowers need to be poured with boiling water and wait half an hour;
    2. after that, the infusion should be filtered, add glycerin to the resulting liquid;
    3. the mask must be applied to slightly moist or dry hair;
    4. further, the hair should be wrapped with a film and a towel;
    5. leave the mask for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water.

    You do not need to use shampoo to wash off the mask.

    Hydrogen peroxide tincture

    This recipe is perfect for dyeing gray hair. Regular use of the tincture guarantees the acquisition of a beautiful golden hue. To prepare the tincture, it is worth preparing such components as:

    • chamomile flowers - 150 grams;
    • vodka - 500 ml;
    • hydrogen peroxide - 50 ml.

    The cooking process includes the following steps:

    1. Pour chamomile with vodka and leave for 2 weeks, while choosing a dark and cool place;
    2. if desired, you can replace vodka with 70% alcohol, but then the proportions of the ingredients change - the ratio of alcohol and flowers should be 1: 1, and the container in which the chamomile will be infused should be made of dark glass;
    3. the container should be tightly closed with a lid to prevent the evaporation of alcohol or vodka;
    4. after 14 days, the tincture should be filtered;
    5. then peroxide is added to it;
    6. tincture is used for dry or slightly damp hair; it is applied for about 1 hour;
    7. after that, they are washed off with shampoo, thus it will be possible to eliminate the smell of alcohol.

    Mask with honey and cinnamon

    It is known that cinnamon and honey are natural dyes that can give curls a golden hue, so it is only natural that chamomile is combined with these ingredients for the best coloring effect. So, for the preparation of the mask, it is worth preparing such components as:

    • chamomile - 50 grams;
    • liquid honey - 3 tbsp. l .;
    • cinnamon - 1/8 tsp;
    • water - 400 ml.

    Step-by-step instructions for using the mask are as follows:

    1. you need to fill the chamomile flowers with plain water;
    2. put the container on low heat;
    3. bring to a boil, and then remove from heat and put in a dark place for about half an hour;
    4. after cooling, the broth should be filtered;
    5. it is necessary to add cinnamon and honey, mix thoroughly;
    6. the resulting mask should be applied to hair, which can be either dry or slightly damp;
    7. after 1-1.5 hours, you need to thoroughly wash off the mask with plain water.

    Recommendations for use

    The above are the basic steps for using chamomile shampoos and hair masks. It is worth noting that only their regular use will allow you to achieve the desired staining result. Rinses, shampoos and masks should be used 4 times a week. Rinsing deserves special attention, as the product should be thoroughly washed off after use.

    If you use formulations with chamomile for light hair, then the effect will be noticeable in about 10-14 days, but owners of dark hair will have to be patient, since the result can only appear in a month. To change your natural shade by 3-4 tones, you need to approximately engage in regular hair treatment with chamomile for two months.

    It is worth remembering that self-prepared hair products cannot be stored for a long time. The shampoo must be used within 1 week. If we talk about tincture, mask or decoction, then their shelf life is only 48 hours at room temperature and 4 days in the refrigerator.

    For even more chamomile brightening recipes, check out the following video.

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