What should a wife do if her husband hates her?

Spouses who are married can change their attitude towards each other over time. The husband will hate his wife, and the wife will hate her husband. This is because people change over time, and their worldview also changes. Their relationship is also subject to change. Both the husband and the wife can be to blame for this. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Love can arise between a man and a woman. However, this does not mean at all that such a feeling as irritation will not interfere in their relationship over time. It is this that causes mutual rejection. If the rejection intensifies, then hatred will arise. Some persons complain of hostility towards themselves on the part of the betrothed. It is very difficult not to notice that the man is overwhelmed with discontent that his woman is next to him.
It would seem that spouses who are in an official marriage, on the contrary, should have warm feelings for each other. However, the spouse's hatred becomes so uncontrollable that the woman herself, in response to such aggression, begins to experience first fear and then hatred.
For example, a husband quite often says very unpleasant things to his wife, as well as insults and humiliates her. Friends and relatives of such a couple notice that when the spouse looks at his soul mate, his eyes are immediately filled with anger.

As a result, the woman finally understands that her husband's attitude towards her has changed a lot. Awareness of what is happening causes significant experiences and even stress. Therefore, at first she is afraid to share her misfortune with someone and talk about the problem.Not every woman will dare to tell her friends that her husband, in the presence of numerous relatives, told her rather offensive words and even defiantly pushed her away from him.
Such humiliation is difficult not only to endure, but also to fully comprehend.... The woman realizes that gradually her husband has become practically a stranger to her. At the same time, she is afraid to admit it to herself. However, you can't always look for excuses and hide from trouble. The problem must be acknowledged. Telling yourself that it exists and brushing it off will not work. Admitting trouble is the first step in correcting a situation that has arisen. Then you need to proceed to a more detailed consideration of the issue.

Causes of hatred
If there is some irritation between the spouses, then you need to think about the reasons that could cause it. Otherwise, any irritation can gain momentum, which will inevitably lead to hatred. Let's consider these reasons.
- In the first place, hatred can cause cheating wife... A woman often does not even know that her husband knows about her secret relationship with another man. In fact, he knows everything and weighs all the pros and cons of divorce, which necessarily leads to numerous and confused thoughts.
- If a man meets another woman then this factor can also cause hatred of the wife. A mistress is an inspiration, and a wife is an obstacle to it.
- A wife's disrespect for her husband can also negatively affect a harmonious relationship. For example, if a woman talks to a man all the time in an orderly tone, then he can be very offended.
- Too intrusive custody will also lead to dislike. If a wife constantly demands accountability from her husband, monitors his behavior, then he may get tired of such an attitude.
- Lack of empathy quite capable of causing discontent. For example, the husband says: "I am sick, I do not feel well." The wife, instead of sympathy, raises a scandal.
- If intimate life suffers, then this negatively affects the relationship of the married couple.
- Constant hysterical behavior of a woman can infuriate a representative of the stronger sex, and over time he will begin to hate his other half.
- If a man married a woman unwillingly, but because it was necessary, it is quite capable of turning into hatred. A typical example is an unplanned pregnancy.
- Unequal marriage or marriage of convenience can also become unhappy due to the fact that the spouse is unhappy with his choice.
- If the wife has different negative habits (smokes, drinks, etc.), then the man may get bored with this behavior, and he will begin to feel dislike.
- Hate can be temporary... For example, a man is experiencing financial difficulties. He realizes that he can no longer provide for his family, thanks to which he begins to rip off evil on his wife.
- Hate can arise if a woman has a bad attitude towards raising children.
- Various everyday problems can also lead to hatred.
- If the wife earns more, the husband may dislike her.
- Another reason is a bad example in childhood.... Very often, childhood complexes and injuries cause problems in adulthood.
- External intervention: for example, a man treats his wife badly because of the influence of his mother.

The consequences of a bad attitude can be completely unpredictable, so it is better to talk about them in more detail:
- the stress that a woman experiences can cause her latent depression (if the situation worsens, then she will be able to lead to very negative consequences);
- hatred of one spouse directly affects the upbringing of the younger generation: children always adopt the behavior of their parents, projecting it onto their lives in the future;
- the man will begin to use physical violence due to uncontrollable emotions;
- both spouses will be unhappy;
- hatred will lead to divorce.

How to build relationships?
If hatred has arisen in a relationship, then this feeling will destroy all the good that was in them before. Women hoping for stabilization in family life are very mistaken about this. People hardly change. Your spouse won't change either. Continuing a relationship with a partner who simply hates you will be hell for you. If your husband's hatred has gone too far, file for divorce.
However, such advice cannot be given to ladies who have not only love and passion for their partner, but also very warm feelings. It so happens that a woman, on a subconscious level, feels guilty about what is happening, or she realizes that her husband's dislike is caused by temporary difficulties.
In this case, marriage must be fought for. Analyze your relationship. Think about why you are hated and what to do about it. Then you need to try to identify and eliminate the factors that are bad for your life.

To make it easier for you to do this, read the following points.
- Perhaps you abandoned household chores, the house is cluttered and dusty, and your husband eats in cafes and fast food restaurants? Then try to find a compromise so that your favorite business and family do not suffer.
- Your appearance may have changed.... You have lost a lot of weight or, conversely, gained excess weight. If this happens, then take care of your figure. Become the same. To fulfill this condition, practice sports and proper nutrition. Make an appointment with a hairdresser and use the services of a stylist. Once you get the same look, your husband will stop being angry.
- Trouble happens in every family, and this must be admitted. Stop getting annoyed over trifles yourself and stop your husband from such actions. Gradually, positive thinking will become a habit.
- Your spouse may be having problems at work.... Then become for him not a burden, but a support. Do not overload yourself with small problems, but find words of consolation. There is nothing more expensive than a family, and jobs can be easily changed.