Energy exchange between a man and a woman

During sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, an energetic exchange takes place on a spiritual level. At such a moment, all the energy of two people is also combined into one whole. As a result, both partners unwittingly take internal resources from each other. From this union, the activity of the field around them increases significantly. And this process is very interesting to use in their mutual development.

Features of energies
If we speak in general terms, then it can be noted that the female and male energies move this world forward. Thanks to the existence of these two elements, creation is born and the creation of the beautiful takes place. Therefore, you should consider this issue in more detail.
She is uniquely designed to attract men. Feminine energy is elusive. However, any representative of the fair sex can use it for her own success among men. Since ancient times, women have been compared with the elements of nature and endowed with magical properties. Why was this opinion formed? It's just that ancient men tried their best to understand the essence of their companions. However, they have not been able to do this to this day. Therefore, it is believed that all women are endowed with a magical gift.
This opinion is forever entrenched in the minds of men. However, no one will argue that the intellectual power of a woman is different from that of a man. And that's why. Representatives of the fair sex value life very much, and their consciousness is aimed at creating and preserving this life. That is why most of them cannot even kill a spider. This is how they differ from the stronger sex. The latter are ready for the sake of their ambitions to wipe out all enemies from the face of the Earth. It is believed that men are not associated with the forces of nature.Meanwhile, they also need to draw their earthly energy somewhere. So it turns out that female energy, like a magnet, attracts representatives of the stronger sex, because it is the personification of air, freedom, love and pleasure.
Nature is an intertwining of laws. She created a woman to heal the world around her. She can heal with love and tenderness. But sometimes beautiful people forget about the laws of natural balance. However, they need to maintain a balance between spiritual and material substances. If a woman gives preference not to spirituality, but to material wealth, then she loses her status and becomes a breadwinner. Thus, she chooses the male path. As a result, such a person becomes uninteresting for men.
Conclusion: female energy includes material and spiritual sides. If the balance is disturbed, then the very way of life, which is characteristic of a woman, is disturbed. Therefore, order must be observed, then the woman will be spiritually developed and her self-realization will fully take place.

This aspect is directed to the outside world. Thanks to the male energy, the spiritual part of the world materializes and takes a certain form. That is why the difference between male and female energetics is very big. The first is responsible for decisiveness, activity, belligerence. The second is responsible for the emotional orientation of any actions and also for intuition. Each of us has seven energy centers (chakras). There is a big difference between the chakras of men and women. However, the energy that is in them is capable of exchange and addition. If this energy exchange stops, then people will start to get sick and die.
A man has a certain core of personality. It contains aspects such as temperament and energy that can affect the world around us. Therefore, successful men often become hot-tempered. This is due to an excess of energy. It's just that the stronger sex should share power with the environment. Therefore, they pour out this power into the outside world. Men embody their goals in reality. The sun stream helps them in this. Thanks to the correct use of solar energy, a man can achieve a lot in life and become a leader with adequate self-esteem.
With the help of the above-described rod, a man can receive energy from the Cosmos, and then direct it in the right direction, for example, to obtain material benefits or career growth. If we talk about the exchange of energies between a man and a woman, then in this case the man is called upon to give energy. A woman should accept her with gratitude. However, in order for the male potential not to be exhausted, a man should replenish it from the Cosmos. Men first need to direct their energy up, then down, and women vice versa. Therefore, men are depicted in the form of a triangle, the acute angle of which is directed upwards.
By the way, in women, the acute angle of the triangle is at the bottom. As can be seen from the above information, male energy is capable of creation if it is fed from the Cosmos and merges with the female energy.

How does the exchange take place?
The exchange of energies between a man and a woman greatly changes their destinies. It already occurs when both sexes are only exchanging glances. When their relationship reaches a new level, energy exchange is gaining momentum even more. Thus, the process resembles communicating vessels, where one fills the other. When a couple unites, a woman gives her strength not only through love, but also through attention and support. The man uses this power and takes care of the family. He gives well-being to a woman, guiding it through the first chakra. This center is always filled with energy in order to carry out certain tasks.
Why it happens? Because a woman in the first chakra has just enough energy to simply survive in this world.That is why a man is obliged to bring material benefits to a woman and provide her protection. This point is very important: a representative of the stronger sex is a financial source. He gives away something for which you can buy something, and thereby nourishes the entire family hearth. This way everyone feels very good. For example, in simple terms: a man must provide his chosen one with everything necessary for a comfortable life. The chosen one, in turn, must give birth to a child and provide her chosen one with comfort, food, warmth and affection. Then ideal harmony will come, which will allow both sexes to live comfortably and happily.
It should be noted that the nature of each sex is different. On the male side, she personifies the achievement of the goal, and on the female side, she personifies love. In order for a man to realize his goal, he needs nourishment. He can get it from a woman. This is how a woman gives strength, and a man receives it. Here you just need to ask in this case the question: to whom does the woman actually give her strength? If she "lets" her on the side, then a crack will appear in the relationship between close partners. The outside man who receives energy from the outside woman becomes stronger, and the woman’s husband becomes weaker.
It turns out that the greedy vampire lover connects to your family. Thus, he takes away the source of your family well-being. Therefore, some women need to be warned: before you commit adultery with your husband, think carefully. In this way, you yourself are destroying your own happiness and the happiness of your loved ones.

What does it affect?
For a man to be able to fulfill his intentions to achieve earthly blessings, he needs to take energy from a woman. For many observant people, this truth has long been no secret. Take a look around. Families live near you, where prosperity flourishes in one, and poverty, misery and chaos reign in the other. Do you think that these people are simply unlucky in life? No, you are wrong. In a family where the "hearth" is guarded by an intelligent, beautiful and strong woman, there is always order, wealth and happiness.
This means that you need to know how and what the correct exchange of energies between a man and a woman affects. Therefore, pay attention to the following information.
- A person has seven chakras. Each of them is responsible for a separate type of psychic energy. All seven chakras are in the body of every person. Energy moves along them in a certain direction - from bottom to top.
- Energy comes from a variety of sources. It is accepted by the chakras.
- There are 3 active chakras in women and 3 active chakras in men. There are 6 chakras in total. And only one - the seventh - chakra has the same activity in both sexes.
- The chakra located in the coccyx area is called Muladhara. It ensures prolongation of the genus and survival. This chakra is considered passive in women, as it receives energy. In men, this chakra is active, since energy is transferred through it. If a woman begins to behave like a man and creates benefits for herself, then her chakra gradually begins to activate. The male chakra, on the contrary, becomes passive. If everything happens incrementally, then the man becomes angry and jealous, and the woman begins to get very tired and sick.
- The chakra below the navel is called Svadhisthana. It refers to a person's sexuality. In women, this part is active, and in men, passive. Svadhisthana is designed to provide pleasure: sexual, from eating, from home comfort. If a woman experiences an excess of energy that accumulates in the pleasure chakra, then she begins to have gynecological diseases. If a man lacks energy in this chakra, he will become addicted to alcohol or physically ill.
- The chakra in the solar plexus area is called Manipura. This center is responsible for volitional decisions, self-realization, material well-being, etc. A man is active in this chakra, and a woman is passive. If a woman does not demand a return from her partner in terms of well-being, and she herself undertakes to obtain material wealth, then the man's source gradually dries up. Then both partners start to get sick.
- Anahata is the fourth chakra. It is located in the region of the heart. If this chakra works correctly, then in your home there will always be harmony and tolerance for each other. A woman gives energy, and a man accepts. If a woman does not give energy from this chakra to her man and the world around her, then she has a depressive mood. She can be left alone and die from heart disease, lung disease, etc.
- Another chakra is Vishuddha. It is located at the base of the throat. Thanks to her work, a person becomes sociable and can express themselves. Here an active role is given to a man, since he needs to show his abilities in society. A woman should express herself in the family. If everything happens the other way around, then both partners begin to suffer from throat or central nervous system diseases.
- In the area of the pituitary gland is the next chakra - Ajna. She provides contemplation of visual images, is responsible for clairvoyance and intuition. Of course, the activity in this area belongs to the woman. In men, these qualities are usually poorly developed. If you treat the sixth chakra lightly, then a woman has vision problems or mental pathologies.
- The connection with the Cosmos and the seventh chakra Sahasrara is located at the very top of the head. She is very active in both men and women. People have souls, but they are sexless.
As soon as the previous chakras are filled, the seventh chakra opens. It is then that well-being comes, which embraces both partners. They receive energy from the Cosmos, and this is their strength.

How to improve?
In order for you and your partner to become very strong people in this world, you need to constantly improve your energy exchange. Therefore, the following conditions must be met.
- Constantly seek and find the best in your partner. Then you can not only maintain your feelings at the proper level, but also strengthen them. As a result, you will become stronger both spiritually and physically.
- When there is a physical connection between partners, then a channel is created through which the female energy is transmitted to the man. However, a woman must learn to transfer her energy to close people without physical contact, that is, to arrange some kind of interaction at a distance. Then the keeper of the hearth will be able to save the whole family from decay and loss.