Sociability: what is it and how to develop it?

Each person wants to skillfully use their speaking skills, skillfully conveying ideas and instructions with the help of competent speech, masterly defend their point of view. These qualities allow a person to easily establish contacts with people, acquire useful and friendly connections. It's about sociability and communication.

What is it in psychology?
Sociability means ease in establishing friendly and business relationships with others. A sociable person can skillfully conduct a conversation with a person of any age and social status. The word communicabilis itself, translated from the Latin language, means “connected”, “communicating”, “communicable”. It is derived from the Latin word communication - "contact", "connection".
A sociable person knows how to establish communicative contact with any subject, regardless of his status and degree of acquaintance. Communication is a great pleasure. Such an individual is confident in himself, quickly finds the right words, is able to communicate on any topic, and feels good about his interlocutor. He is charismatic, flexible in contacts, successful in business negotiations, does not get lost in different situations and easily adapts to new conditions. With these characteristics, a sociable person often becomes a leader in a team.
In psychology, this concept is defined as follows: sociability refers to the ability to establish contact with other people, to maintain constructive communication and emotional connection. Some professions involve active communication with others. Only a communicative worker can maximize his potential in journalism, various referral services, trade, psychology.
Marketers, sales managers, personnel managers, tour guides, organizers of various events must have such a character trait as sociability. Otherwise, the employee will not be able to succeed as a professional.

What is the difference from communicativeness?
Usually communicative people are fluent in communication. They can turn the dialogue in the right direction and persuade listeners to their opinion. A communicative person always expresses thoughts clearly and distinctly. The difference is that communication with a communicative person can cause boredom, and a sociable person is characterized by the ability to win over the interlocutor, create an interesting atmosphere during the conversation. The speech of a simply communicative subject is often characterized by dryness and stinginess, of a communicative individual - brightness and expressiveness.
The differences between the two concepts are that communication skills are the skill of skillfully establishing contact with others and ease of communication, and communicativeness is clarity in conveying the necessary information to the listener. Communication means the ability to convey information, feelings, conclusions to another subject in a correct and accessible form. In other words, communication ensures the quality of information transfer, and communication skills are responsible for the emotional plan of communication. The first concept is expressed in how fully and accurately the information is conveyed, the second is the ability to interest listeners with your story. A person can have both of these skills or one of them.
Communication is not an innate quality. It includes active listening, non-verbal communication, understanding the feelings of the interlocutor, managing your anger and emotions, the ability to express and defend your opinion. These properties can be improved throughout life. Written communication is expressed in full knowledge of the methods of composing various business and personal letters, filling out official documentation.
The ability to express their thoughts clearly is usually inherent in managers and their secretaries.

Advantages and disadvantages
A sociable person quickly achieves their goals. He actively participates in the social life of society, successfully arranges his personal life, realizes himself in the profession, often reaches career heights, comes to inner harmony. Communication skills are needed to build personal relationships, establish relationships with business partners, and conduct successful negotiations.
A sociable individual is endowed with a number of positive traits:
- ease of communication, the ability to easily communicate with others: maintain a conversation on any topic, listen carefully to the interlocutor, find common ground;
- calmness, equanimity, openness, lack of fussiness and anxiety;
- attentiveness, benevolence and benevolence;
- the absence of awkward pauses, meaningless and useless speeches;
- the ability to convey information about your strengths to others.
Too sociable individuals have the following disadvantages:
- the ability to reincarnate, abundant gesticulation, rich facial expressions, playing with word forms, expressive speech pauses often lead to excessive artistry;
- the ability to communicate easily can sometimes result in empty conversations, excessive talkativeness;
- Frequent calls to old and new acquaintances on mobile communications, numerous messages through instant messengers, so-called random meetings can be perceived by partners as excessive obsession.

Depending on the way people use their communicative potential, specialists determine the levels of sociability. For example, an individual who prefers to remain silent and not express his opinion openly belongs to uncommunicative individuals. Such a subject periodically encounters problems in work and personal life.
In social psychology, the main types of communication skills are distinguished.
- Dominant species differs in assertiveness and rigidity. A person of this type seeks to seize the initiative in a conversation. He doesn't like to be interrupted. Already in the first minutes of a conversation, the listener feels that the interlocutor has filled all the available space with his presence.
- Mobile type famous for its high communication skills, speed of speech and a wide variety of facial movements. It is easy for this species to strike up a conversation. At the same time, they can quickly lose interest in him. In the business sphere, this quality can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of speech communication. For everyday communication, this type is perfect.
- Rigid view characterized by the presence of great difficulty in entering into a conversation. It is not easy for individuals of this type to make new acquaintances. After going through the initial stage of the communication process, such a person often becomes an interesting and pleasant interlocutor. He is reasonable and articulates his position clearly. His speech is logical and clear. This kind of sociability is great for fruitful business communication.
- Introverted type prone to loneliness. He is characterized by modesty and silence. It is difficult to bring a person to a frank conversation. He does not seek to own the initiative and is ready to give it up with ease. Harsh, rude language can unsettle an introvert. The presence of unfamiliar faces causes stiffness.
An introvert needs approving etiquette words. Refuting his arguments can lead to an unexpected interruption in speech communication.

Communication skills
Each person interacts with different people throughout his life. Communication skills are formed gradually. First, the child communicates with parents and other children. Then the individual begins to build relationships in the team. In this way, a systematic development of skills occurs.
The following qualities are inherent in a communicative personality:
- sociability;
- benevolence;
- stress tolerance;
- a responsibility;
- adequacy;
- charm.
Psychologists distinguish the following signs of a sociable person:
- readiness for public speaking;
- the ability to express your thoughts;
- quick adaptation to unfamiliar surroundings;
- the ability to win over the interlocutor;
- confidence in your opinion;
- listening skills;
- willingness to compromise;
- taking the initiative in a dialogue with a stranger.
The above properties help the subject to achieve success in various areas of life.

In work
A sociable person can skillfully conduct important negotiations and achieve the desired results. This quality is appreciated in many professions. A sociable person is able to win over a client, calm down a disgruntled customer and easily resolve a conflict of any complexity. He can persuade a partner to make a deal, achieve a reduction in the time required for obtaining the necessary documentation.
In communication
Subject has an excellent sense of the interlocutor's mood. In his manner of communication, there is no familiarity and obsession. He knows how to listen to people, analyze the information received and draw appropriate conclusions.
He never hides the fact of his own incompetence in some matters and does not cover it up with a stream of meaningless chatter.

How to develop?
The ability to conduct a lively dialogue is necessary for both a young girl and a venerable old man. Unfortunately, it is impossible to turn a momentarily gloomy person into a pleasant companion.This requires painstaking work. The first task is to set yourself up to be optimistic. With a benevolent, smiling and affable person, you want to communicate more than with a dull subject. Don't get bored. Go to any meeting in high spirits. Do not hesitate to ask random passers-by for directions. This behavior contributes to the development of communication skills.
Enjoy verbal communication. Set yourself up for positive dialogue. When meeting an old acquaintance, do not leave communication with him. Approach him, ask what he is currently doing. There is no need to resort to formality. Tell him about your personal life, your interests and pressing problems. Speech should be short and clear. A too long stream of information with excessive details is difficult for the listener to perceive.
If you wish, you can always take control of the conversation without getting into an awkward situation. To do this, you need to adhere to a number of advice from psychologists.
- Remain completely calm in any environment during the conversation. Don't worry about the silence in the air. Do not panic, straighten your clothes, scratch your head or forehead, sigh heavily. Don't blame yourself. Many situations in life involve silence. If your interlocutor is driving, then it is quite appropriate to pause in your conversation. With your calmness, you send a signal to the person that you want to continue communication. Don't forget that there is a fine line between sociability and intrusiveness.
- During the reigning silence, suggest a new topic for conversation, so that it will interest your listener. You can talk about a recently read book, an exciting journey, pets, parenting, interesting world news. In this case, you should at least a little understand the topic you proposed.
- You can defuse the atmosphere of oppressive silence hanging in the air with the help of an anecdote or a funny story.

The ability to establish contacts, the ability to constructive communication affect the professional sphere. Mastering practical communication skills is especially important for a manager. This profession requires the ability to attract customers, win them over to your side, make a compromise if necessary, relieve tension with the help of managerial humor, and make the right decisions in time.
To skillfully use these actions, you need to monitor the purity of your speech, avoid parasitic words, and regularly replenish your vocabulary. You need to train diction and breathing every day, perform exercises to adjust the pitch and intonation. Compliance with etiquette formulas gives the speaker self-confidence and ease in verbal communication, since the speaker is not afraid to feel awkward due to an accidental slip or wrong action.
Improving communication skills is possible through the implementation of individual and group exercises. When left alone with yourself, try giving a monologue to an invisible listener. Tell him about any subject or phenomenon for as long as your vocabulary and your strength will suffice. Enter into verbal communication with casual passers-by, fellow travelers in public transport, consultants at various retail outlets. Increase the number of conversations with strangers every day.
Collective training can build confidence. They help a person to remove psychological barriers. Team games contribute to the emergence of ease in the communication process.
The earlier you start working on the development of communication skills, the more chances you have to master perfectly the skills of verbal communication.

From early childhood, a person learns to understand other people, choose the right words for a conversation, and build a line of behavior in the current situation. The child should be taught communication skills in a natural way.
- Play in the company of other children should be encouraged. Such events simulate adult life and the characteristics of existence in society.
- You should devote a lot of time to the development of speech. Read books to your baby, have conversations with him on various topics. Watch your speech as it serves as a reference for the child. Children actively adopt the manner of speaking and vocabulary of their parents.
- Unobtrusively nudge your baby to communicate. Visit crowded places with him. Enroll your child in the sports section. Take him to various circles. Make friends with families with children.
- Develop your toddler's creativity. Give it to a music or art school. Let him attend vocal lessons. Give your child the opportunity to attend any children's creative studio. The baby needs emotional and creative development.
- Children are guided by their parents' assessment. It is the default truth for them. Only what the child has done is evaluated. You can praise and scold only for actions, but not for personal qualities. We must praise the baby for helping his mother and scold him for the mess in the room. But in no case should one reproach him with his sluggishness, natural slowness. You should not scold the kid just like that, because of trifles. He can get used to the idea that he is the worst of all children.
It is also impossible to constantly overpraise the child. The opposite situation will turn out.