English Shepherd: breed characteristics and rearing

Despite the breed's name, which evokes associations with British roots, this breed of shepherd was bred in the United States. Although the genes of the imported English breeds are still present in it. Sheepdogs quickly became widespread and popular due to their excellent performance. Long and painstaking selection showed the world a wonderful dog: smart, obedient, hardy, hardworking.

History of appearance
The English Shepherd Dog is also called a Shepherd Dog, its progenitors were brought to England by the Romans in ancient times. The use of the breed was protective, they helped to monitor the herds of cattle. Gradually, the settlers transported the dogs to the American continent, where local farmers liked them. The purpose of breeding the breed was specific - the protection of the herd and farms. Therefore, the qualities of the dogs were highly appreciated and used in selection. Working qualities were improved by genes of Sheltie, Collie, and other herding breeds.
In the 30s of the XX century, the English Shepherd breed was registered by international organizations of dog handlers. She has also been noted as one of the most gifted herding species.

Description of the breed
In fact, the British Shepherd Dog does not look too big, it is smaller than other shepherd dogs. Differs in a harmonious proportional physique, her gaze is intelligent, perceptive.
The characteristics of the breed are as follows:
- the head is lean, in the form of a cone;
- powerful cheeks;
- the eyes are of medium size, slightly elongated in shape, the color is brown;
- auricles of a triangular type, flexible, set high;
- the jaw is strong, very well developed;
- teeth are snow-white, which is rare, strong;
- massive body;
- the chest is medium, lowered;
- the stomach smoothly passes into the chest, there is no sagging;
- the limbs are powerful, strong, with well-developed muscles;
- the tail is not too long, does not hang.
As for the size, the height of the animal varies from 45 to 60 cm, regardless of gender - this is a characteristic feature of the breed.
The optimum weight is about 30 kg, but a minimum value of 18 kg is permissible. Large deviations from the stated values are considered a major defect.

The color of the dog can be in several variations:
- white and red;
- coal black with red;
- black-reddish-white tricolor;
- black body with white belly, neck and muzzle.
The coat is usually not too long and may curl or be straight. In any case, there is an excellent dense type of undercoat under the hair. Dogs do well in bad weather conditions.

Character and behavior
By nature, the "Englishwoman" is very friendly, sociable, willingly communicates even with strangers. She does not rush, does not bite. The loyalty of this breed is amazing, the dog follows the owner not only obediently, but also with pleasure. Englishwomen treat children with warmth and curiosity, they get along well.
This breed is recommended to have in families with children, as the animal is incredibly patient. Children can "twist ropes out of them", the dog submissively takes down everything, does not express dissatisfaction, does not frighten. Of course, communication with babies in any case needs to be controlled by an adult.
Shepherd dogs are very fond of trees, moreover, they are so dexterous that they climb them with pleasure. This amazing dog can even climb to the top of a tree, wanting to grab a bird or a squirrel, for example. Despite its peaceful disposition, the Shepherd is a serious breed, it is an excellent guard who will defend the territory entrusted to it from any enemy. The breed is distinguished by its sensitivity, so the mood of the owner means a lot to it. This variety has both advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:
- calmness and poise;
- mobility, agility;
- sharp mind, excellent intelligence, ability to make decisions;
- ideal watchdog qualities;
- loyalty to the owner;
- hard work;
- the ability to defend against attack;
- they are excellent nannies, affectionate and patient;
- endurance, energy.
The dog is suitable for any family with an active lifestyle, which can properly organize its physical mobility. They play with pleasure, participate in sports events.

There are also disadvantages to consider before purchasing. In general, the owners do not find significant flaws in the breed, but the dog is unlikely to suit the lazy inhabitants of a city apartment. In the absence of proper education and proper care, all positive qualities of a dog can be leveled out.
The versatility of the breed allows you to use it in different fields of activity:
- security guards;
- shepherds;
- rescuers;
- guide;
- police service;
- psychotherapist dogs.

How to choose a puppy?
If the most important decision - to get a dog, has been made, you should move on to another, equally important step - choosing a puppy. You can't take this lightly, buy an animal from your hands, in the markets. It is best to get your puppy from a nursery or a reputable breeder. First of all, age is important - it is best if the dog is at least 8 weeks old and no more than 10. During this period, the animal grows up, gets stronger, all vaccinations are given to it, documents are prepared.
In addition to the documentation, the puppy itself deserves close attention. It is necessary to evaluate its appearance very carefully. Check eyes for discharge, tearing, ears - for pus, redness. An unpleasant smell from any part of the body is a reason to think.

A sick baby can be identified by the following signs:
- rubbing and shaking with paws;
- lack of response to a harsh sound;
- pale gums;
- unclean, dull coat, skin areas with redness.

Since the breed is very curious and friendly, the puppy should actively make contact. The future security guard is already distinguished by courage.
Be sure to get the following information from the seller:
- certificates of the tests done and documents for vaccination not only of the puppy, but also of the parents;
- the health of the parents, the presence of genetic diseases in them;
- what are the births of the female;
- whether antiparasitic prophylaxis was carried out and whether there is a note about it in the passport.

Conditions for keeping
English Shepherd Dogs are not particularly whimsical in their content, their adaptive abilities are high, and their endurance is at a good level. Therefore, taking care of them is quite simple. It is necessary to provide the dog with a place of comfortable living. They can be kept both in city apartments, subject to regular walking, and in private houses. At home, the dog is allocated a rug or mattress with removable pillowcases, outdoor stays require a spacious aviary and an insulated booth. The main conditions for good health are proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.
The dog belongs to the service, so it needs to create the appropriate conditions.
Walking is carried out every day for at least one hour, physical activity is required. Ideally walking the dog where there are few people, where she can be released from the leash, run freely, play. If this condition is not observed, the shepherd will become lethargic, the positive qualities of the breed will be lost. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle causes many diseases in Englishwomen, shortens life expectancy. It is ideal to keep such a dog in a private home.

The health of the dog is, first of all, the concern of the owner. Shepherd dogs have practically no genetic predisposition to diseases, the immune system is strong, they rarely get sick. With proper care, dogs can live for 15 years. It is imperative to be regularly monitored by a veterinarian, vaccinate the animal in a timely manner and carry out antiparasitic prophylaxis.
There is a general vaccination schedule that should be adhered to, but if for some reason this is not possible, the veterinarian will schedule the new regime.
Owners of an English Shepherd Dog may face the following problems:
- eye diseases;
- allergy;
- intolerance to anesthesia;
- diseases of the hip joints.
An intolerance to drugs can be inherited, which would be fatal for Englishwomen. Since this list includes the most harmless drugs, it is imperative to clarify whether parents have such problems.

One of the most important activities in keeping an English Shepherd Dog is mating. There are a number of rules that must be followed:
- you should knit no more than once a year (both bitches and males), since frequent mating leads to a deterioration in the quality of the litter;
- the first mating of a female and a male should be carried out at the age of one and a half years;
- you can not bring two animals that do not have similar experience;
- 14 days before mating, antiparasitic prophylaxis is carried out;
- treatment for fleas, ticks is required;
- mate only animals that do not have health problems.

One of the conditions for the healthy development of an animal and its well-being is a correct diet. The menu is organized according to the age of the dog. Sheepdogs can be fed with ready-made dry food, in this case premium-class food is selected for active-type dogs. You can also feed your dog with natural foods, while maintaining a balanced diet. It must necessarily contain:
- meat of beef, veal, horse meat, lamb, meat products, offal;
- cottage cheese;
- a fish;
- multivitamin complexes.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:
- pork;
- baked goods, pastries, sweets;
- spices, salt;
- food from the common table.
The puppy's nutrition is organized on a four-day basis, it is necessary to ensure that the food is not too fatty, since a large amount of calories leads to a gastrointestinal tract disorder.
Shepherd puppies can overeat, so it is imperative to control portion sizes. After eating, the bowl is removed, so the dog is disciplined. Fresh water is always available.

How to care?
Although caring for an English dog is not too difficult, there is a basic set of necessary procedures that are performed regularly. Be sure to promptly clean your dog's eyes, ears, teeth. Examine your dog daily for inflammation, redness, and abscesses. Washing your pet too often is harmful, the natural protective layer is washed off. It is enough to wash it as it gets dirty, no more than once a month. The teeth are cleaned with a special tool, in addition, special bones with fluoride are bought for the animal.
English Shepherd Dogs are not sheared in order to avoid tangles, tangles, but it is necessary to regularly comb the dog with a special hard type brush. This procedure is carried out at least once every 2 days. During the molting period, this is done daily, since the animal loses enough wool.

Training and education
Raising a shepherd dog is a very responsible process that requires consistency and patience from the owner. The breed itself is quite docile, soft in liking. With her you need to walk a lot, play, develop the muscular apparatus. If you regularly work with your pet on special dog grounds, you can achieve success in sports competitions.
The dog should be trained after it is 6 months old. Sheepdog is very quick-witted, catches everything on the fly. The main thing is not to raise your voice, not to beat the animal, since the process takes a long time.
Rewarding is the best way to get what you want. You need to start training in a playful way, constantly praising the dog for its successful performance.

You can get to know the English Sheep better in the next video.