Beauceron: description of dogs and content

Beauceron is a beautiful, intelligent and strong dog that always attracts attention. She is ready to become the best friend and protector for the family, if you properly educate her. To get a good pet, you should study the description of these dogs and the peculiarities of their maintenance, in order to be ready for life with a representative of this breed.

Origin story
The Beauceron dog breed originated from the French region of Bose. Also, the variety has a second name - the French shepherd. There is no exact information about where this breed of dogs came from. There are two options that scientists put forward. The first version says that the Beauceron as a breed appeared in the 15th century from peat dogs. Possible progenitors existed in the XIII-XIV centuries in France. The other half of the scientists are inclined to believe that the beauceron originated from a wild wolf.

The second theory is confirmed by the similarity in appearance between animals, but refuted by habits. The French Shepherd is considered a highly loyal pet. These pets are reliable companions. Beauceron was officially recognized in the 19th century. In those days, the dog was actively exploited as a shepherd breed, which guarded the herd and shepherds.

The animal was obliged not only to monitor the safety of the flock, but also to drive on the lost sheep, to drive away wild animals from the herd. The French Shepherd dog performed its goals flawlessly.
1977 saw the formation of the first Beauceron Club in France.Until now, this organization monitors the exterior standard. It was thanks to this club that the breed was saved during the World War, when the French Shepherd was practically disappearing. The breeders have managed to preserve the animal population. At the moment, this variety is very popular, but there are few professional nurseries in Russia where it is bred.

Features of the breed
Beauceron is not a very common dog. Often, many can confuse this breed with Dobermans or Rottweilers, as well as with mestizos of these varieties with a shepherd dog. Such a shepherd dog practically did not tolerate modifications throughout its existence. This is due to the fact that initially there were few French shepherds and people tried not to interfere with the natural processes of the formation of the breed.
In the future, the club strictly followed the standards and rejected substandard. Currently, there are about 7,000 individuals in France and outside this country.

The description of the breed shows that the Beauceron is a large dog that does not look overweight. The height at the withers varies in the following dimensions:
- male - 65-70 cm;
- females - 61-68 cm.

The standard does not provide for the breeding of larger or smaller individuals. Such dogs are considered marriage. The weight of the animals varies between 40-50 kg.
Coat and colors allowed
The Bosom is a smooth-haired dog with a hair length of 3-4 cm. The back of the body (tail and legs) has a longer coat. The undercoat should be gray, soft, but not visible through the dense guard hair. During the winter season, the undercoat acquires additional density and stiffness. The color is black, with red tan and red stockings. The breed is easily recognizable by the tan, which is located on the following body parts:
- on the side of the muzzle;
- above the eyes;
- in the chest area;
- under the neck;
- under the tail area;
- on the lower third of the legs (on the inside).

Also allowed are colors called "harlequin". It is a marbled color that combines blues, grays and blacks. The tan is located similarly to the previous color.
The head has an elongated shape with a characteristic clarity of lines. The shape of the skull is flat, the curvature on one side smoothly passes to the other. The nose is black; no cleft is allowed. The jaw is well developed and the teeth are white and sharp. The lips are black and hard. The bite type is cross bite. The eyes are elongated, oval in shape, the color of the iris should have a dark brown color.
Harlequin color allows multi-colored eyes as standard. The ears are triangular in shape, should be half the length of the head. As a rule, they are in a semi-stable state.

The neck is endowed with firmness and muscles. The back is straight, the loin is powerful. The chest is wide and its girth should be 20% greater than the height at the withers. The long tail is pulled down if the animal is in a calm state. Outwardly, the tail looks like a hook. When the dog moves, he rises slightly. Paws are straight, have developed muscles. The nails are black, the pads on the limbs are hard.
The French Shepherd has a feature - double extra fingers. This is not a marriage. This feature is taken as an indicator of a purebred animal, which inherited from the past life of the shepherd. Gait - broad trot. All movements are fluid and light. The average lifespan of a beauceron is 12-14 years.

Possible vices
For marriage, deviations in the characteristics of the breed are taken, namely in height and eyes of light or different colors (not taken into account in the "harlequin" color). Also, dogs with erect ears, too twisted hind legs, and a nose with a cleft are not allowed. Shaggy coat, white color are also signs of blemish.

Character and behavior
The popular French writer Collette called French Shepherds "gentlemen from the countryside." She came up with such a description for them due to the noble and noble appearance. Animals are famous for their calm disposition, loyalty to the family in which they live. Beauceron, however, is wary of strangers. Character traits include intelligence and endurance, along with athleticism, courage, and readiness for heavy loads.
Animals are always focused on protecting their household members. Such dogs are suitable for experienced and self-confident people. If you treat a dog correctly, calmly and demandingly, it will quickly learn new skills and try to please its owner in everything.

The peculiarity of Beauceron lies in his character as a leader. It should always be first in his pack. This must be taken into account when training and watch your calmness and exactingness along with firmness. Dogs are distinguished by exceptional intelligence and independence. and will never tolerate if they are treated unfairly and harshly. This is especially true for strangers.

If the owner of the Beauceron does not have experience with dogs and behaves too harshly, this attitude will not lead to anything good. Communicating with your dog will be ineffective and dangerous.
Beauceron love their family very much and are literally ready to climb into the arms of their owner. Dogs treat children well, but may not always consider their strength and size.... If there are small children in the family, they should be immediately introduced to the dog, so that the child understands that the animal must be treated affectionately. You should not leave a Beauceron alone with a child, no matter how well the dog treats its little friend.

The French Shepherd can be aggressive towards other animals. But with the animals with which they grew up, they communicate well. The breed is endowed with instincts that make them lead other animals and people.
Control is manifested in the form of tweaks. This is due to the fact that the dog is a shepherd and must drive the sheep with the help of weak bites. This behavior in the home is not positive, so training should be done. Also, such a dog should receive a large amount of physical activity. Beauceron is not suitable for living quarters. The corral does not suit him either.

The breed is distinguished by its strength and endurance, which will require heavy loads outside the city. Walking for half an hour will be too small, so if the dog does not find a way out of his energy, he will become irritated and destructive.
How to choose a puppy?
Every person who wants to become the owner of a Beauceron should understand that such a dog is considered a rarity in Russia. Therefore, it will not work just to buy the breed. All offers from the bird market will be cheating. A purebred animal can be purchased only in a proven nursery that breeds beacerons. Since there are very few such kennels, often the puppy will have to wait for a long time.
Waiting time can be spent on getting to know the breeders, parents of the future puppy, assessing their character and mental abilities, and studying the pedigree. It is customary to take the puppy home when he is at least 2.5 months old. In kennels, by this time, the animal will be able to undergo specialized testing of this breed, thanks to which it is possible to roughly understand what kind of temperament the dog will have, what working qualities it is inherent in.

When purchasing a Beauceron, it is imperative to clarify the test result of the selected puppy. Some nurseries neglect testing, so you can use the following rules when choosing.
- Pay attention to the most lively and playful representatives. The puppy should be cheerful, active and curious.
- At 7 weeks old, the puppy should be large, the coat should be shiny and shiny.
- The eyes and ears of the puppy must be clean, no unpleasant odor is allowed.
- Healthy representatives have thick paws with strong bones.
- On the hind legs, there will definitely be two additional toes.
- The iris of the eyes should be dark. The darker the better. "Harlequins" can be discordant.
- The tan is light, with a yellow tint. With age, it can become dark, but it is better to choose puppies whose color initially matches the color of an adult representative.

Experienced breeders advise you to follow the guidelines through which you can select the right puppy. First of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer.
- It is necessary to ask the breeder for the results of tests for DTBS, test results of behavior and show marks.
- The pedigree must be carefully studied. Ideally, distant relatives of the puppy should also be tested and trained. If the names of animals are constantly repeated in the pedigree, it is necessary to clarify what exactly the breeder wanted to show with this. Usually such a gesture is made by dog handlers, who fix the character and or exterior of the animal.
- The presence of marriage should also be studied. Litters with parents who are close relatives deserve special attention.
- If this is not the first litter of the parents of the selected puppy, you should clarify the disadvantages and advantages of past litters.
- You need to communicate with the puppy's parents live. It is best to conduct an acquaintance in neutral territory in order to assess the behavior of the animal. Beauceron should not be aggressive or too affectionate towards strangers.
- If the adults hold certificates from the completed training courses, the breeder should be asked to demonstrate some skills. Not all documents can be trusted.
- Hyperactivity or excessive lethargy is also not a good sign. If manufacturers have this character, you should think about it. A puppy can inherit the traits of its parents in the first variant, but it is not quite suitable for a family with small children and elderly people.
- If there is no way to talk live with the manufacturers, you can use the video archive of the Russian boceron.

Maintenance and care
The French Shepherd is an unpretentious animal. The main care for them is as follows.
- Combing the animal during the molt period. This requires a brush equipped with a scraper. Wool should be combed out every day when shedding. This period is rare, but due care should be taken during it.
- Bathing. Bathe your dog if it gets dirty. You can not resort to water treatments more than once a month. Specialized shampoos are suitable for washing.
- Clipping claws. This procedure will only be required if the claws are not cut naturally.
- Daily walks. For walking, you should choose non-human places where the animal can run without a leash. Often the Beauceron are in agility.
- Eye care. Dirt should be systematically removed from the corners of the animal's eyes. For these purposes, you need a cotton pad.
- Caring for the ears. The ears of the animal must be constantly monitored. Regular inspection and cleaning with a damp cloth will keep them in good condition.

The French Shepherd is an unpretentious dog breed that can be fed with ready-to-eat foods or natural products. At the moment, there are many balanced feeds on the market, with the help of which the animal will receive all the necessary components. Each breed has its own menu, which contains the vitamins and minerals that the dog needs. If the owner prefers a natural diet, the following recommendations should be considered.
- 30% of the diet should be meat and offal.You can not feed the dog pork, as it is too fat and can cause gastrointestinal upset or volvulus. Breeders advise purchasing beef or chicken.
- 30% should be cereals. It is necessary to give preference to buckwheat or pearl barley porridge, rice.
- Fresh vegetables should also be included in the dog's diet. Their number should be at least 15%. When giving your pet fruit, you need to monitor the pet's reaction.
- Dairy products should also be present in the pet's menu. The optimal choice is cottage cheese and cheese. Milk should not be given to a dog.
- An adult needs to be fed 2 times a day. The owner must constantly ensure that clean water is present in the bowl. As a treat, you can use products that are sold in pet stores. It is unacceptable to feed the animal with sweets.

Education and training
The final maturity of Beauceron comes at the moment when he turns 3 years old. For this reason, puppy training takes a long time. The owner must be prepared for the fact that even a young beauceron will fight for their leadership in the home. When raising, it is prohibited:
- trust this process to an outsider;
- be cruel and beat your pet;
- train a shepherd in a bad mood.

Raising such a breed, you need to get certain skills. A person without experience can easily get an aggressive and stubborn pet instead of his best friend.
If the owner of the dog decided to resort to the help of a training instructor, you need to resort to his instructions, but apply them yourself. This is due to the fact that Beauceron is very distrustful of outsiders. Education should be started from the first days of the puppy's life in the house. Since the dog grows up slowly, you should always "keep your finger on the pulse" and strictly control each training process. Since Beauceron does not tolerate monotony and routine, the study of the teams should take place in a playful way.

You can not load the animal so that it does not begin to feel negative about training. Training begins with learning the basic rules that will be required in life. These are the commands "to me", "place" "fu". The puppy must master the time of feeding, walking. The animal should not gnaw on shoes and other things, beg for food from the table. During upbringing, cruelty should not be shown, as this will forever destroy the trust between the dog and its owner.
Only one person should be trainedso that the animal does not get confused, and its owner was the main leader in the family.

Studying the commands, you should take into account the peculiarities of your pet's disposition and understand that only with full trust between the student and the teacher can you achieve success. The training must be consistent. You should not start learning complex commands until you have learned the lungs. If at any stage difficulties arose, you should go back a step, but not force the dog to follow the commands by force.
Classes should be conducted in a relaxed and crowded environment. In such conditions, the dog will not be distracted and will completely immerse himself in the learning process. Lessons should be done before feeding or a few hours after eating.

This is due to the fact that the pet needs to be rewarded for success with tasty treats, and on a full stomach, he will not be able to appreciate the reward.
Suitable nicknames
Usually, dogs that are bought in kennels already have a nickname. The resulting name can be shortened (since in the pedigree it is very difficult to pronounce) or come up with your own version. When choosing a name, you need to rely on ease of pronunciation, memorization and convenience. It is best to choose name variations that start with a consonant. Since the Beauceron is a strong and intelligent dog, the name should reflect character.As a name for a dog, you can consider the following options:
- Akbar;
- Amur;
- Barley;
- Bayard;
- Boss;
- Thunder;
- Grant;
- Ram;
- Sherkhan.

Nicknames are suitable for a bitch:
- Bagheera;
- Barefoot;
- Dinah;
- Jesse;
- Lime.

For information on how to properly train a Beauceron, see the next video.