Long haired german shepherd

The breed of long-haired German shepherd has achieved official recognition 10 years ago with the participation of the International Association of Cynologists. Thanks to the many advantages and useful characteristics of the genus, it is now a full-fledged community of animals participating in show shows and selective breeding.

Origin story
Information about the first long-haired German shepherds appears in the German chronicles of the 7th century, but then the color of these large and powerful dogs was light. Much later, in the 18th century, as a result of selection, dark colors began to appear, but they were noticeably different from each other. Despite similar service qualities, some individuals had a more stocky and massive type of build, while others had a rather elegant and graceful skeleton.
Even then, it was possible to distinguish in shepherd dogs such valuable characteristics as strength, endurance, moderate aggressiveness, due to a balanced character. However, for a long time, such animals were not recognized as a full-fledged breed due to the thick and long hair, which is considered a disadvantage. They were given a place only on pastures for the protection of livestock, as well as for the search, guard service.

There was a misconception that the skin of an animal with such a shaggy coat gets wet quickly, dries up for a long time, and thus makes the dynamics of the dog heavier and slows down in comparison with its short-haired relatives. Therefore, breed standards were not established for them, the shepherd dogs did not participate in exhibitions, as well as in pedigree breeding.
But as time went on, thanks to the efforts of breeders, an average species of animals was bred, which fully corresponds to breed standards and was officially recognized in 2010 by experts from the International Association of dog handlers. It has now been proven that long-haired puppies are the most viable, they are distinguished by strong immunity, strength, impeccable anatomy, in addition, they have a wonderful appearance... And long hair not only does not interfere with their duties, but also protects the dog's body from hypothermia in severe frosts, as well as from hyperthermia in extreme heat.
Also, dogs perfectly adapt to living in high mountain areas.

Description of the breed
According to the standard, long-haired purebred German Shepherds should have a strong, muscular, slightly elongated body, a head of correct proportions with erect ears. The appearance of the animal is similar to that of the short-haired German shepherd. There are special requirements for wool:
- more pronounced hair should be on the neck and chest;
- the thighs, tail area, feathering behind the forepaws can be very hairy and thick;
- on the paws themselves, the front of the legs, on the head, the hair should be short;
- parting on the back is desirable;
- the undercoat, including the loin, is poorly expressed.

Based on the established rules, the dog's coat should be thick, long, shine, not too tight to the skin, not counting the muzzle. Thoroughbred shepherd dogs also differ in the type of hair - in one species, the wool is hard and coarse, not adjacent to the body. The second type has a softer coat - light and fluffy. The Shaggy German Shepherd Dog has almond-shaped eyes, usually black in color. Visually, it seems that they squint a little, but at the same time, the animal's gaze is expressive, clean and lively. Also, the dog is distinguished by:
- long, powerful croup;
- large, deep sternum;
- massive neck;
- correct bite (scissors);
- developed, long joints of the limbs;
- medium-length tail, continuing the line of the spine, and more hairy in the lower part;
- the legs of the animal are always parallel to each other, but the hind legs are slightly set back;
- black nose (animals with light and brown color of the nasal skin are subject to rejection).

The growth of males at the withers is from 60 to 65 cm, the female animal is slightly lower - 55-60 cm. Their body weight, respectively, in males - up to 40 kg, and in girls - no more than 32 kg. The life span of an animal is 10-14 years. The main types of colors are black with gray, red, yellow, red or gray with a black mask on the face.
According to the standard, dogs of black-and-back color are allowed - with a red tint or a deep, bright chocolate color. The color is called so because of the dark tone zone on the sides and back of the shepherd, as if forming a saddle. It is this mantle that can have such excellent brown and reddish shades in the representatives of the breed.
Harmonious constitution, dexterity, instant reaction, excellent instinct and strength - qualities that help the shaggy shepherd dog to be an irreplaceable guard, bloodhound, guide, rescuer and companion of the shepherd.

Character and behavior
By their nature, representatives of the breed can be strikingly different. There are dogs with a frenzied temperament who cannot sit still. The owner will have to devote a lot of time to walking and office activities with such a choleric pet, because only significant physical activity can bring him into a balanced state. The beast will literally have to be exhausted by training so that it obeys commands and is obedient. Otherwise, the shepherd dog will every day arrange pogroms in the house, gnaw on furniture and commit other unseemly acts from an excess of energy.

In relation to the owner's family, such dogs are the sweetest creatures, relating to the household with sincere affection. It is interesting that phlegmatic animals may not show any feelings at all and react indifferently to the environment, while the choleric person loves to be stroked, tries to show his love, but in some situations he may show dissatisfaction with growling.
Sheepdog can be trained but compared to a normal German Shepherd, this is more difficult to do. In addition, the process of education and training can be complicated due to the fear of the animal. Fearless by nature, a dog can experience an overwhelming fear of what scared him at a puppy age, so the taken baby should be protected from negative impressions.

Advantages and disadvantages
The shiny, long and lush coat of the animal is an undoubted plus of its appearance, makes the dog elegant and even majestic, in addition, the shepherd dog has other advantageous qualities:
- the animal is distinguished by great intellectual capabilities, lends itself well to training and learning;
- both males and females are unpretentious in relation to the diet;
- keeping and caring for a pet is not particularly difficult;
- affection and devotion to the owner is one of the best qualities of a thoroughbred animal;
- an equally important quality is the dog's ability to be useful in various types of service activities.

A good reaction and a natural mind allow the animal to clearly distinguish between the moments when rest, play ends, and work begins. This is also facilitated by such a character trait as poise. The breed also has disadvantages.
Wool, of course, considered a pet decoration, requires periodic combing, and during shedding periods, this must be done every day. This disadvantage must be taken into account when choosing a long-haired puppy. Also, the disadvantages include long walks that help the beast to throw out its energy and emotions, relative aggressiveness, some genetic abnormalities that provoke disease. Sheepdog needs to begin to train and educate from an early age, otherwise the animal may become uncontrollable.
In addition, the service dog must work, this will make him disciplined and more obedient.

How to choose a puppy?
The owner's desire to acquire a real friend is quite understandable, so many try to acquire dogs at a very early age. However, a breeder will be able to take a puppy from a litter only a month after birth. In principle, it is undesirable to do this, since in the future the animal may show indifference and even aggression towards other animals. The optimal purchase age is 2.5 months.
Particularly valuable are completely black furry puppies or individuals with a distinct black mask.

You can make sure that there are no malformations and pedigree of the baby by carefully examining him. A healthy two-month-old puppy has straight, straight legs, a large proportional muzzle, an even tail without thickenings, lowered ears (they will rise at 3-3.5 months). The presence of defects can be indicated by:
- oblong, elongated body;
- excessively wide forehead with a narrow muzzle;
- feathering behind the ears;
- small jaw;
- crooked paws.

A correct bite with two minor flaws is allowed, in the future they will disappear. The weight of the puppies is also to be studied. A healthy boy weighs about 3-4 kg a month, a girl - 2-3 kg. If you have to take a two-month-old puppy, you should know that the weight of the male will already be 7-8 kg, and the female - 6.5-7 kg.
You should not take young animals, in the pedigree of which there is at least one ancestor with hip dysplasia, especially when it comes to breeding. It also does not hurt to check the baby's eyesight, the state of the nervous system.
If he has a bloated belly, diarrhea, or a dull coat, there is a risk of getting a worm-headed dog.

Maintenance and care
Like any large dog, a long-haired shepherd the conditions of a frequent home are more suitable, where a spacious room or an aviary is allocated to her, because in urban housing she feels like a prisoner of a small, enclosed space, which can result in depression or aggression. The matter ends with gnawed furniture, household things, in a word, damage to property, and this is bad for everyone - for the animal and the owner.

Caring for a shepherd dog is quite simple, but you need to take care of the animal constantly.
- Regular examination of your pet's nose, ears, eyes and teeth is necessary. If necessary, the eyes and ears are wiped with a cotton swab with a disinfectant liquid, the teeth are cleaned with preparations intended for dogs in the form of a paste, or toys that remove plaque and calculus are allowed to gnaw.
- The shepherd is bathed once every 3-4 months or in case of severe pollution, using a special shampoo, taking into account the type of skin, including especially sensitive skin.
- It is necessary to comb the wool several times a week so that it does not get confused, forming tangles. The dog is combed daily during molting.
Each walk with the animal should last at least 2 hours, and at a fast pace with a tight leash - this is important for strengthening the muscles of the pet's hind legs.

The owner has the right to decide what to feed the shepherd dog - natural food or industrial food. But it is better to listen to the veterinarian's recommendations on this issue - like humans, animals have their own physiological characteristics, including the sensitivity of the gastric tract or a predisposition to allergic reactions. When choosing natural food, the main products of the menu should be:
- Fresh lean beef, turkey, or veal
- cereal porridge - rice, buckwheat;
- raw and boiled vegetables - cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, as well as greens;
- fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, unsweetened, natural yogurt;
- some fruits and berries - cherries, strawberries, apples;
- as a treat - wheat bread croutons.

Sheepdogs it is absolutely forbidden to give oatmeal, sweet dishes, smoked delicacies, sausages, but you will need fortified supplements, calcium, fish oil.
The selection of ready-made pet food should be in accordance with its large size and preferences from the premium food category.

Education and training
The Long-haired German Shepherd is an intelligent animal that can only be raised by a person with a strong will and character. You need to start upbringing from the first days of the pet's appearance in the house. With all the love for the baby and the affection at the sight of him, the dog must be rigidly put in place if it does not obey, is capricious or commits wrong actions. So the shepherd will be able to understand who is in charge in this house, and for her - the leader.
Every day, the dog is trained, including classes for mental development in the program. Since the pet can quickly forget the learned knowledge, this must be done constantly. You should immediately warn family members about the prohibitions established for the dog and strictly monitor their implementation.
The dog should not growl at the owner, gnaw on people's things, climb onto a bed or sofa. If necessary, it will be necessary to eradicate begging - this also affects pedigree animals. A number of prohibited acts include an attack on other animals, people, barking pedestrians and cars passing by. If you cannot cope with an animal on your own, you can always teach it the rules of good behavior by using the services of an experienced dog handler.

You can find out where to start training a German Shepherd puppy by watching the video below.