Estrel Shepherd Dog: breed description and cultivation

For many hundreds of years, dogs have been constant companions of humans. They not only guard the owner and his territory, but also help keep track of pets, become faithful helpers during the hunt, and also participate in catching criminals. The popularity and demand for animals has led to the emergence of a huge number of breeds, which differ in size, color and purpose.
Before choosing a particular breed, dog handlers recommend that you carefully study the characteristics of several species and pay attention not only to famous animals, but also to less common breeds, which often have unique character traits and a high level of endurance.
A striking representative of an undeservedly unclaimed breed is the Estrel Sheepdog.

Origin story
The Estrel Sheepdog is a Portuguese mountain dog, whose origins date back to the days of Ancient Greece. This species got its start as a result of crossing the Asiatic Great Dane and the Roman Molossus. For a long period of time, the villagers of Portugal used animals as intelligent and responsible helpers and did not distribute the breed and its official recognition.
Only at the beginning of the 19th century, animals began to participate in competitions and take prizes and awards, which could not but interest professional breeders and experienced dog breeders from around the world. However, breeding work began only at the beginning of the 20th century. Long-term painstaking work of dog handlers made it possible to obtain a unique breed that has survived to this day.Its description is contained in the developed standard.

Features of the breed
The Estrel Shepherd Dog is one of the most ancient breeds, which, after a long natural selection, has acquired endurance, good health, good physical shape and a high level of intelligence.
Despite the unique properties and high popularity among the inhabitants of Portugal, animals are not in demand in other countries. The maximum height of males is 75 cm, and their weight can exceed 45 kg. Females are slightly smaller: their height does not exceed 65 cm, and their weight does not exceed 40 kg. The shape of the body resembles a rectangle and has a developed muscular system, as well as a middle neck with a nape and withers.

The skull of dogs is large and has a pronounced occipital region. The muzzle tapers slightly from the skull to the nose and looks harmonious and attractive, and there are no skin folds on its surface. Powerful strong jaws are edged with painted labial folds. Most pets have a straight nose, but established standards allow for a slight hump. Dogs have large teeth and correct scissor jaw closure.

The eyes are medium in size with an oblong cut and dark eyelids. Triangular auricles with rounded ends hang down. For animals that do not participate in exhibitions and shows, the owners often dock this part of the body.

The chest area has a rounded shape and flattened ribs. Powerful strong limbs are in harmony with the general appearance of the dog. The front legs are parallel, the hind legs are slightly wider and have a well-developed muscular system. A thick, massive tail in the shape of a saber with a curled tip is covered with long hair.

This breed is distinguished by a dense coat, which has a thick, soft awn. The coat is smooth or wavy, tight to the body, with a light undercoat. There are 2 types of shepherd dogs depending on the length of the coat:
- short-haired;
- long-haired.

On different parts of the body, the coat differs in length:
- on paws and head - short and tight;
- on the ears - very short, soft and shiny;
- on the tail - long and fluffy.

Animals can have the following types of colors:
- Gray;
- pale yellow;
- gray-yellow.

In comfortable living conditions and in the presence of a balanced diet, the animal can delight its owners up to 15 years.
Character and behavior
Mountain dogs are not only physically developed and hardy animals, but also have a strong will and a high level of intelligence. The main character traits of shepherd dogs:
- confidence in your strength;
- calmness;
- attentiveness;
- independence;
- having your own opinion;
- attachment to one master and a very painful parting with him;
- vigilance;
- good-natured and affectionate attitude towards all family members;
- developed watchdog qualities;
- courage;
- quick decision making;
- lack of aggression towards other pets;
- independent analysis of any situation;
- devotion;
- distrustful attitude towards strangers;
- lack of fear of a stronger rival.

The primary purpose of the Estrel breed is to protect a large area of agricultural land and control the movement and safety of livestock. When buying a dog it is imperative to take these factors into account, and even in the conditions of city apartments, try to load the pet as much as possible. Otherwise, the animal will not only be forced to spend energy within the premises, disturbing order and tranquility, but may become depressed and discouraged.
Owners who have invited guests to their home should not allow strangers to approach the pet, which will perceive them as strangers and may show aggression... The animal must first be introduced to friends and show him his good attitude towards them, and then the dog will be able to understand that the guests do not pose a threat to the owner.

Maintenance and care
Estrel Sheepdogs are very intelligent, loyal, caring animals that can independently make the right adequate decisions. Animals will be able to become reliable helpers for farmers and rural residents. Citizens are better off not buying animals or trying to create the most comfortable living conditions for them.
A large animal needs not only a large living area, but also a balanced diet, which will entail additional financial costs.

The Estrel breed belongs to unpretentious types of domestic animals that can live even in the most unfavorable and difficult conditions. Despite this feature, dog handlers recommend dog breeders to adhere to the basic rules and regulations for the care and maintenance of pets. An active and energetic animal needs free movement within the protected area. Experts do not recommend keeping shepherd dogs on a chain or in enclosures, as well as in small city apartments.

Residents of megalopolises are generally better off abandoning this breed or keeping it in suburban areas, where a mobile and loud barking dog will not bother anyone. The presence of daily walks in the open space is a guarantee of the health and good physical shape of the pet. During the summer period, the shepherd should be able to take shelter in a shaded place or hide from the heat in a cool room.

Dogs need in daily combing of long hair, and during the period of changing the coat, this procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a day. Frequent brushing will allow the animal to get rid of old hair faster and prevent tangling. Every 3 months, the pet should be bathed using special shampoos and conditioners. This will prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors and parasites.

Experts recommend regularly examine the ears, eyes, mouth, and nasal passages. If pus or mucus appears, you should seek help from a veterinarian, and if there is contamination, you must carefully remove them with cotton swabs or discs. To prevent the formation of tartar and the formation of a correct bite, experts recommend periodically giving pets large bones and special chewing toys. Special nippers will help you to correct the length of the claws in a timely manner.

Regular visits to veterinary clinics, timely vaccinations, as well as treatment against parasites and worms will help prevent the development of dangerous diseases and strengthen the immunity of animals. Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene and sanitary standards can provoke the development of the following diseases:
- disruption of the musculoskeletal system;
- dermatitis and skin rashes;
- diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
- disruption of the digestive tract.

In order for an animal to have the opportunity to fully grow and develop, as well as maintain a high level of physical and intellectual activity for a long time, it must be provided with a full-fledged diet. The animal's menu should contain an increased level of proteins and carbohydrates. Owners can independently choose the necessary power system. The pet can be fed with both ready-made feed and natural products.
If the owner opted for ready-made formulations, then only high-quality goods should be purchased that contain a minimum amount of dyes, stabilizers and food additives and can prevent the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys and urinary organs.

Before composing a menu for your pet yourself it is imperative to consult with specialists who will help to balance the diet as much as possible. Due to the fact that the Shepherd is a predatory animal, half of its daily diet should consist of fresh quality meat and offal. The rest of the products on the menu are vegetables and cereals. Meat products should be fresh or slightly boiled; it is better to cook cereals in water or meat broth. Boiled or fresh vegetables should be cut into small pieces before serving.

You can pamper your pet with eggs, fish, kefir and cottage cheese no more than 2 times a week. As a vitamin supplement, you can use fish oil, bone meal, flaxseed oil and olive oil. To maximize the provision of a pet that consumes natural products with vitamins and microelements, experts recommend using special vitamin complexes.

It is strictly forbidden to give the following products to the shepherd:
- sweet confectionery;
- fried, salted and smoked food;
- chocolate;
- pasta;
- sugar;
- fat meat;
- grape;
- citrus;
- whole milk;
- tomatoes;
- potatoes;
- mayonnaise and sauces;
- seasonings;
- canned food;
- crisps;
- semi-finished products;
- sausage and sausages;
- instant products;
- food from the hosts' table;
- vitamins for humans.

The diet of an adult dog should consist of 2 meals a day. The Shepherd must have constant access to clean, fresh water. It is essential that food and water containers are always clean and do not contain leftovers from missing food.

Education and training
Due to its high intelligence, quick reaction and a desire to make decisions on its own, the animal needs early training, which will make it possible to direct the line of behavior in the right direction.
By its nature, a shepherd dog is a leader, and only a strong-willed, strong and domineering owner can curb its temper and force it to obey commands.

On the first day of the puppy's stay in the house, he needs to be shown his place and begin the training process. If the owner does not devote time to education, then in a few months the animal will completely get out of control and become uncontrollable. Owners of a stubborn wayward dog should understand that the training process will take not only a lot of time, but also require a lot of strength, patience and perseverance. Training should be regular and not interrupted for a single day.

To maintain good physical shape, the dog constantly needs to come up with strength exercises, which can consist of jumping and running. Shepherd dogs respond positively and happily perform complex exercises that contain both physical and intellectual stress. After correctly executed commands or good behavior the pet must definitely receive a favorite treat as a praise.

An intelligent and self-sufficient animal categorically does not tolerate rudeness, insults and the use of physical force. The incorrect attitude of the owners can provoke the pet's aggression and a complete loss of control over it. In the absence of training experience or lack of time and desire, experts recommend seeking help from professional dog handlers who will teach the pet all the necessary commands and correct its behavior. Experts can not only curb the temper of the dog, but also prepare it for work in the following areas:
- shepherd;
- territory guard;
- bodyguard;
- detective;
- hunter;
- border guard.

Experts recommend that you carefully consider all the rules for keeping and the diet before purchasing this breed, so that after a while the animal does not become a burden.
For information on the features of the Estrel Shepherd Dog breed, see the next video.