Bouvier of Flanders: description of dog breeds, temperament and care

Among the large variety of dog breeds, there are species that owe their appearance to natural selection. Interesting in terms of exterior and behavioral qualities will be the Bouvier Flanders breed, which today is popular with breeders not only in Europe, but also in Russia.

The breed, in addition to the main name, due to the exterior and past of its representatives, is called several more options. Thus, dogs are sometimes called "cattle drivers", "dirty beards", "Belgian bears", "cow dogs", "Flanders sheepdog". In Europe, animals have become more widespread, and in the post-Soviet space, such tetrapods are still rare among breeders.
One of the versions of the appearance of the Flanders Shepherd Dogs is considered natural, self-selection. The formation of the breed took place naturally in the light of climatic features and the main tasks that Bouvier previously performed. Dogs were originally kept mainly in farms to guard livestock, carry loads, and performed security functions. In light of such living conditions, the coat of dogs became more rigid, the animals developed a dense undercoat, as well as a mustache and beard, which performed protective functions.
In addition, there is information that people with a similar exterior were specially bred by people, namely monks, back in the XII century.

The breed received official recognition, and with it the standard, in 1912, and 20 years later the animals were recognized by cynologists at the international level. The height of males varies between 60-68 centimeters, for bitches, values in the range from 59 to 65 centimeters are considered acceptable.
Today, dogs of this breed have retained a strong constitution, short body and hard coat. Based on the accepted standards, pets will have a fairly large head with a flat forehead, a long mustache and a goatee. There is a slightly pronounced groove on the bridge of the nose. The muzzle is wide, tapering to the bridge of the nose, the cheekbones are flat, and fit well to the lips. The nose is colored black, the nostrils are wide. Scissor bite.

The eyes are oval in shape, the pupils are brown. The ears are placed high, the dog stands out for its excellent hearing, catching the slightest movement. For breed partial cropping is permissible, which will allow the shells to be shaped into a triangle with a sharp end. The neck of dogs is large, with a well-developed muscular corset; when examining the body of the Bouvier of Flanders from the side, you can notice a slight deflection. The rib cage stands out for its width, descends to the elbow bend. The belly line is tucked up.
The legs are set wide and straight, the bones are strong, the muscular corset is perfectly visualized on the hind legs, the reeds are wide and strong, the hock is short, there is a plumb line. The toes are long, tightly pressed together. The cushions and nails are pigmented and painted black. The tail in dogs is placed high, smoothly passes into the spine, it can also be docked, leaving no more than 3 vertebrae.

The coat is rough to the touch, the guard pile has a break, the undercoat will be softer than the main mass. On the muzzle, the coat is long. The following types of dog colors are acceptable:
- solid black;
- plain gray;
- "Salt and pepper";
- brindle;
- pale yellow.
The presence of stains is considered a deviation from the standards for Bouvier.

Dogs of this breed live on average for 10-13 years, which is good for large animals. Some representatives of the Flanders Sheepdog may suffer from congenital diseases. Among them, it is worth highlighting the most characteristic ailments related to large dogs:
- dysplasia of the joints;
- glaucoma;
- heart murmurs;
- problems concerning the thyroid gland.

Advantages and disadvantages
Among the breeders of dogs of this breed, there are different opinions regarding the positive and negative characteristics of pets. Among the advantages, according to the descriptions and reviews, it is worth noting the following characteristics of the Bouviers of Flanders:
- friendly attitude towards people, including small children;
- balanced psyche;
- good guarding instincts;
- developed intelligence;
- good health.
The disadvantages include the following qualities of animals:
- activity of dogs, which needs to be given a way out, directing in the right direction;
- the need for regular and prolonged training, which can be a problem for some breeders.

Character traits
Dogs still have pronounced protective instincts, therefore, in relation to strangers, the dog can show alertness, but without unnecessary aggression. When educated in a timely and appropriate manner, the Bouvier can demonstrate politeness and tolerance towards strangers who come into the house. Dogs' innate instincts will require early socialization for acquired puppies.
Delay in this case can lead to the development of aggression and anger in the dog towards humans. Shepherd dogs are not inclined to immediately rush into a fight, but they will certainly warn the stranger and the owner of the danger with their voice.
Dogs quickly find a common language with children. If the animal and the child grow up together, a strong friendship will surely develop between them.
However, in relation to unfamiliar children, such a favor from the Bouvier should not be expected.

The shepherd has a complex relationship with dogs of other breeds. If the breeder has a desire to have several pets, then it is best to make heterosexual four-legged friends, but of the same breed.In dogs, the instinct of dominance is expressed, and it is manifested in males and bitches to the same extent, which can turn into situations concerning the struggle for leadership in the house. With early socialization, this can be avoided.
It is not recommended to keep small rodents and other pets together with a bouvier, because the dog can treat them like prey. However, there are often cases when puppies of the Bouvier of Flanders, who grew up in the same house with a cat, got used to them, without showing life-threatening instincts for the second animal.

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Animals do not require any special conditions for keeping, however, it is still preferable that the dog grows up in a private house. If this option is not possible, then subject to regular and long walks, the dog will feel good in the apartment. With the proper level of physical activity in a confined space, the pet will demonstrate restrained behavior.
If the dog will live in the yard, then it is worth building a comfortable booth for it. You should not leave the shepherd alone in the apartment for a long time, because the pet will definitely start to get bored, it is important for such dogs to have live communication with their "pack". Puppies of this breed should be walked as often as possible, due to their innate endurance, they will not get so tired from playing in the fresh air as dogs of other breeds.
Among the obligatory care measures, it is worth paying special attention to the bouvier wool. For a well-groomed appearance, the coat must undergo regular stripping procedures, which will give the contours of the animal's body the correct shape. However, it is not recommended to remove the length too much, even in the summer months, as this will disrupt the natural processes of growth and formation of the exterior.

The owner of the Flanders Shepherd will need brush your pet regularly, accustoming to this procedure from an early age. Bathing dogs as needed, usually one water treatment per year will be sufficient. If some areas are too dirty, they can be cleaned with a wet towel. For bathing, you should use special shampoos and conditioners.
The eyes and ears of the dog will require attention, which should be examined regularly to rule out inflammation and the presence of skin parasites. Also, the owner of the bouvier will need to trim the claws of the dog. Only the overgrown plate is subject to removal, these manipulations should be carried out with extreme caution so as not to injure the vessels located close by inadvertently. It is necessary to walk the dog at least 2 times a day, with the duration of one walk at least one hour.

While you are in the fresh air with your pet, you should not only play, but also study.
The Bouvier of Flanders will need all the necessary vaccinations. Vaccination will avoid the following diseases:
- plague;
- parvovirus enteritis;
- parainfluenza;
- leptospirosis;
- coronavirus;
- infectious hepatitis.

How and what to feed?
Animals can be fed with industrial dog food or natural food. However, in the latter case, it is extremely important to provide the pet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The diet should always be based on the meat component, to a lesser extent - offal. Also, dogs should be additionally given complex vitamin supplements, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies.
In Europe, Bouvier of Flanders prefer to feed dry food not lower than premium class... Commercial feed must be selected based on the age and size of the animal, so that the chemical composition of the product allows the pet to replenish the supply of essential vitamins.
A mixed diet option is also suitable for the breed, but dry croquettes should be alternated with natural products, not offered in one meal.Since the peculiarity of the animal is the presence of a mustache and a beard, after each feeding, the dog's face will have to be washed or wiped off with a damp towel. The frequency and regularity of meals will be directly related to the age of the dog.
So Frandra Shepherd puppies up to six months should be fed at least 5 times a day, after 6 months, the frequency of feeding can be reduced gradually by removing 1 or 2 meals. After a year, the pet needs to be transferred to two meals a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The following products will be banned from consumption by animals:
- bakery products;
- sweets;
- pickles and smoked meats;
- canned food and semi-finished products;
- tubular bones;
- various flavor enhancers.
Among the grains for the breed will be suitable:
- oat groats;
- buckwheat;
- rice.

It is worth refraining from introducing potatoes into the dog's diet. The rest of the vegetables will be useful for the pet. In addition, the shepherd should regularly receive eggs, fish, fermented milk products and even fruit. It is believed that the optimal amount of food for a dog will be about 40-50 grams per kilogram of live weight of a pet at a young age. For adult animals, the established rate is allowed to be cut in half.
According to dog handlers, when transferring a pet from one type of feed to another everything should be done gradually, especially after acquiring a small dog. However, the Bouvier diet must be taught from early childhood.
The breed is not characterized by allergic reactions to food, but it is recommended to refrain from the introduction of preservatives and other chemicals.

The breed, due to the inherited qualities from its ancestors, is considered hardy, therefore, physical activity should be in the dog not only during games and walks, but also in the learning process. In addition to physical endurance, Bouvier has a rather strong character, therefore, only those breeders who show their strong disposition during training, but without physical and psychological violence, will be able to achieve positive results from training.
Animals will feel good around the breeder, therefore even in the process of training with dog handlers, the owner of the bouvier is recommended to stay close to his pet. During training, a dog often shows its independence and stubbornness. In this case, the training must be built on endurance and patience on the part of a person. It is advised to start training a working breed as early as possible so that the dog initially recognizes the "leader" as the owner. With the Bouvier of Flanders, you can arrange half an hour jogging, the dog can become a companion for cycling.

In the next video you will find interesting facts about the Bouvier Flanders breed.