All about kangals

For many people, a dog is not just a tamed animal, but a real friend. A representative of the Turkish Kangal breed can become such a friend. Such animals differ in some features that are not inherent in any other dog. So, for example, they have strong protective instincts, and are also loyal to their master.
What is the history of the breed and its characteristics? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these dogs that their owners highlight? How to properly care for an animal and how not to be mistaken in choosing a puppy? Look for answers to these and some other questions in our article.

The Turkish Kangal breed (or Anatolian Shepherd Dog) has a rather interesting origin story that goes back to ancient times. In this regard, today there is no one clearly defined and recognized theory of its appearance.
For example, one of the legends says that the dog was presented to the Ottoman padishah, who liked the animal for its strength and courage: in front of the ruler, the Turkish kangal defeated the lion. Another theory says that the dog was originally from the Ottoman Empire. But all scientists agree that the animal appeared no later than the 13th century.
One way or another, but this breed of dogs is considered one of the most purebred dogs that exist today throughout the world. The fact is that in the process of its historical development, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog was not crossed with any other breeds, and no breeding work was carried out with its participation.

Today, this breed of four-legged pets is quite popular in the United States of America, as well as in some European countries. Nevertheless, the path to international recognition for the Anatolian Shepherd Dog has been quite a long and arduous one. The breed standards were adopted and published by the International Cynological Association as recently as 2018.
Kangal is a rather large and muscular animal. This dog has well developed muscles and skeleton, which are the basis of its strength. However, despite this, the structure of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog can be called quite proportional and even to some extent graceful.

The following standards have been adopted for the breed:
- the height of an adult at the withers reaches 80 centimeters;
- the length of the head is within 40-50% of the height of the withers;
- the skull is 60% of the length of the head;
- body length is 10% more than height.
Thus, we can conclude that the Turkish kangal is a rather large animal (it is often compared to a wolfhound).

If we talk about the anatomical structure of the animal's body, then normally it should also correspond to some generally accepted characteristics. The dog's skull, although it is large enough, could not be flat, on the contrary - its shape should be rounded, moreover, from all sides. A characteristic and rather specific groove should be visible on the dog's forehead.
The structure of the animal's face is also quite expressive - the muzzle should be wide, but towards the nose it tapers, thereby forming a kind of wedge-shaped shape. The eyes of the kangal are quite expressive, they are almond-shaped and have a brown color. The eyes are medium in size. The ears of the animal deserve special attention - they are not too high, wide and hanging, and at the ends they are rounded.

As for the body itself, scientists and veterinarians notice that the body of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is very well built. The neck has a slight bend, but despite this, it is quite strong and has developed muscles. The length of the neck is medium, it has a dewlap.
The chest is deep, the belly is tucked up. The tail is distinguished by its great length, and its location can be different. So, for example, in the event that the dog is in an excited state, then the tail can straighten and rise to the back, in a calmer mood the tail is slightly bent. The structure of the limbs is noteworthy. Both the hind legs and the front legs are rather long and straight. The paws of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog have an oval shape, and the toes are curved.
The hair can vary in length: there are both short-haired and long-haired individuals. The coat, like the undercoat, is rather thick. In nature, there is a fairly wide variety of colors of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, but the fawn color is considered the most valuable and elite... Also, the animal may have a certain "mask" on the face, which is most often painted black. Ears can also be black.
In nature, there are no white dogs of the Anatolian Shepherd breed.

Pros and cons of the breed
If you are thinking about purchasing an animal of the Kangal breed and keeping it at home, then you should get acquainted with all the features of such a dog. Like any other animal, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog has both advantages and disadvantages.
As for the advantages of the breed, first of all, dog owners highlight the efficiency and hard work of animals, their ability to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions, endurance and stability even in the absence of nutrition, as well as pronounced guard qualities. However, the list of advantages of this breed does not end there. In addition to these qualities, the following characteristics can be attributed to the advantages of kangals:
- developed and balanced psyche;
- observation and attentiveness;
- loyalty and devotion to the owner;
- endurance;
- energy and activity;
- impressive appearance;
- courage and bravery.

Despite a fairly wide list of advantages, Anatolian Shepherd Dogs also have some disadvantages. So, among the negative aspects that are characteristic of this animal, there are:
- a wary attitude towards strangers (for example, towards guests in the house), which can develop into aggression;
- dogs need fairly spacious areas and cannot live in an apartment;
- dogs need constant stress;
- walking time should be very long.
Thus, as you can see, the Anatolian Shepherd has a whole range of qualities. Moreover, some of them are sharply positive, while others are negative. In this regard, before buying an animal, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Character traits
As mentioned earlier, the kangal possesses pronounced guarding abilities. In this respect, the dog is one of the best breeds. So, for example, a herd of cattle usually has about 5-6 dogs of the Anatolian Shepherd breed, which do an excellent job with their duties.
If dogs are properly educated and trained, then they will turn into uncompromising guards and watchmen who will show themselves as brave and attentive animals. In addition, animals can perform their functions even in adverse conditions: when they are hungry, thirsty and tired, and also exposed to unfavorable weather (heat, rain, snow).
Such a pet has a constant need for work and vigorous activity, therefore, first of all, the kangal is considered to be a working animal.

Psychologically, the animal loves attention from its owner, he likes to experience his affection and care. That is why the dog spends the maximum amount of time next to its owner. If you properly educate and train a dog, then it will show affection and benevolence not only towards one person, who is its direct owner, but also towards other family members. At the same time, in relation to strangers and strangers, the dog can behave wary and distrustful.
Kangals are fairly calm and balanced dogs that are not prone to aggressive behavior without a specific reason. But at the same time, it should be understood that by their nature, animals are leaders, and therefore they tend to dominate. They tend to be independent, and sometimes even stubborn.

How to choose?
Choosing a purebred Anatolian Shepherd puppy is a difficult task. Such animals can only be found in specialized nurseries.
When buying, first of all, it is important to pay attention to the parental pair. First you need to inspect the appearance of a mature female and male, and then you should ask the seller to show you your passport, vaccination certificates and other available documents. Remember that all the qualities that are characteristic of a puppy (be they physiological or psychological characteristics) are direct reflection of the properties of the parent pair... Only after you have made sure that everything is in order with the mother and father of the animal, you can start examining the puppy.
Choosing the right purebred puppy is difficult. Therefore, if possible, involve a dog handler or an experienced breeder in the buying process to help you evaluate the animal.

As a general rule, you can wean a puppy from parents and home. not earlier than 2 months... However, even if the animal you are planning to purchase has reached the specified age, you should pay special attention to its development. Make sure to growth is active, no genetic abnormalities appear, the puppy is not sick with infectious or viral ailments.
For external examination, be guided by the breed standards presented above. Make sure that the puppy's anatomy is fully consistent with all the required parameters. Also ask the seller to show you animal instincts (guard, shepherd, guard).
It is also important to make sure of the decency of the seller. Study reviews of previous buyers, ask for licenses to engage in such activities.
Please note that the average cost of a purebred Anatolian Shepherd puppy is about 50,000 rubles. If you are offered to buy a pet for a significantly lower price, then be sure that the puppy is not purebred or has any defects.

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Dogs belonging to the Anatolian Shepherd breed are quite sturdy and resilient. However, even despite such favorable natural qualities and characteristics, dogs need proper care, as well as adherence to all conditions of detention.
Only in this case the growth and development of the animal will be most active. In addition, compliance with all the rules will extend the life of the animal.

It should be borne in mind that the animal cannot live in the cramped conditions of a city apartment... It needs a lot of space. Therefore, Kangal dogs usually live in a private house. It is not recommended to keep them on a chain; on the contrary, it is necessary to provide free range for the animals.
You should also take into account the fact that dogs must be constantly busy with work. They should be additionally loaded several times a week. Such loads can be provided by active games or jogging with a bicycle. You cannot keep the dog in the yard all the time - it is worth walking it in free spaces. Otherwise, the animal will begin to suffer emotionally and mentally, which will negatively affect the physiological state of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog (appetite will worsen, problems with joints will begin).

An integral part of the care and maintenance of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is the preparation of a diet for it. It is important to ensure that the food is as healthy and balanced as possible. The food must contain a set of all the necessary vitamins and minerals that will support all the life processes of the animal.
Each owner decides on his own what to feed the animal - dry ready-made mixtures or natural food... Despite the fact that both options are acceptable, and the second is more convenient and economical in terms of labor costs and time, you should still prefer natural food.
So, the animal's diet should include cereals, meat and offal, vegetables. At short intervals, the animal can be fed with fermented milk products.
In general, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is quite unpretentious in terms of nutrition. However, you should still make sure that the food that goes into the bowl with the animal is of high quality and fresh.

If you decide to go the easier way and prefer to feed the dog with ready-made mixtures, then you should select those foods that are intended for giant breeds. To avoid food allergies and other adverse reactions choose only high quality premium or holistic food.
In addition, you should consult with your veterinarian about the inclusion of vitamin supplements or mineral complexes in your pet's diet.
However, remember that in this case it is forbidden to act on your own, prior consultation with a specialist is required.

The meal schedule should be consistent. Usually until the moment when the animal reaches the age of 8 months, it is fed 2 times a day. After reaching this milestone, the dog is transferred to a one-time meal.The size of the portion is not strictly set - the dog does not eat more food than it needs. She is able to independently regulate the portion depending on her physiological characteristics, physical activity and environmental conditions.
A feature of the kangal diet is the fact that periodically dogs may refuse to eat. If this lasts no more than 2-3 days, then there is no cause for concern. Thus Anatolian Shepherd Dogs arrange for themselves a kind of fasting days.
Remember to provide your dog with clean, fresh water as well.

Compliance with all hygiene standards is an important part of caring for dogs that belong to the Kangal breed. First of all, attention should be paid to caring for the hairline. If you follow all the instructions of specialists, then the dog will look quite neat outwardly, in addition, the condition of the animal's skin will improve.
It should be noted that The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is an animal that is subject to intense molting. This process is especially pronounced in the warm season. At this time, the dog should be quite often (once every 2-3 days) and thoroughly combed out. This should be done with special combs and brushes. With proper care the dog will always look neat and well-groomed.

In addition to combing, other procedures must be followed. In particular, it is recommended to regularly check the condition of the eyes, ears and mouth of the animal. If there is contamination, remove it with cotton swabs, cotton pads or a toothbrush. When cleaning an animal, only use products that are specifically designed for dogs and never use solutions that you use yourself.
The most difficult procedure for caring for a dog is bathing. Fortunately, it does not need to be washed too often. It is believed that the animal needs water treatments no more than once every 3 months.
When bathing, keep the water temperature fairly warm. After bathing, blot the dog's coat with a towel and let it dry on its own.

Training and education in the full sense of this word is not suitable for a kangal. It's all about the character of the animal - he is quite independent and independent. That is why it should be borne in mind that it cannot be subjected to constant and prolonged training. Try to turn the activities into interesting and exciting games, teach the shepherd in unobtrusive methods.
In the learning process, it is necessary to maintain a certain balance: you should be strict with the animal so that it understands who is in charge here, but on the other hand, you should not show aggression and anger.

See the next video for even more details on the features of the breed.