What do Chinese Shepherd dogs look like and how to keep them?

The progenitors of the Chinese Shepherd were the "Germans" - one of the most intelligent and noble breeds. The dogs of this type that appeared as a result of breeding work have excellent qualities and characteristics. Let's talk about them in more detail.
This breed is quite young. It originates in Yunnan province. During the Cultural Proletarian Chinese Revolution, few people could afford to keep dogs - rather, they were an indicator of luxury. This led to the fact that some breeds were on the verge of extinction.
However, later German shepherds were brought here from Germany. The dogs were crossed with representatives of local breeds, some of which were rather large in size and excellent characteristics. The result is a new type of shepherd dog. They had all the data to help law enforcement officers and military personnel, in addition, they could participate in exhibitions and were excellent for home keeping.

Description of the breed
This breed is presented in two main varieties. The first one is kunming shepherd, officially recognized by this country at the end of the 20th century. She looks as a whole like German, but differs in more modest size and some features of appearance. The angles of the limbs are not so pronounced, and the skeleton itself is lighter.
The weight of the Kunming Shepherd Dog is about 35–37 kilograms with a height of 60–67 centimeters. The dog has a medium length coat with a dense undercoat. The color is black-backed, zoned or almost black. The animal is very hardy and efficient, it has proven itself both when arresting criminals and as a search dog.
The second type is Chinese German Shepherd... There is an opinion that Tibetan Mastiffs were among her ancestors. The skeleton of such dogs is heavier, the head is massive. The animal has a bright color. An adult can weigh up to 65–70 kilograms.
These dogs are excellent guards. They are a bit slow and level-headed. This variety is very popular all over the world.

The Red Chinese Shepherd Dog has a peculiar temperament. She is very independent, tries to dominate, at the same time she is stubborn and very freedom-loving. Such animals require a strict and strong owner - they recognize only such a person as the main one.
The Chinese Shepherd is very intelligent and easy to train.... A person who is recognized as a master will try to please, in addition, she is strongly attached to him. In her environment, she is not inclined to display aggression and behaves quite well-wishingly. However, he does not trust strangers, although he tries to hide it. He will never give offense to the owner, he will fiercely defend him in all available ways.
Dogs are quite good at contact with children and are very patient, emotional stability. But at the same time they need rest, respectively, the owner needs to provide the dog with such a place. They are very active and love to take part in games. Easily tolerate a change of scenery. They can comfortably exist in different climatic conditions.

Maintenance and care
Chinese Shepherds have a dense coat with a thick undercoat. This allows them to live both in an apartment and on the street, if an aviary is equipped there and there is a warm booth. The most optimal is the content in a private house with its own fenced area, where the animal can walk freely.
If the dog is kept in an apartment, it needs to be walked 2 times a day, while giving stress to both the body and the brain. If you leave him to himself, do not study and educate, the animal will have bad habits. And the owner is unlikely to like unreasonable barking, damage to property and other not very pleasant things.
Dogs are rarely exposed to allergic reactions, so they do not have any particular restrictions in the diet. If a natural diet is selected, it should contain meat and offal, cereals, vegetables and fruits. A couple of times a week, you can pamper your animal with sour milk and fish. Raw cartilage will help remove tartar.
If the diet is fully thought out and balanced, vitamin supplements are not required. An exception may be periods of pregnancy or the change of teeth from milk to permanent.

Dry food is selected taking into account the characteristics of the dog. Her weight and needs are assessed. Mixing the two types of ration is not recommended... Like all large dogs, Chinese Shepherd Dogs you can not overfeed. Failure to comply with this prohibition can lead to volvulus.
As for the coat, brushing once a week is sufficient. Water procedures are carried out as soon as it gets dirty. Chinese Shepherds molt twice a year. Bitches are prone to extraordinary molts after puppies are born.
The claws will have to be cut 1-2 times a month. To prevent this from becoming stressful for the dog, it is advisable to accustom him to the procedure from an early age. You should also monitor the condition of the eyes and ears and wipe them weekly with chamomile decoction or special compounds... For teeth, the bones-dainties sold in stores are useful. They also need to be inspected periodically.

Health features
The Kunming Shepherd Dog has a fairly strong immune system. Among the problems are disorders of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the spine. Such a dog lives for a very long time - from 12 to 14 years.
As for the Chinese German Shepherd, her health is slightly weaker. Among the weak areas, dog breeders note the hip joints, back, ears, gastrointestinal tract and heart.The manifestation of autoimmune diseases is possible. Life expectancy is on average 9 to 12 years.

Training and education
Chinese Shepherd Dogs are remarkably trainable. They have excellent guarding qualities, excellent scent. They are often used in service and sports. In addition, a dog can become a good friend or companion, but inexperienced people are not recommended to have such animals.
It is best to start training on your own from the first days of the puppy's appearance in the house.... A little later, when he grows up and is vaccinated, you should contact an experienced trainer. He will be able to assess the inclinations of the baby, his temperament and determine the optimal direction of training.
As soon as all the vaccinations are delivered, it is imperative to start bringing the puppy to people. He should be socialized as much as possible, not be afraid of crowds and public transport, and also learn to be loyal to other dogs. This will help prevent many problems later on.
When buying a dog for many owners, the gender of the future pet becomes a decisive factor. This is not surprising, because he also partly influences the character of the animal.
Dog breeders recommend paying attention to the fact that the Chinese Shepherd dogs are tougher, they can provoke fights with their fellows, therefore, they will require more careful attention to their upbringing. In any case, the main thing is that a loyal and devoted friend will appear at home.

You can admire the Chinese Shepherd Dogs in the video below.