What nickname to choose for German Shepherd boys?

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dogs in the world. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to choose a unique nickname for them. To make it easier for the breeders of this breed, we will consider not only the most popular nicknames for German boys, but also learn how to choose them correctly and accustom the baby to the name.

Beautiful and rare names
The more popular the breed of dog, the stronger the desire of its owner to choose a unique and rare name for the pet. In such situations, you can use sonorous, short and original nicknames, which are rarely found in ordinary life:
- Derrick;
- Droga;
- Derhan;
- Azik;
- Hagan;
- Heal;
- Farms;
- Asetk;
- Astana;
- Groom;
- Murdoch;
- Lynch;
- Lars;
- Argus;
- Boreas;
- Balkhash;
- Vaygach;
- Vir;
- Gong;
- Dingo;
- Zhullan;
- Jacquard;
- Empire style;
- Zagray;
- South;
- Liman;
- Caracal;
- Lukar;
- Kattan;
- Found;
- Nuker;
- Aldert ;.
- Etching;
- Pier;
- Pride;
- Distribute;
- Hipper;
- Flirting;
- Chelkash;
- Tsagon;
- Ceris;
- Chelkash;
- Yarang;
- Yasok.
Such nicknames in ordinary life can be found quite rarely in German shepherd boys. Therefore, they sound beautiful and unusual and immediately emphasize the exclusivity of the dog. Often these are the nicknames given to puppies with a pedigree as a shortened version of the full name. All of the above nicknames are perfect for German shepherd boys' dogs, as they have some hidden meaning.
Therefore, choosing a specific name should be in accordance with personal preference.

Nicknames with meaning
Today it has been scientifically proven that certain nicknames are capable of influencing the character and behavior of dogs.
This is especially true for those nicknames that have a special meaning.
Therefore, many dog breeders deliberately choose such names in order to endow the dog with certain traits or to enhance their influence. These nicknames for German boys include the following.
- Besh is a protector. Such a nickname is ideal for a puppy, which in the future will have to protect people or their property.
- Iga is a hunter. This name will suit, in principle, all dogs of this breed, because they have an innate delicate nose.
- Best is the best. So it is customary to call the most agile, first or simply unusual puppy from the litter. But giving such a name to a German boy, you should understand that the owner condemns the pet to eternal leadership.
- Lauder is loud. A male with a powerful and sonorous bark from birth will be the ideal bearer of such a name.
- Mutikh is brave. A good nickname for a puppy that will grow into a strong, courageous and intelligent male German Shepherd, which will become a real protector.
- Glucky is happy. A good-natured and affectionate puppy who loves affection and attention. Having received such a nickname, even in adulthood, the dog will be attached and affectionate with the owner and his family members.
- Lope is a wolf. The nickname is suitable, in principle, for all German shepherd males, since their ancestors were these brave and dangerous wild animals.
- Wild is wild. The nickname is suitable for a pet with strong independence, as well as for those animals, it is almost impossible to achieve obedience from them. A dog with this name will always have a wayward character.

This will allow not only to influence the character of the pet, but also make it possible to distinguish the dog among his kind.
Most popular options
But not everyone wants to name their pet some kind of special nickname. Therefore, there is a whole list of the most popular names that are common everywhere. In order not to get confused in them, all these nicknames for large breeds of dogs were divided into several groups, depending on their main characteristic.

Characters from games, movies, books and cartoons
And the first thing that comes to mind is the name of a German shepherd dog from the once popular TV series "Commissar Rex". This is the nickname most often used by the owners of such dogs. Also common:
- Mukhtar;
- Butch;
- Ralph;
- Bim;
- Sherlock;
- Arnie;
- Rocky;
- Dzhulbars;
- Locke;
- Moor;
- Roger;
- Farhat;
- Ferkhan;
- Sherkhan;
- Harold.
And here it is better to choose dog names, focusing on the character of the character, whose nickname will be used.
In some cases, nicknames for large German males may not be appropriate.

Color and character
The most reliable and simple choice of a name for your pet. Normal nicknames from this category can be picked up during the first months of a dog's life. If the puppy is too active, aggressive and does not sit still, then the best nicknames for him will be:
- Buran;
- Vortex;
- Typhoon;
- Hurricane;
- Fierce;
- Wild;
- Wolf.
Calm dogs with a friendly disposition are also suitable for the following names:
- Clear;
- Devotee;
- Elegant.
If you choose names by color, then you should pay attention to such popular nicknames as Black, Gray, Grau, Duck.

National names
Also a very popular category. Since the shepherd is German, many dog owners and names for them choose the appropriate:
- Hermann;
- Eldie;
- Poldin;
- Berhard;
- Mavrin;
- Werner;
- Ephel;
- Lutz;
- Gunter;
- Rainer;
- Wilbert;
- Gotthard;
- Jat;
- Anselm;
- Arman;
- Rudy;
- Volker;
- Hartman;
- Hunk;
- Ludwig.
All these names are not only originally German, but also have a good, correct meaning.
They stand for courage, strength, loyalty, reliability and endurance. And if you listen to zoopsychologists, then such nicknames help to strengthen the natural inclinations of the dog.

Russian nicknames for German males are no less popular:
- Lord;
- Sheikh;
- Baron;
- Graph;
- Sheriff.
Such names will highlight the pet and emphasize its noble origin.

The names of the ancient Greek gods and heroes of various legends and past are often chosen. Most often you can find German males with the following names:
- Zeus;
- Perseus;
- One;
- Thor;
- Locke;
- Icarus;
- Daedalus;
- Apollo;
- Hercules;
- Buddha;
- Drying oil;
- Dionysus;
- Seph.
Here you can go on and on. The main thing is to choose the names of those characters that have a positive meaning and the image as a whole. And yet, when choosing a nickname for a German shepherd boy, you must also remember that such Russian nicknames as Tuzik and Bobik will be absolutely inappropriate and ridiculous.
It is also worth abandoning the choice of names that have a negative meaning, as well as whose carriers had negative traits.

How can you get used to the name?
Choosing the right nickname for the little German dog is half the battle. The second half consists in correctly and quickly teaching the puppy to him. It should be understood that for the first couple of weeks the nickname will have to be pronounced many times a day in order for the puppy to remember it.
- The name is pronounced strictly, clearly and clearly, pronouncing each letter well.
- If, after two repetitions of the nickname, the dog does not react, you should pronounce the name one more time, but already more menacingly and a little louder. This is necessary to get the animal's attention.
- Every time a dog reacts to his nickname and approaches the owner, the dog should be encouraged with a small treat. This will help to consolidate the acquired reflex.
- When the puppy gets used to the name and begins to respond to it the first time, then from that time on, the nickname is pronounced only when the animal needs to really be called to itself.
And yet, choosing a kitten for a pet should be thoughtful and conscious, because over the next several years, both the owner of the dog and his relatives will have to hear it many times a day.
For the features of German shepherd nicknames, see below.