Collie: history, types, choice and care

Many of the modern dog breeds were created at one time with the aim of protecting grazed herds from predators. Collie is an example of such an animal.

Even experienced professionals cannot yet say where exactly the name of the collie dog comes from. There are several versions:
- one raises the breed's name to the Gaulish word "useful";
- the other to the Scottish word for coal;
- the third refers to the local designation of black-headed sheep.

Most often, the word "collie" is used in relation to Scottish Shepherds, bred in this British region. Exactly the same species, which were bred elsewhere, are simply called shepherd dogs or herding dogs. In addition to the British Isles, they live mainly on the Australian continent and North America. However, collies can be found in any other corner of the world.
In the main territory occupied by the breed, it was actively used in the past to breed new herding dogs. Both purebred and hybrid lines were created. Some of the branches include the word "collie" in their name. However, such a group definition is optional.

The earliest known mention of the Scottish Shepherd Dog dates back to 1790. But there is no doubt that the collie breed began to be used much earlier than it was mentioned in written sources. The most ancient names are "koeli", "collis". The modern name appeared later. The ancestors of the Scottish Shepherd Dogs were brought to Britain by the Roman invaders. The animals were originally painted black.

The main direction of selection naturally became improving shepherd qualities. Along the way, their appearance changed and improved. In 1860, the first collies were taken to London, where breeding began. English breeders are closely engaged in work on the breed.
In the same 1860, the Scottish Shepherd was first shown at the Birmingham show. 19 years later, in 1879, she was appreciated in the New World. The first collie club appeared in the United States in 1886. In the next 50-70 years, the breed marches triumphantly around the world. And she owes her success to a number of valuable qualities.

It should be noted that the above hypothesis about the early history of the Scottish Shepherd Dogs is not shared by all experts. Some dog handlers believe that the ancestors of the breed may not be Roman dogs, but those that appeared in the British Isles when they were settled by Stone Age nomads. If this assumption is correct, then the earliest traces of collie presence should be found in the southern regions of England. It is unlikely that this dispute will ever conclusively end.
There is no consensus among professionals as to which breeds were the predecessors of the Scottish Shepherd.

The traces of many of them are barely guessed, while other ancestors may remain unknown forever.
There is an opinion that the main role in the formation of the modern collie was played by the Golden Moray shepherd, which in the past inhabited the east of Scotland and the fertile regions of the mountains. This breed was distinguished by:
- black and white;
- weighing 11.5-13.5 kg;
- relatively short legs;
- elongated body.

The front legs of the Golden Moray were curved, and the hind legs were bovine. The prevailing opinion about the higher intelligence of undersized individuals influenced the appearance of the ancestor of the Scottish Shepherd. Tall puppies were simply destroyed. The characteristic features of Moray were:
- wide, convex skull configuration;
- round yellow eyes;
- low hanging ears;
- extra dense two-layer wool.

The length of the coat was most often short, but some preferred dogs with an elongated fringe. Its owners were not so much the shepherds themselves as farmers with wealth. Proponents of the origin of the Moray Collie believe that already in the first centuries of the existence of the ancestor breed, not so much practical as decorative qualities were especially appreciated.
Pets were perceived as decoration of the house and plot, as a source of pride for the owner. In the late Middle Ages and early modern times, the formation of the Scottish breed took place through hybridization with the shepherd dogs of the northern districts of England (bordering directly on the Scottish lands).
As a result, there was an increase in size and a decrease in body length, an increase in the muzzle. The bulge of the skull was simultaneously reduced, and the coat was shortened. But at the same time, the dominant black and white color remained intact.

When her changes began, pure black and black and white with brown and red inclusions of the dog appeared. It would have been possible to recognize the characteristic features of a collie already in the early years of the 19th century.
Hybridization with the Irish setter later played an important role. The prevailing color changed, and all the tones of the red color were considered to be in accordance with the standard. The modern Scottish collies have borrowed from the setters:
- relatively high growth;
- heavy complexion;
- straightening the legs;
- dullness of the muzzle;
- characteristic "raw" lips.

Sometimes their external resemblance to retrievers is noted. But experts do not have any convincing evidence that such hybridization actually took place. In any case, a close study of the pedigrees of the winners of the exhibitions does not yet allow us to find traces of such crossbreeding. But it is reliably known about crossing with a greyhound, undertaken to stretch the muzzle and increase the aristocratic appearance.For a time, it was the type with the features of the greyhound that was most in demand among all collies.

In the 21st century, such dogs are still found, although not as often as before. It is because of the influence of the greyhound that there is no clear transition, and the frontal lobe of the head is slightly oblique. An even more significant influence on the modern Scottish Shepherd Dog has had a hybridization with the bandog dog. Its origin is unknown, and there is not even a generally accepted translation of this word into Russian yet.

However, experts believe that it is the bandog breed that is closest to the familiar collie in terms of external characteristics.
According to experts, the final appearance of the "Scots" took place between 1860 and 1890. Even when considering the entire history of cynology, it is difficult to find other examples of such a rapid formation of the breed.
Working dogs without pedigree, which were then acquired in the markets of draft animals, were relatively small in size. Their limbs could hardly be called the standard of beauty even for the most undemanding person. And even with the appearance of the first clubs that kept lists of breeding stock, any data, with the exception of the nickname and name of the owner, did not appear in these lists.

Until 1895, collies were often recorded in herd books as shepherd dogs, and only then were they given a clear, separate section. Birmingham became the main center of selection and breeding. In the twentieth century, changes continued, and breeders made every effort to make Scottish Shepherds look as noble as possible. The breeders managed to significantly improve these indicators (if we take as a basis those dogs that lived at the beginning of the last century). Therefore, it is important to know what this breed looks like now.

general description
The term "collie" in canine practice is applied not to one breed, but to a whole group of herding breeds, which were bred in Scotland and the northern regions of England. It is customary to include in this category not only officially recognized varieties, but also small local subtypes. In the generally accepted characteristic of a collie, 5 typical features are indicated:
- proportional body;
- medium height;
- ease of addition;
- sharpening of the muzzle;
- specific color.

The history of the breed has reflected on it in the most convincing way - until now, most collies have a highly developed herding instinct. Users, as well as professional dog handlers, note such valuable properties of these dogs:
- physical endurance;
- impressive agility;
- good learning ability.

The vast majority of collies weigh 22-32 kg. The largest dogs are selected for grazing cattle. There are various types of tails - deflated, raised, sometimes even with a bend. However, it is excluded from twisting into a ring and touching the back.
Some specimens from birth are bobtail.

Any collie is different activity and energy. They can run on rough terrain with difficult terrain all day. It is noted by experts that the intellectual capabilities of the breed make it possible to include it in the twenty smartest dogs in the world. This circumstance made the "Scots" regular participants in competitions in:
- flyball;
- pastoral art;
- agility;
- freestyle.

Certain breeds from the collie group, primarily long-haired and short-haired, are prone to genetic ailments. They also tolerate infections relatively poorly. Another weakness of these branches is their increased susceptibility to certain drugs. The height at the withers, according to the standard, is from 0.55 to 0.65 m.
The dog has a muscular figure. Muscle abounds in the long, gracefully arched neck. The head resembles a cone in shape; its features are not too sharp, the skull has a flat shape. The triangular ears are not too big.

In a calm emotional state, they are pressed back against the skin, and if the pet is alerted or excited, the ears rise and even lean forward.
Due to the almond-shaped eyes, many people think that the animal looks somehow cunning and mysterious. At the same time, the look should not express even minor aggressive notes. Below the black nose are strong jaws with a scissor bite. The long collie body includes:
- straightened back;
- relatively low chest;
- elongated straight legs;
- saber tail.

The dog walks easily and widely, while moving very smoothly. The official standard allows only 3 colors:
- tricolor;
- sand (in various shades, with the exception of cream and straw tones);
- blue (dominated by light colors).

Regardless of the color, the dog should have large white spots. The classic shepherd dog from Scotland has:
- white blaze on the muzzle;
- the same collar;
- whitish tip of the tail;
- white socks.

The appearance of the collie is really striking and surprising. He invariably expresses a calm nobility. Also, this dog literally exudes friendliness.
It is believed that the character of the dog was formed in that era when appearance was less important than working qualities. At that time, the most appreciated was the ability to work with herds and to obey the shepherds unquestioningly.
It would be much more difficult for livestock owners and accompanying workers to carry out their work without the assistance of a collie. A well-trained dog will be able to do something that would require at least 20 additional people. Even today, when various technical innovations come to the rescue of pastoralists, the importance of the four-legged shepherd can hardly be overestimated. In the city, a collie may look unconvincing, not attractive enough, but everything changes when the dog is in a familiar environment.

The intelligence of the collie and their practical qualities can be assessed in the protection of sheep. Dogs deftly and quickly surround the scattering animals, even on the hills. They gather the herd together and force it to gather in the corral. The most stubborn cattle are easily controlled by the collie.
But it is also important to understand the limitations associated with the past of this breed. It was used exclusively for grazing, and not for the purpose of protection. Larger wolfhounds acted as guards. Scottish Shepherd Dogs, by the very structure of their jaws, are unable to inflict a bite, leading to serious injury to the victim. Already in ancient times, dogs that opened their mouths wide and crippled livestock were ruthlessly disposed of.

As a result, the collie is not prone to aggressive behavior, and attempts to force her to behave viciously are not successful.
Inexperienced trainers seek only the appearance of endless tantrums. The fact is that instilling aggressiveness comes into conflict with the centuries-old installation that blocked unauthorized attacks on other animals, especially on humans.
The dog's psyche cannot process mutually exclusive motives in an acceptable way, and therefore strange behavior appears. But you need to understand that as a defender, when the attack is already happening, the collie shows itself very well. The main thing is that the pet is well educated and trained, then he will really protect himself and the owners if necessary.

In the descriptions, the shyness of the Scottish Shepherd's character is noted. Because of this, she does not establish contact with people very quickly. But it is quite possible, albeit for quite a long time, to gain trust on the part of the beast. Long-term, pleasant circumambulation will allow you to achieve extremely strong attachment.
Collie tries to focus his emotional attachment on one person, rather than distribute it throughout the family. Devotion greatly depends on the age at which the collie appeared in the house. Adult animals, especially oversold ones, are less gullible and less loyal.The widespread belief in Rough Collies that they are overly excited and overly active is not entirely correct.
If dogs can run and exercise for a long time in freedom, excess emotionality is removed. The Scottish Shepherd must find at least some kind of outlet for its ebullient energy - and she will definitely look for it, despite all the discontent of the owners.

Therefore, commentators who attribute stubbornness and a tendency to violate the orders of the owners to the collie are themselves to blame - they walk the pets for several minutes in the mornings and evenings. Conclusion: the breed is not suitable for constantly busy or often traveling on business trips.
Do not be afraid that collies will require some kind of extreme regime, especially intense physical activity. They can keep fit without special training. For adults, it will be enough to walk along the street at a step, occasionally family trips to nature will be required.
In our country, collies are used mainly in Altai and in the Far Eastern regions. There are not too many sheep, but there are sika deer. No other dogs, even the most reputable and popular, are suitable for escorting deer. But the Scottish Shepherd has long been used not only for herding work.
Unusual qualities made it possible to use it for sentry purposes. The first such attempts were made at the beginning of the twentieth century. Collie is now used by the border services of the Scandinavian states. Along with the, their use as pets is constantly increasing.

In apartments and houses, "Scots" become loyal and devoted family members.
Over the long history of the collie, many subtypes of this breed have been bred. And special attention should be paid Australian Shepherd Aussie. Contrary to the name, it originated in the United States. The main use of these dogs is grazing and guarding livestock. It is assumed that the Aussies were derived using:
- Basque Shepherd Dogs;
- classic English collies;
- Spanish Shepherd Dog.
The characteristic feature of the Aussies is dense, moderately long coat... The head is decorated with semi-erect ears, and the body ends with a short tail. Often you have to deal with heterochromia. In Australia itself, there are short-tailed shepherd dogs. They appeared as a result of crossing the shepherd dogs and dingoes imported from Europe.

Short-tailed dogs They are distinguished by their light build and relatively short hair. It is important to distinguish them from Australian healers, they are also Australian shepherd dogs. When breeding this subspecies, different specimens of dingo and collie with short hair were needed. A typical feature of this species is considered:
- powerful physique;
- rather short coat;
- vertical ears.

Australian mestizo have a bluish or red speckled color. The main tone is diluted with tan marks. Also noteworthy are two groups of collies developed on the southern continent. Kelpies were developed on the basis of dogs brought directly from Scotland or the northern regions of England. Experts suggest that hybridization with dingo was also used when the kelpie was introduced, but this point has not yet been clarified.
The breed has a short coat and erect ears. Quite different colors are possible, including black, red or red-brown tones. When developing the Australian coolie, not only European collies were used, but also dogs from Germany and Spain.

Deserves attention and english shepherd... Its name should not be misleading - the breed was bred by American breeders, and only the original individuals were English in origin. The hanging ears of the English Shepherd look very good. She is characterized by thick coat of black or black and tan color, diluted with white markings. The Blue Lacey was obtained by crossing an English Shepherd Dog with a variety of breeds.What were these breeds, even experts still have not figured out.

It is known for sure that blue-lacy can have three color options:
- ginger;
- blue;
- tricolor.

The most famous of all collies, however, remains Border Collie. Her main specialization is grazing sheep. Border Collies are not suitable for handling large livestock. This breed can have both partially erect and drooping ears. The silky coat of the Border Collie can be very long, but it is very short on the legs and on the face.
The colors of this breed are black, red, black and tan and merle. Regardless of the specific color, they have white markings and the same collar. Sometimes dogs become almost completely white in color. Blue merle means the predominance of a pure silver-blue tone, diluted in different places with medium-sized dark spots.

The following do not fall under the blue merle standard:
- natural slate color;
- large black areas;
- rusty shades (even on the undercoat).

The marbled collie looks no less brilliant. He can have both brown and blue eyes. But the bearded collie breed is even ahead of many others in decorative terms. It is not for nothing that she almost ceased to be used in shepherd's business, but found application as a companion and an exhibition model. The "bearded" men always have drooping ears and an elongated silky coat all over the body. In addition to black, brown, blue, gray and red colors, sand is also allowed; white markings are possible.

As for the Cumberland Sheepdog, it is considered to be devoured by a similar species - the Border Collie, as well as the direct ancestor of the Australian branch. The purest Cumberlands themselves have long since disappeared. Their characteristic feature is the high density of black fur.

The McNab (or simply McNab) shepherd dog is quite popular. It got its name in honor of its creator. Various individuals may have erect or partially erect ears. The shortened black or red coat is complemented by white inclusions on the chest and muzzle. And the New Zealand Collie was bred based on the border collie. The New Zealand variety does not open its mouth during sheep grazing. Many shepherds believe that these dogs can give any order to the cattle at a glance.

In addition to her, in the past there was also the so-called Smithfield Shepherd Dog. These were large dogs, helping not only to protect cattle herds, but also to drive them. They got their name in honor of the oldest of the London meat markets (for obvious reasons, they could always be seen there).
In the 21st century, Smithfields are called Tasmanian dogs, similar in appearance to bearded collies. Among other breed options, Welsh Sheepdogs and Shetland Sheepdogs (they are also Shetland Sheepdogs) deserve attention. The collie itself in the everyday sense is a classic Scottish Shepherd Dog. Since it is bred in the highlands of Great Britain, it has an excellent coat and thick undercoat. Both of them allow them to successfully endure even serious bad weather.

Basic rules of content
But the collie's shepherd background does not mean that the care of the collie is not important enough. Scottish Shepherds may well live outdoors. However, it would be much more correct to keep them closer to the owners. Of course, these animals are not inclined to smash houses due to a lack of communication with people, as boxers sometimes do. The point is different - dogs are affectionate and friendly, therefore the owners will only benefit from their approach and constant contact.

As with other breeds, you will need to:
- clearly define the place where the dog will rest and sleep;
- purchase toys;
- take care of the bed;
- stock up on bowls for food and water.

Since the collie is naturally active, it must be able to throw out the accumulated energy.To do this, you will have to walk the pets twice a day, while not only walking down the street, but also providing time for the dogs to run freely. In this case, of course, the leash is unfastened.
Long-haired shepherd dogs deserve daily brushing (at least ¼ hour). Along with a regular brush, a comb with small teeth is also used for this. Combing should be done carefully and carefully. In this case, long hair is lifted up to reach their roots. The most attention is always required:
- mane;
- tail;
- hair on the paws and other parts of the limbs.

It is in these three places that the pets of inattentive owners are most often covered with mats. As for smooth-haired individuals, they can be combed out once every 5-7 days. But all care cannot be reduced only to working with the dog's fur. You need to bathe Scottish Shepherd Dogs once every 2 months. Extra bathing is carried out in case of heavy pollution.
To improve the result, water procedures are carried out using an emollient shampoo. You can buy it at any veterinary pharmacy. Once a week, the ears are treated with a special solution. Simultaneously with the treatment, the ears themselves are examined in order to detect injuries, inflammatory reactions, or an excessive volume of secretions in time.
You will also have to systematically brush the dog's teeth. Violation of this rule threatens the appearance of bad odors and the formation of tartar.

The claws are not cut according to the schedule, but according to the speed of their growth. Excessively long claws will interfere with normal movement. But in collies, due to increased physical activity, the need for additional clipping of the nails occurs less often.
It is imperative to monitor the secretions that collect in the eyes. They are removed with a napkin soaked in boiled water. A good alternative can be considered a solution of pharmacy chamomile. The systematic appearance of discharge should immediately alert the owners.

You should consult your veterinarian immediately. The fact is that active discharge very often turns out to be a manifestation of an infectious process.
Suitable for feeding collies only natural products... Dry food of the elite class can be a substitute for them. The diet of a dog fed with natural food must include fish. The maximum interval between dressing with seafood is 30-40 days. Goodies include cheese and biscuits.

It is strictly forbidden to give collies:
- salted or unleavened lard;
- beans, beans, peas;
- flour products.

Scottish Shepherd Dogs are in good health and are almost not susceptible to congenital ailments. They can live 12 to 15 years if they are cared for properly. Of particular importance for life expectancy are:
- normal diet;
- regular visits to veterinarians;
- systematic vaccination;
- regular treatment with drugs that suppress skin parasites.

But we must understand that even a collie can have quite serious disorders. There is even a special collie eye syndrome. In this syndrome, which is inherited, the eyes develop abnormally. Another pathology of their development - distichiasis, is expressed in the appearance of an extra row of eyelashes. Collies can also suffer from:
- epilepsy;
- dermatitis (volvulus of the eyelids);
- pemphigus foliaceus (autoimmune skin damage);
- vitiligo (a malfunction in the production of melatonin);
- congenital deafness;
- dysplasia;
- aspergillosis;
- dislocation of elbows.

Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and digestive disorders pose a serious danger to animals. In hemolytic anemia, the immune response hits the red blood cells. The Scottish Shepherd Dog is very sensitive to most medications.

Therefore, dogs should not be treated on their own. Any drug can be used only after consultation with veterinarians.
Returning to grooming, there are a few required attributes that should be mentioned:
- a comb with fine teeth;
- a comb with large teeth;
- brush;
- spray gun for spraying water (removal of static electricity).

First, the collie is combed along the hair, going from the neck to the tail, using a large comb. Next, they take a finer comb or brush to bring the wool completely in order. It is harder to comb dogs up to a year, and therefore you will have to do it more often. Brushing will also have to be increased during shedding periods.
A common mistake is not to brush, when the collie appears clean and in perfect order. It is necessary to take it as a rule, regardless of the appearance of the coat, do it for 10 or 15 minutes per day... It is noted that touching with a comb not only improves the condition of the hair, but also has a positive effect on blood flow in the upper layer of the skin. As far as washing is concerned, it is rarely required.

Excessive washing of the Scottish Shepherd Dog robs it of its protective skin layer and increases the likelihood of dermatological diseases.
If there is no special zooshampoo, you can do with baby soap or soap for sensitive skin. It is necessary to carefully monitor so that water and detergents do not get into the eyes or ears. The purchased dog is combed out immediately. Further it will have to be held in a warm room for at least 8 hours, this requirement is especially important in winter. Collie rarely gets dirty, if it still happens, it is advisable to wash only the dirty areas and do not use detergents.

Advantages and disadvantages
The undoubted advantage of the collie is its loyalty to the owners. Yes, this is typical of many breeds. However, the "tartan" stands out even against the general background. There are cases when she rushed to protect the owner or other family members, risking her own life. More importantly, the collie can show affection in a relaxed environment.
The animal will try to imitate the owners and adapt to them. Sociability makes isolation or long separation from owners almost unacceptable for him. Shepherd's stereotypes of behavior developed over many centuries force the collie to try to bring all family members together. When a company of people or pets is gathered around, the shepherd feels genuine bliss.
The attitude towards children is literally reverent to her. The breed is considered an ideal four-legged nanny, capable of both playing with children and protecting them from any dangers.

Her attitude towards strangers is almost always wary. However, if the dog realizes that there is no threat from them, it will willingly play and have fun with these people.
Little collies are distinguished by their increased curiosity. Therefore, you will have to carefully monitor the behavior so that they do not end up in danger. The dog is extremely active, and at first its readiness for the game, for competitions and morning, evening runs with the owners is almost always touches. But you need to thoroughly think about what your capabilities are, whether it will be possible to spend a lot of time with the collie. Positive characteristics of the breed are:
- highly developed intelligence;
- excellent memory;
- artistry;
- lack of aggressiveness (at least in healthy and well-trained animals).

A developed mind makes training much easier. But it is important to understand that sometimes the collie uses insufficient skill and insufficient perseverance of the owners. Then the puppies are stubborn, cunning and demonstrate that they do not understand the requirements of the trainer. This cunning is suppressed in an elementary way: one should only clearly and consistently pursue one's line - without rudeness and violence, but calmly and without deviating aside.
Collie is invariably beautiful and graceful - this is noted by all connoisseurs and specialists. The breed, as befits a "shepherd", calmly endures cold and heat.Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the complexity of caring for it and the need to carefully select medicines for the treatment of diseases more carefully than usual.

Each of the pets is strictly individual and you will have to look for a personal approach to it.
The most healthy are the "classic" collies, which are distinguished from the representatives of the "modern" branch by:
- a drier constitution;
- elegance of the neck;
- lengthening of the limbs;
- dry head;
- stronger ligaments.

A full-fledged "classic" makes more free movements and remains physically active until a later age. But "dryness" should not be overstressed. A lanky constitution, a flattened chest and an oblong muzzle can become the disadvantages of certain individuals. "Modern" moves somewhat stiffly, often suffers from violations in the skeletal structure and ligaments. Only to a small extent are these shortcomings justified by the sweet expression on the face.

Other problems of "modernity" are:
- weakness of the ligaments;
- sagging back;
- shortened neck (up to its complete visual absence);
- overly curved ribs that give the impression of a barrel;
- too developed undercoat.

How to name?
As is the case with other breeds of dogs, it is advisable to call the collie with a laconic sonorous name. After all, the conditional name will have to be pronounced very often. And one more nuance: the more difficult the name, the more difficult it is to stop the dog in a critical situation, to call it.
The "girl" is often referred to as Kelly, but variations such as:
- Madeira;
- Jasmine;
- Nicole;
- Olivia;
- Grace;
- Francesca;
- Betty;
- Emily;
- Kat;
- Vega.

Collies call "boys":
- Forceful;
- Dandies;
- Rikami;
- Olafs;
- The Lloyds;
- Oscars;
- Lawrences;
- Bruno;
- Mikami;
- Danami;
- Mozarts;
- Henry;
- Olivers;
- Steve.

Fancy names of foreign origin are not to everyone's liking, and it is not at all necessary to limit ourselves to them. Of the more familiar dog nicknames, the following are suitable:
- Persian;
- Thunder;
- Kai;
- Yakut;
- Polkan;
- Sultan;
- Bertha;
- Busya;
- Elsa;
- Sophie;
- Hell;
- Arrow;
- Beta;
- Bug;
- Venus.

How to choose?
When the decision to get a collie is made finally, you need to carefully choose the right dog. And at the same time, the purpose for which the animal is acquired is of particular importance. It is she who determines which parameters will be most important. So, when buying puppies as a person's best friends, health level and character traits. But many set a much more ambitious goal - to win in various exhibitions.

Ambitious people will also have to deeply study the breed standards, the characteristics of a particular animal, and then check it for non-compliance with the breed norm. A good pedigree is no less significant for the exhibition work. Any jury, any experts will certainly evaluate it. And yet, it is the dog's health that always comes first. A robust and well-developed collie at 8 weeks of age is distinguished by:
- straight back;
- a slightly rounded muzzle without tapering;
- strength and even structure of the paws;
- an elongated neck;
- ears hanging forward;
- a body close to a square in shape;
- scissor bite;
- powerful coat.

But you need to look not only at the animals themselves. A high-quality, healthy livestock cannot be raised in bad conditions, when it is crowded and dirty around. Responsible sellers do not hesitate to familiarize buyers with all the conditions for keeping their puppies. The pets themselves should be slightly plump and prone to active movement. They should not have parasites or diseases of any kind, therefore, you will have to demand from the breeders or owners of the nursery a certificate from veterinarians confirming the excellent health of the pet.

For the features of the collie breed, see the following video.