Short-haired German Shepherds: description and care features

Those who are even slightly interested in history know that it was the dog that was the first animal to be tamed by man. Initially, such domesticated pets were used by humans for hunting and served as a guard. But today everything has changed completely and completely. Of course, the dog continues to be specially trained so that it can guard property and protect its owner, but, above all, today she is a friend of man.

There are legends about such a dog breed as the German Shepherd. In addition to being specially trained to serve in certain military units, they are also considered the best among all other breeds for living together with people.

There are several types of German shepherd dogs, but short-haired pets are especially popular, which are increasingly being given for a variety of purposes.
A bit of history
Having such a reliable and loyal friend at home is the dream of many dog lovers. But, before deciding to have such a dog, you need to find out as much information as possible about it, and you need to start with the history of the origin of the breed. Some dog handlers and breeders claim that the Indian wolf is the distant ancestor of the German shepherd. And, if you look closely at the appearance of the dog, then, in fact, you can find some similarity.

The Short-haired German Shepherd is a herding breed. Yes, this was exactly what was used when grazing cows, goats and sheep. In order to create the perfect herding dog, German breeders have worked for quite some time.

Only at the beginning of the 20th century did the short-haired German shepherd change from a shepherd to a security guard and a policeman.
Breed standards
Speaking about the standards of this breed, I would like to note the peculiarities of the structure and appearance of the dog. The short-haired German Shepherd Dog is characterized by a thick, coarse coat and a dense undercoat. The hairs do not stick out, but adhere to the body in one direction.

As for the exterior, it is thanks to him that the breed can be easily distinguished from other dogs. The short-haired German Shepherd is characterized by a square skull and wedge-shaped head. She has a very well developed jaw: both upper and lower. The lips tend to be close to the jaw and dark in color. Also, the shepherd dog can give out its nose, which is exceptionally black.

The male of this breed is rather large, and exceeds the bitch in height and weight. The weight of an adult male can be 30-40 kilograms, while the weight of a female does not exceed 32 kilograms. The growth of the dog reaches 65 centimeters, and the bitch is only 5 cm lower.

Characteristic color
The color of the short-haired or, as it is also called, the smooth-haired German shepherd dog can be different, and this is another of its distinctive features. The most common and frequently encountered colors of the breed include:
- black and gray;
- bluish with gray;
- black;
- a combination of four shades of red;
- darkened black;
- weakened black;
- black-backed;
- brindle;
- zoning;
- White.

It is worth noting that most often you can see a black-backed short-haired German shepherd, but white and black are quite rare.
Character traits
When choosing a dog that will live with people, especially in families with children, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the nature of the breed. And here it is worth noting the fact that it is the German Shepherd, each of its subspecies, that is considered an ideal pet.
It's no secret that the Shepherd is one of the smartest dogs in the world. Experts say that such a dog has extremely positive character traits, which include:
- obedience;
- intelligence;
- dedication;
- obedience;
- the ability to feel a person and a situation;
- self-control and self-control - the dog will never show aggression unnecessarily, but if something threatens its owner and people close to it, you can not expect mercy from it;
- activity and love of life.

Most of all respect deserves the loyalty of a shepherd dog, which has no boundaries. Very often there are situations when the dog, at the cost of his own life, protects the owner or another family member. A dog of this breed loves all household members, during separation from whom she is very sad.
Attitude towards children
Of course, the dog's attitude towards children is one of the components of the animal's character, but I would like to talk about this separately, since this is a rather important point when choosing a pet. If you have young children and are planning to have a dog, then a shepherd dog is ideal.

Due to its restrained character and the love that the dog has for family and friends, it is an ideal nanny for a child.
Such a pet will be reliable protection, he will never offend the baby. Even if the child, as is customary in children, will provoke the animal in every possible way, trying to pull it by the ears or wrinkle it, if it feels uncomfortable, the dog will simply hide or leave the room. Sheepdogs are very playful and active dogs, so they really like having fun with the kids.

The health of a shepherd dog, like any other pet, needs to be closely monitored. It will not be difficult for a dog to adapt to a certain climate, it is convenient for it to live both in an apartment and on the street - in a kennel or aviary. Despite the fact that the German Shepherd is one of the most hardy dog breeds, which staunchly resists many diseases, it also tends to get sick.
Dogs of this breed most often suffer from:
- volvulus;
- food allergies;
- diabetes mellitus;
- failure of the hind legs;
- diseases of the genitourinary tract;
- growth hormone deficiency;
- aortic stenosis.

The most vulnerable point of the German Shepherd is its eyes. Eye infections are something that almost every dog of this breed can face. It is imperative to monitor the condition of your pet's eyes, especially if the dog lives on the street.

In case of even the smallest symptoms of the disease, it is advisable, of course, to contact your veterinarian.
Vaccinations are needed to ensure the dog's well-being and to minimize the possibility of various diseases. The German Shepherd should be vaccinated against the following diseases:
- rabies;
- infectious hepatitis;
- parvovirus infection;
- arbovirus enteritis;
- leptospirosis;
- parainfluenza;
- carnivorous plague.

Correct care
The great advantage of the breed is its unpretentiousness. However, during the molt of the short-haired German shepherd, you cannot do without a special comb, with which the dog needs to be combed twice a week. And with special scissors you need to cut long hairs of wool. As for water procedures, the dog needs three baths a year during the warm season. Experts do not recommend bathing the shepherd dog more often, otherwise its coat may lose its natural shine.

Tartar is another breed problem. To prevent its appearance, you need give the dog a special dental stick at least once a week, which you can buy at a veterinary pharmacy. Also, do not forget about going to the veterinarian, who must necessarily examine the dog's oral cavity and make sure that everything is good and meets the requirements.

For a shepherd dog, daily walks, mental and physical labor are important components of proper growth and development, therefore, constant training and training are required.
How and what to feed?
The key to animal health is correct and balanced nutrition, which must contain the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the breed, experts recommend introducing exclusively ready-made super-premium food into the dog's diet. But what to feed his dog, the owner, of course, decides for himself, the main thing is not to harm the animal.

It is very important that the feeding schedule is adhered to.
- 2 to 6 months the puppy needs six meals a day.
- From six months and up to about a year, 3-4 is enough.
- Adult 2 meals a day is enough. The portion size needs to be adjusted on your own, for this you need to understand how active the dog is. After the dog has eaten, you need to wash its bowl.

The dog must have constant access to clean water.
Puppy selection criteria
After all the above information, which related to the upbringing and care of animals, it remains only to talk about how to choose the right puppy and what to look for.
It is rather difficult for an inexperienced person to independently choose a good and healthy puppy from a litter, so we pay attention to:
- skin - there should be no bites and irritations on it;
- straight tail;
- clean, mucus-free eyes;
- short coat;
- legs that should be straight;
- general condition of the puppy.

If possible, get to know the baby's parents. All puppies in the litter are different, choose the most active and largest one. If the puppy is already 2-2.5 months old, there must be a vaccination card.
If you take a puppy in a kennel, please note that such companies usually have documents confirming the legal activities of the organization. The nursery must be clean and dry, and the animals must be well-groomed and live in appropriate conditions.

About which shepherd dog to choose, see below.