Beautiful nicknames for shepherd dogs

Sheepdogs are strong and graceful animals, endlessly loyal to their owners. With a dog of this breed, not a single person can remain unnoticed, attracting curious and admiring glances of passers-by on walks. It is natural that the nickname of such a noble and beautiful pet should be a match for him. What can you call a shepherd dog? How to choose a sonorous and original name for a dog of such breed? What nuances should be considered when choosing a nickname?
What to consider when choosing?
Cynologists and experienced dog breeders recommend that when choosing a suitable nickname, take into account that a shepherd is a formidable, solid and very serious breed. Diminutive names are not suitable for such animals. It is also undesirable to give them funny and cool nicknames, which will partly provoke a frivolous attitude towards the dog from others.
Observations show that animals memorize one- and two-syllable nicknames easier and faster... Dog handlers recommend avoiding long and intricate names. In dogs, they cause difficulties with perception (recognition) and, as a result, memorization.

When purchasing a shepherd dog, the owner should take into account that in the future his pet may need a training course. Considering this, in choosing a nickname, you should avoid options consonant with a number of basic commands... So, in the process of education and training, difficulties may arise if the animal bears the name Pound, which is consonant with the command "Fu!", Or Siddi, which sounds similar to the command "Sit!"
It is not recommended to use common human names for dogs.Compliance with this rule in the future will allow the owner of the animal to avoid awkward and even anecdotal situations while walking. Also, for ethical reasons, it is not recommended to give pets the names of close relatives, friends or neighbors.
Professional breeders of shepherd dogs remind that if the owner of the animal does not like the nickname prescribed in official documents (pedigree and passport), then he has every right to name the dog as he wants. The fact that the animal will have a nickname that differs from the name in the pedigree and passport will not affect anything in the future, including the opportunity to participate in exhibitions and competitions.

You should not call the dog by the name of a previous pet who ran away or died tragically. Many breeders claim that this can negatively affect the fate of a new animal. Psychologists do not recommend doing this either, because they believe that whenever the owner addresses a new dog by the name of a deceased or lost pet, he will only aggravate his feelings.
When choosing a suitable nickname for a puppy, it should be borne in mind that it should be:
- euphonic;
- the sex of the dog;
- corresponding to the breed.
Sheepdogs are a whole group of dog breeds originally intended for grazing and guarding livestock. The most popular representatives of this group are German, Caucasian, Scottish, Central Asian, South Russian and Shetland (Shetland) Sheepdogs. Less common are Anatolian, Maremma-Abruzzi, Hungarian, French, Belgian and Old English (Bobtail) Sheepdogs. All these and other representatives of the group differ from each other both in appearance and in character. Focusing on the characteristics of the puppy's breed, you can easily choose a great nickname for him.
In search of a suitable name for a shepherd-boy or girl, you can focus on a variety of topics. Many good ideas can suggest the hobbies and hobbies of the owner of the dog, the field of his professional activity, the subject of his favorite films, books, music.

Names depending on purpose
Usually shepherd puppies are bred as guards or companion dogs. In addition, in specialized fields, they are usually used as guard and search dogs.
If the owner of the animal plans to choose a name for the pet that would reflect the purpose of the dog as a formidable guard, then here you can recommend the following options:
- for puppies-boys: Fighter, Guard, Fighter, Thunder, Warrior, Recruit, Vityaz, Ulan, Kazak, Asker, Chur, Antey, Glock, Walter, Cerberus, Zeus, Tyson;
- for girls puppies: Faita, Guarda, Gera, Groza, Anthea, Beretta, Tempest, Scylla.
If in the future it is planned to raise a good-natured companion, a faithful companion, a devoted and reliable friend from a puppy, then the following nicknames may come up:
- for boys: Faithful, Friend, Amigo, Ami, Sputnik, Phobos, Deimos, Friend, Feyful;
- for girls: Luna, Alpha, Frenda, Lyalya, Callisto, Elara, Amalthea (Amalia), Leda, Rhea, Dione (Diana), Phoebe, Ariel, Frenda.
Other possible variants of nicknames that can be used depending on the purpose of acquiring the dog are Hunter (translated from English - "hunter"), Helper ("assistant"); Guardian, Sherlock, Spy, Watson, Agatha, Christie, Julbars, Lassie, Dick, Leo.

We take into account the breed
The breed of animal and its country of origin can suggest many interesting ideas for choosing a beautiful nickname. For example, if a pet breed was bred in Germany, the puppy can be called a traditional male or female German name.
A prominent representative of the group of shepherds bred in Germany is the German Shepherd. Suitable German names (male and female) - Hans, Siegmund, Jan, Greif, Helmut, Werner, Agna, Greta, Lieschen, Marlene, Heidi, Helga, Elsa.
Great Britain is home to breeds such as the English Sheepdog, Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog) and Shetland (Shetland Sheepdog). The classic English names are perfect for representatives of these European breeds: John, Michael, Harry, Arthur, Henry, Ronald, Stephen, Anthony, Jane, Bella, Miley, Ethel, Nancy, Wendy.
The homeland of origin of some species of shepherd dogs is the USSR. In particular, it was in the Soviet Union that breeds such as the Central Asian, East European, Caucasian and South Russian Shepherd Dogs were bred. Puppies of these breeds can also be called noble names of foreign origin. However, many original variants can be found among the Old Slavonic and old Russian names. As the most outstanding examples, it is worth mentioning such names as: Yar, Zhdan, Boyan (Buyan), Dara, Lada, Lada, Lyutoy, Mal, Malusha, Molchan, Cheslav, Yasna.

For Belgian Shepherds - Laquenois, Malinois, Tervuren and Groenendael - you can choose a beautiful German, French or Dutch name. Among the euphonious French and Dutch names, one can note such as Anika, Antje, Jerda, Kobe, Marja, Sterr, Hild, Elk, Willem, Gird, Jell, Dani (Daniel); Andrew, Jeff, Casper, Lawrence, Petrus, Simen, Frode, Heald.
It is not difficult to choose an original nickname for a shepherd puppy, focusing on its exterior (body type, color), which depends on the breed. Representatives of the shepherd group are radically different from each other both in complexion and in color, length and type of coat. So, for example, for the Italian Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dogs, the standard allows only white color. However, for Italian Bergamas Sheepdogs, white color is considered a defect (any gray shade is allowed by the standard).
Sheepdogs, like other dogs of large and powerful breeds, are usually given majestic nicknames, emphasizing their power and nobility. The most common examples here are such options as: Tantalum, Titan, Atlas, Grand, Samson, Jupiter, Kaiser, Caesar, Tycoon, Major, Olympus (Oli), Rambo, Hammer; Gretta, Hebe, Hera, Isis, Indira, Cleo, Grace, Jacqueline, Diana.

Depending on the color, you can choose a good and sonorous name for a puppy from the list below:
- White (White), Salt (Salty), Snow, Ice (Iris), Pearl (Pearl) - for light-colored animals;
- Black (Blackie), Knight (Knight), Agate (Agatha), Noir, Bagheera - for black dogs;
- Wolf, Great (Gray), Ash (Ashley), Silver, Sylvester, Dymka, Grieg (Griga) - for gray and zonar shepherd dogs;
- Sand, Gold, Gemma, Ocher, Whiskey, Sunset, Fox (Foxy), Lime (Lime), Sunrise, Citrus - for animals of sand, red, brown color.
Most popular options
Common variants of nicknames for large breed dogs can be found by referring to the theme of cinema, cartoons and literary works. The most famous names in this case will be such as Mukhtar, Rex, Marley, Lassie, Lucy, Maya, Max, Jack, Buck, Dick, Shorty; Won (Won Ton Ton) and Rin (Rin Tin Tin), Hooch, Balto, Naida, Trusty, Lady.

Other common dog names:
- for shepherd boys: Archie, Cupid, Altai, Ison, Aston, Aster, Barney, Buchi, Blade, Dune, Boston, Bingo, Jack, Wells, West, Winch, Gordon, Hardy, Jason, Diamond, Dusty, Jordan, Hindu, Conan, Conor, King, Klaus, Calvin, Kazbek, Lars, Lexus, Light, Mason, Morgan, Matthew, Marshal, Nikas, Nightgel, Neiman, Nilson, Nord, Lord, Oscar, Odis, Ormon, Patron, Porsche, Prime, Plato, Rutger, Ralph, Rick, Wright, Raymond, Richard, Steve, Spike, Strike, Sting, Skiff, Tiger, Tyrone, Terry, Tungus, Urman, Uranus, Walt, Felix, Flash, Yakut;
- for shepherd girls: Alma, Alpha, Beta, Bundy, Vega, Vesta, Gerda, Gaida, Gina, Joya, Dana, Irma, Ilta, Ingrid, Creta, Carmen, Chiara, Lime, Linda, Petty, Prime, Palma, Paige, Rhonda, Racey, Reida, Raima, Stacy, Hannah, Pinta, Prada, Fendi, Tilda, Tessie, Tracy, Tyra, Uma, Fanny, Fabbie, Hardy, Chloe, Honda, Haita, Cerra, Chita, Chelly, Chara, Sherri, Shanti, Shabby, Laila, Eyzi, Amber, Erin, Yuma, Yuna, Yugra, Yucca, Yashma, Yara, Yarda.
They are popular among modern owners of shepherd dogs and nicknames with a certain meaning. Most often, such names go back to foreign words that mean certain character traits.As examples of nicknames with a meaning, here you can cite such options as: Joyful (translated from English means "joyful"), Gladys ("happy"), Brave or Brave (from English brave - "brave"), Wild and Savage (" wild "), Proud (" proud "), Smart (" smart, quick-witted "), Frank (" sincere "), Kind or Kindi (" kind "), Charmy or Charm (" adorable ").

How to accustom to a nickname?
Characteristic features of all shepherd dogs are excellent memory, learning and quick wits. With the right approach and hard training, these intelligent dogs can be name-trained in just a few days.
At the very beginning of the training process, you should refer to the puppy by name as often as possible. Every time he responds to the nickname, the puppy should be encouraged with a treat. It is best to use slices of hard unsalted cheese, boiled chicken hearts, or slices of boiled beef heart as a treat.
To quickly develop the correct reaction to a nickname in a puppy, you need to refer to him by name before and during a meal. This approach contributes to the faster formation of the necessary reflexes in the animal.

Dog handlers recommend at first to call the puppy's name as often as possible, even if there is no particular need for it. In the process of accustoming to a nickname, one should strive to ensure that the animal begins to instantly respond to the call of the owner. The reaction should be immediate, even if the puppy is keen on something.
It is strongly discouraged to distort the name when referring to the puppy - for example, naming him Maxik instead of Max. The intonation of the voice when addressing the animal should be calm and even. It is not allowed to yell at the puppy, but you should not speak too quietly to him.
It is strictly forbidden in the process of accustoming to the name to use brute physical force in relation to the puppy, if he does not immediately respond to the master's call. In the future, this can lead to the fact that the animal, upon hearing its nickname, will hide from the owner in fear.
From the first days of training a puppy, its owner should make every effort to win over the animal. If the dog trusts its owner, the process of its upbringing and training will become faster and more effective.

A few more options for nicknames for shepherd dogs are given below.