Lakenois: breed characteristics and content

The Belgian Shepherd Dog breed is quite rare. One of the most notable points is the dog's coat, which looks like a coiled wire. In addition, such a dog is distinguished by great endurance, and also has an athletic figure. Initially, she was withdrawn only to protect various objects, and later became a shepherd.

History of origin
Already from the name it can be understood that the Laquenois appeared in Belgium. On its territory at the end of the 19th century, there were quite a few dogs that helped herd the herd. And although they all had the same job, their appearance was different. Professional dog lovers have decided to combine the best qualities of all these animals into one species. So in 1891 a club of lovers of these animals was created. They organized an exhibition, where hundreds of dogs took part, among which the best were selected and used to breed quality breeds.
As a result of this, four types of Belgian Shepherd Dogs were obtained at once. These are Tervurens, Malinois, Groenendals and Laquenois. Today the International Dog Handlers Association rates them all according to the same standard. However, in some countries they are still considered separate breeds.

Lakenois were named after the residence of the Château de Laken, which belonged to Queen Henrietta of Belgium. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the standards of this breed were established. According to them, the dog should have an ash coloration, as well as a hair that resembles a wire. However, disagreements arose among some followers about the coloration. Some of them wanted to recognize only the standard red Laquenois, while the others were adherents of the ash color.

Features of the breed
Purebred thoroughbred Belgian Shepherds are rather strong and large animals, the body of which is densely covered with "wire" hair. In addition, they have a very elegant head and proud posture. All this gives the dog an aristocratic look. However, in reality it is a hard-working dog that can herd a huge herd, and work in a guard service, and guard the house of its owner.

The description of the generally accepted Laquenois standards is as follows.
- The growth of the female varies within 60 centimeters, but the male can be taller, up to 65 centimeters. Females weigh at least 25 kilograms, males weigh about 30 kilograms.
- The face has a wedge-shaped and rectangular shape.
- The bridge of the nose is smooth and the lips are very thin.
- The mouth is filled with a series of large and strong teeth that form a scissor bite.
- The eyes of animals are small, differ in a slant and elongated shape, the color of the iris is most often brown or black.
- At the very top of the head are small triangular ears.
- The neck is long and set high, moreover, it widens towards the shoulder blades.
- The physique is very strong, with a large chest. The back of the animal is straight and slightly shortened, the loin is strong, with a sloping croup. The belly is tucked up.
- The tail of the Belgian Shepherd Dog is of medium length. If the animal is calm, then its tail will be lowered, and if it is happy, then the tail will rise up.
- Laenois paws are long and powerful, with slightly rounded tips.
- These animals have a rather thick undercoat, since most of them live in cold conditions.
- Due to its unusual coat, the dog looks sloppy, it has a disheveled appearance all the time. The hair on the face and legs will be shorter than on the rest of the body. In some places, it reaches 5-6 centimeters.

Character and behavior
The history of Laekenois began quite recently, so animals have not yet managed to inherit all the qualities of their ancestors. Dogs can graze herds and engage in various search work. And, if their shepherd skills are not so in demand, then it is quite possible to involve dogs in search work.

They have a very strong character, however, they do not like loneliness at all. Shepherd dogs are very attached to their owners, but at the same time they can recognize only one owner. To strangers, such a dog seems very angry and dangerous. And this is completely true, because they are excellent defenders and guards.

Such pets are quite sensitive, so the puppies will need not only to be trained, but also to adapt to a normal life.
They need to be brought out to people and introduced to their friends and other animals. This will give them the opportunity to build self-confidence in them and not be too timid. In addition, dogs will be less aggressive in the future.
Belgian dogs get along well with children. It doesn't have to be games. Dogs can simply follow commands, which is very popular with young children. But with other pets that live in the house, they may not get along. Usually, dogs have a negative attitude towards rodents. They evoke the hunter's instincts in dogs, and the dogs look at them as a prey that must be caught. In addition, they do not get along well with cats, too. The only exception is cats that were brought up together with shepherd dogs.

This breed of dog is perfect for both single people and families with children. For both adults and kids, such a dog will be a great friend.
Maintenance and care
If we talk about keeping such unusual animals, then this is not a difficult process at all. It is enough to give them a little attention, feed them correctly, and also take care of them. First of all, we must pay tribute to the care of their fur.
Since Belgian dogs are wire-haired animals, they will need a procedure such as trimming. However, these dogs are not always ready for the procedure.Therefore, most often they shed naturally, resulting in a new coat.
But if the pet lives in an ordinary apartment, then the wool scattered throughout the apartment will be a real nuisance for the owners. In this case, you need to comb the pets with a special comb, which will allow you to quickly pass the shedding period. This should be done daily during the molting period. In addition, thanks to the procedure, the Belgian will always look beautiful and neat.

It is very often not necessary to bathe such dogs, because they can cleanse themselves of dirt.
To do this, they just need to shake off a little, and everything will disappear at once. Bathing should be done once a month or two. In this case, it is necessary to use special hygiene products. After bathing, you can moisten the laquenois fur with special conditioners or rinses. After bathing, wrap the domestic shepherd in a terry towel and wait a little until all the moisture is absorbed.

Pets living in an apartment need to brush their teeth regularly. This should be done a couple of times a week. Cleaning will avoid any diseases of the oral cavity. In addition, it is very beneficial for the teeth when the animal is given bones, special toys or treats for the teeth.

However, so that there are no problems with cleaning, it is necessary to accustom dogs to it from an early age. Only in this case the puppy will behave not only calmly, but also patiently.
Also, do not forget about the ears, which must be cleaned regularly. To do this, you need to use special tools. They must be dripped into the ears, and after 3-4 minutes, simply wipe off. To prevent wax or dirt from accumulating in the ears, it is necessary to remove the hair inside the ears.

The eyes should also be wiped clean. But this should be done only when they "acidify" a little or dirt gets into them.
You can use ordinary tampons soaked in a special solution.
In addition, the animals living in the apartment need to remove their claws with a nail clipper. But it is best to do this in veterinary clinics so that the dog does not bite or scratch its owner. In this case, it is necessary to euthanize the animal.

Although almost all dogs of this breed are in excellent health, some diseases can still appear. They are capable of being transmitted from one generation to another. The following ailments are worth noting.
- Dysplasia of large joints. In this case, the hip bone cannot fit snugly against the joint itself. The dog's gait is impaired, and it is in acute pain. Lameness appears a little later.
- Diseases of the eyes which most often occur in older animals. It could be glaucoma or even cataracts.
- Volvulus of the stomach can be both congenital and acquired. The acquired disease most often appears in such dogs due to malnutrition, which in the future can lead to the death of the dog. To prevent this from happening, you need to give your pet as much rest as possible, and also carefully select its menu.
- Infertility. It is found in both female and male dogs.
- Aging too fast. It happens rapidly, and by the age of 6-8 the dog not only feels old, but also looks like this.

The diet must be balanced and varied. Feed can be both industrial and natural. If the preference is given to the first, then you need to buy only high-quality super-premium products or holistic products. This will provide the dog with all the vitamins and minerals it needs.

When buying budget food, the dog not only does not eat enough, but it may well pick up ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
When choosing natural food, it is necessary that certain foods are included in the diet.
- Proteins, which are found in foods such as meat or fish, as well as in offal. In addition, they are also found in sour milk and chicken eggs. Meat can be given to dogs daily, but eggs only a few times a week.
- Fats can be found in meat, fish, butter, or vegetable oil. However, you shouldn't overdo it with butter.
- Carbohydrates will perfectly provide dogs with the energy they need. For this, porridge from various cereals can be suitable. For example, you can use foods such as rice, buckwheat, or wheat porridge. You can cook it in water or meat broth. In addition, brown bread is usually also among the carbohydrates.

In addition to these foods, pets need minerals and vitamins. In order for them to fit them, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian. And also, when buying small puppies, you must definitely ask the sellers what they fed them. This will save the owners from mistakes in the choice of feed.
Education and training
Almost all Belgian shepherd dogs are intelligent and easy to train. But at the same time, they are rather wary and independent, which in some way can complicate the entire educational process.
The puppy needs to show its leadership from the very beginning. Moreover, it should be proved. You should not show him your weakness, otherwise in the future the dog will simply not obey the owner. The person must behave confidently. After all, as soon as the dog feels the slack, he will try to immediately take the lead into his own hands.

However, you should not be too zealous either. Especially you shouldn't hit the dog or shout, because after a while the dog will show aggression towards this person.
Most often, Laquenois choose one master for themselves and obey only his commands. Such a dog is friendly and respectful to the rest of the family, however, he may refuse to follow their orders.
A person who plans to train a dog should be patient, because such dogs are wayward. Each completed command should be rewarded with a treat, and if the pet tries to play a dirty trick, the owner should say “No” in a firm and confident voice. Classes with the dog should be done every day, this is the only way to teach the dog to discipline.

To summarize, we can say that when choosing such unusual pets for yourself as Laekenois, one must be ready not only for caring for the puppy, but also for raising it. Only in this case, the animal can be kept at home without fear of bad consequences. Such dogs will be able not only to protect the house of their owner from various encroachments, but also serve as excellent shepherds for any living creatures in the yard.
For more information about the Belgian Shepherd Dog Laquenois, see the next video.