Malinois: breed description, character and cultivation

The Malinois shepherd breed is one of four dog species that were bred in Belgium. Currently, the International Dog Handlers Association has combined all these animals into one breed. However, each of them has its own characteristics.

Origin story
Only by the very name of these animals can one understand that they were bred in Belgium. It was the breeders of this country that came up with the idea of creating a breed of shepherd dogs with a fairly short coat. It all started back in the 19th century, when the inhabitants of Belgium had a need to use dogs in pastures to guard livestock. Some dogs have already been used for these purposes, but breeders have decided to slightly improve existing breeds.
One of the very first breeders of this was Adolf Ruehl, who was able to breed a purebred breed of dogs... Already in 1898, an official club was created, which was one of the first to become part of the Union of Cynologists of the Belgian Shepherd Dogs. A few years after that, the name of the first male was entered into the Generic Book, which became one of the founders of the Malinois. but officially the Belgian Shepherd Dog was registered only in 1990.

The shepherd dog got its official name in honor of the French town of Melechen. The improved breed of Belgian dogs is today actively used in various services and quite actively displaces the previously popular stately German shepherds.
Characteristics of the breed
If we talk about the Belgian breeds, then among them the Malinois are not the largest individuals. However, these dogs have a fairly flexible and muscular body.All their movements are graceful. The description of the standard for such a breed is as follows.
- Height an adult male can grow up to 61 centimeters, and a female up to 55 centimeters.
- Weigh females no more than 30 kilograms, and males up to 37 kilograms.
- Head in a shepherd dog, it is elongated and has a clear outline. The occiput is rounded, with a pronounced transition from the muzzle to the forehead.
- Muzzle has a small size, and the skull line very smoothly merges into a perfectly straight nose.
- Lips fit snugly enough to the gums. They have small pigment spots that are dark in color.
- Cheeks flat and muscular. The nose is black with wide nostrils.
- Eyes are of medium size and shallow fit. The iris is dark brown. They are outlined in black. The dog's gaze is very intelligent and alert.
- Teeth large and snow-white. Scissor bite.
- Ears Shepherd dogs have a high rise. They are not too large, triangular in shape.
- Neck slightly elongated and muscular, widened towards the shoulder girdle.
- Concerning corps, then it is quite massive, but at the same time not as heavy as it seems at first glance. In females, it is longer, since they have a reproductive function.
- Rib cage not wide at all, but deep. The abdomen is firm and taut.
- Tail has an average size. It is always straight, thicker and stronger at the very base.
- Paws rather strong, but at the same time thin, parallel to each other. The thighs of the dog are muscular, the toes are brought together.

What distinguishes Belgian dogs from other individuals is their coat, that is, its color and structure. It is rather short and dense with the same dense undercoat. Such wool will be able to protect the animal in very severe frosts. But on the legs and tail, the hair is slightly longer. The color in animals of these breeds can be either brown or brown-red. But at the same time, it has a charcoal tint on the lips and ears.

Character and behavior
Belgian dogs are smart enough, moreover, they have a very stable psyche. They are quite independent, but require careful training. However, only a person who has a kind and strong character can raise an obedient and strong dog from a puppy. And this must be done. After all, if this is not done, then in the future the animal will grow up practically uncontrollable.

Therefore, for those people who have absolutely no time to deal with their charges, it is better to take another dog for themselves, or not to take none at all. After all, if the owner does not give her due attention, the puppy will behave very intrusively, demanding attention.
Malinois are quite playful, they love to play pranks, especially at a very early age. The dog will not be aggressive towards all family members. But if a stranger enters the territory of the site, then the dog will become his opponent, completely incorruptible and strict.
If the owner gives his ward the order to “sit”, he will immediately calm down and will sit and watch the “invading enemy”. However, he will not show anger. Of all Belgian dogs, the Malinois has the best watchdog qualities. Exactly because of this reason they need good upbringing, and you need to start working on this from puppyhood.

If we consider how dogs of these breeds relate to children, then there is no definite answer to this question. Everything usually depends on the character of the dog itself and its small owner. In the event that a small child is not too intrusive, and also does not treat her as his own toy, the Malinois will patiently play with the baby.
In addition, a well-trained dog, on order, will be able to follow even the smallest child. She will not take her eyes off him and will control that the baby does not leave the territory of the room. In addition, such a dog will in no case allow strangers to approach the child. but do not leave your little ones alone with the "Belgians". After all, if a child pulls the dog by the tail or shows some other actions to it, then it can show aggression.

Of course, he will not bite the child and will simply try to hide from him in any secluded place, but still it is better to play it safe and leave an adult with the baby, who, in the event of aggressive behavior of the dog, will be able to protect the child.
If we talk about joint "living" with other pets on the same territory, then dogs can not always find a common language take off. This is especially true for animals such as cats. The dog will always want to show that he is superior in everything. That's why conflict situations will be very difficult to avoid.
In addition, Belgian dogs have a strong hunting instinct. It will be very difficult for them to deal with it. Therefore, animals that are smaller than dogs in size will always feel uncomfortable next to these huge shepherd dogs. If there are animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs in the house, then in the event of a clash with the Malinois, they may simply not survive. Therefore, they should be kept separately in cages, and if released, then only under the supervision of the owners. Even if the dog seems to be quite calm and friendly, all the same, you should not try to "make friends" her with creatures that she can harm.

As for other large dogs, shepherds will not get along with them either. After all, they do not like to share attention to themselves with another pet. They will always consider them to be rivals, over whom it is imperative to win. In addition, they will be the instigators of the fights, especially if the owner is nearby. In this case, the Belgian dogs will want to show him their superiority over a competitor.

To prevent this from happening, it is better if the "Belgians" are alone in the house. So they will always feel calm and not show aggression. You can also instill love for your "roommates" from childhood. In this case, they will be able to get along with any pets living in the house. True, it is imperative to point the puppy to its territory.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any animal, the Belgian Shepherd Dog has both positive and negative qualities that are inherent in them not only from birth, but are also formed depending on the attitude of the owners.

Since originally these dogs were bred in order to guard sheep or other livestock, their most important advantage is observation and responsibility. They take everything about their work quite seriously. The Malinois are not only helpful but also very loyal to their masters. They will carry out any of their orders unquestioningly, without even thinking about its meaning.
In addition, representatives of this breed of dogs smart enough. They literally understand any commands from a half-word and immediately execute them. Therefore, the Belgian Shepherd Dogs are the best amenable to both education and training. They are also very patient, but at the same time they absolutely cannot stand being rude to them.
Their big and loving heart is also a virtue. Once in the family, they become not only good defenders, but also true friends. Malinois can support their owners on morning or evening runs by keeping them company. In addition, they can go on hikes with them and overcome various obstacles.
Sheepdogs are hardy enough. They are not afraid of cold weather or heat. In addition, such dogs are not too picky about food. These dogs can notice any danger before anyone else.

All these qualities make it possible to use these dogs in various fields of activity. This includes the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the army, and customs. In addition, according to the dog handlers, the Malinois are much better suited for all this than German shepherds. After all, they are not as spoiled as the Germans.
If we talk about the minuses, then such animals do not have too many of them. For example, they absolutely cannot stand loneliness and need attention and also care. If this is not the case, then the dog simply becomes inadequate, and also loses its appetite.
Malinois are afraid of enclosed spaces and need regular walking. Also these dogs are a little naughty. If they are not allowed out of the enclosure, they can dig a tunnel on their own and break free.
They are quite aggressive towards their relatives, as well as towards other animals. If they are not given proper upbringing, they will not be obedient and may simply become uncontrollable. Such dogs shed for a very long time, especially those that live in an apartment, therefore require daily brushingthat not everyone can do. After all, such a procedure takes too much time.

But all these disadvantages are not so serious. And if a person wants to acquire such a huge and devoted friend for himself, he may well put up with all this.
Choosing a puppy
Choosing a Belgian Shepherd puppy is not easy. For many, this is a rather difficult task, because sellers do not always act honestly when selling puppies. It is recommended to buy dogs in specialized kennels, which have already proven themselves well enough and have a lot of positive feedback.
First of all, you need to examine the puppy and make sure that it meets all breed standards. In addition, he must necessarily have the appropriate temperament, as well as have an excellent grip.
In order for the dog to turn out to be a good watchdog in the future, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with its pedigree. Already at an early age, puppies begin to show all the traits of their parents. And this is not only the appearance, but also the character. In addition, in many specialized institutions special tests are done to help determine the future temperament of the dog.

It will be quite easy to buy a small Malinois puppy in Russia. This can be done in the nursery "Ot Solnik", where all the necessary documents are provided. Already literally two months after the birth of the puppy, you can take home. Its value largely depends on the place of its birth, as well as on how close it is to the "ideal". So, for example, a mestizo with at least one Malinois parent will cost up to 15 thousand rubles. However, such a cross does not guarantee that in the future the shepherd will look like its parents.
But purebred dogs will cost at least 30 thousand rubles. For a puppy from a champion, they can ask for up to 50 thousand rubles. However, when buying puppies, it is imperative to check all the documents that are on them in order to be 100% sure that they belong to a purebred breed.

But first of all, the puppy should please the owner himself, because this is considered the most important not only in his maintenance, but also in further education.
Maintenance and care
Since the Belgian Shepherd Dogs have a fairly dense coat, as well as a thick undercoat, this allows them to live outdoors even in cold climates. Of course, ideally, the dog must have a large aviary, which will be located on the territory of the site.
It will be difficult to keep such animals in the apartment. They shed quite a lot, in addition, they will feel constrained and will not be able to afford anything superfluous, especially if the puppy is very small.
Malinois need in regular loads... This could be a walk or jog in the fresh air. In addition, many experts recommend playing sports, such as frisbee or obedience.

For combing wool, you can buy a special rubber glove or a brush that can be used 5-6 times a month or as needed. Those of the dogs that live on the street molt 2 times a year. During this period, they shed their wool too much, therefore you need to comb them out daily and use a tougher comb... This is very important for Malinois, because if this is not done, the animal may experience skin irritation and even eczema.
Animals that live in apartments must also be bathed. This should be done several times a year with a special detergent. It must be chosen very carefully so that the animal does not develop any dermatological diseases. It is necessary to accustom the dog to bathing from an early age, so that having matured, the dog does not feel any discomfort.

Pets need to brush their teeth very rarely and only if necessary. For prevention, it is best to give her soft cartilage or dog-specific treats that can be purchased at pet stores or veterinary clinics.
3-4 times a week you need to clean your pets' ears. You can use a slightly moistened cotton pad for this. This will also help prevent the development of various infections in the future.
Several times a month you need to cut the claws of the dogs, but if the animals are too active, then they can grind them off on their own. In addition, 4 times a year, dogs should be given special preparations for worms. But it is necessary to treat dogs from external parasites 2 times a year. The best time to do this is in the spring or fall.

It is worthwhile to study in more detail the necessary vaccinations for your pets. These are vaccines against distemper, paroviral enteritis, hepatitis, rabies, trichophytosis and several other important vaccinations for animals.
The first vaccination is given to a puppy when he is two months old. However, after vaccination, you can not wash the dog, as well as overfeed it and even take it for a walk. After all, immunity to the disease will be developed in a puppy within two weeks. During this time, the dog may have a fever, weakness and even diarrhea.
After 21 days, it will be possible to re-vaccinate with the same drug. But in this case, adaptation is much easier. However, the animal must also be protected for two weeks. When this time has passed, walks can be resumed. When the puppy is 6 months old, he needs to be vaccinated against rabies, as well as a complex of vaccines against various diseases.

It is necessary to ensure that the dog's teeth do not change during this time. Vaccinations can only be continued after the teeth have completely changed. When the puppies are one year old, they will need a second complex vaccination. Further, it will be necessary to vaccinate the dog every year. This must be done only by a qualified veterinarian. All vaccinations are given either in the thigh or in the scruff of the neck.

The pet must have a dog's passport. It is necessary to record the vaccinations carried out in it so that you know when to carry out all subsequent ones. Almost all Belgian Shepherds are in excellent health. But at the same time, they may develop some diseases.
- Various eye diseases. Among them, it is worth noting cataracts or atrophic changes in the retina. In a too neglected state, this can even lead to blindness, so timely diagnosis and treatment will be required.
- Damage to the largest joints. Such violations can lead to more severe development of such diseases. Most often, this leads to surgical intervention.
- Failure of hormonal levels... The animal's thyroid gland is disrupted and diabetes mellitus may appear.
- Indigestionthat can arise from improper nutrition.
- Volvulus of the stomach. Such a pathological disease cannot be noticed ahead of time or somehow predicted. The dog's belly swells up, the stomach is disrupted. In this case, surgical intervention is required.
- Some dogs may even have epilepsy.
- Injuries. They occur in dogs due to their high animal activity.
- Obesity... It is necessary to monitor the feeding of your pets very carefully so that they do not gain excess weight. After all, this can lead to various pathologies.

Grooming also includes daily animal walking. Do not forget about mating shepherd dogs. Already at 1.5-2 years, males become fully mature. In females, maturity occurs at 18 months.
When the female is in heat, she should be allowed to visit the male only after 18-19 days. When the mating process takes place, the animals need to be held back a little, and in some cases even pillows should be placed.

In addition, before starting mating, you need to make sure that the other "half" is absolutely healthy, it has all the necessary vaccinations and the animal has been treated against parasites.
In order for the Belgian Shepherd Dog to always look beautiful, as well as to be completely healthy and sufficiently active, it is necessary to provide it with a complete and balanced diet. Both natural food and industrial food are suitable for this.
Those who choose the second feeding option often do not have time to prepare food. In addition, such food is slightly cheaper than natural food. After all, both meat and fish are several times more expensive than dry food. In addition, they contain all the products necessary for the animal.
Food can be selected according to the age or weight of the shepherd. There are also foods that are intended for a castrated animal or a pregnant woman. The dog does not need to buy additional vitamins, since they are already in the food.

Natural nutrition also has its advantages. The dog will receive only fresh and healthy food. However, first you need to contact a specialist so that he can draw up the correct menu for the Malinois. It should include the following products:
- lean meat - chicken, rabbit, beef;
- by-products, such as liver;
- chicken eggs, which can be boiled or fried;
- any dairy products - low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt and even yogurt;
- boneless sea or river fish;
- cereals - rice, buckwheat, wheat;
- boiled or raw vegetables.

Protein should be about 70% of the diet. The diet depends entirely on the age of the animal. At 2 months, puppies should be fed 6 times a day. When they are six months old, you can transfer the dogs to 4 meals a day. But from 10 months, the shepherd should be transferred to 2-time feeding.
Since the appetite of Malinois puppies is excellent, it is imperative to monitor the size of the portions for the animals. After all, if this is not done, then they may become obese. This is very easy to do. If the puppy does not finish his portion, then you just need to cut it back. If, on the contrary, he eats it completely, you should not increase its size.

Education and training
All Belgian Shepherd Dogs are smart and learn quickly when properly trained. They very quickly catch the slightest changes in the intonation of their owner's voice, so the owners can be both affectionate and strict. The main thing is never to use assault.
To get an obedient and faithful dog in the future, you must initially be patient. In addition, a person must show his superiority over the dog from the first training session. Otherwise, the animal will not obey him. You can start training in the period from 2 to 5 months.
During this time, the dog can be taught commands such as "sit" or "lie down", as well as "place". Workouts should take no more than 10-15 minutes a day. To consolidate the material covered, it is necessary to repeat the lessons daily.

As the puppy grows up, various intellectual games can be carried out with him. With their help, you can train the dog so that he can further participate even in search operations. However, for such work, it is best to turn to specialists in order to avoid mistakes.Dog handlers will help teach the dog to listen and follow all the commands of its owner unquestioningly.

Belgian Shepherds can become not only the defender of the territory, but also the most loyal friend for their owner. In addition, many of them participate in exhibitions, are used as border guards, and participate in search campaigns.
For the characteristics of the breed, see the following video.