Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dog: breed description, feeding and care

Among the many types of dogs found in different regions of the planet, the Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dogs stand out for a number of features. They are not the most widely known, but they deserve thorough consideration.
Origin story
The Maremma-Abruzzo Sheepdog is one of the dogs of Italian origin. This breed entered the international canine classification in 1956. Maremma (this is its common name) was bred in the regions of Maremma and Abruzzo. At least this is the dominant version. It was nominated by a professor at the University of Florence, Giuseppe Solaro, in the mid-1860s.
The earliest reliable records of this breed date back to the 1st century AD. NS. Maremmas in their entire long history have not undergone changes in appearance and behavior. Even today, these dogs meet the most stringent requirements for the protection of grazing herds. The characteristic feature - the white color of the coat - did not appear by chance. The easiest way to find such animals is in the darkness of the night.

In the old days, when shepherds constantly risked encountering numerous dangerous predators, they could accidentally strike a faithful guard. Therefore, dogs with a white color were selected for breeding. This made it possible to accurately recognize them in a matter of seconds, even with an intense fight. Another important factor in selection was naturally the endurance of the shepherd dogs.
Modern farmers appreciate the achievements of their predecessors: there is a positive experience of protecting herds even from grizzly bears.
There is a legend according to which the Maremma-Abruzzo Sheepdog was brought to the borders of modern Italy by fugitives from Troy, taken by storm. Professionals dismiss this assumption completely. They have reliable facts that allow linking the modern shepherd's dog with Asian ancestors, which were bred in the Tibetan foothills. In the second half of the 19th century, the Maremma-Abruzzi breed began to be exported to foreign countries. The breed standard (at the club level, but without official registration) has been in force since 1924.

Description of dogs
The height of adult animals, depending on sex, ranges from 0.65 to 0.73 and from 0.6–0.68 m. The weight will be 30–40 and 35–45 kg, respectively. The important characteristics of the breed are its strength and endurance. This is not surprising, because initially shepherd dogs were used for herding needs. The only allowed color is white, while light reddish, lemon and pale beige shades can be found in addition to it.

The large muzzle of this breed is outwardly the same as that of a small bear. An important feature of the Maremma-Abruzzi breed is the flat head structure. It ends with a low, dome-like forehead. The transition from muzzle to forehead occurs at an obtuse angle. Dark almond-shaped eyes are also mentioned in the description of this dog; teeth and the rest of the mouth are reliably covered with thin dry lips. The lips, nose and eyelids of a shepherd must be exclusively black. - any other tone is recognized as a deviation from the purity of the breed.

Her teeth should be large and strong with a scissor bite. A characteristic feature of the Italian Cattle Dog standard is the large, hanging ears in the shape of the Latin letter V.
Ears move well, have sharp tips. These organs are widely spaced exactly at the level of the cheekbones. Only a few individuals designed to protect property are docked.
The withers look impressive and protrude strongly above the level of the back. The back is straight and well muscled. A slight protrusion is noticeable in the lumbar region. Characterized by a large width of the volumetric sternum, which from below can reach the elbows of the forepaws. Feet are distinguished by their rounded shape and massiveness. The fingers seem to be gathered in a bun. The back of the paws is closer in shape to the oval. The hips of the dog are distinguished by a pronounced relief of strong muscles.
The tail is white, densely overgrown with wool and is very low. When the Shepherd moves or shows any kind of emotion, its end is located just above the back contour. The coat of the Maremmo is of medium elasticity.

Maremmo knows how to recognize the subtleties and nuances in the situation. She will take into account everything that she sees from her owner and around him. If the owners just talk to certain people, then the shepherd may not remind of itself in any way. But should she notice something suspicious or potentially dangerous, the reaction will follow immediately. There is no doubt that aggressive people will be singled out even from a large crowd.
Puppies of this breed are distinguished by excellent socialization and contact with other animals without problems. They live quietly even in the courtyards of houses.

Any maremma is covered with thick wool, and the undercoat is also dense. Thick, durable wool allows you not to be afraid of frost or extreme heat. She also reliably protects animals from precipitation and a piercing wind. During the summer months, the maremma often rests under tall, shady trees.
The coat is slightly shorter on the ears, below the limbs and on the head. On the rest of the body, it reaches 0.1-0.11 m in length. On the shoulders and at the withers, the wool creates a lush collar. The hair of the animal allows it to exist comfortably at both -45 and + 45 °.
This shepherd dog has a special fat layer on its coat, which provides dry self-cleaning (contact with water is not required).

Character and behavior
Maremmo behaves with a person emphatically independently. This breed is characterized by the perception of the owners as equal to themselves, and not dominating in the hierarchy. Not a single example is known when such a shepherd dog would turn into a simple puppet. Such traits are organically linked precisely using the breed for protective purposes... There, precise performers are simply not needed; they require animals who are able to show reasonable initiative.
For the Maremma-Abruzzi breed, there is also a difference in behavior at different times of the day.

During the day, the animal will ignore all movements of households and friends of the family, regular visitors to the house in the adjacent territory. But after dark, only the owner is guaranteed to get out to breathe without consequences. The point is not in any exceptional aggressiveness, but, quite the opposite, in an intellect that is exceptionally developed by the standards of dogs.
Abruzzi Shepherd Dogs project the same attitude on guests that is characteristic of their owners.
Good constant acquaintances may not be afraid of any aggression or barking. It is different if someone appears in the guard's field of vision for the first time. In this case, alertness immediately appears, and the new guest is constantly closely monitored. Security behavioral attitudes are necessarily triggered if those who come are trying to go "somewhere in the wrong place."

The attitude towards children is patient and good-natured, their dog clearly separates from adults. Sheepdog allows kids to play with them as tamers, doctors or dog handlers. At the same time, rare patience and composure are manifested. But all the same, the dog will constantly monitor what is happening around.
The optimal organization of training is of great importance in developing the correct behavior.

Powerful protective properties are beyond doubt. Both the owner and all of his relatives are perceived as members of the pack deserving constant protection. The dog will continuously monitor everything that happens around them. Even a momentary weakening of vigilance in the presence of the owner is excluded. If the maremmo discovers the slightest danger, then without any hesitation will do everything possible to save the owners.

Differences from the Pyrenean rock
These 2 varieties of dogs were bred to solve the same range of problems. In terms of external parameters and behavior, they are quite similar. The difference lies in the shape of the head and body. Even in the Pyrenean wolfhound, a specific expression of the muzzle is found. No other breed looks at the world around them in the same way as the Pyrenees. For more accurate recognition, it must be borne in mind that:
- the Maremma's ears are set higher than that of the Pyrenean breed;
- the Spanish variety is slightly more aggressive towards strangers than the Italian;
- Pyrenees are less trained and more prone to wild forms of behavior.

Maintenance and care
The attractive features of the breed, contained in various descriptions, make it very popular with many people. But it is important to understand that a serious dog means an equally serious responsibility. The best place to live is an aviary. You will have to walk with the maremma every day, especially during the period of active growth. For adults, systematic physical activity is not so important.

Despite the ability of wool to cleanse itself on its own, it will still have to be washed and combed out periodically. For combing out, you will need to use hard metal brushes. Softer materials will not be able to clean tough wool. When the dog returns from a walk in snowy or rainy weather, it will have to be dried immediately with a towel. But even on a pleasant sunny day, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the pets.

In the summer, the Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dogs should be in the shade more often. Important: at this time, it is required to ensure constant access to clean water.Due to the strong undercoat and thick coat, in extreme heat, quite serious problems can arise.
In cold weather, the dog does not need additional protection. There is no particular threat of disease, and the appearance of hereditary ailments is almost excluded.

Brushing the coat is required at least once every 7 days. When it is time to moult, you will need to brush your dog more often. Forced bathing is not advisable because water can damage the unique film on fur hairs. This danger is even greater with the active use of detergents. The solution is to replace water procedures with washing with dry shampoos.

You will have to regularly check the ears of the shepherd. All kinds of pollution abundantly accumulate in them. Given the constant activity of the breed, they refuse to trim the claws. They already grind down on their own upon contact with the ground or with hard surfaces. Increased activity makes it impractical to keep maremmo in city apartments, regardless of the available space.

These pets will be quite happy and healthy only in a large country house with a significant local area. The aviary is placed where direct sunlight will not fall. Even if there is a vast courtyard, it is advisable to go for long walks with your pet once or twice a day. This imposes strict restrictions on the life schedule of the owners. If they cannot ensure compliance with such requirements, it is better to look for a less discerning breed.

Feeding your Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd is not too difficult. You just have to control the entry into the diet of the full composition of the necessary vitamins and minerals. Particular attention should be paid to admission a sufficient amount of calcium. After all, a dog must actively move, and without normal functioning of the skeletal system, it will not be able to do this. It is not necessary, however, to add calcium directly to the feed, good results are also obtained by the use of tablet preparations.

Both dry and natural foods are allowed. But when choosing a feed made at the factory, you must carefully check that they are of high quality. Not all manufacturers really make food that saturates the shepherd's body with the required substances in full. From natural food can come in handy:
- lean meat;
- kefir;
- cottage cheese;
- various vegetables;
- porridge cooked in meat broth.
Meat should be given raw or cooked. It should account for 50% of a one-time food delivery. Beef bones with cartilage and meat residues can be given, but only sporadically. The disadvantage of a natural diet is that you will have to add calcium and vitamin preparations to the bowls. Even the most careful selection of natural food does not allow us to circumvent this requirement.

In the first 24 weeks of life, Maremmo puppies should be fed 5 or 6 times a day. Further, they are systematically (without sharp jumps) transferred to 3 meals a day. Adults need to be fed twice a day at the same hours to tune the body to rhythmic work. It is strictly forbidden to mix natural products and dry food. All types of smoked and fried foods, foods with a significant proportion of sugar and salt are also banned.

Education and training
This topic deserves special attention. Maremma-Abruzzo Sheepdogs are distinguished by their severity of disposition and even harshness of behavior. Once established stereotypes are extremely difficult to change, or even more so to remake them into opposite behavioral attitudes.
Only very firm, persistent and purposeful people will be able to raise such a dog correctly.
The slightest mistake or inconsistency, slight uncertainty or inconsistency in training is recognized by gifted animals very quickly. They will immediately take advantage of this, and then no subsequent efforts will be effective enough.Italian Shepherds can be demonstratively sluggish and even stubborn. Attempts to develop aggressiveness and malice for the sake of self-affirmation give very bad results for both pets and their owners.

The first step in the training process is to develop trust and respect. If a person does not prove his leadership characteristics to a pet, there is no chance of success. Already at the age of 2 months you can teach the puppy the commands "Sit!", "Come to me!", "Lie down!" All orders are required to be given in a calm, even voice without shouting. Teams are taught one at a time. After waiting for one order to be firmly mastered, we must move on.
All successful orders should be rewarded with praise and delicious food. It is strictly forbidden to allow the shepherd dog to evade the execution of commands. If necessary, they are repeated until complete success. If you do not do this, already small puppies will quickly understand that it is not necessary to follow the will of the owners. At the same time, it is categorically impossible to use gross physical influences: they only irritate the dogs and cause them anger.

Novice owners of Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dogs are very rare in our country. Nevertheless, the fee for 1 puppy, depending on the kennel and breeding class, is only 30-80 thousand rubles. For those who are not going to actively attend exhibitions, puppies with certain defects in the exterior are suitable.
Breeders and dog handlers agree that such dogs will have to be trained as early as possible, otherwise it is impossible to develop sufficient authority of the owners and instill discipline in pets. Of the negative properties of the breed, stubbornness is most often called, which greatly complicates training.

External heaviness should not be misleading. Italian Shepherds are distinguished by their agility and high mobility. It is not difficult for them to run many kilometers or climb steep rocks. Adults are distinguished by poise and composure. At an early age, dogs are prone to active hours of play, which is especially important when breeding in a family.

The attitude of the shepherd to other pets is calm, there is no harm to them. Even cats or other dogs living in the same house feel safe... There is not even the slightest risk for cats that accidentally walk into the yard, for chickens or rabbits. The dog is not happy with the hunt for them. Some dog handlers still do not recommend having this breed as pets when the family has small children.

However, in practice, this opinion is disputed by many. The experience of most people shows that you can safely leave the child under the control of the Abruzzo Shepherd. She will not let outsiders, and will prevent the unauthorized departure of children from the yard. But it must be borne in mind that the shepherd dog is friendly only to the children of the owners. Neighborhood or stranger kids may well be perceived as a threat or a source of irritation.

In the next video you can get acquainted with the unique abilities of the Maremma-Abruzian Shepherd Dog in training.