Shepherd mestizo: features, types and tips for choosing

Mestizos are often found in nature, both among humans and among animals. Mixing two different breeds of the same species can be random or deliberate to give the litter certain qualities. For example, a cross between a wolf and a shepherd dog can produce strong and hardy offspring, however, it can be wild and aggressive.
In history, there are examples of a cross between the German Shepherd Dog with Rottweilers, Great Danes, Siberian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Samoyeds, Golden Retrievers, Dachshunds and many other breeds. There were cases when multiple mixing of rocks led to the emergence of a new one. However, mestizos are not always recognized by national canine communities.

general characteristics
Metis is the offspring obtained by crossing two or more breeds. Such offspring, as a rule, surpass their parents in some parameters. For example, it becomes stronger, more resilient, less susceptible to diseases, less aggressive, and so on. It is also characteristic of hybrids that they give offspring both among themselves and with other breeds. Most often, the appearance of mestizos occurs as a result of human intervention, with the purposeful conduct of experiments on animals.

The resulting dog has the traits of both of its parents, but their combination often allows you to even get a new breed. Mixing of dog species can also occur randomly, especially in relation to mongrels or those dogs that are on the street without proper supervision.
Varieties of hybrids and their description
One example of hybrids is mestizo Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd... Many believe that the two breeds are close relatives, which is manifested by the presence of similar traits in appearance and behavior. However, breeders use these species to produce strong and strong puppies. Children from such "marriages" turn out to be massive, powerful and in appearance they are closer to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
Puppies have thick and strong muscular legs, a long and fluffy tail, which is often docked. The coat is dense, long, with a good undercoat layer, forms a “collar” around the head, and covers the rest of the body more evenly. There are the following colors: white, dark brown, gray, red or beige.

Stafford / German Shepherd Hybrids They are distinguished by an unpredictable character, high fighting skills, increased aggressiveness and stubbornness. At the same time, these are dogs from medium to large size, similar in appearance to the Staffordshire Terrier. Wool is usually short and does not cause any special problems for the owners. Such dogs are not recommended if there are children in the house.

Metis St. Bernard and Shepherd may not be found very often, but that does not mean that they are not popular. These are large-sized dogs, having a somewhat frightening appearance, however, by their nature, the dogs are calm, balanced, stress-resistant. Such dogs are excellent protectors and guards, as well as just loyal friends.

Puppies from chihuahua and german shepherd grow into small dogs, rather, they can be classified as small (if the shepherd's genes predominate, then the growth is slightly higher). Such dogs feel great in apartment conditions, love to play, sociable, intelligent and obedient.

When crossing a pit bull and a German woman, you get pretty cute puppies. They are characterized by calmness, pronounced protective properties. Most often, the coat color is brown, there may be black blotches, and the eyes of dogs are dark.

In the "marriage" of a boxer and a German lovely medium-sized puppies are born, loving children, distinguished by their friendliness and high guarding properties. However, these dogs can be stubborn.

Malamute when mixed with husky and german shepherd produces unusual offspring. In appearance, the mestizo can be mistaken for a wolf, however, the dog is not at all as dangerous as it might seem. Such dogs are friendly and get along well with children, their character is calm and balanced.

The Rottweiler can also be crossed with a German woman. The offspring is characterized by the following features: these are large animals, by their nature they are distinguished by curiosity, calmness, activity and mobility, self-confidence. Such dogs can show attempts to dominate the house in relation to other animals and even owners. The dog performs well protective and security work.

Hybrids of the West Siberian Laika and Shepherd - large and hardy animals capable of performing various tasks, including the role of a sled dog. They are very loyal pets with a keen sense of smell and hearing. Of the minuses of dogs, it can be noted that they can run away, obey poorly, are wayward and have little inclination to learn.

A cross between a Belgian (Malinois) and a German Shepherd is good for military service. Often they have a red color, in size - somewhat smaller than a German woman, which they resemble also in character. They are hardy animals capable of quickly developing running speed. Therefore, they are highly valued in the police services.

Doberman mestizos and German women have certain negative sides. For example, they do not tolerate loneliness poorly, need high physical exertion, react poorly to other animals on their "own" territory, and have an aggressive appearance. However, there are a lot of positive aspects: dogs get along with children, are quite calm and intelligent, easy to train, obedient, do not show unreasonable aggressiveness. Such mestizos have a high sentry and protective potential.

A mixture of a wolf and a German woman is distinguished by excellent health. However, it is rather difficult to obtain such offspring. Usually for this use "domestic" she-wolves and males of the German shepherd. The offspring are called wolves. Outwardly, they look more like their mother-wolf. Wolfdogs are excellent watchmen and hunters. Animals are well oriented in the terrain.

Mestizos from the East European and German Shepherd Dogs have the following characteristics: often exceed the height of their parents (the height at the withers can be more than 70 cm, and the weight - 60 kg), have a strong and muscular proportional body of dark colors (dark brown, black). They are calm and intelligent dogs, easy to train, great for family life, get along with children and love to play. The dog recognizes "his own", and treats strangers with caution, however, does not show unnecessary aggression.
Puppies look like fluffy plush toys. However, they have a persistent character, so you need to be careful and careful in dealing with them. They are characterized by willfulness, independence, fearlessness. Such dogs are stubborn, self-confident, freedom-loving. They can show aggressiveness and anger, are somewhat unpredictable. Therefore, it is important for them to pay a lot of attention from an early age, to gain credibility. Such dogs often obey only one master, and simply ignore the rest.

Uncontrolled mating of mongrels and German shepherds is a frequent occurrence. In such cases, shepherds are obtained. Such dogs are distinguished by good health, immunity to many pathogens, and do not require special care. They are unpretentious in food and living conditions. They are prone to learning and training, are distinguished by their loyalty and devotion to the owner.
A mixture of Akita Inu and German women produces offspring that are stubborn in double size, since both parents have such traits. However, these mestizo are excellent family dogs and get along with children. Raising puppies requires patience, consistency and self-confidence, time and care. In this case, the pet will grow up to be an excellent dog. Adult dogs belong to the category of large dogs, so a spacious house in the yard is better suited for living. Also, a separate important point is the necessary adequate physical activity. This cross is distinguished by increased energy, therefore walks should be appropriate.

The Siberian Shepherd is the result of mating a German Shepherd and a Husky. Also called shepski. They are hardy, intelligent, loyal, energetic, sociable, playful, obedient pets. They have highly developed protective and protective instincts. One of the important points is their thick and thick coat, which makes living in hot and warm climatic zones uncomfortable. The coat can be of the following colors: brown, gray, black, and the eyes are blue or dark, as well as different colors.

In size, Shepski are medium-sized dogs. Their height at the withers reaches 60-65 cm, and their body weight reaches 50 kg in males and 40 kg in females. Life expectancy is up to 13 years. However, with Shepski, certain difficulties may arise. Such dogs are difficult to control and educate, stubborn, can run away and engage in "theft". Also, the mixture of German and Husky is characterized by a long molting period and its abundance.

A cross between a shepherd and a corgi is characterized by short stature. However, they have a strong dominant character and stubbornness. Therefore, it will be important for the owner to become an authority and have strong willpower. Otherwise, training such a dog will not bring results.
How to choose?
When buying a dog, it is always important to remember that this is not only "want", but also responsibility for the life of another creature. It is easier to start communicating with your dog while it is still a puppy. In this case, the owner will be able to become a full-fledged authority and raise exactly the kind of pet that he needs. You need to understand that the dog requires attention and certain investments. This is time, emotions, and activities with the animal, and money (for example, for arranging a bed, food, vaccinations, and so on).

How to choose the right pet is an important question. Before going to the pet store, you should decide on what the pet will be: large and small, take into account the characteristics of the character, the type of coat (you may need a hypoallergenic dog). Then it is advisable, according to your criteria, to narrow the list to several breeds and study their description, read reviews of other owners. Some buyers dream of purebred pets, others this parameter is not so important and preference is given to a hybrid.

This may be due to the fact that the price of mestizo is usually less, with some characteristics better than the original breeds.
In order to distinguish a cross from a purebred dog, there are "helpers" - international breed standards. They describe what a representative of the subspecies should look like. If there are significant differences, then most likely it is a mestizo. In some dogs, this may be a decrease in the number of teeth or a change in the ratio between length and height of the body, a different color. Also, hybrids always have the outward signs of both of their parents. In any case, it is worth consulting with a specialist before purchasing a puppy.

General rules of content
For the life of large mestizos, a house with a plot on which a spacious booth will be located is suitable. Also, for such dogs, daily physical activity is required in the form of walks, games, running. Every year, as a preventive measure, the dog is examined by a veterinarian. For small dogs, it is possible to create comfortable conditions in the apartment. However, daily walks are essential.

Also, when raising any mestizo, it is important to take into account the fact that those traits that will appear brighter in a puppy depend only on the owner. You should not be rude or aggressive, even if the baby or adult pet does not obey. This will help to avoid the formation of such behavior in the animal itself.
In the diet, it is important to avoid those foods that can be poorly digested and absorbed due to the fact that genetically the parents of this mestizo did not eat them. The list of such products may include: smoked meats, bread and any flour products, yeast and dishes containing them, ketchup and mayonnaise, sugar, spices.
Long-haired half-breeds need regular brushing from 2-3 times a week to daily procedures (especially during molting), while it is recommended to use hard brushes. As you can see, such dogs have a wide range of qualities - both positive and negative.

It is impossible to negatively relate to their "uncleanness of blood", because this is the result of human intervention. And the future owner is responsible for the upbringing and life of the pet.
For information on how to choose the right shepherd mestizo, see the next video.