German Shepherd parameters: weight and height by month

The German Shepherd belongs to large breeds of service dogs. Usually weighs over 25 kg, which is a lot for her average height. The size of an adult depends on the stages of its development in infancy. Changes in height at the withers, weight, length of limbs and body lead to the formation of the dog's exterior as a whole.

What does the development of a puppy depend on?
The formation of the type of nervous system and the physical maturation of a puppy depends on many factors.
Heredity is very important. At conception, equally from both parents, it is transmitted to him:
- the weight;
- height;
- memory;
- taste priorities;
- learnability;
- temperament.

The development of the fetus in the womb is influenced by:
- high-quality selection of a dog for mating;
- care and maintenance of a pregnant bitch.
The first 4–8 weeks after birth are especially important in the development of the puppy.while the mother constantly feeds her cubs with milk. The breeder is fully responsible for this period.
It is important to know that babies cannot be weaned from their mother early, otherwise they will not receive the required amount of antibodies in breast milk. And this will have a bad effect on their future health and, accordingly, physical condition.

After a month and a half from birth, small pets need not only good feeding, but also sufficient socialization. This is the time of the appearance of a new owner and place of residence in the fate of the animal. The shepherd does not inherit its character, it is formed by the environment and society. Now the owner must ensure the correct conditions of detention:
- vaccinations and regular check-ups by a veterinarian;
- good nutrition;
- competent education;
- workout;
- a lot of attention.

Insufficient communication with a new family member will lead to severe nervousness and even panic in the German, mental and physical retardation will be traced. Such dogs must be discarded from the breed.
They can be helped by consistent therapy and training, but such dogs will no longer have the full characteristics of a thoroughbred German shepherd.
The entire period of physical maturation and formation ends by the year. But there is also a factor of individual development, which can end by 2 years, and for some individuals by 2.5-3. This refers to the psychological development of the shepherd dog.

As a result, the following factors influence the height, weight and other parameters of a German shepherd cub.
- Heredity... Dogs of different lines give birth to offspring of different sizes. Also, the speed of growing up and gaining weight depends on the parents.
- Intrauterine development. If the maintenance and nutrition of the mother is complete, then her offspring will receive all the vitamins and minerals necessary for proper development. And at the time of birth, the puppies will have the necessary height and weight, as well as good physical and psychological data.
- Sucking period. If, during the active feeding of the babies with breast milk, the mother ate properly, and the small shepherd dogs began to be fed on time, then they will correspond to the parameters of the norm in terms of their size and age by the time they move to a new home.
- The quality of feeding plays an important role. Food should be complete and suitable for the dog's age. Otherwise, the pet will regularly lack the required amount of minerals and trace elements that it needs for good growth and development.
- Content. German Shepherds, like dogs of other breeds, should not be kept chained or in an enclosure at all times. It is necessary to let them go for a walk, pay attention to them, communicate and conduct daily training. Otherwise, they will not have the possibility of physical development, and the psyche will become weak, which will affect the general condition of the animal.
- Diseases. The presence of infectious diseases in infancy, as well as the presence of parasites, can seriously affect growth. Therefore, you need to periodically visit the veterinarian, get vaccinated on time and monitor the health of the pet. And also to prevent contact with sick animals.

Tips for the owners of this breed for the correct development of the puppy:
- the dog must have two bowls: for food and water;
- the presence of the owner at feeding is desirable;
- it is imperative to communicate with the pet, he must feel the leader, you need to help in interacting with other people and animals;
- the physiological indicators of the pet should be monitored and the appearance of deviations should be recorded;
- you should not interfere with the shepherd dog to explore the world around him, objects, places for obtaining skills - this helps to develop patience and stress resistance;
- the process of education and training should begin from infancy.

Standard sizes
The main parameters approved by the Association of German Shepherd Lovers in Augsburg (this society is considered the founder of the breed):
- the average height of the animal;
- good muscle development;
- height at the withers;
- color of the nose (should be black);
- the shape of the ears (erect).
The length of the body (without tail) should be 10–17% greater than the height at the withers. And the circumference of the chest will be 5-7 cm more than the length of the body.

Standard measurements:
- weight at the age of 10-12 months - 31-34 kg;
- pastern girth - 12 cm;
- the height at the withers of the male is 60–65 cm, of the female - 55–62 cm;
- chest circumference - 74-75 cm;
- head length - 25 cm;
- head circumference - 29 cm.

The height of a one-year-old dog should not be higher than 63 cm, and the weight should exceed 30 kg - this is the standard.
A deviation from the norm by more than 1-3 kg and 2-3 cm speaks of the "looseness" of the shepherd dog and doubtfulness in the purity of the breed.
In general, the German Shepherd should be strong and muscular, with a robust build.

There should be no errors in the upbringing of a German, since he has a swift attack and increased viciousness (directed), which also applies to his merits. But without proper training, this can lead to dire consequences.
Also, the features of this breed include poise, strength and agility.
In order for a dog to fully show all its merits in the future, it needs to be properly looked after, to know all the stages of its development and to monitor its health.

Parameters by month
At birth, puppies should normally weigh: boys - 500 g, girls - 350 g. For a month, shepherd cubs will grow on average up to 20 cm and gain weight 5-6 times higher at birth. This is the most active period of growth.
The development of these dogs is uneven. From birth to three months old, this is a cute little puppy, round and clumsy. And at seven months he looks like a fully mature dog. But completely to physical and psychological formation is still very far away.

Below is a table of the dependence of the height and weight of German shepherds by month. Normal deviations are considered 150-200 g in the average parameters of height and weight. It depends on the number of puppies in the litter, on heredity and on the conditions in which the mother and offspring were kept.
Male weight, kg | Female weight, kg | Height at the withers, cm | Chest circumference, cm | Months |
3,5-4,2 | 3-3,3 | 19–21 | 28–31 | 1 |
8,5–9 | 7,5–8 | 32–38 | 46–49 | 2 |
14-14,2 | 12-12,3 | 40–48 | 56–59 | 3 |
19–20 | 16-16,4 | 47–56 | 60–64 | 4 |
22–23 | 20–21,8 | 51–58 | 65–70 | 5 |
24–26 | 22,5–23 | 52–60 | 68–72 | 6 |
24–26 | 23–26,8 | 53–61 | 72–74 | 7–9 |
28–32 | 27-27,6 | 54–62 | 72–75 | 10 |
33–34 | 28–29 | 54–62 | 75–76 | 11 |
33–34,5 | 30–32 | 55–63 | 75–76 | 12 |
By the age of two, the weight of a girl shepherd can reach 33.5 kg, and a boy - 40 kg.

The rapid growth of dogs of this breed occurs up to 4-6 months. Large babies lag behind a little, but by 2-3 months all babies in a litter are usually compared.
The development of a puppy by months can be roughly divided into 4 stages.
- Two to four months. There is a set of muscle mass. The bones themselves take 28 days to form, but by two months they are still very fragile. Their hardening occurs by four months.
- Four to six months. Muscle growth and bone strengthening continue. Compared to a newborn, a pet grows 7–8 times. At this stage, it cannot be overfed; with such a rapid development, this can lead to diseases and irreversible consequences.
- Six to eight months and up to one and a half years. The final strengthening of the skeleton takes place. Weight gain occurs by increasing muscle mass. Growth stops.

From six to ten months, males develop the ability to fertilize. Their testicles descend into the preputial sac. The growth in height continues only in males due to the growth of flat bones. The tubular bones are already formed in dogs of both sexes. In girls, growth at the withers almost stops, but the formation of reproductive organs is still ongoing. Although the appearance of the first estrus in a shepherd can occur as early as six months.
By one year, the animal is fully capable of having offspring. But experts recommend keeping your pet from early mating, since after mating, not only growth stops, but the exterior data also cease to form, which will be reflected in the cubs.
- The most responsible age is one to two years. The final transition from adolescent to young dog. At this stage, the complete formation of the central nervous system occurs. At this time, conflicts can occur between the pet and the owner.
- But even two year old dog cannot be considered fully adult yet.
- From birth to three years weight increases 90 times.
- With age, the dog does not lose its playfulness. This is an indicator of her health. Even an adult dog will be happy to play with the owner.

Dogs-record holders
There were many heroes among this breed. Their names are unknown, but we know that many of them fought in both world wars, both on the side of the Soviet army and on the side of the Germans.
These shepherd dogs are even in the Guinness Book of Records. For example, the dog Leo, who neutralized more than three hundred drug smugglers.

The largest specimen of this breed is marked at Charming Bear kennel. Her height is 65 cm, the maximum for a German shepherd, and her weight is just over 40 kg. She is a service dog. Possesses poise, mobile type of behavior and has a unique ability to various types of training.
The dog has such success due to the presence of a single owner, whom he trusts, and he takes care of her correctly. Also, the shepherd dog gets along well with children. She is well trained. Can handle criminals well. And also to be a guide for the blind.
The German Shepherd Dog, when properly trained, is an excellent outgoing dog that can get along with children and other animals in the house. However, you need to make a lot of effort to socialize your pet in order to save him and yourself from problems in the future.

Also, individuals of this breed are considered strong working dogs.
If this quality is the priority when choosing, it is better to buy a shepherd dog in a specialized nursery focused on this ability of the Germans.

For interesting facts about the German Shepherd, see below.