All About German Shepherds

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds. Each owner should know everything about the representatives of this breed in order to understand their behavior, character and the basics of proper upbringing.

Description of the breed
The German Shepherd breed appeared in a very short time. It took about a hundred years for these dogs to become very popular.
The exact origin of this breed is unknown. Some speculate that the descendant of dogs was an Indian wolf that lived in Western Europe several centuries ago. From this animal, a bronze dog was subsequently obtained. This is a beast in which the blood of domestic and wild individuals is mixed. The bronze dog lived in the fourth millennium BC.
Later, shepherd dogs appeared, which were domesticated by man. The breed was called Hovawart. It existed 2-4 centuries ago. Then dogs began to appear, which were called shepherds. But these representatives did not resemble the service breed that is currently known.

The history of the word "shepherd" is associated with the word "sheep". Sheepdogs were called dogs that were engaged in the protection of the sheepfold. Schäferhund - Sheepdog or Sheepdog, translated as "the dog that guards the flock." This suggests that the origin of the word was directly associated with the work of canines. Previously, Germany possessed a large number of pastures on which flocks of sheep grazed. Someone called the shepherd dogs shepherd dogs, and later such a word stuck.
In the 17th century, mentions of such dogs were discovered.It said that, according to the laws of the West German tribe of Alemanni, punishment was introduced for killing shepherd dogs. Since in the 18th century on the territory of Germany there was an active development of cattle breeding, to protect the herd, powerful dogs were required that could control the flock. Shepherd dogs in those days were well appreciated, so there was a fashion for breeding breeds with working qualities. At that time, no one looked at the external characteristics, and the dogs that were bred could be very different from each other.

The breeding process was of a commercial nature and was not accompanied by specific requirements in the standard. A little later, two kennels appeared, where shepherd dogs were bred - Thuringia and Württemberg. These are the most famous kennels, but dogs were bred throughout Germany.
In these nurseries, the animals have acquired their characteristic features. Thuringian individuals had the following qualities:
- average height;
- wolf color;
- ring-shaped tail;
- sharp ears.

These shepherd dogs were more attractive than dogs from Württemberg, which were distinguished by a balanced disposition (the Thuringian ones were famous for a more lively character), large size, drooping ears and colored spots all over the body. Although the animals differed among themselves, people still crossed these individuals and added other breeds to them.
In 1882, shepherd dogs were first introduced as German. They were two males Kiras and Greif, which had a light gray color. The animals generated excitement for their personalities, so the dog breeders began to think about selection. Thanks to the Thuringian nursery, individuals appeared in the world who became the ancestors of the breed. Later the bitch Prima with the male Pollux, similar in color to wolves, gave birth to puppies, which began to participate in exhibitions.
In 1891, a community emerged, where connoisseurs of the "Germans" gathered. It existed for a short time, but managed to interest other people. In this association, the formation of the first standard of the German Shepherd took place. Thanks to the work of one of the community organizers, who was engaged in pedigree breeding, the key developments of the breed were preserved.

In 1899, the history of the German Shepherd began. At this moment, Max von Stefanitz (retired officer) saw an individual that was able to capture all the positive features of the breed. The officer bought a dog for himself and gave him the nickname Horand von Grafard. This dog began to be used for breeding work in the main community for the "Germans".
Max trained to be a veterinarian. Ever since childhood, he watched the shepherd dogs that watched the flocks of sheep. He wanted to create an ideal dog that would become the best representative among four-legged shepherds. When Max retired, he started breeding and took his new job seriously. Thanks to him, an alliance of the owners of the "Germans" was formed. Max von Stefanitz is the first person who did not try to find a monetary benefit from breeding a German Shepherd.

The acquired dog had unique characteristics in all respects, and its owner bred elite individuals. To get the result, he carefully selected females for breeding, traveled throughout the country in order to find the right individuals and interacted with nurseries. A century later, his union will become the most impressive community in its category. The retired officer was able to develop standards that became the reference.
In the 19th century, the number of pastures began to decrease, and the need for shepherds subsided. Therefore, in 1901, Max began to promote the "Germans" in military units and civilian services. Dogs began to work in the police and the army. Such a move received a response due to the fact that the breeders worked out the temperament of the animals.

The union, created by a retired officer, helped the German Shepherd to gain fame not only in Germany, but also in other countries. However, dogs were bought by different people who could breed individuals with defects, with an unstable character.
In 1925, the union held a conference at which the breeders decided to work on returning the standards. The breeders chose the champions of the shows of different years, and the male Claudo von Boxberg became the leader in terms of indicators. He is the founder of key genetic lines. This dog has become a dividing line between the approved standards that existed before and will be present in the future.

Appearance in Russia
In 1904 German Shepherds were introduced to Russia. They were used as orderlies during the war between Russia and Japan. In 1908, this breed has already participated in competitions between police dogs.
In 1924, a consignment of animals was imported for the border service and the NKVD. This was not a very good idea, since the project was introduced at a time when the canine crisis came to the USSR. The lack of decent breeders, along with poor representatives and uncontrolled crossbreeding, made it impossible to achieve the western standard in the breed.
In the post-war period, it was decided to use the "Germans" for the Soviet Army. However, at that moment Germany was inaccessible to Russian dog handlers, and all manipulations were carried out with the dogs that remained after the retreat of the German troops. Dog handlers faced not only low-quality samples, but also the negative attitude of the Russian people to the word "German". The role of animals in punitive squads also affected.

In 1946, the breed was named the East European Shepherd Dog. This decision was made so that there was no specific attitude towards the dog. Since business contact with German dog handlers was not possible, the breeds being bred did not meet European standards. The adjustment of the standard took place only in 1989.
In 1970, dogs began to arrive from Germany. They did not live up to Western standards in appearance, but did not closely resemble the East European Shepherd Dogs. In 1980, the cost of the "Germans" became lower, and Soviet dog handlers were able to bring new representatives into the country. With the help of colossal work, dog handlers were able to obtain a breed of dog, which currently bears the name of the German Shepherd.

Advantages and disadvantages
The popular breed of dog has many positive qualities that every person who plans to have such an animal should familiarize themselves with.
The advantages include the following characteristics.
- High level of intelligence.
- Sheepdogs are renowned for their good learning ability. They easily learn new exercises and can learn in almost all areas of training.
- Pickyness along with unpretentiousness in relation to the conditions of detention. The animals quickly adapt to the new environment.
- The innate skills of a security guard.
- Non-conflict. A dog of this breed will not unreasonably show signs of aggression towards a stranger and is able to get along normally with animals of other species.
- Versatile performance characteristics.
- Vigor, high level of endurance.

If the pet goes through competent education, it will delight its owner with conflict-free behavior and balanced character, thanks to which he will become friendly not only to other dogs living with him under the same roof, but also to cats. If the "German" is not in danger, he will never show aggression towards small breeds of dogs. However, in the opposite situation, Shepherd dog will show dedication, protecting himself and his loved ones.

Among the disadvantages are the following features.
- High level of activity.
- The German Shepherd Dog is constantly in need of mental and physical activity. Also, the animal needs to walk daily.
- Training a dog will require training skills.
- The breed can be placed in the biting category if you neglect the rules of raising and socializing your four-legged friend.
- Keeping a shepherd dog in a small apartment will be problematic.

German Shepherds are hypermobile animals that require spaciousness along with long walks. When walking your pet, you should remember about the load. People who choose this breed should be ready to walk in any weather. For this reason, "Germans" are advised to people with an active lifestyle. For busy people who have little free time, this breed of dog is not suitable.
"German" cannot live without a load. A bored animal that does not receive sufficient mental stress will soon become uncontrollable and aggressive. Sheepdog is not a dog that will sleep on the couch most of its life. She needs to constantly do something and be involved.

Therefore, it is important to understand that you need to deal with the animal, train it on an ongoing basis.
Such a dog is not suitable for an inexperienced dog breeder. She will need a strict, patient and competent approach. A four-legged friend often becomes stubborn, demonstrating protest in following directions. When puberty begins, if the owner has not been able to socialize and raise his pet, the animal may begin to demonstrate its superiority and try to take a leadership position. An obedient dog can become uncontrollable, which is fraught with danger not only for the owner himself, but also for those around him.

Since dogs are active and too energetic, as well as large, keeping in a small apartment is not suitable for them. This is a large dog that needs space. However, this does not mean that it cannot be kept at home. If the area of the dwelling allows, and the owner has time for long walks, The German Shepherd will feel good in the house too. Ideal conditions for keeping are a private house with an aviary equipped on the adjacent territory.

The positive and negative characteristics of the German Shepherd described above will help determine whether such a dog is suitable for a particular person. The advantages of the animal are much greater than the disadvantages, and all the disadvantages are associated with the lifestyle of a person that will not suit the temperament of such a dog.
There are several types of German Shepherds, the difference between which lies in the external characteristics and features of temperament.
- The working line contains Belgian and Danish directions... However, this line does not include breeds such as the Belgian Malinois or Danish Shepherd. These representatives were taken out for sports and office events. Representatives of the line are often used in the following areas:
- police;
- military service;
- search and rescue service;
- service-search service.
This variety is suitable for people who need a working dog or a sport companion. Despite the fact that such "Germans" do not seem to everyone to be elegant dogs, they are characterized by a good physique along with physical strength. Available in black, tricolor, black-brown and sable colors. By their nature, dogs are characterized by increased aggression.

- East German line. This line was created on the basis of individuals that were in East Germany after the end of World War II. They are distinguished by a good physique, a wide range of performance characteristics. The presence of a heavy bone, a large head and a serious character can be noted. Some representatives of this line may be particularly aggressive.
At the moment there are dog breeders who are working to preserve the purity of the "orientalists". But in most cases, they are mixed with other working rulers in order to get the most capable representatives of the breed.

- Slovak or Czech. The line was drawn in Czechoslovakia on the basis of working dogs. The origin of the direction is the East German ruler. The animals were bred to walk quickly, so angular body shapes along with an elongated body can be noted.
Dogs are characterized by a softer temperament with variable activity. Weak nervous system and health can be noted. Now breeders are trying to develop herding skills in this line, which will require agility and obedience.

- English. It originates from the old line, representatives of which were exported to the islands of Britain before the post-war German individuals appeared there. The dogs had a massive and heavy bone, the body was long, and the shoulders were beautiful. The character of individuals was distinguished by its softness and inconstancy.
Representatives of such a line were exploited by the police services, and also used to work as guides. But in the future, the breed was supplanted by the exhibition German line.

- White Swiss. White is considered the dominant hidden gene. If it manifests itself, such representatives are subject to disqualification in a number of countries. However, there were connoisseurs of white dogs who tried to achieve recognition of this line. Thanks to their efforts, the FCI recognized it as a distinct breed, which is now called the Swiss Shepherd. On the territory of North America, white shepherds are still considered German or they are called American white shepherds.
Dogs are characterized by good build, soft character. These are large animals, if compared with other species, they can be used as guide dogs or service dogs. White does not affect the health of dogs and is not considered albinism.
However, individuals are required to have a dark eye color and a black nose. Lips, claws and paw pads should also be dark in color.

- Panda. This line shows spontaneously appearing black spots in the form of a scattering on the face. This line of "Germans" is an example of a resistant type of autosomal inheritance based on one gene. Dogs have excellent body composition and a stable psyche. Individuals have practically no physiological deficiencies.
Any color except blue is allowed in this line. However, all breeders who experiment with colors should be aware that the standard does not provide for the registration of an accidental coat color.

- Sheepdogs without a mask... They look like simple shepherd dogs, only without a black mask. In some individuals, dots of light or dull color may appear on the limbs, chest or muzzle. Also, spots can show themselves as sable or white patterns.

- Shilon Sheepdog. The development of the line took place in America, as an increased interest began to appear in the exhibition specimens. In this line, they tried to revive the original qualities of the typical "Germans". To create a larger dog, breeders combined the Alaskan Malamute with the Sharplanan Sheepdog. As a result of such an experiment, a dog was presented, the height at the shoulders of which was 30 cm. The dog could not pass along the AKC line, but was recognized by the international registration system in Shilokh.

- Long-haired line. The recessive gene for long hair is found in every line and can show itself as excessive hairiness when compared to traditional hair. In Germany, long hair will be a reason for disqualification. Due to these requirements for wool in Central Europe, this line began to develop.Such dogs could not be registered, but they are still used in service dog breeding in the role of shepherds and police officers.

- Royal. This line is an example in which American dog handlers tried to obtain huge individuals with long hair. To get large dogs, Malamute and Akita, along with other varieties, participated in crossing. The ARBA recognized breed standard provides for a strong build along with large size. The animal is often used as a family pet or a walking companion. The temperament of individuals is soft and flexible, so they are not suitable for service.

- Old-style. This breed is characterized by a height of over 30 cm at the withers and a weight in excess of 100 pounds. A flat, straight back and a soft temperament are also assumed. Most of the representatives of this line are long-haired.

- Dwarf. This line is not a miniature copy of the traditional "Germans", but just a genetic defect called short stature. Because of it, dogs can suffer from various health problems. Such defects can appear in any breed of dog, therefore such animals are observed under strict veterinary control.

- Old German. These are born shepherds who are very popular in Germany. Different colors and hair lengths are allowed.

Character traits
"Germans" are considered the most highly intelligent and intelligent dogs. In the international ranking of dogs, they are in third place. If you approach the issue of training correctly, you can get a pet that quickly grasps new skills and is able to cope with any task that may seem impossible for other breeds. Versatility is prized in service dog breeding. Thanks to their well-developed intuition, along with a keen sense and poise, such dogs are valued as guide dogs.
The high intelligence of this breed is not combined with the desire to be independent or stubborn. The German Shepherd enjoys playing various games, learning exercises and getting to know new territories. The "German" does not like solitude, but he is able to wait patiently for his owner. To make the dog feel good she needs constant loads in the form of games and long walks. Also, such pets need human society.

The innate guarding instinct is one of the important features of this breed. For this reason, dogs are wary of strangers, but not aggressive. Devotion to one's family is also a fundamental characteristic. The animal is ready to sacrifice its life in order to protect its owner. It reacts to any manifestation of danger instantly and with adequacy.
Children are friends for "Germans" and they are happy to play with them. However, you should not leave the child alone with the dog, since the pet is not always able to assess its strength and size. The German Shepherd will be zealous in safeguarding the entrusted property and property of its owner. As a bodyguard, such dogs showed themselves to be at a good level.

In order to achieve the necessary skills from the dog, it should be trained in OKD, after which you can proceed to the protective guard service.
Resentment is not inherent in shepherd dogs, so they are not able to do something in spite, even if they are very offended. "German" is a sensitive, sincere and noble friend who will be a good companion. Some individuals may be stubborn and disobey their owner, but they will not do this in order to show their leadership.
By nature, such dogs are sociable and quickly cope with socialization. Nobody can say about the German Shepherd that she is "on her own mind." The consistency of actions is always simple and accessible. For this reason one should be engaged in raising a dog from early childhood in order to guarantee predict the behavior of his four-footed friend.

Sometimes the pet can be too nervous and aggressive towards strangers. Superbly developed guard instincts are a positive trait, but they always need to be directed in the right direction. The dog is obliged to adequately respond to any circumstances, not to rush at others. Many owners complain about the large amount of barking that comes from their pet. In order not to face such a problem, you need to deal with the issue of socialization and not delay it.

How to choose?
German Shepherd puppies are very cute and difficult to cope with emotions by choosing a four-legged friend according to the rules, not the dictates of the heart.
- The first step is to decide what the dog is being purchased for. Some people decide that they need a purebred individual with which they will attend exhibitions, engage in breeding, but then abandon this venture. As a result, shepherd dogs with an excellent pedigree and good conformation live their whole life in an aviary, although they could bring many benefits.
- Some people, on the contrary, want to make a friend, but after the purchase they become interested in exhibitions. However, if a pet was chosen for the soul, it may not meet the exterior requirements and not be suitable for participation in exhibitions. For this reason, you should decide in advance on the decision so as not to be disappointed.
- For exhibitions it is not enough to buy a puppy from a kennel with a good pedigree, you should study the history of breeding "Germans" and familiarize yourself with the profitable breed lines. Each nursery has its own characteristics that you need to get acquainted with. There are a large number of kennels in Russia where German shepherds are bred. They are found in different parts of the country, including the territory of Altai and Siberia.
- Also, when choosing a puppy, you should familiarize yourself with breeding laws, according to which shepherd dogs were required to be tested. The tests include kerung, which is a selection method. The nervous system is studied along with conformation and performance. You can ask the breeder for the results of this test in order to know information about the parents of the future puppy.
- Choosing a purebred dog is not easy. However, if you take an undocumented puppy, you may encounter flaws in the standard, temperament, and the animal may also have hereditary diseases.
- It is best to choose a pet between the age of one and a half to three months. The puppy will have time to grow up and will be able to quickly get used to the new environment. It is not recommended to purchase an adult animal, as addiction problems may arise.

How to name?
"Germans" must be called correctly. The name for the pet should be selected in accordance with the size of the animal, its gender. You should not call the animal nicknames that are suitable for babies, it will look a little ridiculous when the dog grows up. The name should be short, bright, because it is a signal for the dog. You can take as a basis the name indicated on the puppy card, use its shortened variation.
There are several rules for choosing a nickname for a dog:
- don't choose human names;
- it is undesirable to call the pet by the name of a deceased four-footed friend;
- by the name it should be clear what gender the animal is.

If a female dog is selected, you can use the following nickname options:
- Alpha;
- Ira;
- Alma;
- Barefoot;
- Bertha;
- Greta;
- Grace;
- Glory;
- Gita;
- Jesse;
- Desi;
- Judy;
- Zara;
- Ilda;
- Bark;
- Christa;
- Whale;
- Lime;
- Leah;
- Margot;
- Myrtle;
- Mayla;
- Nacy;
- Oh yeah;
- Palm;
- Ritsa;
- Cindy;
- Taiga;
- Tana;
- Frida;
- Ayra;
- Emma;
- Utah;
- Yalta.

For a boy, you can choose the following options:
- Akbar;
- Ajax;
- Ars;
- Boyard;
- Baron;
- Walter;
- Graph;
- Grant;
- Hex;
- Gray;
- Dax;
- Dick;
- Jack;
- Don;
- Dolph;
- Jean;
- Jacques;
- Zip;
- Zeus;
- Carat;
- Karay;
- Colt;
- Coconut;
- Lord;
- Suite;
- Oscar;
- Pirate;
- Ron;
- Ralph;
- Ram;
- Rick;
- Skye;
- Tyson;
- Thor;
- Phil;
- Felix;
- Caesar;
- Chuck;
- Eric;
- Yard.

Content rules
Newborn puppies need practically nothing but the presence of the mother and her milk. When a baby appears in a new home, you should take care of his safety and take some measures to prepare the home. This is due to the fact that puppies are very curious, active and can not only ruin furniture items, but also harm themselves.
To avoid undesirable consequences, you will need to take into account the following nuances.
- All furniture must be sturdy. Flimsy items are removed or hardened.
- Small toys must also be removed from the animal's field of vision. The puppy will break them in any case and may injure the esophagus if the splinter is accidentally swallowed.
- All things that the baby can reach should be removed.
- Sockets and wires must be hidden and protected.
- To prevent a small pet from sharpening its teeth on unnecessary items, you should give him exercise equipment, which can be purchased at any pet store. They are bovine bones, ropes and balls. Several toys will distract the animal's attention from expensive items.
- Slippery floors should be covered as the puppy has weak legs that can injure.

Thanks to its coat, the animal is able to live not only indoors, but also outdoors. For outdoor maintenance, an aviary will be required, in which there will be a warm booth. Walls must be protected from wind.
When the dog comes into the house, it should immediately have its own place. If the pet will live in the house, you can't let him sleep on the couch... Puppies grow quickly, and if a small lump on the couch looks cute, then a German shepherd, whose age is 5 months, not everyone will like. For the lounger, it is preferable to choose natural materials that are easy to clean. There should be no heating appliances near the place of the animal.
You can walk your pet on the street only after he is vaccinated. Leash training begins at two months. At the same time, violence is excluded - the puppy should not be afraid of accessories.
In the future, a muzzle must be introduced into use. When your pet is 1 year old, you can walk it on a harness. Previously, it is not recommended to do this, since the skeleton of a young dog has not yet formed.

What to feed?
The number of feedings depends on the age of the animal. For a two-month-old puppy, six feedings will be enough, up to four months it is recommended to feed 4 times a day, up to six months - 3 times. An older dog can eat twice a day.
Until the German Shepherd is 6 months old, it is important to ensure that all the necessary nutrients are present in its diet. Food must contain calcium. This is due to the fact that at the age of 3-6 months the puppies grow very quickly, and already at the age of six months a dog can grow up to 55 cm at the withers (the height of an adult is 65 cm).
The diet of a "German" should consist of meat, offal, and poultry. You can feed your pet boiled fish without bones. Rice, millet, oatmeal or buckwheat cereals are allowed. You can add croutons. If fresh fruit is added, the body's response to it should be monitored.

Many owners feed their pets with dry food. Preference should be given to products of proven brands with the necessary set of all elements. There are specialized lines designed for German Shepherds. When feeding with ready-made feed the dog should be provided with constant access to fresh water.

Pasta, legumes, smoked food should not be given to the dog. Also, you should not feed your pet with sweets, pickles, food that is too hot or cold. Animals are also not allowed to eat spicy foods.
How to care?
As for the basic rules of care, they are as follows:
- a shepherd dog needs to be combed out, like any other breed;
- as it becomes dirty, the animal should be bathed, the procedure is carried out using a special shampoo for washing dogs;
- ears and eyes should be checked regularly;
- if the claws do not grind on their own and cause discomfort to the pet, it is recommended to trim them;
- a preventive examination by a veterinarian should be carried out at least twice a year.

How to educate?
Despite the fact that German Shepherds are considered very intelligent animals, they definitely need to be educated and trained. The upbringing process should begin from the first day of the pet's life in the house. You can captivate the kid with a playful form of learning and treats as a reward.
The owner must show the dog that he is in charge of the family. In this case, you can not switch to screaming and beat the animal. If the dog has significant defects in behavior, and the owner does not know how to fix it, you should contact the dog handler. The animal must go through the OKD and know the elementary commands: "to me", "sit", "lie down", "walk", "place", "fu", "aport". Also, the pet must indifferent to the food that is lying on the street.
Once your dog's bones are stronger, you can start overcoming obstacles. It should always be remembered that psychological maturity is reached rather late - at the age of three.

Even a young individual, which in its external parameters does not differ in any way from an adult dog, is at heart a vulnerable puppy, for which care and encouragement from its owner is important.
Owner reviews are in most cases positive. Almost everyone who sees a German Shepherd falls in love with it. These are beautiful dogs, the energy and strength of which delight and always attract attention. They are active and cheerful.
Owners of "Germans" report that dogs literally grasp all commands on the fly and carry them out with pleasure. The pet is in a good mood and shows readiness for any movement. He is ready to walk with a person for hours and will gladly bring him a wand and run on a bike ride.

Other people talk about excellent security performance. Dogs selflessly guard the territory and will never let a stranger in. At the same time, on the street, they do not show aggression towards people and other animals.
The German Shepherd gets along well with the child and will play with him. You do not have to worry about the animal rushing at the baby or hurting him. The "German" also shows patience and loyalty to other pets. If we talk about negative aspects, then this is an extra barking, which is often associated with the fact that the animal has been alone for a long time or has received insufficient education.

See the following video for German Shepherd facts.