German shepherd dogs of a zonal color: types and nuances of content

The predominant color of the very first breeds was precisely the zonal. It represents dark and light areas of the coat, with the addition of gray and reddish colors. In the wild, such shades are very beneficial, because they help the animal to camouflage, which is very convenient for hunting. We will talk about how a German shepherd dog of a zonal color looks today, what features and characteristics it has, in our article.

Origin story
For a long time, the zonal tone prevailed among the colors in German shepherds. This color has its origins in antiquity. The ancestor of this breed had a very spectacular appearance, a bright zone-gray color was passed on to most of the descendants.
German shepherds of this color were found everywhere at the beginning of the 20th century. However, time and fashion have done their job. Now at exhibitions, special attention is paid to dogs with black-and-back colors. For this very reason, representatives of the zonal color breed rarely occupy the upper steps of the podium in competitions in which appearance is assessed.
But among other "Germans", zonal coloring is still predominant.... This applies, for example, to work lines, participants in training competitions and others.
In fairness, it must be said that breeders are still not going to completely abandon representatives of this color, because it has a direct impact on the quality of pigmentation, enhancing it. The effect is fixed for many years.

Is it a marriage?
Zonal colors should in no way be considered a marriage, except for those moments when light gray shades are not too pronounced. She now predominates in the working lines of the breed and is very much appreciated by dog handlers. People who work with these animals say that German Shepherds of this color are more hardy and perform better than dogs of other colors, however, this theory has not been scientifically supported.
The use of the zoning color in German breeding helps to consolidate the pigmentation. And this means that breeders cannot afford to abandon the representatives of the breed of zone colors.

Cynologists believe that dogs of a zonal color are the best representatives of the breed, since they took the most necessary qualities from their ancestors. German Shepherds of this color have a stable nervous system, courage and determination. They are very active, natural guards, and also very level-headed.

Owners of zoner Germans should keep in mind that dogs are very loyal to both the owner and other family members, they are obedient and friendly to loved ones. However, in relationships with strangers, shepherds tend to be wary and distrustful. At the same time, dogs do not behave aggressively without a serious reason. This applies to both interaction with humans and with other animals.
The orientation of the breed towards humans is beyond doubt. The Germans lend themselves well to training and clearly follow the master's commands.
A well-bred dog understands well that aggression is possible only in exceptional cases - when danger threatens the owners or their property. In this case, the shepherd will do everything to protect the person.

Features of the breed
German Shepherd males are about 60-65 centimeters tall, bitches are slightly smaller - 55-60 centimeters. At the same time, their weight is 30-40 and 22-32 kilograms, respectively. The body of animals is slightly stretched, the head is not very large and wedge-shaped, tapering closer to the nose. Wide ears resemble a triangle in shape, set rather high, pointed tips.
The almond-shaped eyes of the Germans are dark brown in color. The neck is not too long, the angle of rise is about 45 degrees. When running, it bends, and if the animal is alert, on the contrary, it rises slightly. The back is broad and muscular.
The front legs of German Shepherds are straight and straight, the hind legs are slightly shorter and very well developed. The tail is in the shape of a saber, slightly curved. The coat depends on the type of animal, in some cases it is stiff and short, in others it is rather long and much softer, with a well-developed or, on the contrary, a dim undercoat.

Varieties of shades
If we consider the zonal color, we can distinguish two of its groups, which are considered to be the main ones. One of them includes zone-gray, the other - zone-red representatives of the breed. Let's consider the characteristics in more detail.
- Zone-gray dogs were especially popular in the 20th century. Now this color is much less common. The specimens that represent it are darker than the classic ones, their sides and back are almost black. There is a dark mask on the face. The lighter coat is found on the chest, paws and abdomen.

- As for the zone-red dogs, they have much fewer connoisseurs. This color is not always recognized by cynologists, although it is approved by the list of the Russian Cynological Federation. Zonal rufous individuals have very dark, almost black head, back and sides. There may be a dark mask on the face. But the paws, belly and chest have a rich brownish-reddish hue. Also, red hair is found on the face and behind the ears.

As puppies grow older, their pigmentation is more pronounced. For example, babies with a red zone color have light red or light brown areas of the body. Over time, they become more and more vivid.Zonar-gray Germans at a tender age look completely inconspicuous, the richness of the color appears a few months later, when the puppies are already adolescents.

Life expectancy and health
It is very important for each owner to know what the life expectancy of his pet will be. On average, for German shepherds, this figure is kept at the level of 10-14 years. The breed's immunity is quite strong, dogs are in good health. However, there may be a tendency to a number of diseases.
Among the most common diseases of the zoner Germans, one can note digestive problems, allergies, eczema and dermatitis. Difficulties with the hip joints may occur. The ears are also a vulnerable spot, which is why the dog may develop otitis media.
Serious infections can pose a serious threat to the health, and even the life of a pet. Therefore, experts recommend showing German shepherds to veterinarians on time and not giving up the necessary vaccinations. Without vaccinations, the risk of disease increases and the dog is advised not to leave the house.

Care rules
Caring for zonal Germans is usually not difficult for the owners. These are rather unpretentious animals. During the molting period, the shepherd dog must be brushed every day, at normal times it is enough to carry out this procedure 3-4 times a week. For combing out, you can use a furminator or a special mitten.

Your pet's eyes, ears and mouth should be examined every day for contamination and possible inflammation. Cleaning is done as needed. The clipping procedure for this breed is usually irrelevant, walking is enough, in which they grind on hard surfaces on their own. However, if necessary, you can use a regular nail clipper.
Bathing should also not be abused. Detergents can cause an allergic reaction. For a zonal German, it will be enough to take water procedures once every 2-3 months.

Price range
The cost of zonar shepherd puppies depends on many factors. Among them: the presence of a pedigree, the region of sale, the quality of the animal. On average, you will have to pay from 20 to 50 thousand rubles for such a baby. It will be a dog with documents.
Since the price is influenced by the quality of the blood, the price range is very diverse. Some representatives of the breed are offered to buy for 1.5-2 thousand dollars. To be sure that a purebred dog is purchased, experts recommend contacting nurseries for purchase. This is a guarantee of quality.

How to choose?
Before you start choosing a zone shepherd dog, the owner will need to decide for what purpose he needs such a dog. These can be show animals, animals for work or sports. It is recommended to purchase only puppies that have pedigree documents. If you are planning to have a working dog, it is worth checking with your parents for training diplomas. They also need their medical certificates confirming the absence of hereditary pathologies.
You can not pay attention only to the external characteristics of the animal. His health and psyche are of great importance. The puppy should be of normal size and weight, be active, mobile, and also have a keen interest in the world around him. When purchasing a dog for a show, it is recommended to pay attention to medium-sized babies. TOIt is categorically not recommended to buy puppies with signs of illness.

Thus, we can conclude that The German Shepherd Dog of the zonal color is a loyal friend and reliable assistant who can cope with a wide variety of tasks. The doggie has a mind and tenacious memory, is very efficient and quick-witted. However, this color is not popular at exhibitions.Therefore, the main condition for the choice should be the purpose for which such a four-legged pet appears in the house.

Further you can take a closer look at the puppies of the German shepherd dog of the sounder color.