German shepherd color options

One of the smartest and most sought-after dog breeds around the globe is the Shepherd. These animals are also distinguished by a special devotion to the owner. They love children, and children love them. And this, despite the fact that they are war dogs. We are used to seeing the most popular among shepherd dogs - German. Yes, and hearing the word "shepherd dog" immediately appears a beauty of black-brown color. But this is not the only possible color of the coat - there are others, more unusual ones. They will be discussed in our article.

Genes and alleys are not a fully explored topic. It is sometimes unclear why the dog has this particular color. The pigment responsible for the color of the coat is melanin. In turn, it is already divided into two pigments, which are responsible for dark and reddish colors. Among the options for reddish shades, yellows can also appear. We will try not to delve much into the nature of genes, but we will still consider a little.
There are two types of genes: dominant and suppressed. Dominant is the main one. Accordingly, most of the dog will be influenced by this particular gene. The suppressed gene is secondary. Thanks to him, spots, lines, patterns will appear.
But in most cases, the presence of these two types indicates that only the dominant gene will manifest itself, but the suppressed one will remain unnoticed.
The location of the genes is a division of the chromosome. There are only 12 such departments, and the variations of genes in each department are from 2 to 6. It is not necessary that all these genes will be in each department.

German Shepherds are classified into several types - the so-called lines. Each line is a breeding site for a given breed. There are about 10 such lines in total. Each line differs from each other in its location and pattern. There are a lot of color options.
The most popular line is West Germany, or rather the high one. There are working lines. Belgian and Danish German Shepherds belong to them.
The Eastern German line, Czech, American and even Old American are widespread. Among the unusual lines, the panda stands out especially. This dog has an incredible black and white color, reminiscent of the coloring of a panda. There are also varieties without a mask. Such shepherd dogs do not have the usual pattern on the face.
And to make it clearer, you should consider all the most basic types of German shepherd colors.

Main types of color
The coat color of the German Shepherd is usually approximately the same. But sometimes it is not immediately possible to understand that it is a shepherd dog in front of you, and not some other breed of dog. The difference can be in the length and hardness of the coat, as well as in the pattern.
The unusual name hides the black color of the coat on the back. The belly, neck and paws can be of several colors: from grayish to red. On the face, as if wearing a mask to match the back.

A type of color not recognized in the world community, it is rare, but it does not belong to a rare color.

Wolf (or zone)
From the name it is clear that the colors are similar to wolves. In another way, the color is called zonal. The color on the hairs of the coat is arranged in rings. Each of the hairs is black at the end, followed by a yellow color, black again, and a lighter shade closes this ring. Erect ears and an elongated muzzle - all this is combined in this type of shepherd.

We are most used to such shepherd dogs. In this case, there is a combination of dark brown with light yellow-orange.

Quite a rare species. May appear in parents of standard colors, but is not considered a malfunction in genetics. The dark brown color and long coat have a rich combination.

Black and tan
This type of wool occurs quite often in nature. It can be either weakened or darkened, saturated. Most often, the black and tan color is considered a color option - a black dog with brown spots. This suit is very similar to the colors of the Doberman.

Rare options
Among all colors, there are always exceptions - the rarest colors that nature uses to give an unusual appearance to the German shepherd. Let's get acquainted with them.
Elite and exclusive color - black. It is very difficult to find such a dog, because in the whole world there are less than 4% of them. The color looks very noble, at first glance you cannot say that this is a German shepherd dog. This color, combined with the docile nature and ease of learning, is one of the favorite combinations of dog breeders.
Black German Shepherds gradually became a rarity, as they were mated with relatives of a black-backed shade. Thus, there were very few black-haired dogs.
The most interesting thing is that at the birth of a puppy, it is impossible to determine what color it will be in the future, as there is a constant change in shade. The color becomes clear only when the dog is overgrown with the upper coat. There are exceptions when the color of the puppy from childhood remains the same for life.

This color is even less common in the nature of shepherd dogs. Moreover, this is the appearance of an additional gene that simply contributes to the weakening of the black pigment. The breeders consider such a dog to be defective. Outwardly, on the contrary, the dog looks very cute and unusual. In addition, these dogs have blue eyes.

Very beautiful color scheme that looks great on the dog. This color is also rejected. Sometimes it has a red tint or just goes red, which is also not the norm and standard. But the black-and-back color interspersed with red is very much even welcomed.

Perhaps the most controversial type of color. It is recognized only in the USA and Canada. A separate white breed was specially bred there.Throughout the world, this color is also a marriage.
Such a dog cannot be called an albino, that is, the white color is not a mutation or a deviation in health. The eyes of a dog are necessarily dark, like the nose and mouth. All shepherd dogs are very peaceful towards their owners and small children, but they are wary and distrustful of strangers. White shepherd dogs are more calm in relation to strangers, and when training, an approach to upbringing requires a more loyal one than to relatives.

When do shepherd dogs change their coat color?
Like changing teeth, the very first molt is very important for the animal, including the German Shepherd. During this period, the smooth coat is replaced by the hard coat of an adult. The onset of molt can be observed at approximately 3.5–4 months. By the age of 7 months, you can see the already clearly outlined saddlecloth. By 10 months, growth at the withers ends, but the animal is not yet considered an adult dog.
Finally, she becomes an adult by one year. From this moment on, its color will no longer change.
Puppies are born very cute, plump. The number in one litter can reach twelve! And everyone will most likely look about the same. Only with age will each puppy show its own unique color. And from birth until about three weeks of age, they all have approximately the same appearance - a pointed muzzle, a large black nose and a short shiny coat.

Starting from the first week, the pet's coat needs special care. Bathing 2-3 times a week is obligatory, as well as combing out after it. During periods of moulting of the dog, the requirements increase: combing is mandatory daily. For this, you can use either a furminator, which is very convenient for animals with wool of different lengths, or a metal comb. The second one is less convenient, but, perhaps, will suit you optimally - each of us is individual.
So that after the first shedding the wool looks healthy, shines, and its colors are saturated, you need to properly feed the puppy from the first days of life. Initially, in the first two weeks, the puppy feeds on the mother's milk. Later, complementary foods are introduced. Pay special attention to the meat composition. It should be at least 60% in the diet.

The German Shepherd is one of the smartest dog breeds. She has a stable psyche and perfectly lends itself to any training, and can also perfectly adapt to any conditions of life. The German Shepherd can be a great friend and excellent protector for your family. But thanks to the care and proper care, the pet will also become an object of pride and beauty.

For details on the colors of the German Shepherd Dogs, see below.