A cross between a mongrel and a shepherd

The expression "a dog is man's best friend" has already set the teeth on edge, but for a long time this phrase carries a grain of truth. It is the dogs that are capable of sincere loyalty and devotion. And it is not at all necessary that an expensive thoroughbred puppy should be the best friend, because friends are not bought. A mixed breed mongrel with a shepherd dog can become an excellent companion and friend for the whole family.

Advantages and disadvantages
Perhaps, of all the varieties of mongrels, it is a cross with a shepherd dog that is found more often than others. Such dogs can be found on the dog's playground on a leash with the owner, and can also be seen in a stray pack of dogs. According to the description, the dog still looks more like an unknown parent than a shepherd dog. Compared to a purebred pet, mestizo have their own advantages:
- Shepherd and unknown breed puppies are stronger and healthier;
- mestizo are resistant to genetic diseases;
- these puppies have stronger immunity;
- their intellect begins to show earlier;
- the cost of non-purebred puppies is noticeably lower;
- mestizos are less likely to need the selection of special expensive food.

Before you get a mixed breed puppy, it is important to familiarize yourself with its cons:
- it is not known what size the pet will grow;
- non-purebred animals do not have documents and pedigree;
- cannot participate in the exhibition;
- it is impossible to know in advance with what character the dog will grow up.
If the owner certainly wants to have a purebred puppy, then he should be careful when choosing a breeder. Not all of them are decent, under the guise of a purebred puppy they can sell you a mestizo shepherd and mongrel. You can distinguish a purebred shepherd from a mestizo by the following characteristics.
- Already at 2 months, a purebred shepherd cub is larger than its non-purebred counterparts.He has more powerful and sturdy legs with strong joints and no curvature.
- On the forehead of the mongrel, you can see a distinct furrow, which the shepherd does not have.
- A thoroughbred dog has a scissor bite, and a mongrel can have any bite.
- As the shepherd matures, the ears become firm and stand on the head; in mixed breed dogs, the ears remain hanging.
- The mixture of a pooch with a shepherd dog has a barrel-shaped chest, and a thoroughbred puppy has a wide and massive chest.

Due to the genetic connection with shepherd dogs, mestizo puppies have a high intelligence and therefore are well trained. Such a dog will easily execute even the most difficult commands. She quickly becomes attached to the owner, is characterized by loyalty and complaisance. Such a puppy is perfect for keeping in a family with children.
In general, these are active and agile dogs who like long walks, field trips, bathing. Such dogs have well expressed protective qualities, they do not differ in aggression, but by barking they will be able to warn the owner about the approach of an outsider. Mestizos get along well with other animals, it can be dogs, cats, and other pets.
From the sheepdogs, the mongrels also adopted a sincere devotion to the owner. There are many known cases when mestizos remained faithful to their man to the last and remained to wait for him in one place. With proper upbringing, a mestizo can turn out to be a four-legged friend, not inferior in quality to a purebred relative.

Maintenance and care
As mentioned, mixed breed dogs are very healthy, so they rarely need special care. A spacious outdoor aviary is quite suitable for their maintenance. Such dogs live well in booths with daily walking around the territory. The mongrels and the rules of behavior at home or in an apartment perfectly remember. These are dogs that love outdoor games and jogging, therefore it is best to keep your pet on the site.

If the dog is taken from the street, then the first place he should visit is the veterinary clinic. A specialist must examine the puppy, carry out tests, and treat it against parasites. If there are other animals in the house, it is recommended to leave the foundling in a hospital or for temporary overexposure for the quarantine period. Do not forget about the obligatory annual vaccinations and treatments for worms.
Despite strong immunity, a dog can become a victim of infection if timely vaccination is not passed.

When keeping the apartment, the dog must be given its place. Let it be a bed, away from drafts and heating appliances. Mandatory attributes - bowls for food and water, toys, special bones for brushing your teeth, a leash and a collar. Remember that puppies grow quickly, especially mestizo shepherds, so periodically check for pressure on the collar and change it to a more spacious one if necessary.
The dog does not need frequent bathing; it is enough to wash it once a season at a water temperature of 25-35 degrees Celsius. During washing, use a special shampoo. Walking should be at least 2 times a day, each walk - at least 30 minutes.
Remember to muzzle your dog before walking. This is necessary not only within the framework of the rules for keeping large animals, but also for safety reasons for the dog itself: dog hunters are everywhere, and poison can be found in any yard.

For information on how to properly raise a mongrel, see the next video.