Description of the Romanian Shepherd Dogs, their nature and content

The Romanian Shepherd Dog is the collective name for the Romanian Carpathian, Romanian Mioritian, Bukovinian and Black Romanian Shepherd Dog, which is not yet officially an independent breed. The first two breeds are the most famous and popular as herding and guard dogs.

Origin and history of breeding
Shepherds of the Carpathian mountains have bred these physically hardy and brave dogs since ancient times. It is believed that the Romanian Shepherd Dogs were the result of natural crossing between Slavic and Turkish Shepherd Dogs. Over time, the breed became more and more perfect due to the selection of the healthiest and strongest dogs by farmers-breeders. But, despite the excellent qualities, these dogs are rarely found in countries other than their native Romania.
As a separate breed, the Romanian Shepherd Dogs are not officially recorded, but the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog and the Romanian Miorita Shepherd Dog are recognized and considered popular in breeding.

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog originated from dog breeds that lived in the Carpathian area near the Danube. For the first time the standard of this breed was described by the National Institute of Zootechnics of Romania in 1934. By the end of the eighties of the twentieth century, about 200 dogs of this breed were recorded, but only in 2005 the Romanian Carpathian Shepherds were recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) and entered a group called herding and cattle dogs.
The Romanian Myorite Shepherd Dog was also bred in the Carpathian Mountains. It was recognized as an independent breed simultaneously with the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dogs in 2005 and is also included in the group of shepherd and cattle dogs.

Generally accepted standard
Today there is a description of the main parameters of the Romanian Shepherd Dogs.
- Head. It should be large, wedge-shaped with a convex and wide forehead. It should blend smoothly into a not narrow muzzle, the length of which is slightly shorter than the length of the forehead. Strong cheekbones well developed and rounded. Lips are thick, black in color, they should not form folds or flews.

- Eyes. They are almond-shaped, set slightly obliquely. They are medium in size with a brown iris. The eyes should not be bulging or sunken. The eyelids are always tight and only black.

- Nose. It should be large and wide and black in color.

- Ears. Normally, they are of medium size and triangular in shape, rounded at the ends. They are located higher than the eyes. The ears of the Romanian Shepherd Dogs always go down to the head.

- Teeth. Ideally they are large and tightly set. If more than three teeth are missing, then this is considered a disqualification. The bite must be correct, free from gaps, with large canines and perfect incisors.

- Body. Normally, the length of the body is longer than the height. In males, the body is usually shorter. The neck is medium in size, strong and well-defined, with prominent withers. The chest is voluminous and wide, dropping down to the elbows. The back of the Romanian Shepherd Dog is solid and not narrow, with a convex loin.

- Extremities. These dogs have large, parallel limbs and a confident trotting gait. The shoulders are strong, with a moderate slope, the elbows are located almost at the very chest. The thighs are broad and well muscled. The brushes are oval, large, with strong bent toes. The tenacious claws are black, the paw pads are large and also black.

- Tail. It should be strong, fit into a standard length, and have long hairline. When the dog is calm, the tail is pulled down in the shape of a sickle. If the animal is agitated, then it can be at the level of the back and above. In Romanian Shepherds, the tail should not roll over the back and be curled in a ring.

Differences in appearance
Both the Carpathian and the Miorite shepherd dogs are large dogs with a powerful skeleton and well-developed muscles. But there are also some differences in the exterior of these animals.
- Carpathian Shepherd Dogs. Male dogs reach a height of 66–74 centimeters, female dogs - 58–66 centimeters. The weight norm of this breed is 36–70 kilograms. Animals are characterized by coarseness, density and straightening of the coat of white, red, gray colors. A combination of these colors with a dominant white background is allowed.

- Miorita Shepherd Dogs... The height of the dogs at the withers is 65–85 centimeters, the weight of the animals is 50–65 kilograms. The coat is thick and fluffy. The color can be white, with ash gray or cream spots, or no spots at all. Alternatively, the coat can be completely ash gray or cream in color.

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog is distinguished by its devotion to its owner. She is a loyal and reliable companion with a very level-headed personality. This is a very brave dog that will easily protect people and the herd from predators, and the territory of the house from strangers. They are affectionate in dealing with children, but it should be remembered that the dog is very massive, and during the game it can unwittingly cause injury to a small child.
A distinctive feature of the character of the Romanian Myorite Shepherd Dog is discipline. These animals are well-mannered and calm, easy to train. They are very good shepherds.
A feature of this breed is that it cannot change its owner, it remains faithful to its owner all its life.

How to care?
Despite the fact that dogs of these breeds have good health and excellent immunity by nature, they need regular care and a certain regimen.
- Hygiene. Dogs with this coat should be brushed several times a week with a stiff comb; during molting, this should be done every day. Bathing is often not recommended, but it is a necessary procedure after shedding. It is necessary to teach the puppy to brush his teeth with special pastes, as these dogs, even at a young age, quickly form tartar. And also it is necessary to monitor the condition of the ears and clean them with antibacterial solutions. Eyes can be wiped with chamomile decoction or a special solution.
- Conditions of detention. It is strongly not recommended to keep these dogs in the conditions of a city apartment. The best option is a house outside the city or in the village. Romanian Shepherd Dogs need daily long-term physical activity. Carpathian Shepherd Dogs are very formidable watchmen with a loud voice. Miorita dogs have a more peaceful disposition and can get along with other dogs in the same yard.
- Feeding... The main product in the diet of these dogs should be meat and cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. They can be fed dry balanced food for large breed dogs with high physical activity. An adult animal is fed 2 times a day, puppies 4–5 times. It is strictly forbidden to give dogs long bones, fatty meat, salty, spicy, fried and sweet foods.
- Disease prevention. The dog should be regularly vaccinated according to age, visit the veterinarian in a timely manner. Do not forget to treat the animal against ticks and fleas. Maintain good hygiene and proper feeding regimen.

Romanian Shepherd Dogs are ideal dogs for both home security and communication.
They are hardy, have good health by nature and are capable of being a devoted friend to their owner for many years.

For what features shepherd dogs have, see the next video.