Description and maintenance of a German shepherd puppy in 1 month

The largest guard dog breed is considered to be the German Shepherd, so it is often brought up for police service and guarding private territories. In order for a loyal and reliable protector to grow from a puppy, it must be educated and trained from the first days after purchase. In addition, the baby must be properly cared for and provided with a balanced diet.

German shepherd puppies are born deaf and blind, because it is so laid down by nature. At birth, they have no teeth, the first canines usually appear on the 20th day of life. As a rule, breeders sell babies at the age of two months (at 55-60 days), by which time the crumbs have time to get used to an independent life, become stronger, and their owner has time to get all the necessary vaccinations. Sometimes it happens that the baby shepherd is in the arms of the new owner earlier.

German shepherd puppies at 1 month old are characterized by several generic characteristics.
- Body type. The chest is wide, barrel-shaped, the back is short. Paws in pets are rather large, thick and long, they lack a dewclaw.
- Height. At the age of one month, poor shepherd dogs look like soft lumps, the height of which varies from 19 to 21 cm.
- The weight. Females weigh much less than males. The average weight of one-month-old babies is no more than 4.2 kg. At the same time, the new owners of the puppy do not need to worry if the pet's weight is below normal. His body is constantly growing and forming over 12 months, so the standard weight indicators stabilize in the third year of the dog's life.
- Appearance. In the first months of life, almond-shaped eyes retain a blue tint, which eventually changes to dark brown. The forehead of the puppies is pronounced, the head is proportional to the body, a small hump is noticed on the bridge of the nose, the nose is large black. The ears of babies are large and soft, they are in a hanging position up to six months of age. As for the coat of puppies, in the first month of life it is characterized by stiffness and a thick undercoat, most often it has a black-brown color, which can change several times by the age of one year.

Care features
After purchasing a German Shepherd puppy, the most difficult and stressful week will be the first week. It is during this period that the baby needs to be provided with care and comfortable living conditions. In advance, the owner should ask the breeder what constituted the pet's diet, what was the frequency of meals and the size of the portions.
Since one-month-old shepherd puppies practically do not differ from their counterparts of other breeds, they need to be looked after, adhering to standard rules.
Character features are important to take into account already at a later stage in the development of the animal. (after two months of life), the individual qualities of the pet are finally formed by the age of three, when the nervous system is fully developed.

Since the German Shepherd is a long-haired dog, it should be taught to be clean from an early age. To do this, babies are given water procedures and combing of wool. It is recommended to wash small fluffs no more than once every few months, excluding winter time. After bathing, the pet must be thoroughly wiped and allowed to dry on its own, choosing any place in the house where there are no drafts. Weekly brushing with a special brush will help to provide the coat with a healthy and shiny look.

Eye care deserves special attention. In one month old puppies, they should be clear, clean, with no signs of discharge or lacrimation. To avoid the development of a disease such as conjunctivitis, the eyes must be regularly cleaned with a swab soaked in chamomile infusion. We must also not forget about monitoring the condition of the ears, which are still hanging in babies during this period of life. At least once a month, they must be wiped with a swab soaked in a special solution. One-month-old handsome men are often itchy and painful when teething. To prevent the puppy from spoiling the furniture, he needs to buy special rubber toys. These accessories will greatly facilitate the teething process and will serve as an interesting subject for games.

At this age, the owners of puppies need to worry about compulsory proglisting. To date, for this in pharmacies, you can find various suspensions, the dosage of which is calculated by the weight of the crumbs. When parasites are found on the puppy's coat, you cannot immediately treat them with drugs. To do this, you should buy a special shampoo designed for dogs at the age of 1 month, it will not harm your health. As for compulsory vaccinations, they begin to be given as early as 1.5 months of age; one-month-old babies are not vaccinated.

What to feed?
Feeding a month old German Shepherd puppy is considered quite difficult and time-consuming, this procedure is much like feeding an infant. In the first month of life, it is recommended to feed the baby using a regular bottle with a nipple, which is intended for newborns. You can also use a small tube that is passed directly into the stomach. This feeding method is usually suitable in cases where a newborn pet cannot feed on its own.
The feeding process should be carried out when the puppy is not lying on its back, but on its tummy.

Every day, pet owners need to make sure that he goes to the toilet normally. Since 1-month-old babies have poorly developed muscles for this, their mother-dog licks the genitals after each feed, thereby stimulating the emptying of the bladder and intestines. If the owner has taken on the role of a "new" mother, then after each feeding he will have to carry out this procedure as follows: take a small piece of wet cotton wool and gently wipe the puppy's genital area. After 2-3 minutes of such touches, the baby will be emptied. A similar procedure should be carried out when the puppy reaches the age of 4-5 weeks, then he will be able to go to the toilet on his own.

Depending on how the puppy's nutrition is selected, its full development will largely depend. The diet of a monthly handsome man should be balanced. The menu should be designed in such a way that the pet receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, at the age of one month, the pet's food intake should be divided into even intervals. Typically, small shepherd dogs are fed six meals at intervals of 3 hours. There are several ways to feed puppies at the age of 1 month.

It provides for self-preparation of food, which is given every three hours and contains minerals, vitamins, calcium, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Moreover, one serving should not exceed 200 grams. A sample menu for a kid might look like this:
- the first portion is milk porridge (only semolina is an exception);
- the second portion is raw minced meat, which is eventually replaced with finely chopped pieces of fresh meat;
- the third portion is meat or vegetable soup;
- the fourth intake is milk porridge;
- the fifth portion is minced meat with grated carrots;
- completing the feeding with kefir or cottage cheese.

Important! Raw meat (minced meat) is saturated with vitamin B, the body of a small shepherd dog assimilates it best in boiled form. Therefore, it is recommended to give raw meat in a volume of no more than 3/4 of the daily value. It is advisable to give preference to beef and pork.
This feeding method has both pros and cons. The advantages include: the ability to exercise control over the quantity and quality of the products consumed; in the event of an allergy, one can quickly replace one component with another. As for the disadvantages, they include the complexity of cooking. In addition, the traditional feeding method is not suitable when traveling with a dog.

Ready feed
This option is considered an excellent alternative to the traditional method. For feeding one-month-old puppies, in this case, they buy preserves, canned food and dry food. Before purchasing ready-made food, you need to know the taste preferences of the dog and take into account its age. For example, it is not allowed to give such feed before the age of three weeks.
It is recommended to feed a month-old baby with mixtures of feed soaked in warm boiled water.
The daily intake of dry food is indicated by each manufacturer on the package individually. It depends on the weight and age of the baby. If the dog will eat in this way, then it is necessary to constantly monitor that there is a bowl of clean water next to the food. Of course, the use of dry food greatly simplifies the care of the puppy, the owner does not spend a lot of time preparing food. But such a diet also has its drawbacks: there is no certainty that the food will contain natural ingredients indicated on the package. In addition, these feeds often cause allergic reactions, since many manufacturers use low-grade by-products for their production.

It is also worth noting that monthly shepherd puppies can not be fed to everyone. Prohibited foods include the following:
- bakery;
- seeds;
- citrus;
- sausages;
- salted and pickled vegetables;
- fatty fish and meat;
- dishes containing spices;
- unboiled milk.

Equally important in keeping a shepherd puppy is his upbringing. The kid should know his place for eating and resting. For this, a special place is allocated in the house where bowls for feeding and water are placed. It is important to pay attention to the height and material of the cookware. It is advisable to purchase non-metallic products with an adjustable stand. Since it is impossible to take a puppy outside without vaccination until the age of two months, it must be toilet trained at home (for this, disposable diapers are used). To properly train your pet to the toilet, the owner should be shown a specially designated area and patiently explain. Girls learn these "lessons" much faster than boys.

Regardless of age, puppies are playful, and representatives of the German shepherd are no exception. They show their activity during games. To prevent the little playful from damaging the furniture during such fun, he should be taught to play with special toys. For example, a stick works well for this. The pet will run after her with great joy, drag her in his teeth.
Since during the games a mischievous person can grab any object, the owner must teach him to understand the command "Fu", which must be given without raising your voice, in a calm tone. Increased information can form cowardice in the future shepherd. It is advisable to play games with the baby on the carpet, as a slippery floor can cause falling and breaking bones.

At four weeks of age, puppies are considered too small to be taught difficult tricks. But you can teach kids to order. This will help in the future to avoid the spread of food and litter around the house. It is recommended to start upbringing with the introduction of such commands as "To me", "Place", "It is impossible". They must be used in a playful way and do not forget to encourage the pet with affection and sweets for obedience, thanks to this, attachment to the owner will strengthen, and the commands will be fixed in memory with a pleasant association.
Important! When raising a puppy, it is forbidden to raise a hand and a voice to him, since separation from his mother at the age of one month is already a huge stress for him. Constant rigidity and pressure from the owner will make the puppy an aggressive and disobedient individual in the future, and it will be very difficult to correct its character and behavior.

In this video you can watch the training of a month old German Shepherd puppy.