Tuvan shepherd dogs: description of the breed and peculiarities of keeping dogs

The Tuvan Shepherd Dog is not as widespread on the territory of our country as other types of Shepherd Dogs, which is associated with the history of the origin of the breed and its specialization.

A bit of history
The Tuvan Shepherd Dog is an aboriginal shepherd dog, which is the result of centuries of selection. You can often hear the popular name of the breed, such as the Tuvan watchdog, which also fully reflects the main functions of this strong and reliable dog. The origin of the breed is associated with the active development of yak breeding, which was characteristic at that time for the peoples of Tibet, Mongolia, Tuva and Altai.
Initially, numerous herds of yaks were guarded by Tibetan mastiffs and aboriginal shepherd dogs - Mongolian shepherds. It was as a result of their crossing that a new breed appeared.

The Tuvan Shepherd Dog turned out to be an extremely disciplined dog and absorbed all the best guarding qualities of its ancestors. She did an excellent job with livestock, guarded private houses from attacks by wild animals and acted as a reliable companion on long trips and hunting.
However, with the entry of Tuva into the Soviet state, the demand for this breed decreased, and, consequently, the development of the breed was sharply slowed down. This is due to the ban on the nomadism of indigenous peoples and the promotion of a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, by 1959, there were critically few purebred individuals, and those that survived were castrated.

The rebirth of the Tuvan Shepherd Dog as an independent breed began only in the early 2000s with the support of the regional authorities of Tyva and with the involvement of state grants.Seven of the best individuals were selected as breeding material, which were used to restore the breed. At the moment, there are two breeding nurseries in the republic, whose employees are making every effort to preserve this beautiful and quick-witted shepherd dog, which has served people from time immemorial.
However, despite the enthusiasm of the dog breeders, The total population of Tuvan Shepherd Dogs is at a critical level and barely exceeds 100 individuals. This is also due to the lack of recognition of the breed. The International Cynological Organization, which with its authority could well contribute to its popularization.

Breed characteristics
Due to the fact that the dogs were bred in a harsh continental climate, they are perfectly adapted to harsh mountain conditions and sudden temperature changes. The unique structure of the wool repels water and allows animals to feel great both in forty-degree frosts and in a fifty-degree heat

Due to the non-recognition of the Tuvan Shepherd Dog by the ICF, there is no official description of the breed, therefore the standard is conditional and is taken into account by specialists in breeding. So, the Tuvan Shepherd Dog is a fairly large animal: the growth of a dog at the withers reaches 60-70 cm, bitches - up to 58 cm. The weight in this case ranges from 38 to 50 kg in males and from 30 to 40 kg in bitches.
Dogs are distinguished by a strong body and well-developed muscles, and the format of the bitches is somewhat more elongated than that of males.

The breed is characterized by a proportional head in relation to the body, a wide, lowered chest and a tucked-in belly.... The brown eyes are not too large and have an oval shape, the nose is rather wide with a large lobe, the lips are dark in color and are tightly pressed to the jaw. The ears are triangular in shape and set high, the teeth are fairly large, with a correct bite and a full set of canines.
Dogs are distinguished by a wide, strong neck, a loose loin and a straight back. Feet straight and strong, forming a dense lump, strong nails, painted black. The tail is elongated, low-slung and densely covered with hair.

The wool of animals is very elastic and thick, forming a well-visible mane in the area of the withers and neck. The undercoat is quite dense, but at the same time soft and light. Behind the ears and on the tail, the hair often falls off, forms "earrings" and looks untidy.
The color of the Tuvan Shepherd Dog is predominantly black, but sometimes the chest and legs can be covered with white spots. Even less common are white representatives of the breed, whose body is covered with large black spots, and the lips of such individuals are often spotted. In addition to white and black colors, brown, sable and even gray with large white spots are sometimes found.
However, such representatives can be seen extremely rarely, and most of the animals are still black in color.

Character traits
The main character trait of the Tuvan Shepherd is its ability to make independent decisions without looking back at the person. The dog decides for itself when it should intervene in a particular situation, whether it be guarding the herd or accompanying the owner. In a normal setting, the representatives of the breed are outwardly very calm, but this is only an appearance - A Tuvan is always alert and at any moment ready to protect the property entrusted to him.
Young individuals often show stubbornness and do not immediately respond to commands, however, with proper and timely education, they can grow not only a reliable guard, but also an excellent companion.

Animals recognize well the mood of the owner by his facial expressions and emotions and are distinguished by high devotion. There is no unreasonable aggression in the representatives of this breed, but in case of real danger, the attacker will have a very hard time.Tuvan Shepherd Dogs get along well with other dogs living with them in the same house, and do not pay attention to cats, but when the territorial border is violated, strangers immediately attack. Outside their territory, they are absolutely indifferent to outsiders, if they do not take any action against the owner.
It is better to socialize a dog from 2-3 months, while accustoming it to loud noises, vehicles and city noise. As for training, animals give in to it quite easily and by the age of four months they are able to master the simplest commands: “sit”, “come to me”, “no” and “place”. From 4-5 months with a dog, it is necessary to undergo an OKD course, after which it is necessary to start developing guard-guard qualities.
The training is carried out according to the classical scheme with the use of a reward system.

Content rules
Considering the origin and main purpose of the breed, the best place to keep a Tuvan Shepherd Dog will be a private house with a large yard and a spacious aviary. In this case, the animal should be able to move freely around its territory and regularly receive sufficient physical activity.
It is strictly forbidden to plant a shepherd dog on a chain, and if you want to restrict its access to the garden or vegetable garden, then you should build a protective mesh or build an aviary. In addition, it is necessary to install a booth on the site, which will serve as an observation point for the animal and protect it from bad weather in case of strong wind and rain.

Dog grooming procedures are very common.
- The dog's coat must be combed weekly, and during the shedding period, it will have to be combed every day. Particular attention should be paid to the neck, abdomen, tail and groin areas.
- Treatments for parasites should be carried out regularly due to the animal's thick and long hair, which is an ideal breeding ground for fleas.
- It is necessary to bathe the shepherd dog only as it gets dirty with the use of special shampoos for long-haired dogs.
- Treat your nose, eyes, and ears once a week, and trim your nails as they grow back.
- Also, once every 3-4 months, the pet must be given an anthelmintic and vaccinated according to the calendar.

"Tuvans" are fed either with balanced food for large breeds, or with natural products. With natural nutrition, the daily diet of the animal should contain 30 g of protein per kilogram of weight, and the rest should be made up of vegetables, cereals and fresh herbs. You can feed the shepherd dogs not too fatty meat, grain cottage cheese, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and sea fish. Moreover, in the latter it is necessary to remove all the insides, select large bones and cut off the head.
Eggs can be given, but this should be done no more than twice a week. What a puppy, what an adult you cannot feed tubular bones, sweet and peppery dishes, potatoes, pasta, river fish, grapes, fatty sour cream, plums, citrus fruits, chocolate, muffins and scraps from the master's table.
Additionally, you should give bone meal, vegetable fats, mineral supplements and vitamins.

You can look at the puppies of the Tuvan Shepherd Dog a little below.