Hungarian shepherd dog: description and content

Sheepdogs are a favorite breed of many dog breeders. Komondors are considered one of the largest, rare and uniquely furred representatives. Around the world, there are only about 10 thousand Hungarian Shepherd Dogs, a third of which are located in the Russian Federation.

History of appearance
The Hungarian Shepherd Dog is recognized as one of the most ancient dog breeds. This representative was noticed in the ancient Russian steppe by the nomads of the Magyar tribes, while taking several dogs with them on the road. These events took place about 1000 years ago. The second name of the breed is the Komondor, this representative is the closest relative of the shepherd dogs, but with a southern Russian origin. The ancient Magyars perceived the Hungarian shepherd dogs as a working tool, they were used as shepherds, as well as guards for dwellings and livestock.
This animal did not require special care, did not have a pedigree, but the ancient tribes did not cross the Komondor with other breeds. This shepherd has always been characterized by strength, power, endurance and fearlessness. The herding breed has always performed the functions assigned to it. The dogs did not have to drive the animals, but protecting the livestock was their main task. The Hungarian Shepherd Dog could make sure that no one encroached on the herd.
The originality of the wool cover, which seemed to be twisted in the form of bundles, reliably protected the dog from both heat and hypothermia. The peculiarities of the color of the fur allowed the Komondor to disguise himself in the sheep herd.
Since the animal is accustomed to living in uncomfortable and difficult conditions, it has developed a good immunity, lack of exactingness in maintenance and care, as well as a developed intellect and hostility to strangers.

Features of the breed
Komondora can be called a beautiful large animal with a unique coat. The Hungarian Shepherd standard does not allow it to be turned into a show breed, and insists on the preservation of its inherent natural characteristics. The description of the animal indicates that it is the lightest of the large dogs, the most "woolen", intelligent and unusual. Its dimensions are comparable to the Tibetan mastiff, Scottish deer greyhound, Alabai.
Large volumes of the body are provided not only by the muscularity and power of the trunk, but also by the wool in the form of bundles, which has an ivory color. The bones of the animal are light and strong, so a shaggy dog is not afraid of long hikes. Komondor is a shepherd race representative. Males of this breed weigh from 50 to 57 kilograms, and females - from 40 to 50. At the same time, the growth of males is 80 centimeters, and females are 70 centimeters.

The Hungarian Shepherd Dog has the following characteristics:
- the body is wide, it is characterized by bulge and proportionality relative to the skull, which has a domed shape and expressive brow ridges;
- the muzzle has a rough, wide type and medium length;
- the nose is large, black or dark brown;
- wide nostrils;
- lips are black, they have uneven corners that tightly cover the jaws;
- the jaw is characterized by power and strong musculature;
- the bite is dense, strong, looks like scissors, the jaw consists of 42 strong teeth;
- almond-shaped eyes, have a dark brown color and medium size, representatives with blue eyes are unacceptable for Komondors;
- the ears are in a constant drooping position;
- the neck is well muscled, of moderate length;
- the back is characterized by muscularity, evenness, powerful withers and a wide loin are well expressed;
- the chest of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog has sufficient volume and depth;
- the belly of the dog is not saggy;
- tail set low;
- the limbs are straight, strong, the pads are elastic, painted in black and dark gray;
- the skin is characterized by a gray pigmented shade;
- the animal moves smoothly, sweepingly, without difficulty.

The Komondor is a large and massive dog that bears a resemblance to the Bullet Magyar Sheepdog. A newborn Hungarian Shepherd puppy has a delicate downy coat and soft guard hair, but in the process of growing up, the dog gets rid of the undercoat, and instead of the guard hair it begins to be covered with long hair in the form of spirals. At the age of one and a half to two years, the dog is completely covered with dense rigid bundles, which are his fur coat.
According to the standard, the coat color of this Hungarian Shepherd Dog is white, but a light shade of ivory is allowed. Komondor babies have a creamy, yellowish fur that turns white after molting.

Character and behavior
The Hungarian Shepherd is considered a real watchdog. It is characterized by independence, but at the same time affection for its masters. The Komondor's reaction to a stranger is malevolent, suspicious. It will take a long time to earn the trust of an animal. If the dog is poorly socialized, then it can be aggressive.
This breed has the protection of its territory at the genetic level.... Hungarian Shepherd Dog - guard and protector - will fulfill its purpose, regardless of the owner's wishes. Dog breeders notice that representatives of this breed can exhibit jealousy, especially when new pets appear in the house.
Komondor is able to attack an alien in order to drive him out of his territory. It is worth remembering that the representatives of this breed will not show aggression for no reason.

Distinctive characteristics of representatives of the breed "Hungarian Shepherd":
- high working ability, endurance;
- devoted, selfless, responsible;
- wary, distrustful;
- friendly, cheerful;
- calm, has self-esteem.

How to choose a puppy?
The strictness of the Hungarian Shepherd breed standards contributes to the fact that when choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to his parents. The latter should not be flawed. The kid, in turn, should have a muscular physique, his eyes should be dark, and his tail down. Do not ignore the dog's bite, it must be characterized by correctness. If the puppy has a light color of eyes, nose, erect ears, then it is referred to as defective representatives of the breed.
Difficulties in caring for the unique coat of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog is not the only problem, that a person who wants to buy a puppy may encounter. This breed is rare, for this reason the cost of Komondor babies is quite high, namely from 50 to 70 thousand rubles.
A small Komondor should be characterized by neatness, health, grooming of the coat, and active behavior. It is also worth checking how vigilant the baby is, his watchdog qualities will depend on this characteristic.

Content rules
Both residents of apartments and private houses can get a Hungarian Shepherd Dog. Anywhere the dog will feel comfortable. However, the owner should remember that this is a rather large animal, therefore in a small apartment it can be cramped... Better when the Komondoru will be spacious in the room. The representative of this breed there must be a place where he can be alone. The best option would be a special house, a rug and an ottoman will not be enough.
The puppy should be provided with a sufficient number of toys that he can chew without damaging furniture and household items. Such a pet needs constant walks, daily walking should be at least an hour. Such physical activity normalizes the dog's well-being, eliminating lethargy, apathy and drowsiness.
It is also possible to keep the Hungarian Shepherd Dog outdoors by equipping a booth for it.
Such housing should be characterized by spaciousness so that the dog feels comfortable. It is considered undesirable to put a komondor on a chain. This can cause the pet to resent the owner.

Hungarian Shepherd Dogs are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and frugality in food. For normal life, an adult representative needs one and a half kilograms of dry food. The owner can choose at his discretion what to feed the pet - homemade food or industrial food. How much canned food and feed an animal needs depends directly on the physical activity of the Komondor. Also, the volume of dry food is influenced by the class, for example, a premium product has a high nutritional value compared to the rest, so it is needed less.
Components of natural homemade food:
- oatmeal, oatmeal, wheat, millet porridge, buckwheat, semolina or a mixture thereof, which are cooked in broth with meat, vegetable, fish base;
- lean meat, it is worth giving beef, veal, lamb, horse meat, rabbit meat, poultry meat;
- by-products, such as heart, ventricles, kidneys, liver;
- fish thawed or boiled;
- boiled eggs, 1 pc is considered sufficient. in two days;
- vegetables and fruits in the form of carrots, green onions, lettuce, zucchini, cauliflower, apples;
- dairy and fermented milk products, for example, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, unsalted cheese;
- as a treat, the dog is served fresh-looking cookies, boiled sausage, hard cheese, honey;

Worth remembering about the need for mineral supplements, vitamins. Also, the dog should have constant access to fresh, clean water.Products prohibited for Komondor include sweets, smoked meats, tubular bones, salty, sour and seasoned foods. Puppies up to six months of age are fed 4–5 times a day, growing individuals - three times a day, and an adult dog should be fed two meals a day.

How to care?
Basically, caring for Hungarian Shepherd Dogs is taking care of the specific coat of the pet. When walking with your dog, it is worth putting on a suit, as long curls constantly collect dirt and dust. The animal does not need frequent bathing, it is worth washing the dog once every few months... After the procedure, it is worth sending the Komondor to a warm place to dry. Since the pet's coat dries for a long time, at low temperatures it can catch a cold.
A dog's haircut needs to be done only if the dreadlocks touch the ground or interfere with his movement. If this is not necessary, then you should not cut the Komondor.
An adult representative should not be combed, from time to time it is necessary to separate the gathered woolen bundles with your hands. At the same time, puppies need to be brushed with a special brush. The advantage of the breed is that during molting, the wool remains in the bundle, and does not fall to the floor.

The owner should remember about regular preventive treatment for fleas, ticks and, if necessary, visit the veterinarian. With proper maintenance and care, Hungarian Shepherd Dogs can live from 10 to 12 years. The animal has a strong immune system, so it does not get sick often. However, Komondors have a predisposition to such ailments:
- Dysplasia of the hip joint. In order for the risk of such a disease to be minimal, it is worth not physically loading the puppy at a young age. If the baby staggers, limps and at the same time is in a sluggish state, then this may be a sign of joint dysplasia. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the veterinarian should prescribe medication or surgery.
- Entropy. A defect in the drooping eyelid can lead to irritation and trauma to the cornea, decreased vision, blindness. To eliminate this ailment, surgical intervention will be required.
- Bloating and volvulus... The reasons that cause this ailment include a one-time daily feeding of the animal in a large volume, as well as the activity of the pet immediately after a meal.
- Deformation of the joints on the paws in puppies... To prevent the development of the disease, the little commander is prohibited from descending stairs and steep slopes. For preventive purposes, it is worth walking with animals at brisk steps, as well as jogging to climb a small hill. Such activities can strengthen the muscles of the shepherd's limbs.

Education and training
You should start training Hungarian Shepherd Dogs as early as possible. This pet has a habit of working away from its owner, while showing independence and self-will, such moments happen, even if the dog is well trained. Commanders have a tendency to dominate, so a person will have to be reminded from time to time about who is the master of the house. Otherwise, the dog is able to take over the reins.
High level of intelligence promotes good assimilation of commands, however, training will require patience and time. Do not forget that the training and training of the Komondor is carried out throughout the life of the pet.
If a person gives slack in his requirements, then the Hungarian Shepherd Dog will violate the prohibitions.

Like other representatives of the herding category, this breed requires strong loads. Boredom and lack of work can lead to negativity in the animal's behavior. Komondors are not quiet dogs, they can bark loudly and for a long time to warn of the approach of strangers.Bringing a thoroughbred representative to his house, the owner will receive a wonderful guard, but the neighbors - a noisy troublemaker.

See below about the peculiarities of keeping Hungarian Shepherd Dogs.