
Aries-Rat man traits

Aries-Rat man traits
  1. Specific traits
  2. Relationship with other signs and compatibility
  3. Work and love - opposition
  4. A wife for a fiery leader
  5. Financial side
  6. Ideal father
  7. Finance and family ties

Fire is a domineering, ambitious and brave element. Individuals who are destined to be born Aries are attracted by their inner magnetism, rationality of actions and judgments. Any situation is instantly analyzed and a plan is already ready to get the most out of it. In tandem with a practical mind and prudence, those born in the year of the Rat are capable of high achievements. The ability to control and restrain your emotions chills the impulsive Aries.

Specific traits

People with the sign of Aries, born in the year of the Rat, are characterized by determination and vigor. They tend to solve the set goals, and problems are solved immediately. Such a person keeps his word and is responsible for his actions. The selfishness inherent in Aries is somewhat discouraging - not a problem if someone's interests are somewhat infringed upon, the main thing is to put your own motives in the first place.

According to the horoscope, these people are practical and mercantile, absorbed in their inner world, the process of self-knowledge and self-improvement. They are smart and perceptive, but sociable and sociable only if it is beneficial to them. The charisma of the Rat, its intelligence and sophistication of nature, fearlessness and insidious charm, combined with active and decisive actions of Aries, is truly an explosive mixture for a man, capable of attracting the fairer sex.

Much attention is paid to career growth and financial relevance. Proving in practice their superiority, Aries firmly and stubbornly goes to the goal.An active position, great willpower and the desire to reach heights are the fundamental principles for this sign, but sociability and apparent ease in communication hide a steel mask, nervousness and changeable moods behind them.

Relationship with other signs and compatibility

Love relationships and business contacts should be acquired among Gemini and Leo.

It is desirable that these were born in the year:

  • Dragon;
  • Bull;
  • Monkey.

At the same time, the most unfortunate, according to astrologers, are Cancers and Capricorns born in the years of the Rabbit or Horse. If there is a union of two Rats, they are always like-minded people. But it is possible that the fire will get out of control, and the rat negativity will turn into squabbles and eternal squabbles.

The Pig, due to its light character and cheerful disposition, suits the Aries-Rat. Both signs are aimed at material wealth, comfort in everyday life and relationships, do not burden each other. Such representatives get along well together. With the Rooster, the tandem is passionate, but short. Scandals are such that sparks fly. Impulsivity and intolerance are felt around them. The rest of the life guidelines are very similar - if you hold on to angry outbursts, a couple can take place.

Work and love - opposition

Careerism and obsession with oneself are harmful to personal life, therefore, the percentage of dissatisfied loners is extremely high. If Aries-Rat gets one, then he will miss another. Patience and love on the part of the second half is a guarantee of a union. Aries himself cannot build relationships, because work takes up all of his space. If there is a desire to stay with him, you need to learn not to pay attention to his constant absence, or to be overly busy with a person with high career ambitions.

Aries' self-will and stubbornness do not allow themselves to be guided by anyone, this must be constantly remembered and in no case put pressure on him. Otherwise, the union is doomed. At the beginning of a romantic relationship, Aries-Rat people are persistent, generous with gifts and flowers, calls and SMS. But they can suddenly disappear for a few days, if the work demands it, and be completely absorbed by the world of finance. At such a time, persistent women need to learn to wait patiently for him, otherwise he will think that they are encroaching on his freedom and throw out all his nervousness on his partner.

If you find an approach to him, the man will not change. He does not tend to change the chosen direction.

Aries considers it a shame to pretend and lie. If he decides to finish the novel, he will always let him know about it. He doesn't admit his mistakes. After parting, such a person may want to return, but in this case it is necessary to try to avoid past mistakes. Without changing himself, a man does not forgive other people's betrayal. He is jealous.

Being in constant search of freedom will never let his chosen one feel it. But behind the indicative aggressiveness and perseverance, an inferiority complex often hides, which Aries-Rat will not talk to anyone about. Therefore, you need to protect it - then you can achieve success. His woman is his reflection, the same tastes and passions. But in it there is not even a share of deceit. He doesn't like to pretend. Aries-Rat knows how to be the first to apologize and be near. Especially during grief or illness.

A wife for a fiery leader

In marriage, representatives of this sign are overly demanding. The partner is not idealized. He needs a woman with a gentle, docile character, who understands his complex disposition and frequent mood swings. If the owner of an active life position tries to dictate her conditions to Aries, the reaction will be immediate, aggression and irritation will be replaced by isolation. Such men feel responsible for their union not only from a material, but also from a moral point of view.

If the wife decides to go about her business, he is the first assistant and adviser, support in all endeavors. Closer to middle age, Aries begin to have doubts about the past years, their own appearance, and excess weight.He reacts especially sharply to love from the other half, so a loving woman should be ready to prove the opposite day after day, until the obsessive thoughts go away altogether.

Financial side

This sign devotes a huge part of the time to career growth, finance and professional development.

By setting yourself often impossible tasks, such as:

  • the role of the material in life;
  • ways of self-realization.

It gets upset when it is not possible to implement some of them. Reach the top, stubbornly overcome difficulties, fiery power drives ambitious impulses. Aries maximalists do not always manage to be happy, all successes are only a step for each next victory.

Absolute leaders strive to take leadership positions or come close to them, are scrupulous to the smallest detail. Ambition and vigor of nature allow them to brilliantly cope with any work. Especially in the field of financial planning, monitoring, labor organization. Aries is talented in finding new directions.

The desire to prove to yourself and everyone around your originality and uniqueness often creates problems in the team, but cunning and resourcefulness does not allow you to harm yourself and your large-scale plans.

The insatiability of nature and the thirst to always have more than you have - this is both a driving incentive and punishment - this is a characteristic of the sign.

Ideal father

In raising children, Aries-Rats reveal the best that is in them. They live with their child, his moods, interests. Everything they create is everything for future heirs. They make every effort to develop the child, teach in the best institutions. They need to be guided on the right path in life, not forcibly, listening carefully to their child. Anxious and loving Aries-fathers are happy to devote their lives to children. They hope that he will inherit the best features of his parents and become a worthy procreation.

Finance and family ties

Relationships with brothers, sisters and nephews are not as ideal as with their own children. Here, harsh categorical criticism and demonstration of one's own superiority are permissible. If Aries provides material assistance to relatives, then by all means, at any opportunity, they will remind of their generosity and kindness.

If, nevertheless, fate brought you to a fiery stubborn person, such qualities as reliability, support in difficult times and a strong shoulder cannot be ignored. Aries men can be great allies with a competent approach to their difficult character.

For what the Aries man is looking for in love, see the next video.


My husband is Aries-Rat, I am Leo-Tiger. Lived together for 26 years. I disagree, especially about the attitude towards children.

Natalie ↩ Tatiana 30.11.2020 03:30

Does Aries even remember that he has children?)

Rita ↩ Tatiana 18.12.2020 10:59

Why doesn't he like children?

the guest 24.04.2021 23:06

He loves children, but does not take care of them.

Svetlana 17.05.2021 16:00

It is not true that Aries Rat is a good father, I just have a despot in relation to children, he gets along better with other people's children.

Lived with Aries-Rat for 15 years. About attitudes towards children - it is not true: Aries are selfish, do not bother raising children.


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