
Aries-Dog: characteristics and compatibility

Aries-Dog: characteristics and compatibility
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Dignity
  3. disadvantages
  4. Relationship
  5. Possible causes of conflicts

Aries-Dog is a balanced sign, characterized by friendliness and calm disposition. Such a person has a decisive character, but tends to idealize the people around him. It is impossible to understand him, and therefore for many he remains a mystery to the end of his life.


Aries-Dog is distinguished by friendliness, diligence and kindness. Despite the positive qualities, such a person is prone to causeless anxiety and tactlessness, and therefore his characteristics are very ambiguous.

Both Aries and Dog are as naive as children. However, Aries has the characteristics of a fighter, and therefore he can become an excellent soldier. A dog's nature is distinguished by nervousness and skepticism, but, nevertheless, he believes in human decency. This combination endows the person with purposefulness and the will to win.

The combination of these two signs allows you to get a person with unshakable faith in himself. The distinctive features of the Dog and Aries are combined into a single whole, forming a personality endowed with an expanded sense of reality. Such people are able to think reasonably, think before speaking, and use their abilities to ensure a comfortable and measured life.

A person born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Aries can save face in almost any stressful situation. Two different personalities are fighting in it: one wants to go forward and achieve the heights, and the second is afraid of failure and hides when the slightest danger arises. This is what makes him so unpredictable and incomprehensible to the people around him.

Aries-Dog does not really think about his own comfort, but if he is deprived of something, then you can hear a lot of unflattering words and claims.Such a person will never allow other people to treat him unfairly, and will remember the misunderstanding for a very long time.

This extraordinary personality is ready to meet face to face with obstacles, but on the condition that it will be noticed by others. For Aries born in the Year of the Dog, it is important to feel empathy and praise. Pity for his own fate helps him to overcome life's difficulties and resist a strong adversary.

Both women and men of these signs have the ability to see the good in people. Even in the worst, according to society, person, Aries-Dog can see something bright. Interestingly, the desire to find a strong side is eventually justified.

The character of the person, combining such contradictory signs, can repel the people around him. This is because Aries-Dog loves to teach life and climb with advice, while his inappropriate intervention can only anger and annoy. And attempts to reprimand him usually end in nothing.


Aries' strong personality balances out the indecisive canine nature. This sign is endowed with energy, temperament and determination.

The dog symbolizes friendliness, openness, honesty and loyalty. Both the adult and the child are fighters for the truth. They are open to other people, and in most cases they will present the truth in the mildest form. A dog's nature will not affect the feelings of the interlocutor and will try to be as tactful as possible.

At first glance, the Aries Dog seems to be a naive and gentle person. However, excessive cordiality does not prevent him from defending his rights. Men and women of this combination are able to see the true face of the interlocutor in order to bring him to clean water at the right time. The sixth sense allows them to bypass bad people.

Aries-Dog is by nature a very friendly sign. It is easy for him to find a common language with new acquaintances, but he does not seek to start a conversation first. Such a person has few friends, but they are the ones who enjoy special trust.

The Aries dog loves to gain knowledge, and therefore spends a lot of time on self-development. There is no such question in which he would not understand. And if some topic is unknown to him, then this person will spend all his energy on studying it.

In urgent need, a representative of these signs can show courage. However, for this, a truly dangerous situation must arise, requiring immediate action.

People born in the Year of the Dog under the zodiac sign Aries love to be in the spotlight and easily feel in the company of friends. If necessary, he will lend a helping hand, and will be able to fairly resolve the controversial issue.

Such a person is calm about failures, and therefore will not abandon the set goal when the first problems arise. Even if the case burns out, the feeling of disappointment will not torment Aries-Dog for long.


The weakness of the personality lies in the excessive orientation of one's own intuition. This is especially noticeable in the assessment of new acquaintances. They often overestimate people, which then leads to disappointment. The same applies to opportunities that the Aries Dog can miss due to his indecision and faith in his instincts.

The inconsistency of the sign allows you to get a person with a fearless character. Nevertheless, he will carefully consider each step, which from the outside can be mistaken for indecision and cowardice.

Excessive caution prevents the representative of these signs from entering the battle in time.

The Aries dog does not like to take risks and will try to avoid difficult situations in all possible ways. On the other hand, he will constantly push others to take decisive action.

Such people can be characterized as contradictory personalities who in one situation stand out for indecision and uncertainty, and in another - for aggressiveness and determination.

Another drawback of a person who combines these two contradictory signs is the love of getting into other people's affairs. He believes that he knows everything and tries to prove his point of view to the interlocutors, even if no one asked his opinion.


The structural horoscope of Aries and the Dog endows a person with honesty and the ability to come to the rescue. Let's analyze the main characteristics inherent in the sign in different areas.

In love

In love, Aries-Dogs can be too demanding and assertive, which in adolescence causes many problems. Both a boy and a girl born under these signs can repel the object of admiration with a constant desire to show their superiority. But in childhood, it is difficult for them to understand what they are doing wrong, why children can suffer.

The guy and the girl Aries-Dog do not know how to tolerate the shortcomings of a partner, just as they do not know how to remain silent about it. They consider it important to tell the partner about his disadvantages and demand such sincerity from the other half.

In adulthood, the behavior of representatives of these zodiac signs changes somewhat. Men and women pay less attention to the sincerity of a partner, which is why their personal life begins to improve. But the feminine nature is often criticized for being overly self-loving, which can lead to conflicts.

Aries-Dog men and women are distinguished by constancy in love and do not tolerate major changes in relationships. Most of the representatives of these signs choose a partner for life and look closely at the chosen one for a long time before deciding on a formal marriage.

To conquer the heart of Aries-Dog requires a special strategy, which must be based on sincerity. For building a serious relationship, the Gemini-Tiger or Gemini-Rabbit is ideal for him. Also, strong compatibility can be achieved with Leo-Horse, Rabbit-Sagittarius, Tiger-Sagittarius and Leo-Tiger.

In the Aries-Dog family, he values ​​comfort and personal space. He thoroughly knows his house and is independently engaged in its improvement. The combination of two conflicting zodiac signs makes a person independent of luxury. He is ready to be content with little and does not try to catch a crane in the sky.

Aries-Dog man and woman love to command their loved ones. They can offend family members with their endless nagging and moralizing. These shortcomings provoke family scandals, and therefore Aries-Dog should learn tact and attentiveness in relation to loved ones.

Representatives of these signs love children. Even a baby can make them tender. Tender feelings make such people responsible parents who are ready to devote all their free time to raising children.

In friendship

In friendship, such people are tactful and will never elicit a secret that a friend is not ready to share. However, they cannot be called attentive, as they may not notice the obvious things happening with their friends.

Aries-Dog is able not to communicate with old acquaintances for a long time, without experiencing discomfort. But when he finds out that his friend is in trouble, he will immediately lend a helping hand. Solving someone else's problem may become a priority for him, since even in friendship, the representative of these signs wants to show his own significance.

But constant attempts to delve into other people's affairs often lead to the fact that his own life begins to burst at the seams.

In the absence of problems for friends, Aries-Dog plays the role of a ringleader. Such a friend is constantly on the lookout for interesting adventures that are aimed at adding color to friendships. Frequent refusals to spend time together can be regarded by them as unwillingness to be friends.

As a counselor, such a person does not like to listen to advice. Even if he listens to the interlocutor, it is only out of respect. But, after a while, it may well expose someone else's idea for his own.

The straightforwardness and assertiveness of the Aries-Dog can repel people. This person does not tolerate lies, and therefore will always honestly express his opinion. Often, the environment does not need moralizing and advice, but it is difficult for a representative of these signs to understand this.

In work

In their work, Aries and Dogs can achieve success both as a boss and as a subordinate. Regardless of their position in the workplace, they are able to reach heights. But this will only happen if such people do not criticize the management and express their opinion about the management of the company.

As a boss, Aries-Dog can be a very tough person, capable of offending subordinates with his straightforwardness. But if he learns to keep his opinion to himself, he will be able to win over the team.

Possible causes of conflicts

The main disadvantage of Aries-Dogs is the desire to tell the truth. It is this trait that most often leads to interpersonal conflicts. These people can be simply unbearable, which is difficult for others to tolerate.

The desire to show oneself can also cause quarrels between a person born in the year of the Dog under the zodiac sign Aries and his entourage. He needs praise and sympathy, which sometimes annoys not only friends, but also family members. Therefore, the Aries-Dog should often do good deeds just like that, and not for profit.

Another reason for conflict can be the indecision of such people. Constant doubts can lead to the fact that friends get tired of waiting for the final decision of a friend.

You will learn more about Aries in the following video.

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