Aries compatibility

The subtleties of the relationship between Aries and Aquarius

The subtleties of the relationship between Aries and Aquarius
  1. Characteristic
  2. How compatible?
  3. Possible Reasons for Disagreement
  4. Famous couples

People's relations are far from always built on the similarity of temperaments and interests; often opposites are attracted to each other. And this statement is largely characteristic of such a combination as Aries and Aquarius. Does their dissimilarity hinder them so much? Let's find out the features of such striking unions from this article.



Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal year. He belongs to the element of Fire, has powerful energy and the same strong charisma that attracts others like a magnet. Looking at the activity and determination of this hero, other people fall under the influence of his unrestrained energy and follow him. Aries himself is often so keen on involving others in his business that the end result fades into the background for him. He may not have enough consistency and pedantry to achieve the set goal, and he enthusiastically grabs the implementation of a new idea.

V in communication, these people behave straightforwardly, sometimes even too much, but at the same time they are very sincere... Such honesty is not to everyone's liking, because very often it turns into tactlessness, especially among young and not wise representatives of this zodiacal sign. Truly carried away by something or someone, Aries is able to sweep away all obstacles to the goal on its way. They are often endowed with remarkable physical strength, and they make good sprinters, rescuers, stuntmen and other professionals who work in an environment of constant risk. This gives them the adrenaline they need and a sense of fullness.

The pursuit of ideals sometimes forces them to choose serving the law and order as their profession, and in the event of a negative coincidence, they may stumble and find themselves on the other side of the law, that is, turn onto the path of crime. However, in most cases, they are not characterized by the distortion of ideals that are contrary to the struggle for justice.

Aries cannot stand criticism, especially if it is expressed by close people. Having heard a negative assessment of their actions, they may respond rather harshly to the offender or even become disappointed in their abilities and lose interest in the work done. It is vitally important for them to hear praise: it inspires them and gives them energy for new achievements.

Aries men are inherent in such qualities as assertiveness, activity, the ability to do business, and all this does not prevent them from maintaining their childish naivety. In their hearts, they want to believe that they are able to change this world. Such men like to stand out from the crowd, attract attention, and the outside world turns into a background on which they shine.

Not only men, but also the fair sex, born under the sign of Aries, are distinguished by a strong, beautiful character. Despite the fact that feminine qualities somewhat soften their fiery nature, it is difficult for them to objectively evaluate others and themselves. In this woman, Aries is hindered by selfishness: she puts only her feelings at the forefront and, blinded by them, stops thinking about loved ones.


Aquarius is a prominent representative of the element Air. He is changeable, prone to mood swings, has creative abilities and loves to show originality in everything. He may come up with ideas that seem fantastic to others, but in reality they are simply ahead of their time. Such a person is often surrounded by a wide variety of people, because he has versatile interests and draws inspiration from communicating with them, while in communication he can be emotionally cold. His actions are not always guided by logic, he is more inclined to follow intuition and momentary impulse.

Aquarians are multifaceted in nature and can appear in front of other people in a variety of guises: funny and ingenious, independent and affectionate, diplomatic and daring, modest and frank.

With all the desire to communicate with different people, Aquarians sometimes get depressed when they want to isolate themselves from the world around them. Even in such a depressed mood, this air sign does not lose discernment, which manifests itself in him much more often than in other representatives of the zodiacal circle.

Uranus often endows them with the qualities of rebels: Aquarius, like no one else, feels when the old has lost its relevance and must give way to the new. He likes to study the people he meets on the way and analyze the events taking place around him. In his desire to unravel a person, such a man may begin to ask too frank questions, and he himself does not hesitate to tell his secrets, and, having clarified all the ins and outs of the object of observation, he may lose interest and disappear from the horizon. Aquarius is comfortable in professions that require intellectual efforts and constant development of creative potential.

Aquarius men are usually friendly, cultured, know how to behave in society and make a good impression on others. Having their own opinion, they are still able to listen to other people, and, having heard impressive arguments, change their ideas about things. The craving for knowledge allows Aquarius to achieve heights in science and even become geniuses of their time.

Aquarius women usually stand out from the crowd due to their originality, which manifests itself in both appearance and behavior. There are also modest natures among them, but, having got to know them better, a person is amazed at how extraordinary they are in their inner qualities.These ladies are appreciated for their high erudition, good intellectual abilities and the ability to solve problems without the help of other people. At the same time, if something went wrong, they are reluctant to redo the work already done, they can disclaim responsibility or shift it onto others. Only a reluctance to lose a job or ruin relationships with people will force the representative of this air sign to pedantically correct her mistakes.

How compatible?

The union of representatives of two different elements - Aries and Aquarius - has its pros and cons. If you try to describe it in two words, then this is a partnership between a “hero” and a “genius”: Aquarius constantly feeds its energetic partner Aries with ideas, and he lights up with them, like a fire that has received an influx of air. How this manifests itself in various spheres of relations, we will consider further.

In friendship

If these two converge, then this union is truly bright and fruitful: the wards of Mars and Uranus always have something to talk about.

They are united by a craving for all new beginnings and the fading of interest in a business when it turns into a routine. Striving to conquer the peaks, driven by the irrepressible energy of Mars, Aries sometimes stumble due to the lack of a sufficiently clear plan. They themselves understand that strategic planning is not their strong point. Aquarius, on the other hand, spends a lot of time thinking about their actions.

Both the one and the other appreciate their friends and do not leave them in difficult times. Both become part of each other's life and are ready to spend a lot of time together. Interestingly, heterosexual participants may also be present in this friendly union. They give each other pleasant communication, share ideas and plans, discuss exciting topics, but at the same time there are no serious mutual obligations, common life and routine between them, which both of these signs do not like so much.

Their friendship may cause confusion among others, but for them this is quite an ordinary phenomenon, since they are able to see in each other not just a man and a woman.

Disagreements between Aries and Aquarius usually occur due to the mutual manifestations of selfishness of the participants in the tandem. Both signs tend to focus on their needs and interests, want to have personal space, and sometimes do not want to understand and hear a partner. As a rule, representatives of these zodiacs are confident in their righteousness and do not give up in disputes. This leads to quarrels, which sometimes lead to serious conflicts.

In a love relationship

Aquarius, like all air signs, is not the main character-lover of the horoscope. This representative of the zodiac perceives intimacy not as aloof, but as a continuation of an intellectual and spiritual relationship. Appreciates a broad outlook in a partner, creative thinking and the ability to interest not only in external attractiveness. Aquarius can be attracted by pornography as a source of enhancement of his "sexual skills", he also loves to create an erotic atmosphere in the bedroom and is not averse to trying role-playing games.

From the same "scientific" goals, Aquarius can participate in numerous novels. In every relationship, he seeks to reveal his partner and gets sincere pleasure from communication. In the presence of common interests, Aquarius can maintain friendly contact with a partner even after the end of the love affair.

Aries, as a typical representative of the fiery zodiacs, loves carnal pleasures and is ready to take the initiative in sex. The physical side of the relationship for him is the most important vital need. To be in bed, he does not need to get to know a person for a long time and look for common ground in other areas of life. Among them, there are often lovers of non-binding connections. Moreover, they themselves are the owners and can arrange a scene of jealousy even for no apparent reason.

Aries' sexual energy is eloquently characterized by the element of Fire. The temperament of the sign is considered one of the strongest in the zodiac.Sex for Aries is as important as food and sleep, for its realization he is ready to go to all kinds of tricks. He wins partners actively, even aggressively, not wanting to hear refusals from the person he likes. In order to be in bed with someone, he does not need to build relationships for a long time and fall in love. With such an easy attitude to intimacy, Aries's jealousy seems strange. However, these are not just manifestations of possessiveness towards a partner - he experiences mental pain when cheating.

Both zodiacs are attracted to each other literally from the first minutes of meeting. Ardent Aries loves the suddenness of Aquarius, and lovers are ready to surrender to passion anytime, anywhere. Let's find out what difficulties can become a "stumbling block" in such passionate love unions.

Aries man and Aquarius woman

Aries loves flamboyant personalities who look or behave differently from others. They like it when they are intrigued, beckoned - then their desire to conquer the goal becomes even stronger, and ardent feelings do not have time to cool down. For girls born under the sign of Aquarius, originality is a typical trait. Aries takes pleasure in solving this unusual lady and begins to court with all his usual pressure. If the Aquarius girl really liked this guy, then she will quickly be in his hands, despite all her principles.

To win the heart of an Aquarius girl, a man is encouraged to find out what her interests are. The sympathy of the representative of this sign is not based solely on the physical attractiveness of the guy: they gravitate towards various spheres of art or science. The opportunity to learn something new on a topic that interests her will be an important stimulus for communication.

She can be scared off by the excessive seriousness of the companion and the lack of a sense of humor, but Aries is usually all right with this: when meeting, he is able not only to profitably present his appearance, but also to show off wit.

Having barely met, they feel spiritual unity and rush to plunge into an affair with their heads. These two are a beautiful couple, and many admire the romantic relationship of Aries and Aquarius, and their candy-bouquet period looks just enchanting. At the stage of meetings, both are ready to give up their egoistic feelings, since they feel that they have found a kindred spirit, and they value each other very much. However, soon the Aries man may slow down and lose his former ardor, as the Aquarius woman begins to "tighten the screws", and this man does not like to change for the sake of the second half. When they find out about past partners, it creates jealousy, especially on the part of Aries.

Aries Woman and Aquarius Man

The Aquarius man is interested in everything unusual and unknown. He assesses not so much the beauty of the fair sex as her manner of communication, movements, gestures, non-verbal signs she gives and other features that reveal a person. To charm him, a girl must be a difficult, interesting person, be able to captivate him with conversation and intrigue. A bright woman Aries is in many ways consistent with these ideas: she flirts on the level of instinct, and female charisma overrides her directness and lack of "puzzles" that Aquarius likes so much.

To attract the attention of an Aries girl, you need to be active and try to win her over. She will be glad if the boyfriend is not at a loss and will quickly invite her to a restaurant, pamper her with gifts, make surprises and generously present her with compliments. Aquarius may have problems with activity, but he can win the heart of this woman with exquisite praises that representatives of other zodiacs are incapable of. She appreciates strong people, including those who are strong in intellect, and this nature of Aquarius did not cheat.

In such a union, the accents are somewhat shifted: the Aries girl is distinguished not only by her stormy temperament, but also by the elevation of feelings.The Aquarius man is not particularly active in bed, but due to his increased sociability, he often spends time in motley companies. Once in one of them, a man can behave frivolously, which the Aries girl perfectly guesses. As a result, scenes of jealousy and a showdown are guaranteed to such a couple.


Having sealed the union with the bonds of Hymen, Aries and Aquarius will strive to develop relationships, bring something new to them and enrich them spiritually. Fresh impressions are important for both partners, because they hate routine equally. When a child appears in the family, they will enthusiastically accept the beginning of a new stage in the relationship. These signs have very similar views on raising children, and in this common cause the couple will rally even more. Family picnics, hiking trips and visiting attractions with your baby will give them a lot of new experiences.

Aries man and Aquarius woman

At the beginning of a relationship, the difference in temperament between these two can be minimized, but over time, the differences will become more pronounced. All due to the fact that Aries is too active and sometimes allows himself to be aggressive. This behavior in everyday family life is somewhat frightening for girls born under the sign of Aquarius.

It is important for Aquarius to communicate with people who arouse his keen interest. However, the Aries husband, inclined to "home-building", often limits the social circle of his half. The spouse must be sure that he occupies the main place in the heart of his wife, and better - the only one. Relatives, friends, and even more so men should not be of the same importance as himself.

Sometimes children appear in such couples late. Bye they did not have offspring, their union can be built on a principle reminiscent of the relationship of "mother and son": the wife surrounds her husband with care, calms him down, gives advice, and the husband gladly accepts her custody. At the same time, they are not at all bored together: each is trying to surprise and please a partner. And this approach is the key to a strong relationship in this couple.

If the Aquarius woman is naturally modest, then the Aries guy may not like that his companion loves to dream while sitting at home and does not seek to shine in society. If he begins to put too much pressure on his wife and try to impose rules of conduct on her, she will begin to rebel and defend her boundaries. So that the union does not fall apart due to such omissions, they should have a common hobby or even open a joint business. Having a common interest, lovers will be able to come to terms with each other's shortcomings and make compromises on other issues, including family matters.

Usually quarrels in such a marriage sooner or later end in reconciliation, and if a love boat breaks down on everyday life, then they forever remain in each other's hearts.

Aries woman and Aquarius man

This type of "cold intellectual" captivates the Aries woman with her charisma and ability to think outside the box. She is interested in listening and helping to bring the bold ideas of her genius to life. Ideally, the wife should receive generous compliments from her partner, which serve as a balm for the soul for Aries, and the husband should feel like the master of the house. In this situation, both spouses will be happy, their union will give both many wonderful moments and will last indefinitely.

However, it is far from always marital life is built according to an ideal scenario... Aries woman and Aquarius man often begin to compete with each other for leadership in the family - the wife's too authoritarian demeanor is not to the liking of any spouse, especially the self-confident Aquarius. The lapping period in such a tandem can get really tough.

If they manage to hold out together during the formation of the family, then in subsequent years this fortress, most likely, will not be destroyed by anything. Mutual understanding and respect will become the main things in marriage, and the love union will finally be filled with harmony.

In work

Aries does not like to feel subordinate at work, often argues with a manager, violates discipline and has difficulty listening to comments in his address. It is not surprising that he is much more comfortable in the role of the owner of his own business. Unfortunately, fiery Aries often lacks self-organization and strategic thinking.

Aquarians are individualists and seekers. Representatives of this zodiac often hatch interesting ideas, not an exception, and plans to create their own business. Such people want to earn with the help of their extraordinary mental abilities, indecision often becomes the main difficulty in their path.

Based on these characteristics, how business partners Aquarius and Aries complement well friend friend... If the first one correctly plans everything, then the second will direct his ebullient energy to achieve the set goals. It is important that having decided on the direction of the business, Aries is able to quickly start taking real action and helps Aquarius "descend from heaven to earth." His dreamy friend lacks such a quick reaction - he tends to analyze the situation for a long time and choose suitable paths. But Aquarius is able to generate fresh ideas and due to this, always stay one step ahead of competitors.

Both of these signs are more or less idealistic, believe in lofty goals, are not inclined to weave intrigues and cunning - this is their high compatibility. Driven by a common idea, they are able to build a union based on mutual trust, and a common cause can become a logical continuation of joint activities, a hobby: to produce products in which they themselves have a keen interest, to provide services in which they themselves have reached a high level of skill. For example, Aries love sports and, systematically developing in it, they themselves, over time, are able to become co-owners of gyms and fitness clubs. Aquarians are inclined to creativity and self-development and will embody projects of this element with enthusiasm.

The choice of a business area for them is not limited to a specific framework, but given that both are enthusiastic natures, it is unlikely that this will be a purely commercial project.

Possible Reasons for Disagreement

A common cause of conflicts between Aries and Aquarius is their selfishness and self-confidence. Taking into account the characteristics of these two representatives of different elements, astrologers have made several recommendations.

Aries Tips

  • In the process of communicating and expressing thoughts, Aries is straightforward, in his spirit - "cut from the shoulder." Due to its overly lively nature, this zodiac is able to run into fevers. Sometimes he just needs to stop in time, retire and cool down so that resentment does not settle in the heart of Aquarius, because he is not so easy-going and will remember the words he heard for a long time.
  • When planning to get married, Aries needs to be prepared for the fact that he will have to take on most of the everyday problems. This is because Aquarius will shirk from routine household chores, because the aesthetic dreamer is too busy with his mental activity. In addition, in the hands of a fire sign, everything is arguing faster than in a representative of the element of Air.
  • Flirting with members of the opposite sex is common in Aries. This loving zodiac does not miss the opportunity to show off and make a good impression on others. He should bear in mind that Aquarius makes the same high demands on a partner as on himself, and, having learned about the betrayal, he may not forgive the insult and calmly break off the relationship forever.
  • In a couple where the woman is Aries, there may be problems of shifting roles. Due to a more active temperament, a woman often “pulls the blanket over herself”, tries to lead a man in all matters, and even in bed, forgetting that a man should feel like the head of the family. She should control herself so that the self-esteem of the Aquarius husband does not suffer from her assertiveness and desire to dominate and he does not leave in search of a softer life partner.

Tips for Aquarius

  • Despite the fact that both Aries and Aquarius are quite sociable, the former looks a little easier at the world and at himself in it. For all the impatience of criticism, Aries has a sense of humor and can quickly make contact in the event of a quarrel. But Aquarius sometimes elevates himself too much above those around him, as he feels his intellectual superiority, but it would be worthwhile to calm down his pride and actively go into dialogue.
  • Sometimes it may seem to Aries that Aquarius speaks too ornate and vague. Such a person tries in every possible way to grasp the meaning of the abstruse reasoning of his partner, and if it is impossible to achieve specificity, then this throws Aries out of balance. In such situations, Aquarius should learn to express thoughts easier. With his inherent erudition, one can conduct a dialogue at any level of communication, including at the everyday level.
  • When Aries cannot find a way out for their energy, they can break down on others. In such difficult moments, it can be difficult for Aquarius to cope with the rage of a partner, but you should not despair. Instead, it is better to give Aries a new interesting idea for self-realization, which he will enthusiastically embody. The main thing is not to forget to praise him for any, even insignificant, achievements.
  • If the Aquarius woman is cunning, she can create a wonderful union with Aries. Agreeing with her husband about everything in public and not forgetting to praise him, she will "inspire" her companion. The main thing is for the husband to feel his authority in the family and in public. Left alone with him, it will not be difficult for an intelligent woman of an air sign to convince her husband to do as she wants.

Famous couples

  • Actor Alexander Zbruev (March 31, 1938) and actress Lyudmila Savelyeva (January 24, 1942). This half-century union overcame many trials and survived, even despite the appearance of a homeless woman. Zbruev, known to viewers for the films "Everything will be fine" and "You are my only one", not only became carried away by another woman - his colleague Elena Shanina gave birth to his daughter. For a long time tossing between two fires, Alexander still stayed with Savelyeva, who is known to the viewer for the role of Natalya Rostova in the film based on the novel "War and Peace".
  • Composer Andre Previn (6 April 1929) and actress Mia Farrow (9 February 1945). The four-time Academy Award winner for Best Soundtrack and Musical Adaptation married the film star in 1970. Despite their active creative work, they managed to create a large family. In the marriage, three sons were born, the couple adopted three more daughters. True, their marriage did not last long - only 9 years.
  • American producer and actor Christopher Lambert (March 29, 1957) and actress Diane Lane (January 22, 1965). Their star union lasted five years, and broke up six months after the birth of their daughter. The couple was unable to overcome marital problems. However, according to Lambert, their marriage could have lasted longer if they were not actors, but ordinary people.
  • Director Artyom Aksenenko (April 8, 1983) and actress Diana Pozharskaya (February 3, 1992). This still young family amazes others with harmony and unity. Aksenenko, who directed the films "Champions", "Eclipse" and "Fog", and Pozharskaya got married two years ago. In an interview, a happy wife admits that they understand each other intuitively, and their thoughts and feelings always coincide.

Speaking about the prospects of the relationship between the signs of Aries and Aquarius, we can say with confidence that in most cases this is a bright, outstanding and fruitful union. Both of its participants love to make discoveries, learn new things, believe in the best qualities in a person, are capable of devotion and long-term interaction. The difference in their temperaments, with mutual desire, can turn not into a minus, but a plus of such relationships in which one partner will complement the other. Then they unite, like Fire and Air, and are ready to maintain the flame of love for many years.

For more information on the compatibility of Aries and Aquarius, see the next video.

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