Aries compatibility

Cancer and Aries: Relationship Prospects and Factors of Failure

Cancer and Aries: Relationship Prospects and Factors of Failure
  1. Characteristic
  2. Pros and cons of the union
  3. How compatible?
  4. Possible causes of conflicts

Aries and Cancer have quite a bit in common, and at first it may seem that these signs of the zodiac are unable to get along with each other, but nevertheless the signs get along remarkably well: the interests of these people do not collide, there are very few contradictions between them. They seem to complement each other with their capabilities, abilities and strong character traits. Communication between Aries and Cancer can bring both disappointment and great benefits to the signs.


The characteristics of the zodiac signs help to learn about the strong character traits of each personality.

Cancer and Aries are incredibly different signs that can become good comrades or evil enemies for each other.

  • The Aries man loves to do, not speak. He is energetic and active, he likes to communicate with people. He is constantly trying to take power into his own hands, maybe a boss, a hunter and an initiator. Most often, such young people are self-confident, courageous, spontaneous and independent. They have a courage that coexists with the inner child. They like the feeling of competition, but such men always play fair. It is extremely important for them to prove to the world and to himself that he is able to achieve whatever he wants. Dislikes suppression and ultimatums. Sometimes it can be selfish, domineering, insensitive, impatient.
  • Aries woman is smart, sometimes conceited. You can see the pressure in her character. Such girls try to do everything on their own and rarely ask men for help. Aries rarely complain, do not like to show weakness, try to be strong both morally and physically. They also do not like it when they are "pronounced".Aries girl most often chooses an active lifestyle, can go in for sports, constantly show excitement and strive to enjoy life. Her energy will definitely be transferred to those around her.
  • The Cancer man is kind, polite, benevolent. He is gallant and knows how to behave. Cancer men never forget about good manners if they receive the same treatment in return. But the sign may have situations in which he loses his composure and becomes extremely emotional, harsh and suspicious. Such men are capable of dramatizing, exaggerating problems. Their mood most often depends on the people around them, friends and family. That is why close people should be extremely careful when choosing their words.
  • A Cancer woman is a rather complex, but good person who is able to grow younger over the years and fall in love with a man younger than herself. Such women will undoubtedly open their souls to their beloved, therefore they often get hurt and stop trusting men. Any negative statement or even a disapproving look can offend them. Cancer women can find double meaning where it does not exist and become upset about it. They are unable to control emotions, so the girl's mood changes every 5 minutes. The zodiac sign can easily go from hate to protection.

Pros and cons of the union

Despite the fact that Cancer and Aries are able to create a strong and vibrant union, negative sides will be present in their life together.

  • Aries is a harsh sign that doesn't go well with soft Cancers. Therefore, Cancers are not always able to withstand the pressure of their partner.
  • Simple-minded Aries can suffer from partners' secrecy. Cancers are not used to talking about every step they take and believe that talking to the other half about literally everything is meaningless.
  • Both signs are leaders, therefore, the fight for the "palm" can lead to quarrels and even rupture of relations.
  • Cancer and Aries are terribly jealous signs, but they treat this feeling differently: Cancer loves to be jealous of him, and an open Aries does not want to see such a feeling in a partner, as it can hurt him.
  • Aries can invest in a business so that they return in a stream. Cancer believes that it is necessary to save every penny and does not like risk. This can interfere with the good interaction of the signs.
  • Aries is extremely optimistic, Cancer is more of a pessimist.

    Despite the fact that these zodiac signs are different, their union has many advantages that help partners communicate and interact:

    • undoubtedly, the main advantage in such a relationship is a bright and interesting sex life;
    • Cancer and Aries are sentimental signs, therefore they will be open with each other, as they will feel understanding;
    • both signs are romantics, so together they will be comfortable and not bored;
    • if partners can fix all the problems, they will give each other a lot of new impressions and unforgettable feelings;
    • Aries' loyalty allows their partners to be more confident in themselves and in their loved one;
    • Cancers can learn from a partner openness, optimism and energy;
    • Aries will take from Cancers such positive qualities as prudence, a sequence of actions.

    How compatible?

      Once Cancer and Aries get used to each other, they have a strong bond. But one should not forget that in such a relationship, the confrontation of completely different elements always manifests itself.

      Aries is able to give a huge boost of energy, a lot of positiveness and confidence. Cancers immediately forget about their imaginary unattractiveness and manifestations of weakness.

      Very often, such a couple can be found not in marriage, but in business and friendly relations. In business, these zodiac signs can quickly fly forward if they agree with each other and resolve all possible conflicts.

      If the signs of the zodiac felt that they needed to start dating, at first they did not advance beyond the physical side of the relationship. But when the passion subsides, partners will try to find the same powerful and strong sources of positive energy. This will prove to be quite problematic.

      Despite the fact that such couples rarely converge, they are able to create a truly indestructible and lasting union. Their character traits allow them to teach something to their partner, to make him better. Quite often, partners understand that next to each other they feel more energetic, optimistic, softer, stronger, etc. If Cancer and Aries can get rid of the bad sides in their relationship, they will make them much stronger.

      In friendship

      There are two compatibility options for Aries and Cancer in friendship.

      1. Childhood friends... Cancers will be extremely sensitive to a friend, as they consider him to be a loved one. In this case, Aries try to use all the privileges, knowing that Cancer will always give useful advice or provide financial assistance.
      2. The leader also stuck... In this situation, Aries is the leader, as his charisma and desire to spend money on all sorts of little things attract many "friends". But due to the fact that Cancers do not like various adventures, Aries very quickly stop communicating with them, considering them to be outcast bores.

      If neither option is correct, such a friendship can grow into something more. Aries do not like to open up and get closer to people, therefore, if this still happens, a friendly union becomes indestructible.

      In love

      When Fire and Water are opposed to each other, it can end up rather badly, since none of the signs will retreat. Some of them will show that he is stronger someday. The winner in the conflict can be both Cancer and Aries. It depends on the nature of the people and their age. But it is worth remembering that the "victory" of any of the partners will not make him happy, since it is based on the oppression of the interests of the other.

        In the union of Cancer and Aries, there are many decisive actions. This also applies to scandals that end in the devastation of partners. Cancers will try to withdraw into themselves, and Aries will not understand why this happened.

        Cancer and Aries feel a strong sexual desire for each other, so most often partners will be in bed. But soon the acuteness of feelings passes, and the signs will need to soberly assess the person who is nearby. At such moments, differences will emerge that can cause partners to quarrel. In a love relationship, Aries is extremely passionate and can become attached to passion. When the previous range of sensations disappears, he turns into an aggressive person, provokes quarrels, tries to hook Cancer in some way. At such moments, Cancers close, because they do not see sensuality from a partner. But in order for the union not to fall apart, Cancer must give in.

        • Aries guy - Cancer girl. In a girl, Aries is attracted by helplessness, femininity, grace and charm. He believes that she needs a strong male shoulder that will always support her. The Cancer girl will do everything to make the life of a young man comfortable: she knows how to cook well, she will actively praise her soulmate's sense of humor. But later, it may seem to Aries that such an "ideal" relationship is strangling him. He will consider that in this way the girl is trying to limit his freedom. Sometimes he is right, because soon the helplessness that Aries liked so much disappears somewhere - his girlfriend becomes hardy and tenacious. If this problem is not resolved, the relationship may end at this stage. Most often, the girl tries to strengthen the relationship. She needs to make the maximum amount of effort so that a wonderful feeling cannot turn into a gray routine.

          Aries men don't like annoying caring and strong control. For him, love is a vivid adventure, not quarrels, debriefing and various conflicts.

          • Cancer guy - Aries girl. The partner does not believe that she is attractive or feminine. Cancer can please her because he is gallant and attentive. She will consider him a real prince. He will immediately let her know that when paired with him, she may not be afraid to be natural, to voice her thoughts and feelings. The girl will feel loved, desired and charming as her partner will support her. Such a union can be called ideal, since there is no pretense here. But there is a minus that can destroy such a couple - both partners are incredibly jealous. In such a situation, how strong the bond is depends on the young person. Any woman cannot resist the care and affection that Cancer knows how to give. If Cancer can realize that relationships are built on his tenderness and care, he can easily get rid of all kinds of conflicts that prevent partners from being happy.

            Every woman can close her eyes to anything she doesn't like if she feels a good attitude towards herself.

            In family

            The marriage of Aries and Cancer is not a consequence of an incredible blinding love, so it can become stable and strong. In everyday life, spouses do not have any serious problems, but there are several contradictions in sex. At first they are happy with everything, but when the passion subsides, the couple realizes that they have different sexual needs. Cancers are more romantic, while Aries are extremely active and straightforward, so they may not suit each other. But quite often the husband and wife agree on a compromise, since in delicate matters they are capable of sacrifice.

            In family life, there may be minor quarrels, but punishment, harsh criticism and reproaches will bypass it.

            In work

            Aries works extremely fast, they can instantly have a variety of ideas, and they also like to be leaders. Cancers are slow workers, they are able to do only the usual work, they do not like innovations, and they are also leaders. These signs need to separate spheres of influence, otherwise they will "pull the rope over themselves."

            Aries is the boss, Cancer is the subordinate. Cancer may not like Aries and take colleagues who deserve his trust as allies. Aries hates intrigue. That is why such a union is incompatible.

            The business aspects will be quite acceptable, but the human relationship can be as difficult as possible.

            Possible causes of conflicts

            Cancers are often jealous, suspect their other half of something and throw incredibly strong tantrums. Aries do much the same, but rarely. Despite their rarity, their tantrums become stronger and more intense. Aries feel that with another person, Cancer would feel much better, safer, more comfortable and more comfortable. Soon, all this can overwhelm the cup of patience and lead to rejection. Cancer does not know how to be aggressive, but in alliance with such a zodiac sign as Aries, he will have to make his character more tempered by removing softness.

            Most often, it is Cancers who are trying to end such a relationship, since they are sensitive natures, unable to endure a large number of conflicts and quarrels. Aries are more superficial people and do not notice most of the problems. Also, representatives of this sign can completely forget about the recent conflict after a while, while Cancer will think about it for a long time.

            Such an alliance can bring both joy and sadness to partners. It must be remembered that a man and a woman are able to avoid problems.

            For more information on the compatibility of Cancer and Aries, see the next video.

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