
Aries-Tiger man traits

Aries-Tiger man traits
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Career
  3. Love and relationships
  4. Sexuality
  5. How does he like it?
  6. Family and home
  7. Zodiac sign compatibility
  8. Eastern horoscope compatibility

Extraordinary personalities with great potential - this is a brief description of the Aries-Tiger man. His character is not sugar at all, but one should hardly expect another from an energetic leader. This article will help you cope with a difficult temper and understand the multi-layered nature of such a partner.


This person paradoxically combines youthful despair and pragmatism, sociability and a fair amount of arrogance, a desire for adventure and rationality. It's easy to fall under his charm: just spend a few minutes with him, and you will spin in a whirlwind of jokes, energy and unbearable lightness of being.

If someone close to you suffers from a depressive mood, then you will not be able to find a better psychotherapist than this guy. Love for life, mental strength and imagination is enough for ten, which does not prevent him from standing firmly on his feet and soberly assessing reality.

Reflections are unusual for Aries-Tiger itself.

It is much more interesting for him to explore countries and open new horizons than to scrupulously study his inner world. He is a man of action: problems are not discussed, but solved, ideas are not stored in a piggy bank, but are immediately brought to life.

It seems that a more self-sufficient person does not exist, but how important is the encouragement and admiration of others for Aries! You don't have to make crazy efforts for this - he is already everyone's favorite, but it is necessary to keep the brand. Therefore, style is appreciated in a suit, comfort in the house, and chic and brightness in the chosen one.


If desired, representatives of the combination of signs achieve their goal in any field, be it a musical Olympus or social activity.They always have a desire: energy splashes over the edge, the level of egocentrism is quite high, and the thirst for universal attention pushes to create and create. This type of people could be classified as ambitious careerists, but there are two nuances - an ardent interest in their work and a constant search for themselves. A boring but profitable occupation terrifies Aries-Tiger, but he will be able to bring to mind an exciting, but risky project.

This unique ability is one of the main advantages of such men. This is not to say that they go over their heads, but they will try all possible options to get their own. However, the need to pave clever paths to the goal is extremely rare - usually enough diligence and a well-defined task.

Horoscopes assure that Aries-Tigers make excellent leaders.

Leadership inclinations allow you to lead a variety of people, sound judgment makes it possible to assess risks, and natural ingenuity helps to find a way out of any situation.

Love and relationships

The craving for change affects not only the professional sphere - in love, Aries-Tigers are also fickle. These men are not lovers of fleeting intrigues, but a long romance, even the most promising one, plunges them into despondency.

In amorous affairs, the duality of nature is fully manifested. The Year of the Tiger makes a young man impulsive, impetuous, thirsty for constant hunting. And then these manifestations are balanced by the conservatism and nobility of Aries. For example, considering flirting an innocent occupation, Aries-Tiger is unlikely to cheat on his chosen one. And the notorious thirst for novelty does not prevent him from parting with numerous ladies on a friendly note.

If a romantic relationship has just begun, then be prepared for a sea of ​​tenderness and an ocean of affection. The man of these signs shows himself to be a caring, honest, attentive and empathetic partner. You can't do without jealousy either, but if you don't flirt with strangers, then a scandal can be avoided.


And here everything is according to the classics: the selfishness of Aries-Tiger can also manifest itself in the intimate sphere. He does not give a damn about the wishes of his partner, but he always cares a little more about his own pleasure. At the same time, one cannot reproach him for the absence of passion. The tiger principle makes a man the owner of sexual attraction, and the sign of Aries is responsible for a powerful temperament. Such a guy can easily set up a real fire in bed.

In addition, he demonstrates his typical predatory-dominant position in sex.

The girl's attempts to take control of the situation will offend the Tiger to the core. It may sound paradoxical, but taming a wild beast is possible only by completely obeying it.

How does he like it?

If we are talking about the first sympathy, then Aries-Tiger will definitely single out from the crowd that girl who is distinguished by her femininity and lightness. Not to be confused with availability! Men of this type equally quickly lose interest in both overly intrusive and overly meek.

It is almost impossible to make the Tiger succumb to manipulation and female tricks., so deliberately ignoring calls will not be successful. Relaxedness, moderate attention to his person, subtle love play - the key to your heart is in your pocket.

Holding it is much more difficult than conquering it at first sight. Aries-Tiger does not want a woman to encroach on his personal space, and a wedding march can cause him a panic attack. He would like to relax and have fun, and he expects the same from his partner. Only the one who respects the right of her man to freedom, there are great chances to earn his full confidence.

Family and home

Young Aries-Tiger does not seek to marry. There are many reasons for this: a huge interesting world that is not limited to the framework of the house, and hundreds of attractive girls with whom you want to get to know better.The main stop light is the desire to achieve a lot, and it is not possible for him to combine family life and career.

But the matured, matured representative of the signs will be a real gift for his companion.

Suddenly, from a proud and windy boy, he will turn into an economic and devoted husband. He will be attentive to the wishes of his half and will not roll the stage because of nonsense.

True, the temperament of Aries-Tiger will not fade away even over the years, and sometimes it can show itself not from the best side. If you are starting a fierce discussion, then be prepared for retaliatory angry attacks. That is why the Tiger man is recommended to choose a balanced and non-conflict companion.

Zodiac sign compatibility

It is worth starting with the obvious: in its fiery element, Aries will definitely find, if not love, then like-minded people. With Leo and Sagittarius, a powerful emotional explosion awaits him, and if there are no casualties, then over time such a couple will become an exemplary family. If not, then a friendly union will come out no worse - you will never be bored, and understanding will be much higher than average.

Aries can be truly in love with an Aquarius woman.

He will be carried away by creativity, similarity of views and love of freedom.

Aries have the lowest chances of building strong relationships:

  • Libra;
  • Capricorns;
  • Taurus;
  • Virgins.

Libra can discourage the simple-minded Aries with their cunning, Capricorn will quickly disappoint, Taurus will torment him with a sense of ownership and mistrust, and Virgo, in general, is unlikely to attract attention - her stiffness is more likely to repel.

Communication with other signs is usually neutral.

Eastern horoscope compatibility

Wayward Tigers will like the riskiness and impetuosity of the Horse woman. The degree of passion in a pair will be quite high, but these two will perfectly complement each other. Some consider such a union to be a true kinship of souls.

A prudent Dog will be able to curb the Tiger man

Their relationship is full of mutual understanding and tenderness, and this is perhaps the only case when the Tiger does not need to show his animal nature - he is ready to become an obedient domestic cat.

By the way, the Tiger and the Tigress are a good combination, but only if they are both ready to make concessions and suppress their resentment.

Possible problems await Tiger in a relationship with:

  • Bull;
  • Snake;
  • Goat (Sheep).

The bull will drive the representative of the sign into a corner with endless pressure, with the Snake it will never be possible to hear each other, and the Tiger will suppress the Goat.

Relations with other signs are neutral.

The horoscope of compatibility of Aries with other signs is waiting for you in the video below.

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