
Features of the relationship of two Aries

Features of the relationship of two Aries
  1. Characteristics of the mark
  2. Pros and cons of union in love and marriage
  3. Can they make friends?
  4. Financial compatibility

It would seem that it is the zodiac sign that is identical to yours that will understand you best and share your interests. However, in the Aries-Aries pair, this is not entirely and not always the case. Despite the spirit of adventurism that unites them, the desire for constant movement and inexhaustible reserves of energy, there are pitfalls that can interfere with their harmonious coexistence, especially if the representatives of Fire decide to marry.

Characteristics of the mark

Aries is the first sign in the zodiacal circle with the patron planet Mars. Aries are generously endowed with ambition, hot temper, impulsiveness, pride and ambition. These are typical representatives of the element of Fire. The vital energy that they have, it seems, never runs out. Aries are natural born leaders, authoritarian and aggressive, yet brave and selfless. In addition, they understand the business they are leading.

Aries is an unusually purposeful sign. When they go to the set "top", nothing and no one is able to stop them. However, this is one of the rare signs of the zodiac, who rejoice not only at the achieved goal, but also the skills and knowledge gained in the process of conquering it. Indulge in laziness and indolence for these "batteries" is tantamount to a waste of time. They need to be constantly busy with something.

The weak point in fire rams is flexibility - often it simply does not exist, but Aries does not grieve about its absence. That is why only those peaks that can be taken with a "cavalry swoop", without diplomatic curtsy and bowing, can easily obey him. Where it is required to be cunning and resourceful, to count their actions (and the actions of the enemy) for dozens of steps forward, Aries are not strong.

Aries' quick temper often plays a bad joke with him. If the "ram" has suffered, then he can no longer stop until he expresses everything that is boiling in his soul. He can perfectly understand that he is going too far and offending his interlocutor, but his natural honesty does not allow him to be silent in mid-sentence.

Having said everything, Aries begins to slowly realize that he has gone too far. But an apology is not for representatives of the fire, they do not know how to aloud admit their mistakes. After a while, he simply begins to calmly, as if nothing had happened, to talk to the person offended by him, and this is the "ram-style" apology.

Aries is a sign of a masculine orientation, so women born under this sign often find it difficult to build relationships, because they have a somewhat brutal character, prone to aggression and assertiveness.


The Aries man successfully makes a career in government, as well as in the political sphere, in military service, in the prosecutor's office. He is quite capable of taking a high post there, and he strives for this. For a fire sign, the most important thing in life is not money and material resources, but the management of people, the ability to rule and control.

The "ram" man is bright, temperamental, charismatic. He immediately attracts attention, is energetic and mobile, and this attracts many women. He also has such a trait as passion, but a special kind of passion: Aries does not like to participate in races or competitions, but such a position as a judge of competitions will suit him very much.

The Aries man fights for the lady he likes by any means, and the fact that she can be in other relationships does not stop him, but rather spurs him on. Indeed, in this way an elusive goal "looms" in front of him. Having conquered the lady of the heart, the "ram" will ask and insist that she confirm every minute what an exceptional person he is. A woman of dreams for a fire sign should be emotional, gentle and active, share the interests of her partner. Otherwise, he will quickly get bored with sitting at home together.

Aries is jealous like Othello and for his chosen one does not accept any hints of flirting with other men. Noticing that the lady of the heart pays attention to someone other than him, the fiery man is quite capable of breaking off relations with her in the heat of the moment, especially if the romance is recent. For the beloved, there should be no other representatives of the stronger sex, except for Aries, if she wants the relationship to last a long time.

The “ram” treats itself more connivingly, allowing hikes “to the left”. It is quite difficult for the second half of a fiery man to maintain attractiveness, mystery and attractiveness for him, while constantly emphasizing how important he is to her.


If a woman was born under the sign of Aries, this is “fire” in all its manifestations. She is significantly more powerful than most of the men of this sign. Aries woman is an incorrigible optimist, generous and independent from anyone. She loves to pamper loved ones with expensive gifts, enjoying their emotions and impressions.

In addition to their fiery nature, these ladies often have an attractive and impressive appearance. They are impulsive, impulsive, and, unfortunately, do not always think before they say something. Therefore, very often, words thrown in the heat of overwhelming emotions can hurt the interlocutor, although the Lady of Fire had no idea of ​​doing this.

These persons do not lose maximalism and idealism in relationships at any age, wanting either to completely possess their chosen one, or to drive him out of sight. A bright fiery woman makes an impressive list of requirements for a man worthy to become her companion, and, of course, not everyone will "pull" this difficult burden. That is why, in general, Aries women relate to the stronger sex calmly and without much emotion.

It is not necessary, however, to represent these fiery persons as "blue stockings". No, it is very important for them to have love, romantic dates, and passion in their lives. Sexual relations for women with a fiery temperament are no less important, which is why a man who has not passed the test of intimacy is not allowed to have a relationship with her, even if he is rich, romantic, attentive and educated. The sex standards of Aries women are unusually high.

In the same way as for Aries men, for the fair sex those males are most attractive who do not rush to their feet and do not react to their vibes. The chosen one of this independent person should be self-sufficient, proud and not fussy. And she can pay for a taxi and a cafe herself.

However, the strategy of behavior in relationships in the Aries woman is completely analogous to the male one - she needs worship, attention and constant praises. Once the "object" is subdued, he must constantly admire her and shower with compliments.

It should also be noted that the representatives of this sign of Fire only bloom over the years, remaining as bright and attractive as in their younger years.

Pros and cons of union in love and marriage

Representatives of the sign Aries of different genders are the same in nature, but at the same time they are so different in the manifestation of gender roles that their similarity is not so obvious.

Love strikes them exactly according to Bulgakov - "like a Finnish knife", suddenly and spontaneously. This couple is not characterized by long courtship, "eyeing" each other, no, they understand everything at once, flashing like torches. Often, common sense leaves both during the beginning of a relationship.

The sympathy that arises between a woman and a man Aries is obvious not only to themselves, but also to all their loved ones. Even the air seems to spark a little, like a thunderstorm. The word "tenderness" is inapplicable to the representatives of this sign of the zodiac who have formed a couple. Heat, fire, elements, tsunamis reign here, often all together.

Aries woman expects reliability and protection from her beloved, and she receives it precisely in a relationship with a representative of her sign. The man is struck by the brightness and charisma of his chosen one, as well as the complete coincidence of interests.

The dignity of these relations lies precisely in the identity of signs. Aries understand each other perfectly, they have no need to hide or hide something from a partner, because they see right through each other. The relationship of two Aries is honest and transparent. The pluses, of course, can be attributed to the community of interests - both are mobile, active, purposeful.

In addition, this pair is perfect for each other in bed, again due to a similar fiery temperament. They don't need to look around, because in a partner each of them finds exactly what he needs in both sex and love, and it is hardly possible to find someone who will be compatible with Aries in this regard better than another Aries.

Aries love experimenting in bed and are ready to do this for a long time. Representatives of this sign solve all problems that arise in a relationship through sex: they ask for forgiveness, smooth over misconduct, go around sharp corners. The main thing for the two leaders is to find a balance in meeting their needs and the desires of a partner. Then sex will be pleasant to both and will cause a lot of pleasant sensations.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. And this is just a lack of diplomacy and attention to the needs of a partner. However, this drawback is easy to eliminate, since mutual understanding between Aries is at an exorbitant level, it is enough for one of the partners to voice their wishes for the other to take them into account. Aries do not like to argue for a long time, they are people of action, therefore, as a rule, they immediately go on to implement what their partner asked them to do.

Another disadvantage of the relationship can be such a development of the novel, when both partners quickly caught fire with each other and cooled down just as rapidly. Most often this happens if the only thing that united the partners was sexual attraction.It is good if this "cooling" occurs simultaneously for both, and if one "burned out" and the other continues to burn with passion, the breakup will be painful.

Aries are small masters in creating comfort and home improvement. Representatives of the stronger sex, born under this constellation, are largely adherents of house building, therefore they expect from a woman that she will make their home comfortable and warm. However, Aries ladies are not very fond of and know how to do housework and do not like at all when they are forced to do this. Therefore, having broken spears on the topic of who will “provide comfort”, each of the Aries can scatter to look for him at other hearths. If the representatives of the fire element agree to outsource cooking, cleaning and washing, and specially trained people will deal with these issues, the degree of tension in the relationship will decrease significantly. The house will be clean, a freshly prepared dinner will be waiting for a couple every evening, and Aries will have the opportunity to enjoy a well-established life, investing only financial resources in its organization.

For Aries, criticizing a partner is a road to nowhere. Neither a woman nor a man tolerates harsh remarks from a companion, and of course, they will not change to please him. Most likely, if you criticize Aries, and even do it constantly, or even worse - in public, a representative of the element of Fire will go to look for confirmation of his exclusivity elsewhere. Only compliments and flattery can make Aries move forward and change something in themselves for their beloved.

On the other hand, if Aries starts making comments to Aries, this most likely means that the relationship has exhausted itself, and the “critic” understands this and is ready to part ways. Since both representatives in a pair have a similar character and temperament, they perfectly understand when they hurt a partner, because he hates the same as the other.

Whether their marriage will be long - no predictions can be made. Perhaps the notorious midlife crisis will overtake one or both, and the family will collapse. Or maybe the companions will be able to preserve the novelty and brightness of feelings in relation to each other. The main thing for them is not to plan their life for too long, from this the fire begins to extinguish, and the family turns into a routine. It is boredom that can ruin this couple. And life in the "here and now" mode may well preserve the marriage until old age.

However, overly violent feelings can play a bad joke with Aries. Constant outbursts of emotion, expressed on any occasion, will tire both sides. And the lovers' “tug” of the baton of leadership in the family will not do good, since none of them can stand it when a partner tries to command. Both Aries need to learn to yield to their beloved, because, after all, once he or she attracted them exactly as they are!

From the recommendations of astrologers, the following is mandatory:

  • Don't try to make your partner jealous! Aries is desperately jealous, and for him the shadow of doubt in his life partner is like a knife in the back. Neither a man nor a woman will find out what was and what was not, it is easier for them to break off relations altogether. For this sign, betrayal is lost trust, which the partner will not be able to restore. And if flirting was an attempt to make you jealous, Aries will not forgive such a game either. Representatives of this sign are honest and open people, and it is unacceptable to arrange tests of loyalty for them.

A woman will have to give way in a pair of Aries. It is better for her to realize her leadership qualities at work, and her husband will command at home. If a man learns not to put pressure on his beloved, not to command and not demand complete submission, the family has a great chance of success.

Aries is a selfish sign, and when two such self-sufficient people enter into an alliance, there is a risk that it will be difficult for them to negotiate and coexist in principle.Both partners will have to learn to take into account not only their own interests, but also what the other wants. Perhaps this will be facilitated by customs and rituals that will become obligatory for both: evening discussion of the past day at dinner, alternating films when watching: first he chooses one, and then the other. The ability to meet halfway and reach compromises is not always an innate quality, it is quite possible to develop it, it is enough to want to maintain a relationship with a loved one and understand that everyone is individual and has his own needs, desires and intentions.

The amazing vitality of both is one of the pillars on which the family rests. Both partners have a large number of friends, they like to spend time with companies.

    Aries man and woman make excellent parents. They love to participate in various family competitions and contests, both are athletic and active, they also teach children to do the same. For these dads and moms, the ideal weekend is to ride bicycles or rollerblades around the park with the whole family. Aries love to spend time together and in nature.

    In addition, they are among those parents who in every possible way welcome children's events with a large number of people, active games, contests and entertainment. In their house, children are happy to invite friends for games and communication. Any endeavor of a child will be unconditionally supported by Aries parents, be it singing, street dancing, sports or photography, and that is why their children very often achieve great success at a very early age.

    Can they make friends?

    In friendship, Aries are loyal and reliable. Since there is no passion between them, complete mutual understanding is also supported by calmness, which allows them to become the best advisers for each other. The level of mutual understanding they have is not in words, but in looks and gestures. They don't need to tell each other anything for a long time, just a few sentences.

    In addition, the identity of the zodiac sign makes this couple truly one. Aries are never bored together, they can have fun anywhere, for this they do not need an appropriate environment or a good mood. When they meet, Aries can make each other laugh and amuse in five seconds. If friendship arises between them in childhood or adolescence, Aries do not part and do everything together until someone (or everyone) has a permanent and serious relationship.

    Aries are rarely seen, but they remain unusually close. At the very moment when advice and support is required, Aries will call Aries out of all friends. They will not go to an expensive restaurant, they will most likely have fun, drinking beer and eating pizza or food "from boxes", remembering the days when friendship was just beginning.

    This couple has many joint "exploits" in the past, they always have something to discuss and something to laugh at, and both serve each other with energy, helping to overcome difficulties and move forward.

    Financial compatibility

    Despite the mutual understanding, it is better for Aries to entrust their financial affairs to someone else. Because the speed in decision-making inherent in both does not always benefit material well-being. They need counseling to a person who is more balanced, more thoughtful and competent in matters of finance, and it is desirable that it be done on an ongoing basis. Neither the woman nor the man want to and do not know how to wait. They need everything at once - both profit and benefit. Therefore, having decided to start a joint business, they should, firstly, develop a long-term concept, which will indicate everything - both the development timeframe, and the first profits, and the further expansion of the business, and secondly, find a good accounting firm and entrust it with the management of the entire documentation.In addition, before the stage of obtaining long-term and permanent profit, they will need a business consultant - a person who has experience and reputation in this area and will be able to help not only in word, but also in deed.

    Multi-turn strategies are Aries' weak point, they are tactics that set a goal and achieve it. The ability to think several steps ahead is not inherent in them. This is what a business consultant is for. When the "sprinters" run out of steam, the "marathon runner" will help them get back on their feet and continue to develop their business.

    But what Aries is strong in is in the absence of fear of the unknown. Even without experience in any field, the Fire sign will calmly make its way into business, striving to occupy its niche. "Sheep" do not know fear, they take risks and often win. Where other signs of the zodiac assess risks, calculate prospects and draw up business plans, Aries have already opened a retail outlet and are working. The natural charm, brightness and charisma of the representatives of this sign in this case are their helpers, people trust Aries, as they are honest and open people.

    The main thing for Aries is not to pull the rope of leadership, otherwise a well-coordinated team of punchy fighters will turn into figuring out who is in charge. And this can in no way benefit the common cause. It is better to divide the "spheres of influence" so that everyone does exactly what he can better than the other. Then joint business conduct will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction.

    For the compatibility of two Aries, see the video below.

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