How is an overlock machine different from a sewing machine?

There are people who do not see the difference between an overlock and a sewing machine at all. However, these devices are used in the sewing industry for different purposes. We will tell you below about the difference in the device and purpose of these devices.

Difference in device
Speaking about which is the best - an overlock or a machine, it should be said right away that the first device is unlikely to be a full-fledged replacement for the second, but it may well be used as an accessory that complements the main tool with a large number of new functions. The difference between these two devices is worth telling in more detail. Let's start with a sewing machine. It is she who is most often used for sewing clothes and other things that are easy to create. This device has great functionality, which helps to fasten the two parts together, as well as to make seams that differ from each other in complexity.
In general, the sewing machine has several varieties. So, for example, electromechanical specimens are distinguished, which are equipped with an electric motor. They do not have a large number of programs and are most suitable for those who are just starting to get involved in cutting and sewing.
It is also suitable for those who do not plan to sew things from materials that are heavy or delicate.

More complex in terms of its device is computer sewing machines. They are distinguished by the presence of an electronic display with which you can set all the necessary sewing parameters. Typically, such models themselves change the threads, and also switch the operating mode of the device, which significantly saves the seamstress's time and energy.Such copies are suitable for those who are seriously involved in sewing and have many orders. In addition, special sewing mechanisms are distinguished, but they are purchased mainly for large-scale enterprises.
As for the overlocker, this device has a different device, and its main function is overcasting. This machine is designed for overcasting fabrics, and some units are even capable of trimming it themselves. It is with its help that you can give the seam a store-like appearance. In addition, it greatly simplifies the work with the processing of difficult places and saves the time of the seamstress. The overlock, instead of the shuttle part available in the sewing machine, has two loopers, which are engaged in performing the main tasks of this device.
In addition, the overlock can easily use up to five threads when working, while when working on a sewing machine, you need to limit yourself to only two.

Differences in appointment
First of all, you should give your preference to a sewing machine if you are just learning to sew. In this case, you will need an overlock only on condition that you are going to continue sewing, gradually improving your skills in this area. In this case, you should take a closer look at buying such a model of a device that combines the functions of an overlock and a sewing machine. The cost of such a device can vary from 5 to 20 thousand rubles, depending on its functionality.
If you do not plan to be engaged in sewing any products, but overcasting of certain things is important for you, then in this case you can safely give preference to an overlock. It can not only serve as a good attachment to household sewing machines, but also be an independent device. It can be used, for example, for trimming legs or hemming sleeves. Most often, overlock is purchased by those who find it difficult to find clothes for themselves due to the peculiarities of the figure, which is why it has to be altered in specific places. So, before you buy one of these devices, decide for what purpose you are buying it. Rate your volume of work, skill level and desire to improve it in the future.

Do you need an overlock if you have a sewing machine?
To answer the question of whether you need an overlock if you have a sewing machine, you need to know exactly what goals you are pursuing. So, for those who are just starting to master sewing, and in general are planning to design things for home use, it would be better not to rush to buy an overlock. At first, it is quite possible to get by with just a sewing machine. If this device has already been purchased, then carefully read its functionality and capabilities. If you do not have a sewing machine and are just planning to buy it, then pay attention to its arsenal of stitches and seams. Yes, a good model will cost more than the simpler one, but it will come in handy in everyday life.
In the event that you plan to be engaged in sewing products for sale, to order, or you just want the wrong side to look like a shop-quality one, then in this case there are two ways out of the situation.

You can do without an overlock and do the sewing yourself. However, this option has a number of rather significant disadvantages. These include the fact that for this you need to spend more time on processing, have certain sewing skills and experience, and also work hard. It is worth saying that it is not possible to process the edge beautifully and with high quality on your own in all products.
Well, the last option is to buy the overlock itself, if it is available to you in terms of finance. If you seriously intend to do sewing not only for everyday life, but also to order, then this device will probably pay off in full in a short time. It will greatly make the sewing process easy, as well as reduce time costs.