Overlock needle threader

The overlock needle threader is a special hand-held device with which you can easily and quickly pull threads into the needles on an overlock or a conventional sewing machine with an overlock attachment.

Only fairly modern devices are equipped with an automatic needle threader, in other cases you have to use its manual version. Sometimes kits with this instrument may be supplied with magnifying glasses for the visually impaired. Some advanced models are equipped with a special flashlight that illuminates the needle.

Types and popular brands
There are two types of overlock needle threader - manual and automatic.
- Manual fixture is a kind of small tool with clamps for the thread, with which it is very convenient to thread it through the eye of the needle. And also the device can have special hooks at the end for the same purposes. In general, the instrument is compact, with a comfortable handle for manipulating. The device is sometimes equipped with a special flashlight that turns on at the user's request, illuminating a small area in front of it. This light will be enough to take a closer look at the needle's eye.
For the same purpose, the kit with a manual thread holder includes a magnifying glass, which will be a real lifesaver for people with poor eyesight, as well as those who use small needles.

- Automatic needle threader - a device installed on late models of overlockers. It is an automatic analogue for conventional sewing machines, modified for use in overlock attachments.It has an elongated shape, has the ability to pull the thread through several needles installed next to each other at once. In this case, as a rule, such a device is used not only to thread the needles, but also to pass the lower thread through the hook in the standard version of the sewing machine.

Perhaps the most popular manufacturer of manual needle threaders for sewing machines and overlockers is Prym. The tools of this brand are made of high-quality metal, and two hooks at once will allow you to work with both large and small needles.
In addition to Prym, a hand-held needle threader from Clover is of interest. It has a comfortable shape and a special blade on the opposite side, which allows you to cut off excess skeins. There are also other reliable needle threader manufacturers, for example, Hemline, Aurora, Wellcraft, Bohin.

How do I use the needle threader?
First, it is worth immediately clarifying that the "automatism" in the work of the needle threader only means that the thread will be threaded into the eye of the needle on its own. In this case, the user himself will have to draw the thread from the spool through all the hooks and turns. And only high end sewing machines and overlockers have automatic needle threaders that work at the click of a button.
In most cases, the automatic needle threader is a mechanical device. It goes down to the needle and puts the hook or loop into the eyelet after pressing the lever. At the end of the loop (hook), you need to place a thread, which, after lowering the lever, is pulled out after the device. Although this, of course, is in any case easier and more effective than threading the old fashioned way.

It must be remembered that the automatic needle threader turns out to be absolutely useless if the needle is installed incorrectly or if the needle was not raised to the uppermost position at the beginning of the process.
If the eye is positioned incorrectly relative to the needle threader, then it simply will not let it through. You need to worry in advance about the location of the needle, because it affects not only the operation of the above device, but also the quality of sewing in general.
If there is no automatic adaptation, you can use its manual counterpart. It is necessary to fix the thread between the needle threader antennae or on its hook (it depends on the design), and then manually pass it through the eyelet.