Camel wool coat

Unusual coats with strange styles of sleeves, collars and hoods are in fashion. However, modesty has not gone anywhere from the trends. It is this unassuming, but charming beauty that a camel coat has.

Camel wool is made from the fur of a two-humped camel that lives in Africa and Asia.

It is a natural material that has many benefits. For example, it has a high rate of thermal insulation, moreover, it does not allow moisture to pass through. Despite the high density of camel wool, finished products are light in weight. An undoubted advantage is the antistatic property, which makes it difficult for dust to adhere, and, consequently, quick contamination.

Many are convinced that camel hair has a positive effect on health: it is good for the skin, joints and muscles. One thing is surely known that in clothes made of this wool, its owner does not sweat.

Such material could not pass by the outerwear, because it is ideal for sewing autumn and winter products. Since this wool is not dyed, the clothes made from it will have a natural brown color - from beige to black. Most often it is a pleasant golden, light brown color. Thanks to this feature, this coat of a neutral color can be safely attributed to the basic, and, therefore, necessary things.

A camel wool coat really can be easily combined with clothes of different styles and colors. Under it, you can safely wear both an elegant dress with shoes and hooligan ripped jeans with ankle boots.

It should be borne in mind that a coat made entirely of natural camel wool will cost a lot of money. To reduce the price, a material is used in which wool and fine yarn are mixed, thereby achieving an appearance like a natural product.The main thing to remember is that the higher the percentage of wool in the composition, the warmer the clothes will be.

Features of a camel wool coat is also in careful care. It is necessary to use special products for wool, cool water and natural drying, then the product will last a long time.

A camel wool coat turns out to be very elegant and feminine, so the most common models are classic. They have single-turn or double-breasted styles of straight cut, the pockets are often all slotted or hidden. There are small collars. The details are mostly laconic: black or gray buttons, thin or medium belt width.

However, even with this material they move away from the traditional style and can experiment with elements. For example, not only medium knee length is popular, but also a cropped jacket coat. A camel coat loves a man's cut with a loose fit, deliberate simplicity in details, and sometimes they are completely absent.

There are no prints on a camel wool coat, since all its charm is in a beautiful natural shade. Sometimes they use inserts from other colors on the lapels, collars or belt. It is rare to see embroidered decor. But fur is often used, especially on the collar or cuffs.

Such a coat often looks simple, but this is its special charm. A camel wool coat can look both elegant and mischievous.
Insulation for a camel coat
Camel wool itself has excellent heat-saving qualities. Moreover, wool itself is its source. However, even it will not be enough in a moderate sub-zero cold.

In this case, an insulated lining is used. The most common materials for it are synthetic winterizer and batting. Batting is considered more suitable for winter models, as it keeps heat much better than synthetic winterizer. The thicker the insulation of the coat, the more severe the cold is not a hindrance to it.

How to choose?
In a coat, the quality of tailoring is very important, since if it is bad, it can simply fall apart. The material of a woolen coat is dense, so it should not shine through anywhere in the light. The texture is even or fleecy, depending on the model, but one-piece, without blisters. The seams are flawless and tight, do not diverge anywhere. The insulation should be tightly sewn and not protrude anywhere, even if it is thickened.

Of course, it's important to try on your coat and make sure it not only looks good but also fits well. The main thing is that it should be comfortable to move in it, and in no case should it hinder.

First of all, in the reviews, satisfied owners of a camel coat note that it is warm in it. This is important for women of fashion who are very cold, but at the same time like to look stylish. And many people need a coat to be lightweight for driving and active movement during the day. All these advantages have a camel wool coat.