How to quickly memorize text?

In the life of every person, there may be a need to memorize some information. This can be the content of educational literature, a speech for a responsible event, a theatrical role, or something else. You cannot do without memory training when learning a foreign language.
However, this should not be intimidating. There are many effective techniques that make it easy to memorize texts of any size. You just need to familiarize yourself with each of them and choose the option that suits you.
Fundamental rules
Memorizing various texts can help not only in specific situations, but also in later life. This is an excellent memory training that develops intelligence, makes a person more smart and resourceful.
Experts distinguish visual and auditory memory. Each type develops differently in different people. Some find it easier to memorize text when spoken aloud. Others need information visualization. Therefore, it is worth trying out different memorization methods and finding out which one is right for you. In some cases, a combination of different techniques works best. This option is also welcome. The main thing is to understand what the text is about, to identify the main idea and theses.
Thoughtless memorization of the material, on the other hand, is usually ineffective. Even if you manage to memorize the text without realizing its meaning, at any moment you can hesitate, be distracted by something. After that, it will be difficult to continue the presentation of the material from where you left off.
In addition, in most people, the ability to memorize rote is well developed only in childhood, and then gradually deteriorates.

Rapid memorization techniques
Consider effective ways to quickly and permanently memorize information in more detail.
We write down what we learn
The first method is - writing... Here, both visual memory (since you see the words that appear on paper) and muscle memory (the movements of the hand writing phrases are also deposited in the mind) are involved.
At the beginning, you should slowly and carefully read all the information and highlight the key points. You can read it aloud. Then you need to take a sheet of paper and rewrite the text by hand. Do this without haste. It's important to grasp the essence of every sentence you write.
When all the material is on paper, retell what you remember. You shouldn't peep at the paper. This can be done 1-2 times at most. Then take a blank sheet of paper again and write down what you remember on it. Reread what you have written and retell it again. The procedure can be repeated several times.

This technique is not difficult to learn. First you need read the text and highlight the main points. Then every important point should be represented graphically. Do it as you like. It can be a realistic drawing, a drawing, a set of symbols, or an abstract image.
The quality of the drawing does not matter. The main thing is that you understand what is depicted on paper, and with what you associate each graphic element. In this case, it is better not to make inscriptions. Try to express everything in images.
If there are several images, their sequence should correspond to the main idea of the text. You can try to combine all the pictures into one, creating a general graphical description of the article. Such an associative image will remain in the memory for a long time.
You may not start drawing right away, but first read the entire text in full. If this is not a book, but printed sheets or information in electronic form, it is advisable to highlight the key thoughts in bright color.
You can also take notes on separate sheets of paper, placing them in the margins. Perhaps this will help you create a reading visualization.

Division into parts
If the volume of the material is large, it can be divided into several parts. Each passage must be taught separately using any of the techniques described above. You can simply read aloud and repeat if this method is more convenient for you.... It is permissible to divide into parts and medium-sized texts. In this case, having devoted one passage, for example, a minute, you can assimilate the entire amount of information in 5 minutes.
Permanent reminder
If you need to memorize a text, you can use an interesting reminder technique. This method can be used if you have enough time to memorize the material. You will need to devote quite a bit of time to this during the day, doing your usual household chores, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.
In this case, the text is also divided into parts. Each passage is handwritten or imprinted on a piece of paper. These notes are then posted around the house. Try to place the leaflets in the places you visit or see most often: in the bathroom, on the refrigerator, on the mirror, above the kitchen sink. So you will return your thoughts to the text you are studying while brushing your teeth, washing dishes, and other activities. In this case, the information will be reliably fixed in the mind.
You do not have to rewrite the entire text, but indicate key phrases on paper. Looking at the piece of paper, you will be recalling the entire passage that relates to the highlighted sentence.

How to memorize a text in a foreign language?
The most difficult thing is memorizing foreign texts. This requires a special approach. For example, you can read what you want to learn aloud by recording everything on the recorder. Then during the day you can listen to the recording on the audio player. This can be done not only at home, but also on the street, in public transport, public institutions.
Of course, it is not enough just to listen to the material. You should ponder over it, mentally repeat it, periodically pressing the pause. It is advisable to translate the text in advance in order to understand the meaning of all sentences, and not to memorize words you do not understand. This method can also be used to memorize material in your native language.

In conclusion, it is worth giving a few valuable recommendations to everyone who wants to make the process of memorizing texts fast and productive.
- Experienced experts have determined the best time to memorize new information... According to scientific data, this is 3-4 hours before bedtime and 3-4 hours after waking up in the morning. Although, of course, teaching at other times of the day is also possible.
- Create a relaxed atmosphere to study and memorize... It is desirable that the room be quiet. Turn off the TV, radio. Do not be distracted by the Internet, correspondence in social networks. External stimuli should not interfere with the process. An exception can be made for those people who, on the contrary, concentrate better with quiet background music. Of course, these should be melodies without words.
- Be sure to take breaks. You cannot teach from morning to evening. You will only create unnecessary stress for your body, and the information will get confused in your mind. Don't forget to eat, breathe fresh air, warm up, exercise. After short breaks, you can return to work with renewed vigor. In this case, the process will be much more efficient.
- A good sleep - another important condition for good assimilation of information. It is better to go to bed in the evening and continue teaching in the morning than to sit all night, absorbing liters of coffee. Rest will not only allow you to maintain good health, but will also give your brain the opportunity to organize the information received and prepare to receive new information.
- If there is a summary and outline in front of the article, do not ignore them. It will take a couple of minutes to study this information, but it will immediately give an idea of the main theses, the general idea of what has been written.
- If verbatim memorization is not necessary, you can concentrate on the middle part of the material.... Usually at the beginning and at the end of the text there is little specific and important data. As a rule, these are just introductory words and logical conclusions.
- If you are one of those people who better perceive information by ear, read without expression. It is important to pronounce the words clearly. In this case, muscle memory (lip movement) is activated. As for intonation, it will only distract you from the meaning.
- If possible, start learning the material not at the last moment, but in advance. It is better to complete the process a couple of days before the presentation (exam, report). This way, you can split the information into several parts so that there is an optimal number of pages for each day, and on the eve of an important event, you can pay special attention to repeating the most difficult sections and restoring the general structure of the article in memory.
- If you will be speaking in public, practice sharing the information in front of the mirror. Imagine that you are already in front of the audience, connect facial expressions, gestures. This will help reduce anxiety and tension during the performance. You will no longer be distracted by how to present yourself to the audience and will completely focus on the text.

Thank you, I have been looking for an effective way to memorize information for a long time! Very useful for students!