How to remember dates from history?

Historical dates are difficult to learn. And if a person has a bad memory, then this activity becomes like torture. However, nothing is impossible in the world, especially in terms of learning and training memory. Various techniques developed by specialists can come to the rescue. Therefore, do not despair. Better to read interesting information that will help solve the problem.
Memory for humans is one of the main systems that allows any of us to be an intelligent creature. Without it, the development of our intellect and the body as a whole is impossible. Thanks to memory, the brain can correctly perceive information and store it. This is a certain stock of knowledge that allows all people to move forward and develop.
Memory is characterized as a process that takes place with the help of the central nervous system. It is designed for the perception of information, processing, retention, as well as for storing and reproducing data received from outside.

Memory has its own specific properties and capabilities. They are absolutely different for all people. Maybe it is enough for someone to read or hear some news, and it will immediately be fixed in his head. It takes other people a very long time to assimilate any information.
You need to know that a person has short-term and long-term memory. In short-term memory, the events that happened here and now are not stored for long. Some moments a person will no longer be able to remember after 30 seconds. And it is right. This memory is the "orderly" of information. With this process, all unnecessary data will be deleted, and only the most important and necessary ones will remain.
For example, if you are listening to a lecture, and at this time the sound of a passing motorcycle is also heard outside the window, then in the end you will only remember the words of the lecturer. And that's why. At the moment of learning, your attention is tuned to the assimilation of knowledge. Therefore, you will only learn the lesson. And the rest of the information received in the form of extraneous sounds will be safely weeded out by your brain because it is unnecessary.
And know that in long-term memory receives only that information to which the person has shown a certain interest. Here's another example. If a student specially taught and learned a verse, then from short-term memory this work will move to long-term memory and will be stored there for a very long time.
No wonder some people remember school poems throughout their lives.

When problems occur, such as poor memory, the life of any individual deteriorates significantly. Memory impairment in most cases is a clinical manifestation. There is a simple explanation, though. If you do not train your memory for a long time and do not engage in intellectual work, then it can also deteriorate.
remember, that any individual is prone to forgetting past events if he did not extract them for a long time from the depths of his consciousness... Therefore, it is necessary from time to time to use your knowledge so that your intellectual potential and memory are maintained at the proper level.
There are many reasons why memory problems can occur, and they differ from each other. First of all, problems arise due to addiction to addictions and due to various diseases. Lack of sleep and stress can easily become such reasons. Serious memory disorders include dysmnesia - this is a direct memory disorder (amnesia, hypomnesia, hypermnesia), and distortion of memories is paramnesia.
In most cases, a person just needs to learn how to use their capabilities correctly, find rational approaches to studying and memorizing various scientific data. To do this, you need to turn to special techniques that allow you not only to quickly and for a long time remember the intractable material, but also to significantly develop memory. The information below will help anyone who wants to become much smarter and learn to perceive and process the knowledge gained.

Determination of causation
This method will help you remember dates in history quickly and easily. To use it, you need to apply past knowledge, namely, to know all the historical events of the period that you want to remember in all the subtleties.
Let's say you need to remember all the significant dates associated with N. Bonaparte. Learn the date when Napoleon first entered the battle. Then count how much time has passed since Napoleon was born and how long has passed since the beginning of his first battle. Then you will clearly imagine at what age N. Bonaparte began his military career. So you will remember not only the date of birth of this person, but it will also be easier for you to navigate in other dates associated with his life.
The same method will help if you need to remember the dates of the reign of all the kings of Russia who succeeded each other. It will be easier if you learn the sequence of the change of each autocrat and then add to these dates the historical events that took place during a certain period of the reign of each individual reigning person.
After that, all these components are easy to connect with each other using causal mechanisms.

Now many students are preparing for the USE in history. They get panicky because dates are so hard to learn. By and large, it is not necessary to teach them. Let's take another way as an example. To pass the exam for high scores, you just need to remember about 30 events... And the rest just need to be correlated with a part of a certain era, or even better - with the royal person ruling at that time.
To fix the sequence of events in my head, you need to remember all the details related to the cause and effect relationships. It would be more correct to write a plan for each important event studied. Again, do all entries sequentially. Of course, you need to start from the very beginning - from the development of events in Ancient Russia and further bring the matter to the events that took place in the XX century. Only in this way will there be a sequence, and the dates will settle in the memory for a long time.
For example, you need to do this. If you describe the Russian-Byzantine war (970-972), then you must first determine the prerequisites (the relationship between Byzantium and Russia). Then the reason is determined (Svyatoslav did not want to comply with the terms of the treaty with Byzantium). Another reason was the request of Byzantium to suppress the uprising in Bulgaria. Next comes the course of events (suppression of the uprising in Bulgaria and the seizure of its lands). After that, the war began, and Svyatoslav was surrounded in 972 by Byzantine troops. This forced Svyatoslav to leave Bulgaria. The result of all the events was that Svyatoslav died, and the unification of Bulgaria and Russia became impossible.

20th century projection
There is also a technique that works 100%. In most cases, many modern people were, to one degree or another, witnesses to the events that happened in the 20th century. Some, younger people, were told about the episodes by their parents. It is not surprising if, when retelling, dad or mom relied on the events that were happening at that moment in your family.
More specifically, in the 20th century there have been: the revolution of 1917, two whole World Wars, perestroika and the collapse of the USSR. Your grandparents and parents witnessed those events. All of the above phenomena in one way or another influenced the development of each family. They will forever remain in the memory. Therefore, it is easiest to tie significant historical dates to the dates of cases that occurred specifically in your family. For example, perestroika began in 1985, and your beloved uncle was born in the same year.
And you can also associate the phenomena and dates that happened in the 19th century with the phenomena that happened in the 20th century. Let's give an example. The Great Patriotic War began in 1941. And a century earlier in the same year M. Yu. Lermontov was killed in a duel.
With the help of this technique, very strong associations are created that contribute to the assimilation of rather complex historical material.

Simple memorization techniques
You can learn various techniques. They are multidirectional, and you just have to choose the method that suits you best. Let's list and consider them in order.
This is one of the main options. It provides for a connection between two or more objects or phenomena. Coming up with an association is a brilliant solution. And remember that associations should be unconventional and incredible. You must create associations yourself. First you need to combine the first two words. Let's try to connect the words "apple" and "potato". Then we come up with a phrase: "This apple tastes like potatoes."
If you want to remember a historical event and its date, then associate this event with an object. The date that goes in numbers also lends itself to association. For example, the collapse of the USSR took place in 1991. Imagine a person who was born in this particular year. Maybe it will be your close relative... So the association of the date of the historical event and the date of birth of a particular person will occur. And when your relative was born, you can hardly forget.

To apply this method, you need to build a historical chain. All dates and events must go strictly one after another. First, you need to draw the chain on paper, and then learn it. The dates must be precisely organized. This way you will easily remember them.
It will be easy for someone who loves to associate to use this method. Any figure can be compared to any object. For example, if the date contains the number 5, then associate it with the palm; number 2 - with girlish braids; and the number 40 with Uzbek braids. If you have a good imagination, then this method will help you a lot.
And don't come up with such associations overnight. Otherwise, you will get confused about the dates and your ideas.
It's quite simple here. Associate each number with a letter. For example, the number 3 looks like the letter Z, and the number 0 looks like the letter O. The eight looks a bit like the letter B. Follow this scheme and you can even build your own set of cipher words. And when you decipher them, you will receive historical dates.

Each person has a memorable date. So the "background" method assumes association of historical dates with events that happened in your life or in the lives of people close to you. If any number fails to fit a certain image, then draw a parallel between it and the natural season.
In this method, you need to learn draw parallels with historical events and memorable dates. For example, the word "doll" is associated with the word "play." The numbers can also be connected by meaning. Number 55 can be upside down as 22. For example, in 1922 a communist pioneer organization was created, and 1955 is the date of birth of your beloved grandmother.
It is represented by two methods at once. The first provides for a causal option. This is when the entire course of events is strictly distributed in memory, and here there is a complete awareness of everything that is happening. The second involves dividing into blocks and linking these blocks to specific dates.