Memory games

Some people just need to look at the text a couple of times, and they already know it by heart. Others can sit for hours over a book, but not remember a word, and then remember for a long time where they put it the last time. In the peculiarities of human memory, a lot is still unclear to specialists, much has not been studied, and therefore inexplicable. And if our memory plays its games with us, why not give it a worthy answer? In this article, we will tell you which games contribute to the development of our memory.
Our brain, like our body, needs constant training. Including physical activity. However, gym exercise is not enough to improve memory. The brain, like the body, must be constantly kept in good shape. To improve its work and improve memory mechanisms, special games are used, which are called so - for the development of memory. There are a great many - from chess known since ancient times to popular at the end of the last century «Monopoly».

Crosswords, puzzles, sudoku are also good. There are also a lot of educational offers on the Internet on online platforms for both children and adults. In addition, there is a whole a number of programs created specifically for the development of memory... Among them are counting rhymes known to each of us since childhood, and modern ideas, which have been worked on by specialists using methods of mathematical programming.
In this variety, do not forget about the usual tools for the development of memory. Such as books, for example. After reading this or that work be sure to share your impressions of what you read. And do this after you have closed the book, and also after a while.The same applies to watched films, cartoons, and so on.
The peculiarities of logic games for improving and developing memory lie in their mechanism of action. Most are aimed at developing and improving long-term memory. In the gameplay, the stages of fixing images occur unobtrusively, as if by themselves. This provides a long-term effect.
Constant training of memory mechanisms based on the creation of imaginative and logical connections ensures that memory does not fail even when age-related changes begin.

Review of games for the development of children's memory
There are many games that contribute to the development of memory. You can train her both in special classes on didactic materials with the help of a teacher or parents, and with the help of a variety of logical or intellectual computer games. You can train your child's brain, for example, by starting a word memorization game with him.
One of the options is a game in which you need to complete the next task - continue the sentence "We went to the store and bought there ...". Then they say the name of one purchase. For example, mom says the word "bread". The child needs to name both "bread" and one more purchase next, for example, "toy". Mom already lists both, and adds one more product, for example, "ball". The list is constantly growing, and the participant of the game must name all the goods named before. The loser is the one who makes a mistake in the sequence.
Another variation of this game has real applications. Send your child shopping. To begin with, let him memorize a list of two or three items, then increase the "grocery basket". This is useful for both memory and vocabulary. Thimbles, widespread in the late 90s, are not only a way of enriching cheaters, but also a very useful thing for developing memory. Take a few plastic cups, hide a bright small toy or button under one of them in front of the child's eyes, and then stir the cups without lifting them. Ask the child to remember where the "treasure" is.
And here is another ball game for memorizing names: knocking the ball on the floor with the words "I remember five names of girls (boys) - Liza - one, Tatiana - two", the task of each next participant is to name the names previously voiced by the previous players before coming up with his own name.
It's no secret that children want to touch everything with their own hands, so why not take advantage of this for the development of tactile memory... For example, you can place pieces of different material, pile, wool, plastic, wood, and so on on one surface. The subsequent task of the child is to determine by touch what kind of material it is and to name it. Each game is aimed at developing both memory in general and its individual types in particular.

Sensory memory
The last described game is quite suitable for the development of sensory memory, which works on the echoes of the senses. The information received is often stored for a short time and is soon replaced by some other one. Ask your child to describe his feelings more often, let it be a story about a trip to a park, kindergarten, school.
This is very important not only for the formation of sensory memory, but also for expanding horizons and vocabulary.
For its development, one of the most effective methods is to create different atmospheres using sounds. Record on a dictaphone or download to a computer or phone various sounds of nature, cars, airplanes, animals. Explain to the child what it means and where this or that sound comes from, do it in a playful way, and then put on the recording. The kid's task is to guess who or what makes this or that sound.
In order to teach a child to memorize colors, images, letters and numbers, there are also various games. Collect all the buttons and mosaics that are in the house in one large pile. Child's task – disassemble this variety by colors... Thus, the names of colors will be well remembered, and fine motor skills will develop, and accordingly, speech will develop. Exercises to memorize images and their sequences train mindfulness.

It helps the child to develop coordination, which means to be more mobile and dexterous. To improve it, the following exercise, reminiscent of a small physical education lesson, is suitable. Show movements and ask your child to repeat them. You can play "Crocodiles", the essence of the game boils down to the fact that you need to show an object or an animal with gestures, without uttering a sound. The rest of the players must guess who exactly or what the child is showing.
These games are best done outdoors. This will be of double benefit.
This is a memory of sensations - joy, sadness, happiness, grief, fear, grief and other emotions... Therefore, for its development, it is necessary to use not only games, but also to show as much empathy as possible while communicating with the child. Say nice words to him, praise, encourage, talk about how you love him and thus give a feeling of joy.
However, this is also necessary for adults. After all, it is loneliness and lack of attention from others that often cause memory problems. And to solve them, you can also resort to games specially designed for this.

Adult options
First of all, these are board games. Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon will make your brain work. During the game, you will not only think over the moves, but also carefully monitor the actions of your opponent. The development of memory will be facilitated by memorizing objects located on the game board.
Card games will do as well. Poker and preference are excellent options that make you not only think logically, but also solve psychological issues. They teach to concentrate attention, control emotions. And do not despair if you still cannot find a rival in the game. All these and many other games developing memory can be played virtually. There are a lot of such offers on the Internet.
There is also an option that does not require a playmate. Try mentally flipping the words backwards.... First try short ones, for example, "grass", in this case it should be "avart".
Make the tasks harder every day. The main thing is not to be lazy.

Laziness as a phenomenon must be excluded from your life, like other bad habits. Drinking alcohol, smoking has a detrimental effect not only on the body as a whole, but also on memory in particular. You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. Pay special attention to food. Include in your daily menu at least a few of dozens of "magic" foods that help preserve memory.
Here is a small list of them.
- Seeds and nuts... They are rich in vitamins of groups A, B, E, as well as fatty acids, amino acids and essential oils.
- Fatty fish (mackerel, tuna, salmon, herring). It contains very healthy fatty acids, in particular Omega-3. And other seafood, even seaweed, is high in zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iodine, which are beneficial for brain development and memory training.
- Dried fruits (especially dried apricots). They contain iron and vitamin C, which stimulate the brain.
- Pomegranates and cranberries... They are useful not only for blood vessels, but also for the whole organism. These are storehouses of antioxidants, which, in turn, are very successful in fighting free radicals.
- Milk... It is rich in vitamin B12, which develops the ability to better remember information.
- Spinach, lettuce, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. They are famous for their rich composition, in particular, they contain a lot of folic acid, iron, and also vitamins C, E, K, as well as carotenoids, thanks to these elements, brain cellular metabolism is improved.
- Beans. They contain minerals, proteins, fiber and vitamins that provide the brain with energy.

The list goes on: there is olive oil, beef liver, oysters, blueberries, blackberries and blueberries, lemon and apples, honey, green tea, cocoa and dark chocolate, rosemary and even garlic, which speeds up blood circulation, thereby helping the brain on time get oxygen and work faster.
Free your brain from negative thoughts. Walk more, communicate with people pleasant to you, visit hobby clubs, museums, exhibitions and theaters... And be sure to include at least short physical education classes in your daily routine, or just walk more. For many, jogging is also suitable. But before loading yourself with any kind of physical activity, be sure to consult with your doctor. Only he can determine the physical activity available to you.
By the way, about the daily routine. Its experts also recommend changing from time to time, as well as your favorite routes. Try to walk to a public transport stop not in the usual way, but on a new road. And in general, walk more in the fresh air to improve cerebral circulation.
Compliance with such simple recommendations, or at least some of them, will help improve memory, restore what was lost.