How to learn to memorize poetry quickly?

Memorizing poetry has a positive effect on the biochemical processes of human brain activity. Children easily memorize rhymed phrases. Teens and adults can also learn to memorize lines of poetry quickly.

How to teach correctly?
Many people complain about poor memory and the inability to hold poetic works in their head. In fact, poetry is much easier to memorize than prose. Any poem has its own rhythmic pattern, rhyme and emotional background, so it can be easily learned.
To do this, you need to correctly determine the profiling type of your memory.
- Good auditory memory for effective memorization, it is necessary to read the poems aloud or listen to their audio recording performed by a professional actor or the winner of the reading competition.
- With the predominance visual memory you need to use a printed edition, try to remember the location of the poetic text on the page and its font, mentally imagine a page with a printed poem.
- Developed motor memory involves carefully rewriting poetry using multi-colored pens. You can draw pictures next to the lines. Poetry can be accompanied by gestures and pantomime.
- Having an excellent emotional memory while memorizing the stanzas, one must imagine the breath of the wind, various aromas, for example, of your favorite perfume or meadow grasses. When playing a rhymed text, it is necessary to restore in memory all the emotions used.
An important point is the correct distribution of time. Schoolchildren need to memorize poetry in advance.
- On the first day, the entire rhymed text is memorized. First, they read it aloud, mentally penetrate the content: they try to understand the meaning and imagine what the author wanted to convey to the listener. The meaning of unfamiliar words must be clarified. The work should be read several times in a row, preferably aloud. You can add sound to the visualization. Then it will take 24 hours for the text to take hold in the head.
- The next day, you must play the entire poem by heart. Forgotten lines must be restored in memory from the printed text.
- The third day will be needed to repeat whole piece and rehearsal of reading aloud with expression.

Rapid memorization techniques
For some people, the way of memorizing poetry lines works. before bedtime. It is believed that the brain overnight rethinks the information received and fixes it in its structures. And in the morning, the stanzas are extracted from memory by themselves.
The classic "pyramid" technique used when memorizing poetry line by line. After the learned first stanza, the next lines are memorized and strung onto the previous ones. And in this way they learn the whole poem by heart: 2 lines + 2 + 2 + 2 ...
Reception of breaking down a poem involves dividing the entire poetic work into logical small passages. First, they memorize the first semantic fragment for a certain time, repeat it mentally when performing any household work. Then they move on to memorizing the next stanza. After that, the combined learned parts are spoken.
When a person manages to memorize the next verse, he continues to memorize the following passages sequentially. Then you need to combine all the rhymed pieces learned and recite the whole poem, while you can peep into the printed text in order to visually fix in memory the junction of the beginning of the lines of one part with the end of the previous fragment.
Acting technique of memorization provides for the enactment of a poem in the form of a scene. If desired, the performance can be organized in front of friends, neighbors, family members or in front of your favorite pets. This method allows you to focus, place all the accents and find the necessary intonation.
First, you can peep at the text, then it is advisable not to use hints. During improvisation, the lines play themselves.

Exists musical method of memorizing poetry... People with good auditory memory choose slow-paced pleasant music, on which a poetic text is superimposed. The melody is listened to through headphones while walking, during sports, in public transport, and mentally they repeat the learned rhymed fragments. The auditory method makes it possible to memorize a large poetic work in a matter of minutes.
Any, even a very large fragment of a poetic work can be memorized quickly if match yourself with the main character. To do this, you need to mentally imagine all his actions, build figurative logical chains in your head, create associations.
A great poem can be learned by heart in 5 minutes by splitting the text into separate phrases and encoding them into pictures. It is necessary to prepare your location for each line and connect it with the encoded images. To play the poem, you will need to remember all the locations.
You can learn to quickly memorize a very large poetic text using mnemonics. This technique activates imaginative thinking, because focusing on words, trying to keep them in your memory can not always be crowned with success. If you see vivid images and vivid plots in a simple rhymed set of words, then the time for memorizing poetry is noticeably reduced.
But not all mnemonic methods are suitable for memorizing lines of poetry. The use of a matrix is more suitable for memorizing prose, because it allows you to fix a text in memory and reproduce it according to a certain structure, not literally, but in your own words, that is, to convey its meaning. Recreation of the verse lines learned by this method can lead to absurdity.

For example, in this way someone encodes A. Blok's poem:
To me a fortune teller with a wrinkled face
She was spellbound under the dark porch.
Fascinated by the street screaming
I ran after the flashing face.
Passing strings in memory-lagged images tied to certain places in the apartment can lead to this absurdity:
Me and a witch with a wrinkled face
Cards were laid out under the dark porch.
I loved the street scream
I ran after my head, which I saw instantly.
In this case it is best to turn each line into images. First, you need to imagine how a creepy "reptile" in a bright, colorful woman's dress looks at you. The muzzle with deep wrinkles is framed and looks like an icon. The second line can be interpreted in the imagination as if thieves lived under a dark porch. And in this way, the whole poem must be mentally turned into colorful images. Imaginary pictures should be linked to the previous lines.
It is recommended to rhythmically recite the stanzas out loud and mentally imagine the created images, each of which must obey a certain rhythm.

Useful Tips
- You can train your memory by memorizing at least one quatrain every day. This process improves concentration and helps to avoid forgetfulness and distraction.
- Great help in memorizing verses is provided special applicationsavailable on any smartphone.
- To memorize verses effectively, you must complete all the work you have begun, choose a suitable environment and a comfortable position, and concentrate. It is best to pronounce each stanza in complete silence in the absence of any extraneous sounds.
- Good mood and positive emotions are of no small importance. An irritated, frustrated, or overly agitated person is unlikely to be able to concentrate, so you need to calm down and relax.
- Experts advise divide a poetic text into several logical fragments, each of which must be given its own name.
- You can write out only the first words of all lines on a separate sheet. and from them to extract from memory the entire rhymed text. Pay attention to the location of the text and even the commas. Visual memory captures all the details that can be mentally reproduced at any time.
- Need to pause when difficulties arise in the memorization process. It is best to be distracted by another activity. After a short switch, you can return to the passage where you stopped.
- If some stanza is not remembered in any way, recommend to write it down on a separate piece of paper.
Psychologists suggest playing this game: you need to write the whole poem, cut the sheet into separate strips with one or two lines that need to be mixed, and then restore the text. The second stage involves cutting each strip across, dividing the line in half. Mix all the fragments again and put them in the right order again.
Ultimately, it is proposed to cut the text into separate words. In this case, when assembling the entire poem, memorization occurs within 5 minutes.