How can a teenager improve memory and brain function?

A good memory is a big advantage. It is especially important in adolescence, when the body is actively developing, and a person discovers more and more aspects of life. In addition, during the same period, any individual tries to acquire as much knowledge and skills as possible. It is possible to carry out plans and study well only if you have a developed memory and attention.
Causes of poor memory
Memory is of great importance for the development of personality. By and large, it is a complex cognitive process and belongs to the highest mental functions, due to which a person can not only accumulate, but also preserve and reproduce the acquired skills, skills and knowledge.
If memory somehow fails, then the individual will not be able to keep in mind and remember even the smallest amount of information received. A "short" memory is always very bad for any person; in a child or teenager, it can provoke developmental delay and cause big problems.

Why does memory loss occur? First of all, it should be noted that the above problem arises when the brain's reaction to external stimuli with different directions is manifested. Let's consider them in more detail.
- Troubles can arise due to addiction to bad habits: alcohol, smoking, etc. Such negative factors affect the blood circulation in the brain and the functioning of the body as a whole. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the behavior of their schoolchildren.
- Memory lapses can cause a lack of sleep.If the brain does not have time to rest, then its work as a whole deteriorates due to the fact that it is unable to process the information received during wakefulness. First, forgetfulness appears, which later takes on a more severe form.
- Often, schoolchildren have memory problems due to lack of nutrition and vitamins. It is very important when the growing organism receives the necessary elements on time. If this does not happen, then it begins to malfunction, as a result of which brain activity and memory suffer.
- Various medications can have a negative effect on brain function. All this happens because certain substances contained in the preparations are to some extent toxic. They can eliminate one disadvantage, but at the same time cause another.
- Stressful situations also have a negative effect on any organism. A child's stress can lead to health problems, including memory impairment.
- If a child sees poorly, he may have difficulty remembering due to a lack of information.
- When a teenager does not receive the proper mental load, his mental activity begins to degrade. This process also leads to memory loss.
Therefore, if necessary, conduct special classes in a timely manner to improve the work of your child's memory.

Techniques for teens
It is necessary to develop memory at any age, especially in children and adolescents. There are special methods for this. Let's consider them.
- There is a very powerful way that will work for everyone. With its help, you can develop the memory of a child of 12-13 years old. In addition, this method will improve visual memory and attention. It is called “The Lost Object”. To implement it, ask the child to carefully examine the room for 1 minute, after which he must turn away. Several items need to be hidden at this time. Then the child should turn around and name those items that were removed. If he finds it difficult to complete such a task, you need to train until everything works out.
- At the age of 14, RAM should work very well. If this does not happen, correctional sessions should be carried out. For example, such as "Saving important data." One of the parents must write several sentences where the exact data will be present: names, dates. A suggestion might be something like this: Martina was reading a novel that was written in 1891 and published much later than that date, in 1910. After reading this information, the child should accurately reproduce the dates and remember other details.
- For individuals aged 15 and 16, you can offer to play a game called "Cities". The adult player pronounces the first city, and the teenage player continues the list. The name of the next item must start with the last letter of the first.
It is not necessary to conduct special classes with children to improve memory and do difficult exercises. The perception of information is best when the techniques are used in a playful way.
For example, solving various puzzles, solving riddles and a game called "Find 10 Differences" also very well develop both visual and operational memory.

Remedies to improve brain function
If the brain activity is at a low level, you need to pay attention to this and ask for help from specialists. They will carry out the correct diagnosis and may even prescribe medication. However, this should be done when other methods no longer work. And remember that self-treatment and taking specialized drugs can lead not only to negative consequences, but also to death.
Therefore, to improve brain activity, you can try to use drugs that, unlike medications, will not cause any harm to the body.
- For example, reading aloud will help your child memorize learning material better over time. When such a process occurs, the brain perceives information not only in visual form, but also by ear.
- Sports activities can have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and to improve memory. With intense movements, the heart works with a vengeance and accelerates the blood, which saturates the brain and other organs with oxygen and nutrients.
- You can temporarily turn a child into a left-hander if he is right-handed, and into a right-hander if he is left-handed. Such simple methods will certainly help, and here's why: thanks to these actions, you will force the mind of your child to rebuild and work differently than it used to. New unfamiliar activity trains the mind and mind. The more they are loaded, the better for the development of good memory.

Psychological advice
You need to train your memory regularly. This was proved by versatile psychological observations. For this, there are various activities, mindfulness games, etc. They develop mindfulness well, and after it memory also improves.
- Photographic memory can be acquired using the Aivazovsky method. To do this, you need to look at the picture for a long time and carefully, and then close your eyes and reproduce it in your mind. Long-term memory can be developed in the same way.
- Learning poetry and various texts by heart will help improve brain function and make your memory perfect.
- Your child needs to be calm.
When a person is calm, he is focused and can take in the information received very well.