Working memory in psychology: what is it and how to improve it?

According to the duration of storage of information in the structures of the brain of an individual, short-term (CP), long-term (DP) and operative memory (OP) are distinguished. A person who has received the task to remember new information, for the successful completion of the task, refers not only to previously acquired knowledge (DP), but also to specific instructions and instructions that help to realize the intended goal (OP).
What it is?
In the middle of the twentieth century. Scientists have identified the ongoing operational transformations in short-term memory during the implementation of the individual's cognitive processes. While performing complex mathematical calculations, when solving problems, intermediate results are kept in the head as long as a person operates with them. Subsequently, some of the actions are forgotten. Information that is superfluous for further work is pushed out of memory. The period of their storage is determined by the task set by the individual. Data can be stored from a few seconds to several minutes. The crowding out of unnecessary facts makes room for the assimilation of new information.
Researchers have defined this process. Working memory is the retention in the human brain structures of the initial data necessary to perform a separate act of action. The main characteristic of the EP is the memorization and reproduction of information necessary for the implementation of a specific operation in the current activity.
Thus, working memory in psychology is an intermediate link between short-term and long-term memorization.It works when an individual carries out actual operations for a short period of time in order to preserve a trace of the image necessary to complete the current task.

Basic properties
The functioning of the OP is associated with strong neuropsychic stress due to the interaction of a number of opposing excitation centers. The OP is capable of holding no more than two variable factors at the time of operating with objects, the state of which is changing.
A person perfectly understands complex long phrases thanks to a good OP. Comprehension of the text occurs due to the short-term memorization of some of its elements. A mathematical problem lends itself to solving, because for some time the necessary numbers are retained in the memory.
Operative memory is characterized by selectivity, superficiality and short duration. For example, when preparing a presentation, a student memorizes his report to the smallest detail, right down to the choice of intonation at the time of making a speech. After the speech, the essence of the presented information remains in the long-term storage of memory, and the small details and some subtleties of the reproduction of the presentation itself are erased.

How to develop?
Any modern person knows that pumping a computer's RAM means testing its bandwidth and latency, as well as adding additional volume. Is it possible for a person to train this function of the brain in order to increase the capacity of this type of memory? It is possible to improve the productivity of the OP through maximum exertion, the absence of which accelerates the process of weakening and aging of the mental function.
Mechanical memorization of educational material does not allow knowledge to break through from the operational storage into a long-term archive. Machine memorization of poetry and prosaic text does not contribute to the development of OP. The benefits are the meaningful memorization of rhymed lines and prose, vocabulary replenishment, learning foreign languages, solving problems, solving crosswords and puzzles.

There are prospects for strengthening the OP, provided that daily training exercises are performed. Examples of tasks assigned to a person:
- daily diary recording interesting information received during the day;
- speaking aloud any perceived new information;
- retelling to relatives, friends, acquaintances of the plots of the films watched, the content of the books read;
- a written description of the architectural features of the building seen;
- drawing up a composite of any passer-by, accidentally met person;
- showing interest in mastering the functions of new smartphones and other electronic equipment;
- Every night recovery in memory of experienced emotions, events of the past day with mental recreation of the smallest details in reverse order.

Memory can only be trained by actions. Solving simple problems, verbal calculations without using a calculator is an excellent workout of RAM.
Division into groups
All information received should be structured. The division into blocks is effective in the final result. Reading by syllables, groups of words helps to organize the integrity of the memorized text.
To quickly memorize a number consisting of 9 digits, it is advised to break it into parts of 3 digits. Let's say you need to remember the document number 314365404. The first group of digital characters can be associated with the number "pi". The second third of the issue is remembered by the number of days in a year. The last digital group is associated with the occurrence of an error when searching for the necessary information on the Internet, when the inscription "Error 404 Not Found" is displayed on a blank screen.
By combining the learned individual digital groups, the reproduction of the entire number is quick and easy.

Information of any complexity is well remembered through the use of mnemonics aimed at figurative perception of the material. The technique involves the creation of associative links, increased concentration of attention. The incoming information is mentally encoded by generating images. We use the attraction of smells, taste sensations, sounds, music, pictures and a wide variety of emotions.
To memorize important information, you do not need to immediately record it in a notebook. First you need to create an image in your imagination, a vivid association. The more absurd associative rows are obtained, the easier it is to remember the necessary material. It is not difficult to recall the list of necessary purchases in memory using the method of linking to objects encountered on the way from an apartment to a supermarket. For example, a person should buy tomatoes, sugar, canned corn, slippers, toothpaste, a children's jacket, the latest issue of his favorite magazine.
When memorizing, one must deliberately exaggerate images, animate objects, modify them, and focus on a specific detail of the object. Not a single purchase will be missed if the person presents their way to the place of purchase of the goods. When leaving the apartment, in his imagination he stumbles upon a huge mountain of fresh bright red tomatoes. Passing the mailboxes, a potential buyer sees snow-white granulated sugar quickly pouring out of their cracks.
Access to the street is blocked by a huge can of corn, the size of which may exceed human growth. Slippers of bright colors stick out from the trash can, which stands near the bench at the entrance. Tubes of toothpaste are casually scattered on the bench. A lilac bush is covered with a children's jacket, sparkling with neon lighting. The trail is littered with colorful magazines.

Involving musical compositions in the memorization process helps to associate specific information with specific sounds. Subsequently, the sound series allow you to easily extract the necessary information from the brain structures.
The advantage of using music to memorize facts is the possibility of relaxation of the psyche and respite in the use of active attention. Along the way, stress is relieved.
Proper nutrition, sufficient replenishment of the body with vitamins, a healthy lifestyle, good sleep, daily walks, physical exercises help to improve working memory. It is advisable to avoid negative emotions and stressful situations. Smokers and lovers of alcoholic beverages experience a significant decrease in the memorization of any information, so there is a direct sense in getting rid of bad habits.