What is sensory memory and how can you train it?

The process of memorizing any information begins not with the work of the brain, but with the perception of facts and events by the senses. It's about sensory memory. Let's figure out what it is and how to train it.
What is it and why is it needed?
In psychology, it is referred to as a memory subsystem that ensures the retention of the products of sensory processing of new information perceived by the nerve cells of the sensory organs for a very short period of time. This type of memory is needed as the initial stage of retention of the image for its long-term preservation in the future. At this stage of memory, new material is processed to transfer it to the next subsystem - short-term memory. Information can go straight into long-term memory, bypassing the level of conscious processing.
Sensory memory works regardless of the individual's wishes. This type of memory is conditional, since retains only physical features without their semantic coding. These signs are equal to the volume of perception. Sensory copy of information has a large capacity... In the process of processing, part of the signals is erased from memory due to the rapid fading, destruction and masking of informative traces at the sensory level.

Old events are instantly replaced with new information.
The sensory register is an overly short-term voluminous storage of concepts, thanks to which the individual perceives the world in its continuous integrity. Otherwise, everything in a person's imagination would consist of unrelated images. Blinking the eyes would lead to forgetting all previous events. Sounds would also be torn fragments.Babies see the world as a concentration of color spots, because their senses are still underdeveloped.
Sensory memory is the primary step in memorization. It acts at the level of receptors that perceive any stimuli from the external world or internal environment and convert them into nerve signals. The information leaves instant prints on the peripheral regions of the analyzers. The time it takes to preserve information traces is negligible. The processing of the material is carried out for 0.25-0.5 s. If during this time the data has not advanced further, then they are forgotten, and the sensory register is replenished with new signals. Information is being screened out.
This type of memory does not create any obstacles for memorizing large informative blocks. The hallmark is the limitless capacity for stored facts. The process of capturing all information occurs continuously. The speed of information receipt is so high that the information does not have time to be processed at this stage. Illusions are created in thoughts. For example, there is no movement on the TV screen, but the pictures change each other so quickly that the illusion of movement appears.
Thus, sensory memory is characterized by a very short-term storage of incoming material, which immediately passes to another subsystem or is lost without a trace. At this stage, the information is saved unchanged. They cannot be delayed, sharpened, or reproduced. It is impossible to consciously control the processes that arise at the sensory level of perception. Such memory functions during the moments of eye movement and in the moments of blinking, provides the usual perception of the world.

The structure of the sensory subsystem has several levels of modal varieties. The analogue code of the sensory register contains visual, sound images and tactile sensations. Depending on this distinguish iconic (from the word "icon" - image) and echoic (from the word "echo") memory.
The trace of this stimulus is reproduced using a visual analyzer. Portrait fixation takes place. The storage level varies from 0.25 to 0.75 s. It is determined by the individual interests of a person, characteristics, creative and intellectual abilities, life experience. The influence of the emotional background on the visual appearance of the sensory register is of great importance. At a high level, a reverse masking effect is provided.
Image codes enter the structure of the brain instantly. Due to this, the boundaries of the visual field are regularly expanded. In the emerging new information, the individual sees the features of the previous facts. A person has an illusion in relation to what he sees. The functioning of iconic memory can be easily tested by swiping the pencil quickly in front of the eyes. A vague trail will remain behind it.
Unconsciously, the drawing of events begins.

The trace of a short auditory stimulus of sensory memory is characterized by rather long-term storage of images in comparison with the visual trail. Received acoustic information can be stored for 1 to 3 seconds. This property makes it possible to catch not separate sounds, but to perceive an integral melody.
The sensory copy ensures the integration of sequentially incoming sound information into the image. For memorization, the rhythm and strength of sounds, the timbre of the voice matter. The ability to reproduce previously obtained information depends on the speed of processing of the material heard.

How to train?
The brain is plastic. Daily training builds it up. Often, problems with memorization arise from the inability to concentrate. Sensory memory determines the interconnection of all senses. It is sometimes good enough for a person to concentrate on memorizing in the moments of receiving new information.
Sensory memory can be improved... Learning foreign languages, replenishing vocabulary, acquiring new knowledge contribute to obtaining the desired result. It is necessary to repeat the newly acquired knowledge for several hours. Then you need to switch yourself to another type of activity. Then you should return to repetition again.
In the early days, information is forgotten quickly, therefore it should be tied to some kind of image or emotion. Thought flow needs to be turned into visualization of bizarre images. Drawing up associative links helps to keep information in the head for a long time.

There are many exercises to train your memory.... It is advised to look at any picture, and after 2 seconds close your eyes and mentally recall what is depicted. Then you need to open your eyes and look at the picture again: was it correctly reproduced in the imagination.
Another exercise involves scattering several handles in a chaotic manner. Then they fix their location in memory and after a few seconds on another table they lay out the handles in the same order without peeping. If you easily reproduce the original position, increase the number of handles.
Desirable memorize a few quatrains every day... This increases the ability to memorize. It is recommended to recall the day in detail every evening in the evening, but in reverse order: playback begins with preparation for going to bed and ends with awakening.
An active lifestyle, good nutrition, healthy sleep, avoidance of stressful situations and negative emotions also contribute to improving memory.