Exercises for the brain and memory

A good ability to memorize new information has always been considered one of the most significant and valuable personality traits. Memory is necessary for a person throughout his life, with its help he realizes not only his vital needs, but is also capable of creative and professional mental activity. Regular training in the mental functions of the brain can lead to impressive results that will markedly improve the quality of life of any person.
Conditions for a good result
To develop the mind and good memory, our brain needs regular exercise. But in order for the classes to be effective and give good results, you will need to follow important rules.
- To make brain cells work at full strength, a person needs to spend in the fresh air for a total of 4 hours a day. If there are no opportunities for walking, they are replaced by airing the room.
- At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day. If the body does not receive this norm of sleep, it begins to work at extreme loads, and memory may deteriorate.
- Neurotoxic substances contained in tobacco and alcoholic beverages have a detrimental effect on brain cells. To keep your mental abilities at a high level, you will have to give up addictions.
Observing favorable conditions for the work of the brain, you can apply various techniques aimed at improving memory and increasing intellectual abilities.

Effective techniques
Some people, for one reason or another, notice in themselves a deterioration in brain function, which is expressed in poor memory, drowsiness, irritability, and difficulty in solving everyday tasks. In this case, the brain needs rest and exercise. For clarity of mind, there are many effective techniques with which you can not only restore memory, but also improve it.
Mind training is effective and beneficial for anyone, but it is especially important to preserve your cognitive abilities in older people. If you start to notice that your memory is getting worse, start doing simple exercises.
- Mastering new routes. Try to rebuild your way to work, home, or the store. Try to observe your surroundings and notice various interesting details along the way.
- Speaking out loud. Read aloud newspapers, books, pronounce all the new information that has come to you - and you will notice that it has become better remembered.
- Solving crosswords... This is a real exercise for training the mind and memory. Regular engagement in these activities activates brain cells, and in addition, you broaden your horizons.
- Board games... They increase brain activity and develop memory. If you don't like games, try puzzle solving - they will also improve your quick thinking.
- Sports... Try to master a sport that is new to yourself. It can be Nordic walking, golfing, tennis, or yoga, Pilates can attract you.
- Studying of foreign language. Another interesting type of leisure that perfectly develops memory and horizons.
- Communication and travel... Contacts with new people, as well as travel, allow a person to stimulate the work of his brain cells.
- Mental counting. Try to constantly do simple arithmetic operations in your mind.
- Hobby. Find a hobby for yourself if you didn't have one. Creativity captures a person, forcing the brain to work, improving cognitive abilities.
As a result of regular exercise, you will eventually notice that your memory has strengthened, and you are able to process and memorize new information much easier than it was before.

Brain activity is associated with fine motor skills in the hands and fingers. By stimulating the fingers, you can not only improve memory, but also synchronize the work of both hemispheres, increasing the efficiency of neural connections. Exercises will not require much effort and time, but the results will pleasantly surprise you.
Exercise 1
Place your hands on your elbows in front of you, with your fingers pointing up. Connect your index and thumb together. You will have a ring on each hand. Now remove your index finger and attach your middle finger to your thumb. Then do the same with the ring finger and little finger. Make your thumb pressure strong. Those fingers that do not take part in pressing, try to keep straight and directed upward. Perform these movements from the index finger to little finger and in reverse order.
In total, 3 approaches can be done - this will be enough.

Exercise 2
We put our hands in front of us, fingers pointing up. The index and little fingers must be pressed to the thumb at the same time. Next, press your index finger and ring finger to your thumb. Then - index and middle. Keep the rest of your fingers straight. Try to do it quickly, speed up the pace. It is necessary to do 3 approaches in both directions.
Exercise # 3
Hands in front of you, fingers pointing up. We connect the thumb of the left hand with the index finger of the right hand. Without taking our fingers apart, we try to connect the thumb of the right hand with the index finger of the left hand. You will get a kind of eight. Move your fingers, quickly moving this figure eight, first stepping your fingers from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. Accelerate your pace. Exercise is performed for 1 minute.
Simple yet very effective exercises can be done even while lying down. Children are very fond of doing them, try to do such activities with them.

Memory tests
Memorization tests are more challenging exercises that improve the functional ability of the brain. There are several ways to train your memory.
- Memorization method. It is based on stimulating fast memory. For example, write yourself a list of 20 nouns. Choose them arbitrarily. Now about 1 min. study the list, then put it aside. Take another piece of paper and write down all the words that you managed to remember. Next, check how many words you managed to reproduce from memory. If the result is at the level of 18-20 words, you have an excellent memory. The result of 15-17 words is also considered good indicators. If you can remember less than 8-10 words, then your memory needs regular training.
- Visual memorization. You will need a picture that depicts 20 objects that are not related to each other in any sense. They look at the picture for 1-1.5 minutes, then they remove it. Now you need to remember and name the objects that were shown in the picture. The more items you memorize, the better your memory. If you can remember 17-20 items, your visual memory is excellent. From 11 to 16 subjects - good memory. The result of 5 to 10 items speaks of an average level of memory. If you managed to remember from 1 to 4 objects, visual memory is poorly developed.
- Perception and memorization by ear. The subject is slowly named 20 nouns in the same order. The information is repeated 3 times. Then you need to list those nouns that you managed to remember. The estimated level of results is the same as for visual testing.
Such tests make it possible to understand how a person best perceives and retains information in memory.

Attention training
In order for the memory to be good, a person needs to develop the skill of mindfulness. The brain must be able to concentrate on important details and remember them. A daily workout of at least 1 minute per day, including a number of exercises, can produce excellent results over time.
- Development of imaginative thinking... You can use memorization of small texts that are depicted in the form of pictograms. For example, take a small quatrain and schematically depict everything that is said there in the form of small pictures. Then, looking at your pictograms, recreate the original quatrain in memory. In this way, you can memorize any information, even in very large volumes.
- Development of visual memory... To remember an object, you need to carefully examine it in parts. For example, let's say you want to remember what a girl looks like. Pay attention to the color of her hair, eyes, facial expressions, what she was wearing - jacket, dress, shoes. Sometimes, good memorization is also helped by the inclusion of other senses in the process - the smell of perfume, the timbre of the voice or the melody that sounds at this moment. Having collected all the components mentally, the image of the object or person that you wanted to remember will be reproduced in your memory.
To train your memory and attention, try to memorize poems, foreign words, phone numbers every day. Reading books especially develops memory and imaginative thinking.

To synchronize the cerebral hemispheres
For the brain to function properly, it is important that both hemispheres are involved. From the course of physiology, it is known that the endings of nerve receptors are located in large numbers in the hands, and it is from the hands that signals in large quantities enter the brain. Synchronizing the work of both hemispheres is important for developing good memory and attention, and simple exercises can help you with this.
- Stand on the floor, with your left hand, reach the earlobe on the right, and with your right hand, reach the earlobe on the left.... Keeping your hands in this position, you need to slowly do a squat. While bending your legs, you exhale the air from yourself, and while straightening your legs at the knees, you need to inhale. In total, you need to do 20-25 squats.
- The exercise can be done while standing or sitting. With the fingers of your right hand, you need to reach the tip of the nose and grasp it slightly. At this time, the left hand should hold the right earlobe. Now we need to quickly change hands. The left hand is holding the nose, and the right hand is holding the left earlobe. A fast pace is important in this exercise. The faster you can coordinate your movements and execute them accurately, the better the cerebral hemispheres begin to work.
Such exercises are safe for a healthy person. However, if you have vestibular disorders or other neurological disorders, it makes sense to consult with your doctor before performing them.

Psychological advice
A common cause of cognitive decline is persistent anxiety and tension. According to psychologists, a person can effectively train memory only when he is internally calm and relaxed. To do this, it is recommended to follow simple steps.
- Choose a place where you can sit comfortably and cross your legs, while doing this, you will need to take deep and calm breaths in and out.
- close your eyes, delve deeper into the stream of thoughts and observe yourself.
- Now try to slow down the speed of the thought flow.... You do not need to stop it, just deliberately reduce your mental run. At this time, you are an observer who neither evaluates nor seeks solutions and does not participate in the thought process.
Try to remember this state, when your thoughts did not flow in a stormy river, but in a slow and smooth stream. Having calmed down, you will become much more observant, your memory will begin to retain much more information.