Exercises for the brain and memory development of an adult
![Exercises for the brain and memory development of an adult](https://fashion.decorexpro.com/images/article/croppedtop/450-255/2020/06/uprazhneniya-dlya-raboty-mozga-i-razvitiya-pamyati-vzroslogo-cheloveka.png)
A mature person needs to keep their cognitive abilities and memory in good shape. If you notice that it has become difficult for you to cope with intellectual tasks and memorize new information, then you should devote more time to brain gymnastics.
Why do you need training?
Studying at school or university, a person learns a huge amount of previously unknown material. This allows the brain to work intensively. Over the years, the flexibility of the mind weakens due to the subject's habit of thinking the same type, therefore, it is important for an adult to regularly train memory.
The higher the activity of mental activity, the more oxygenated blood enters the brain.
It is necessary to perform special exercises that stimulate thought processes.
Solving problems in non-standard ways helps to perfectly train the brain, maintain intelligence and develop memory after 40 years. Any new activity contributes to the restructuring of thinking, allows you to maintain brain functions in working order.
Effective brain exercises
There is a productive exercise that improves the mental activity of a person. Finger gymnastics is aimed at synchronizing the two hemispheres of the brain.
- Rub your hands well, as if you were washing very dirty palms thoroughly. Alternately, with the pad of your thumb, touch the tips of all fingers of the same hand in a forward and backward direction.
- Stick out the fingers of both hands. The thumb of each hand should touch the little finger on the other hand.Then the thumbs smoothly pass first to the ring fingers, then to the middle ones, then to the index fingers of the other hand. In the future, the steps are repeated in the reverse order.
- Grasp the tip of your right ear with your left hand and grasp the tip of your left ear with your right. In this state, you must complete at least 20 squats.
There are also useful exercises that evenly distribute energy between both hemispheres of the brain.
- Study the list of 20 words carefully for one and a half minutes. During this period of time, break word forms into pairs and connect them using associative rows. Then try to write down all the concepts in order on a piece of paper. If you memorize 15 to 20 words, then your memory is working great. Reproduction of 10-14 words indicates an average level of memorization. When less than 10 words are restored in memory, it is necessary to urgently begin work to improve brain activity.
- Exercise for the brain "Colored words" improves concentration. You need to quickly pronounce aloud the color of the word, while it means one color, but has a completely different color. For example, the word “blue” is written in red and “yellow” is written in green. This is confusing. For this reason, it becomes necessary to concentrate. Both hemispheres are included in the work.
Psychologists recommend training each hemisphere in turn.
For the right hemisphere
The right side of the brain is responsible for emotions, imagination, deciphering various metaphors, recognizing faces, processing non-verbal information, musical and artistic abilities, orientation in space. You can develop this hemisphere with the help of some exercises.
- One hand depicts a three-finger figure, the other hand shows a sign of approval. Then quickly unclench your hands and clap your palms. Show the shapes with your other hands. Again, there is a clap in the palm of your hand, and the cookie with the approval mark is reversed. Repeat the gymnastics several times.
- Mirroring the same shapes with both hands is very effective. Initially, you should start with the image of squares, triangles, circles, loops. Over time, the task gets more complicated. Both hands draw complete pictures at the same time.
For the left hemisphere
Logic thinking activities are aimed at keeping the left hemisphere working. This part of the brain performs the functions responsible for the language and speech of a person, the sequential processing of all incoming data to the brain structures. Thanks to the left hemisphere, the subject can understand words, analyze, perform mathematical operations. You can train him by solving mathematical problems, solving puzzles and crosswords, various logic games, checkers and chess.
Features of neurobics
Regularly performing tasks of the same type makes it difficult for the subject to focus on new information. American neuroscientist Lawrence Katz has developed an interesting gymnastics for the mind, during which 5 senses are active.
Such charging allows you to synthesize new links between the neurons of the brain, to preserve excellent memory for a long time.
The essence of neurobics boils down to the fact that habitual actions are performed in an original way. Unusual activity, fresh sensations contribute to the emergence of new neural connections that develop intellectual abilities.
It would be nice for a right-handed person to start writing, brushing teeth, combing or holding a spoon with his left hand and, conversely, for a left-handed person with his right hand. Change the pace of your usual activities. If you are used to doing everything quickly, slow down your actions, and conversely, if you are a slow person, then speed up the pace. It is proposed to walk around the apartment blindly, to determine the object by touch. Try to recognize the denomination of a coin with just a touch of your fingers.
When reading, focus on the headings and articles that were not of interest to you before. Try to answer common questions in a non-standard way. Watch a TV show without sound and try to understand what the characters are talking about.
Breathe in different scents, enjoy the smells of food, plants and perfume. Smell your smartphone or notebook. Don't be afraid to change your image drastically. Choose other routes to arrive at your usual places: retail outlets, sports club, beauty salon, car service, to work.
Tasks for training memory
Various tasks improve the flexibility of the mind well. Quickly count from 100 to 1. Now count down in threes: 100, 97, 94, 91 ... Perform simple arithmetic in your mind: add, subtract, and multiply.
Computing loads the working memory, thereby keeping it active.
You can improve thought processes by inventing a word for each letter of the alphabet. To this end, one has to extract half-forgotten words from memory. At such moments, the activation of long-unused connections between neurons occurs.
Make up different tasks for yourself every day. For example, set a task for yourself: "Today I pay attention to all yellow objects all day." This attitude focuses attention on the selection and retention of information. The selection function is being trained. Pay attention to the numbers of cars passing by you.
Playing chess involves the brain in a stormy mental activity, since you need to mentally calculate in advance not only your moves, but also the moves of your opponent. Thinking over a strategy for interacting with an opponent resembles a model of the daily existence of an individual.
Listen carefully to your interlocutor. Try to remember the color of his clothes, eyes, hair, and the timbre of his voice. After parting with him, try to reproduce in memory the facial features, the colors of things. Think of the scent this person uses. Mentally reproduce the timbre of his voice
Visualize the items you need to memorize. For example, during a trip to a store, correlate each item of the necessary purchase with a part of your body. Imagine a garland of sausages around your neck, a jar of tomato paste on your head, a tube of mustard on your shoulder, and a giant onion in your hand.
Expert advice
To maintain the flexibility of the mind, it is necessary to pay due attention to physical activity, proper sleep, eating healthy food, and walking in the fresh air.
Do gymnastics for the neck so that its vessels are not pinched.
A good blood supply is necessary for mental activity, otherwise the brain does not receive the necessary nutrition.
Try not to overwork yourself. Leading a healthy lifestyle helps to maintain mental alertness for many years.
Learn a new sport or musical instrument. Learning a challenging activity has a positive effect on cognitive ability.
During class, change the environment: take an unusual position for you or turn on the music. Take a variety of courses. For example, a cooking lesson helps stimulate thought and develop sense of smell, taste, and vision.
Draw a map after visiting a new location. Draw your own and the neighboring area of the city from memory. Analyze each day that has passed in great detail. Try to remember all the events of the day before going to bed. Mentally reproduce the phrases you heard, the gestures you see, and other impressions.
The following video demonstrates exercises for brain development.