Forgetfulness: concept, reasons, treatment

Forgetful people are always annoying. It is believed that only those persons who have stepped over a certain age suffer from forgetfulness. However, in modern society, more and more often there are young people who have a much worse memory than the older generation. Why it happens? Perhaps this is the effect of everyday problems. In any case, this issue should be considered in the most careful way.
Everyone knows the situation when you yourself or someone close to you constantly lose the TV remote control, glasses, etc. Many people are worried about this, and some even consider such absent-mindedness to be a sign of illness.
It must be recognized that absent-mindedness is the cause of permanent forgetfulness. It is customary to divide it into genuine and imaginary. The first one occurs in a person as a result of any disease. The second appears due to excessive focus on a specific matter. This trait is acquired by a person over the years.

Loss of attention and memory can manifest in different ways.
- Disconnecting from something important. A person's attention wanders and cannot stop at one object. This condition is called prostration. It occurs due to lack of sleep, stress.
- Long-term focus of a person on something. For example, a chauffeur driving a car for several hours falls into a stupor and forgets about other things.
- If an individual is very concerned about some issue, then he may also not notice anything around him and forget to do elementary things.
- Absent-mindedness or forgetfulness is also encountered in mobile children who are forced to do their homework. And they want to jump and run at the same time.
- When a person deliberately tries to avoid any unpleasant places or questions, he also becomes rather absent-minded.
- In old age, there are often cases of forgetfulness due tothat concentration of attention becomes insufficiently active, and its switching to other objects may slow down a little.
Frequent forgetfulness is common. In extreme old age, it manifests itself in the following moments.
- Elderly people find it difficult to do any work due to the fact that they lose the ability to remember important things.
- Often, older people may have some memory lapses. Because of this, they are poorly oriented on the terrain.
- Age-related forgetfulness leads to difficulty speaking and to the lack of logical perception of reality.

I must say that dementia is very different from the usual age-related forgetfulness due to a violation of two parts of the brain at once. The same cannot be said about simple childish forgetfulness. Being in immature age, individuals are prone to easy forgetting. For example, feed the fish, do your homework. When further maturation occurs, a person who is too preoccupied with something can leave the iron on, do not take a wallet to the store, etc.
When such cases occur frequently, they cause concern about their health. Are these concerns so serious? Let's try to figure it out.
The work of the brain is so extensive that you cannot even imagine how complex it is.
Our individual processor needs to control, analyze, sort everything. Every minute a huge amount of information comes into consciousness, which should be remembered, the necessary one should be selected, and the rest should be removed as unnecessary.
Human memory can fill up from time to time, just like computer memory. This phenomenon is especially common among those people who are engaged in colossal mental work. If the brain is not allowed to rest from time to time, then elementary forgetfulness will ensue.

Remember that our memory is divided into long-term, operational and short-term... Unnecessary information that enters short-term memory is quickly deleted. This is why many of us suffer from forgetfulness. Don't panic about this. Perhaps, forgotten information was not that important compared to the one that is of interest (for example, to master a large amount of educational material). That's why your intelligence just weeded it out, leaving more serious information in memory.
It is enough to focus on a specific matter, and less important events fade into the background. Many different worries do not give you the opportunity to focus on everyone at once with the same strength. You will definitely miss something and forget something. Therefore, such forgetfulness cannot be considered a pathology.
This process is called simple scattering of attention.

Main reasons
If forgetfulness appeared at a young age, then it can be caused by simple absent-mindedness due to the high mobility of the individual. Highly it is difficult to focus on one object, when it is necessary to complete the educational process, play. Therefore, memory failures occur. In this case, uninteresting things are forgotten. Vivid events fill the attention of the individual, therefore they are well remembered.
Psychologists say that forgetfulness can speak of a sign of high intelligence. When a person is focused on learning or on the study of any important issue, he has a forgetfulness of elementary things.
And as we already know, memory automatically filters out uninteresting information due to the fact that the individual does not show the proper interest in her. For example, a 11th grade student is busy preparing for the exam. Its goal is to absorb knowledge in several subjects at once. Attention is focused on this work, so it does not respond well to other stimuli.
Naturally, information that the individual does not even try to remember cannot be stored in memory. For memorization to occur, a person needs to experience any emotion or show an elementary interest in it.

Women's forgetfulness often appears due to hormonal disruptions. During menopause, it can come on suddenly. This is due to the aging of the body.... Therefore, you need to treat these phenomena carefully and consult a doctor for advice.
There are other reasons that lead to forgetfulness. Let's list them:
- unhealthy diet: excluding carbohydrates from the diet leads to starvation of the brain, which affects its work;
- bad habits: alcohol, smoking and other negative hobbies lead to a delay in the development of cognitive abilities;
- haste can also cause forgetfulness;
- when the body does not have enough water, the brain starts to work worse;
- stressful situations and lack of sleep contribute to involuntary forgetfulness.
In addition to the corrected moments that lead to forgetfulness, there are those that are difficult to correct. These can be various tumor, atherosclerotic processes or intoxication.
The onset of Alzheimer's disease is also accompanied by frequent forgetfulness. Today it is reliably known that this disease provokes a decrease in the concentration of neurotransmitters (substances responsible for the transport of information). They are formed using amino acids... Therefore, for a person metabolism is very important, which is provided by proper nutrition.

If you often forget the most up-to-date information (street names, numbers of cars, minibuses or words that you rarely use), consult a specialist. Perhaps you have problems with the blood supply to the brain... As a result of this process brain cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients. Hence the weak memory.
To get rid of brain problems, specialists prescribe drugs that eliminate these problems. As a result, memory is quickly restored. Consumption of drugs also helps to get out of the state of forgetfulness. with omega-3 or glucose.
With age, there are disruptions in the transportation and processing of energy. They lead to frequent problems remembering information. When this happens, experts prescribe medications to improve memory.
If a person is physically active, then his brain is saturated with oxygen. Which means it works well without the pills. There is only one conclusion: older people need to move more.

In the event that this option is not possible for any reason, need to take nootropics. This drug series promotes the stimulation of activity, increases learning ability. Nootropics are necessarily prescribed by a doctor.
Self-medication is fraught with negative consequences. It must be remembered that amino acids are also important for the brain... When old age sets in, the body stops producing them on its own. Therefore, disturbances in the functioning of the brain and memory can be observed.
There are also folk remedies that help increase brain performance. Various extracts from plants stimulate the work of the whole organism, which means that memory improves. These include lemongrass, ginseng, etc.
But if you don't want to be treated, you can try and other techniques.
- Make a list of the tasks to be completed. To do this, start a diary notebook and write down in it all the items that you need to do during the current and subsequent days. This will train yourself not to lose sight of anything.
- There is another easy way. Some people put a fairly thick dot on the outside of the palm (near the index finger) with a pen. Your hands are always visible, and the mark will become a reminder.
- Weak memory is observed in those who do not get enough sleep. Therefore, sleep at least 8 hours a day.
- Do not overuse bad habits.
- Do mindfulness workouts and watch your behavior. Establish control over your "I" so as not to be distracted from the right things.
- Use reminders (installed on your phone). It helps a lot if you need to perform an action at a specific time. For example, take a pill.
- Complete the assigned tasks in order.
- Get more rest and even try meditating. The latter method also helps to deal with stress.