How to memorize foreign words?

Learning a foreign language is an exciting process. In modern realities, knowledge of other languages for many is a professional necessity. Someone without knowledge of the language feels uncomfortable at a foreign resort, someone is eager to communicate with foreigners in social networks, someone works closely with representatives of foreign companies. But everyone is equally faced with the same problem - how to memorize more foreign words faster.
Traditional methods
Experts advise memorizing foreign words using various methods.
But before deciding which memorization technique is right for you, you need to determine what your personal memorization mechanisms are. It is easier for someone to see once than to hear a hundred times, while for others it is the other way around.
In other words, associative memorization prevails among some, others can memorize quickly only figuratively, and still others - tactilely. After you have identified yourself in a particular group, choose the method by which you will better remember foreign phrases.

Memorization mechanisms are as follows.
- Mechanical. A new word must be written down in a notebook as many times as necessary so that it is firmly fixed in memory. This method is suitable even for Japanese and Chinese characters, let alone english words.
- Yartsev's method. This method is named after the author of several foreign language textbooks. His idea is as follows - a notebook sheet should be divided into several columns. There you should write down the word, its translation, as well as synonyms, antonyms, examples in speech. From time to time, the scientist recommends to simply look through this page, without memorizing anything. The effectiveness is explained by the fact that you do not get hung up on the idea of learning words at any cost by a certain time, but read thoughtfully and carefully.
- Visual. A method for those who prefer a creative approach to the issue. Cut a bunch of small pieces of paper (you can buy a whole block of colorful little leaves at a stationery store). On one side we write the phrase, on the other - the translation. We sort out the cards in a circle, put off those words that have already been remembered, but sometimes we return them to the “deck” to repeat the material covered.
- Dual visualization. Another way for those who remember what they see better than what they hear. Fold a piece of paper in half. Write the foreign word on one side and the translation on the other. First use an unfolded sheet of paper, then unfold it only if you need to help yourself or test yourself.
- Associative. Place the name of the refrigerator on the refrigerator in the language you need. on a piece of paper, hang another piece of paper on a mirror with a word for an object in a foreign language, and so on.
- Auditory. Start recording with new words performed by the speaker and repeat after him. Usually, such records come with a foreign language textbook, but if not, then they can be easily found on the Internet separately.

Optimization techniques
There are several ways to optimize the process.
- Group words according to meaning. For example, you need to learn the word "warm". Write down "cold", and also "hot" and "cool". This will make them easier to remember.
- Group words according to grammar. For example, first nouns are feminine, then masculine. Verbs can be grouped according to the type of endings. It is always easier to remember words in a bundle.
- Group words into sentences. Even if they carry the most delusional meaning. Break the 50 words you want to learn into 10 such sentences.
- Group the same root words. It also helps you memorize new words faster than usual.
Spaced repetitions
This rule works not only when you are learning a foreign language. It is recommended to apply it to all new knowledge. As for a foreign language, here it works like this. You have mastered a ten-word chain. Repeat it after ten minutes, then after an hour, then after 12 hours, after a day, after three, a week, two, a month, two, and so on. This will provide training for long-term linguistic memory.
A very common method for learning new words. Its meaning is that for each word you need to come up with an image that will be so vivid that you simply cannot forget it.
For example, in Turkish, "glass" sounds like "a mess", and there is no need for special imagination. In Turkey, there is even a joke on this topic - "All around is a mess." So what is the Turkish word for "glass"? You see, super memory is not needed for this at all.

Practical advice
You can always come up with your own way of learning a language that suits only you, and, perhaps, later you will become the author of a unique methodology.
Just do not forget to write down your thoughts in a notebook, preferably in the same one where you make a list of new words that you want to learn. This will help you identify the correct technique faster.
Watch films in a foreign language, listen to radio and songs, read the press and books in that language. If possible, chat with native speakers.
For how easy it is to memorize English words, see the video.