How to dry papier-mâché quickly?

Perhaps there is no person who, at least once in his life, has not been engaged in at least one of the types of needlework. One of these popular and affordable materials is the creation of papier-mâché products. In the classical sense, this is a product (base) pasted over with paper using PVA glue.
The main problem in the manufacture of crafts may not be the execution technique itself, but drying. Not only the appearance depends on it, but also the safety of the craft. Read about how to properly dry papier-mâché and many other nuances in this matter in our article.

How long does it dry at room temperature?
It should be noted right away that drying papier-mâché not a quick thing... In order to dry the product with high quality and not damage it, you need to dry it for a long time. In this regard, room temperature is the most appropriate option. In such conditions, the product will dry for a day or a little more. Be sure to turn it over from time to time.

You can dry near the battery. It is important not to place the product on the battery, but to place it next to it without direct contact. The workpiece must be turned over. On average, this process will also take about a day in time. This applies to a product of relatively small dimensions and with a small number of layers (5 or 6).
If the product is large or contains more layers (for example, about 10 layers), then drying will take 2 or even 3 days.

The presence of an increased percentage of humidity or cold air currents can increase the drying time of the product. In general, drying at room temperature is most preferred, but not fast.
How to dry in the oven?
In the oven, papier-mâché can dry quite quickly. However, when using this method, you need to be careful - the components of papier-mâché products are flammable materials. They are unlikely to catch fire, but there is always a risk that the product could burn or melt.

The temperature in the oven should be more than 50 degrees, but less than 100 degrees, and the door should remain open one third or even completely. This is done so that moisture from the product evaporates and is removed. After you put the product in the oven, you need to take it out for a few minutes (no more than 10) once an hour, and then put it back.
How to use a hair dryer?
It is recommended to dry the product with a hairdryer only if you are ready to spend on its manufacture a considerable amount of time. In order for papier-mâché not to deform and crack, it is necessary to stick one layer, and then, after letting the layer dry, dry it with a hairdryer.

At home, on average, it can take up to 1 hour to dry one layer. However, it is very convenient to finish drying an almost finished, already cut product with a hairdryer. You can use both a regular hair dryer and a construction one.
Drying with a radiator or heat gun
Drying paper products with heaters is necessary if you want to speed up the process. It is necessary to turn on the heat gun or radiator at the lowest power and place the product nearby. This drying will take about a day. The product needs to be flipped and turned from time to time.

If plasticine or plastic was additionally used in the manufacture of papier-mâché, then such a craft should be dried only in a natural way without the use of devices.
Some craftsmen dry papier-mâché in a bathhouse near the stove.... Although this method is costly and not very suitable for crafts, as a rule, the final result is good.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that how the product will transfer drying with a hairdryer, in the oven or near the battery, you need to check first. To do this is quite simple - you need to make a small fake using all materials and dry it in the preferred way. If it does not crack and is completely dry, then you can safely start creating a large craft.